To Democrats, it isn’t how you play but whether you win or lose


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
During the 2012 presidential campaign, Democrat Sen. Harry Reid accused GOP nominee and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney of not having paid taxes for ten years.

Reid conceded he had no proof, but spread the deceitful smear anyway. Though both Politifact and Washington Post “fact-checker” Glenn Kessler rightly decried Reid’s lie, much of the fake news media of the day amplified it. And Democrat Barack Hussein Obama won the election.

Years later, erstwhile office-holder Reid was unrepentant about his tactical perfidy. In a 2015 interview with admiring CNN personality Dana Bash, he asserted: “I don’t regret that at all.” He asked rhetorically about Romney: “He didn’t win, did he?”

Every intelligent observer understood Trump’s New York trial was a Potemkin one, and all honest commenters will say as much. I just did.

The alleged offense dated back years. Prosecution of it had been passed on by numerous parties, including Alvin Bragg, himself. The case was heard by corrupt Judge Juan Merchan, who had donated to the Biden-Harris campaign and related partisan organizations. Merchan rejected calls for him to recuse himself.

His daughter Loren’s employer, Authentic Campaigns, counts among Democrat clients California Rep. Adam Schiff, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, the Democrat party of Wisconsin, and various House and Senate Democrat-supporting PACs. Authentic Campaigns also aided the 2020 Biden-Harris effort.

Loren recently claimed to have raised some $93 million dollars for Democrat interests. She and her clients benefited financially from the Trump persecution.

Biden Justice Department official Matthew Colangelo left his Washington post and journeyed downward, joining Bragg’s Manhattan team. Recent reports have disclosed various Trump prosecutors traveled to the Biden White House and consulted with administration officials. Visitors included Bragg, Atlanta’s Nathan Wade, and a representative of Special Prosecutor Jack Smith.

Those strategy meetings lend credence to Trump’s charge that the prosecutions are directed by the Biden White House, and are political maneuvers geared to impede his campaigning and ballot fortunes.


Lastly, the spectacle was convened in a Democrat-voting stronghold. Efforts by Trump’s legal team to have the proceeding relocated were slapped down by Biden-contributing Merchan. To absolutely no one’s astonishment, the locally drawn jury found against Republican Trump.

Since the verdict against Trump was issued Thursday, Democrat celebrations have raged nationally. Revelers in the sordid bacchanalia have included unethical politicians, fake news functionaries, Hollywood deviants, subversive academics, and grassroots donkeys who prize maintaining power far over fairness.

To them, winning is not just the primary consideration — it is the only one. To Democrats, it isn’t how you play but whether you win or lose
The tactics today are a progression of a political strategy developed long before Trump...As the article shows Harry Reid was a sign of the progressives willingness to gaslight, and lie in furtherance of quest for unitary power among political parties...If we don't start recognizing what the progressive agenda is, we will be forced to live under unending progressive rule for the rest of our lives...
The tactics today are a progression of a political strategy developed long before Trump...As the article shows Harry Reid was a sign of the progressives willingness to gaslight, and lie in furtherance of quest for unitary power among political parties...If we don't start recognizing what the progressive agenda is, we will be forced to live under unending progressive rule for the rest of our lives...
Talking about gaslighting... where would you put the effort of Republicans to impeach Biden?

Despite holding multiple public hearings and committees under Comer, the inquiry did not find any evidence of wrongdoing by Biden.

And yet, you idiots still claim Biden is guilty and he needs to be impeached.

How does the Biblical phrase go? Something along the lines of... "why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention..."
The tactics today are a progression of a political strategy developed long before Trump...As the article shows Harry Reid was a sign of the progressives willingness to gaslight, and lie in furtherance of quest for unitary power among political parties...If we don't start recognizing what the progressive agenda is, we will be forced to live under unending progressive rule for the rest of our lives...
Are you so naïve that you believe only the Dems do this? Whatever Reid did (TLDR) was likely no different from what Mitch McC did.
OP, do you see a problem with the current activist so-called SCOTUS?
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The tactics today are a progression of a political strategy developed long before Trump...As the article shows Harry Reid was a sign of the progressives willingness to gaslight, and lie in furtherance of quest for unitary power among political parties...If we don't start recognizing what the progressive agenda is, we will be forced to live under unending progressive rule for the rest of our lives...

They are narcissists afterall. It’s how they roll.
Likely no different? Except that it was different.
No different: Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has falsely stated that “the big lie on the other side is that state legislatures controlled by Republicans are busily at work trying to make it difficult for people to vote,” according to the nonpartisan Brennan Center, Republican-led state legislators across the country have been pursuing and passing legislation that would dramatically restrict voting.

If you want to point to false claims, your champion has to be Trump. He claimed Ted Cruz' grandfather was implicated in the JFK assassination and made false claims about just about everyone else.
The tactics today are a progression of a political strategy developed long before Trump...As the article shows Harry Reid was a sign of the progressives willingness to gaslight, and lie in furtherance of quest for unitary power among political parties...If we don't start recognizing what the progressive agenda is, we will be forced to live under unending progressive rule for the rest of our lives...
You're not that old j. I'm pretty sure that you'll still be around in 2028.
No different: Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has falsely stated that “the big lie on the other side is that state legislatures controlled by Republicans are busily at work trying to make it difficult for people to vote,” according to the nonpartisan Brennan Center, Republican-led state legislators across the country have been pursuing and passing legislation that would dramatically restrict voting.

If you want to point to false claims, your champion has to be Trump. He claimed Ted Cruz' grandfather was implicated in the JFK assassination and made false claims about just about everyone else.
The”non partisan” Brennan Center…lol
That’s a good one…😂😂😂
The”non partisan” Brennan Center…lol
That’s a good one…😂😂😂
You can question their opinions but their quote from Mitch is factual. He also said that confirming a SCOTUS just before an election is going against Senate tradition, before he did that exact thing four years later.
After Bush whooped their ass twice in a row the Dems took the gloves off and have been gutter fighting ever since. They will shank you in the liver for a vote. GOP clueless gas bags in Congress didn't get the message.

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