To Jail Or Not To Jail, That Is The Question

Trump should hold a campaign rally in Chicago during the democratic convention!!!!!!!!
I want a link to your proclaimed exception to the prior restraint ruling.

Prior restraint has never been extended to threats against people involved in a trial. Particularly not those who aren’t speaking out themselves. That’s common knowledge and asking for a cite is just a transparent MAGA dodge. Won’t be jumping through hoops for you, sorry. MAGA has lost that privilege, because next week the same question will be asked, as if it had never been answered!
He isn't [demented], nor do you have proof.

LOL For God's sake, the motherfucker was out there last week making up stories about his uncle being eaten by cannibals. Cannibals!

If it weren't so down right frightening, it would be funny
Prior restraint has never been extended to threats against people involved in a trial. Particularly not those who aren’t speaking out themselves. That’s common knowledge and asking for a cite is just a transparent MAGA dodge. Won’t be jumping through hoops for you, sorry. MAGA has lost that privilege, because next week the same question will be asked, as if it had never been answered!

I'm not aware of any threats, exactly what was said that you consider a threat? Also I see you can't prove your claim, so you try to deflect. Still waiting on that link.

The Constitution trumps a gag order, troll.

donny can have all the freedom of speech he wants - - - what he doesn't get is freedom from the CONsequences that he spews from that orange cat anus shaped pie hole of his.
No jail for Trump, unless he takes the stand and perjures himself, or if he obstructs justice (that can include threatening and intimidating witnesses, court personnel, etc.)
Any mention

So you consider exercising one's first amendment rights a threat? Your ignorance is showing, there are laws that define punishable threats, doesn't sound like you're anywhere in the parking lot, much less the ballpark.

So you consider exercising one's first amendment rights a threat? Your ignorance is showing, there are laws that define punishable threats, doesn't sound like you're anywhere in the parking lot, much less the ballpark.
Konradv said, "I'm not aware of any threats, exactly what was said that you consider a threat? Also I see you can't prove your claim, so you try to deflect. Still waiting on that link."
I found this from CNN, which I thought was very funny. CNN analyst Mark Preston and panel talked about civil unrest around the country if Trump were to be jailed, even for a short time, due to violating a gag order in the hush money case.

“If that were to happen, first of all, I think you would probably see civil unrest across the country, certainly in some cities. That’s one,” he said, highlighted by Mediaite. “And two, politically, if I’m the Biden campaign, I don’t want to necessarily see him in jail, because that’s just going to get people more inflamed and more fired up.”

And yet they are all too stupid to see what would happen if they found Trump criminally guilty and sentenced him to jail in this hush money case. Don't they think the same thing or worse would happen then, motivating his supporters even more to go out and vote for Trump? These guys are just so damned stupid.

Biden is a fool and will die soon but what he fears is that his traitorous betrayal of AMerica will land HUNTER in jail. And If I were betting that is what I think will ultimately happen,. Forget the ole fool and the Trumpies
Konradv said, "I'm not aware of any threats, exactly what was said that you consider a threat? Also I see you can't prove your claim, so you try to deflect. Still waiting on that link."

You might want to delete your post, I said that to Konradv. You've been around here more than a year now, you should be able to follow a conversation.

Biden is a fool and will die soon but what he fears is that his traitorous betrayal of AMerica will land HUNTER in jail. And If I were betting that is what I think will ultimately happen,. Forget the ole fool and the Trumpies
What bizarre fantasies.
So you consider exercising one's first amendment rights a threat? Your ignorance is showing, there are laws that define punishable threats, doesn't sound like you're anywhere in the parking lot, much less the ballpark.

Trump knows what he’s doing. He learned his tactics at the knee of Roy Cohn. It’s the reason he thinks he’s a better lawyer than anyone he hires. The plan is always ‘Deny, Delay, Distract’. We can see it playing out every day.

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