To Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Greens

African Development Foundation
Agency for International Development
Agricultural Marketing Service
Alabama Home Page
Alabama State, County, and City Websites
Alaska Home Page
Alaska State, County, and City Websites
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (Treasury)
American Battle Monuments Commission
American Forces Information Service
American Samoa Home Page
Appalachian Regional Commission
Architect of the Capitol
Arctic Research Commission
Arizona Home Page
Arizona State, County, and City Websites
Arkansas Home Page
Arkansas State, County, and City Websites

Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Interagency Coordinating Committee

And that is just in the A's
A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies (A) |

I'm just entertained that somebody actually thinks the web pages of Alaska, Arizona, Alabama and American Samoa are federal agencies. Not to mention city and county sites. Then again the same assclown thinks Homeland Security and the NSA are "law enforcement" -- all of which kinda render ironic the other wag who wants to ditch, of all things, the Department of Education. :lol:

Oh by the way, Alaska doesn't even have "counties". It has boroughs. Google much?

The list comes straight from Wiki, dolt. Futhermore, of what interest are your snide comments?

The Dept of Education is one of the first agencies to go on my list.

What a news flash that is... :rolleyes:

So you're saying -- Alaska has counties? And that their websites are a federal agency? Might want to rethink that disdain of education there, Fingerboy, considering what it's done for your own posts.

Btw the list isn't from Wiki at all -- the link goes to a .gov site, and none of those state websites are on it. Because they have no reason to be.

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I'm just entertained that somebody actually thinks the web pages of Alaska, Arizona, Alabama and American Samoa are federal agencies. Not to mention city and county sites. Then again the same assclown thinks Homeland Security and the NSA are "law enforcement" -- all of which kinda render ironic the other wag who wants to ditch, of all things, the Department of Education. :lol:

Oh by the way, Alaska doesn't even have "counties". It has boroughs. Google much?

The list comes straight from Wiki, dolt. Futhermore, of what interest are your snide comments?

The Dept of Education is one of the first agencies to go on my list.

Why am I not surprised. An educated populace has got to be the biggest fear that a Republican like you could have.

well, it is obvious YOUR education is very poor if you consider a government bureaucratic boondoggle to be the guard and proponent of good education :lol:
Department of Homeland Security is the result of the Patriot Act. It creates a whole lot of redundancies and expense that we did not have before. It also ascribes brand new powers to the government.

The NSA answers to no one. They audit themselves. And their sole purpose seems to be to spy on Americans. No one is really sure why they exist.

Funny you support this shit.

not sure what caused it but after INS became the part of DHS it became one of the most efficient agencies which deals with private people.
Contrary to the horror it was before.

It's to big and to powerful.

Having agencies in silos put another "check" on the system.

Washington altogether is too big and too powerful.
dismantle all of it and start from the scratch is unrealistic.

and I was talking about the immigration/naturalization part of the department only - it became efficient.
What caused it - not sure. But when it was part of the Justice ( or was it Interior, not sure) as INS - that was a nightmare.

totally agree about the overreach of the NSA and spying.
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It would be easier to list what I'd keep.
Executive Branch:
Army, they'd get the Air Force Back
Navy, including the Naval Infantry (Marines)
Coast Guard
Census Bureau
Department of the Treasury
Department of State
Geological Survey

Every thing else would be closed and/or sold off.
Return law enforcement to the states.

Why not. It worked out so well for the Lindbergh baby, since kidnapping wasn't a federal crime and LE couldn't pursue across state lines. Then again what kind of criminal would be so low as to take a crime across state lines after we tell them not to?

And happy flying without an FAA to coordinate air traffic. And happy listening/viewing without an FCC to coordinate broadcast traffic. And happy eating and medicating without an FDA to establish food and drug standards. Etc etc etc...

Perhaps we've already done away with the Department of Thinking Things Through...


The idiocy of the reactionary right and libertarians knows no bounds.
The list comes straight from Wiki, dolt. Futhermore, of what interest are your snide comments?

The Dept of Education is one of the first agencies to go on my list.

Why am I not surprised. An educated populace has got to be the biggest fear that a Republican like you could have.

well, it is obvious YOUR education is very poor if you consider a government bureaucratic boondoggle to be the guard and proponent of good education :lol:

Especially considering the state of education in the U.S. under the Department of Education today.
I'm curious, what federal departments and independent agencies do you support abolishing? This is not a trick question.

African Development Foundation
Agency for International Development
Agricultural Marketing Service
Alabama Home Page
Alabama State, County, and City Websites
Alaska Home Page
Alaska State, County, and City Websites
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (Treasury)
American Battle Monuments Commission
American Forces Information Service
American Samoa Home Page
Appalachian Regional Commission
Architect of the Capitol
Arctic Research Commission
Arizona Home Page
Arizona State, County, and City Websites
Arkansas Home Page
Arkansas State, County, and City Websites

Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Interagency Coordinating Committee

And that is just in the A's
A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies (A) |

I'm just entertained that somebody actually thinks the web pages of Alaska, Arizona, Alabama and American Samoa are federal agencies. Not to mention city and county sites. Then again the same assclown thinks Homeland Security and the NSA are "law enforcement" -- all of which kinda render ironic the other wag who wants to ditch, of all things, the Department of Education. :lol:

Oh by the way, Alaska doesn't even have "counties". It has boroughs. Google much?

Actually, moron, they ARE.. there is a federal part to all of those BEYOND what the states do..

Read a little.. that is right from the US FEDERAL government list of agencies

And if you would be honest, I said that NSA, DEA, etc are security and/or law enforcement...

Get it straight
I'm just entertained that somebody actually thinks the web pages of Alaska, Arizona, Alabama and American Samoa are federal agencies. Not to mention city and county sites. Then again the same assclown thinks Homeland Security and the NSA are "law enforcement" -- all of which kinda render ironic the other wag who wants to ditch, of all things, the Department of Education. :lol:

Oh by the way, Alaska doesn't even have "counties". It has boroughs. Google much?

The list comes straight from Wiki, dolt. Futhermore, of what interest are your snide comments?

The Dept of Education is one of the first agencies to go on my list.

Why am I not surprised. An educated populace has got to be the biggest fear that a Republican like you could have.

It is a state and local responsibility, not federal...
The list comes straight from Wiki, dolt. Futhermore, of what interest are your snide comments?

The Dept of Education is one of the first agencies to go on my list.

Why am I not surprised. An educated populace has got to be the biggest fear that a Republican like you could have.

It is a state and local responsibility, not federal...

The South made it a federal responsibility, with segregation and all being widely accepted in a lot of southern states.
All agencies not demanded by the Constitution, since the 9th and 10th Amendments expressly prohibit all of those agencies outside the boundaries of the Constitution.

So the question then is, which agencies are those?

Treasury Department.
Embassies (State Department)
Armed forces (War/Defense) (assuming Congress has authorized their existence every 2 years as demanded by the Constitution.)

Post office.

That's it.
All agencies not demanded by the Constitution, since the 9th and 10th Amendments expressly prohibit all of those agencies outside the boundaries of the Constitution.

So the question then is, which agencies are those?

Treasury Department.
Embassies (State Department)
Armed forces (War/Defense) (assuming Congress has authorized their existence every 2 years as demanded by the Constitution.)

Post office.

That's it.

A modern nation could not function properly with these terms.
African Development Foundation
Agency for International Development
Agricultural Marketing Service
Alabama Home Page
Alabama State, County, and City Websites
Alaska Home Page
Alaska State, County, and City Websites
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (Treasury)
American Battle Monuments Commission
American Forces Information Service
American Samoa Home Page
Appalachian Regional Commission
Architect of the Capitol
Arctic Research Commission
Arizona Home Page
Arizona State, County, and City Websites
Arkansas Home Page
Arkansas State, County, and City Websites

Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Interagency Coordinating Committee

And that is just in the A's
A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies (A) |

I'm just entertained that somebody actually thinks the web pages of Alaska, Arizona, Alabama and American Samoa are federal agencies. Not to mention city and county sites. Then again the same assclown thinks Homeland Security and the NSA are "law enforcement" -- all of which kinda render ironic the other wag who wants to ditch, of all things, the Department of Education. :lol:

Oh by the way, Alaska doesn't even have "counties". It has boroughs. Google much?

Actually, moron, they ARE.. there is a federal part to all of those BEYOND what the states do..

Read a little.. that is right from the US FEDERAL government list of agencies

And if you would be honest, I said that NSA, DEA, etc are security and/or law enforcement...

Get it straight

No, actually moron they're not. Your own link fails to list any of them. And Alaska is one of two states that has no counties, therefore it can have no county websites. Moreover I never brought up DEA; you're trying to plug it in after the fact.

When you make stupid shit up it'll come back to bite you.
All agencies not demanded by the Constitution, since the 9th and 10th Amendments expressly prohibit all of those agencies outside the boundaries of the Constitution.

So the question then is, which agencies are those?

Treasury Department.
Embassies (State Department)
Armed forces (War/Defense) (assuming Congress has authorized their existence every 2 years as demanded by the Constitution.)

Post office.

That's it.

A modern nation could not function properly with these terms.

Why not? Support your claim. Let us pit the Free Market against Government functions. Other than the Department of Transportation (which can still be argued in favor of the Free Market), I would love to see which parts of society would collapse without a Swarm of Officers eating out the substance of the People (Declaration of Independence).
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Why am I not surprised. An educated populace has got to be the biggest fear that a Republican like you could have.

It is a state and local responsibility, not federal...

The South made it a federal responsibility, with segregation and all being widely accepted in a lot of southern states.

Uhh.. nope.. the equal treatment part was a federal responsibility.. the paying for, qualification of, or stands of education are not a federal resposnibilty
I'm just entertained that somebody actually thinks the web pages of Alaska, Arizona, Alabama and American Samoa are federal agencies. Not to mention city and county sites. Then again the same assclown thinks Homeland Security and the NSA are "law enforcement" -- all of which kinda render ironic the other wag who wants to ditch, of all things, the Department of Education. :lol:

Oh by the way, Alaska doesn't even have "counties". It has boroughs. Google much?

Actually, moron, they ARE.. there is a federal part to all of those BEYOND what the states do..

Read a little.. that is right from the US FEDERAL government list of agencies

And if you would be honest, I said that NSA, DEA, etc are security and/or law enforcement...

Get it straight

No, actually moron they're not. Your own link fails to list any of them. And Alaska is one of two states that has no counties, therefore it can have no county websites. Moreover I never brought up DEA; you're trying to plug it in after the fact.

When you make stupid shit up it'll come back to bite you.

Wow.. lookie.. they actually changed it since I originally posted it.. because what I did was a direct copy/paste from the text on their site... and they added crap such as AMTRAK, which has no business in the fed either

And yes.. the fed was indeed funding state web sites... and I cannot control how they listed it
All agencies not demanded by the Constitution, since the 9th and 10th Amendments expressly prohibit all of those agencies outside the boundaries of the Constitution.

So the question then is, which agencies are those?

Treasury Department.
Embassies (State Department)
Armed forces (War/Defense) (assuming Congress has authorized their existence every 2 years as demanded by the Constitution.)

Post office.

That's it.

A modern nation could not function properly with these terms.

Why not? Support your claim. Let us pit the Free Market against Government functions. Other than the Department of Transportation (which can still be argued in favor of the Free Market), I would love to see which parts of society would collapse without a Swarm of Officers eating out the substance of the People (Declaration of Independence).

Again, you'd have, just to take one example, Thalidomide babies running around because there's no screening process to corral drug corporations that have no interests in public health. You'd have foods laced with carcinogens, as well as toothpastes, cosmetics, etc. You'd have planes flying into each other because nobody's in charge above them, plus contraptions unworthy of flight on their own. Then there's railways and highways, the regulations of which would change every time one hit a state line. You'd have unlistenable radio and TV because anyone with enough money could plunk a transmitter down, and shout out their competitor. Libraries? Gone. And you'd have, again to take one example of the Linbergh baby, criminals taking refuge across state lines for lack of an FBI to pursue them.

In short you'd have chaos. I get the impression that's what you want.

The "free market" is an environment that fosters competition and a lively marketplace of goods and services. It doesn't address needs of the common public interest. Because it can't; it has no motive to do that.
Actually, moron, they ARE.. there is a federal part to all of those BEYOND what the states do..

Read a little.. that is right from the US FEDERAL government list of agencies

And if you would be honest, I said that NSA, DEA, etc are security and/or law enforcement...

Get it straight

No, actually moron they're not. Your own link fails to list any of them. And Alaska is one of two states that has no counties, therefore it can have no county websites. Moreover I never brought up DEA; you're trying to plug it in after the fact.

When you make stupid shit up it'll come back to bite you.

Wow.. lookie.. they actually changed it since I originally posted it.. because what I did was a direct copy/paste from the text on their site... and they added crap such as AMTRAK, which has no business in the fed either

And yes.. the fed was indeed funding state web sites... and I cannot control how they listed it

Oh poster PLEASE.

Yeah, the federal gummint had state websites listed and as soon as you linked it on USMB they came in from a national holiday to take them off. Right. :cuckoo:

And Alaska STILL doesn't have counties, so piss off.
A modern nation could not function properly with these terms.

Why not? Support your claim. Let us pit the Free Market against Government functions. Other than the Department of Transportation (which can still be argued in favor of the Free Market), I would love to see which parts of society would collapse without a Swarm of Officers eating out the substance of the People (Declaration of Independence).

Again, you'd have, just to take one example, Thalidomide babies running around because there's no screening process to corral drug corporations that have no interests in public health. You'd have foods laced with carcinogens, as well as toothpastes, cosmetics, etc. You'd have planes flying into each other because nobody's in charge above them, plus contraptions unworthy of flight on their own. Then there's railways and highways, the regulations of which would change every time one hit a state line. You'd have unlistenable radio and TV because anyone with enough money could plunk a transmitter down, and shout out their competitor. Libraries? Gone. And you'd have, again to take one example of the Linbergh baby, criminals taking refuge across state lines for lack of an FBI to pursue them.

In short you'd have chaos. I get the impression that's what you want.

The "free market" is an environment that fosters competition and a lively marketplace of goods and services. It doesn't address needs of the common public interest. Because it can't; it has no motive to do that.

Can you back up these claims?

It's hard to imagine that in a Free Market Society, that airlines would be so careless and inept as to allow their planes to collide with each other. So fuking dumb. The rest of your assertions are equally retarded.
A modern nation could not function properly with these terms.

Why not? Support your claim. Let us pit the Free Market against Government functions. Other than the Department of Transportation (which can still be argued in favor of the Free Market), I would love to see which parts of society would collapse without a Swarm of Officers eating out the substance of the People (Declaration of Independence).

Again, you'd have, just to take one example, Thalidomide babies running around because there's no screening process to corral drug corporations that have no interests in public health. You'd have foods laced with carcinogens, as well as toothpastes, cosmetics, etc. You'd have planes flying into each other because nobody's in charge above them, plus contraptions unworthy of flight on their own. Then there's railways and highways, the regulations of which would change every time one hit a state line. You'd have unlistenable radio and TV because anyone with enough money could plunk a transmitter down, and shout out their competitor. Libraries? Gone. And you'd have, again to take one example of the Linbergh baby, criminals taking refuge across state lines for lack of an FBI to pursue them.

In short you'd have chaos. I get the impression that's what you want.

The "free market" is an environment that fosters competition and a lively marketplace of goods and services. It doesn't address needs of the common public interest. Because it can't; it has no motive to do that.

Yes how did the world get so far without the government watching us and guiding us? We should have gone extinct before cave men could even use fire! Who regulated that fire and how in the world did the world not burn completely down from caveman fire!?
Why not? Support your claim. Let us pit the Free Market against Government functions. Other than the Department of Transportation (which can still be argued in favor of the Free Market), I would love to see which parts of society would collapse without a Swarm of Officers eating out the substance of the People (Declaration of Independence).

Again, you'd have, just to take one example, Thalidomide babies running around because there's no screening process to corral drug corporations that have no interests in public health. You'd have foods laced with carcinogens, as well as toothpastes, cosmetics, etc. You'd have planes flying into each other because nobody's in charge above them, plus contraptions unworthy of flight on their own. Then there's railways and highways, the regulations of which would change every time one hit a state line. You'd have unlistenable radio and TV because anyone with enough money could plunk a transmitter down, and shout out their competitor. Libraries? Gone. And you'd have, again to take one example of the Linbergh baby, criminals taking refuge across state lines for lack of an FBI to pursue them.

In short you'd have chaos. I get the impression that's what you want.

The "free market" is an environment that fosters competition and a lively marketplace of goods and services. It doesn't address needs of the common public interest. Because it can't; it has no motive to do that.

Yes how did the world get so far without the government watching us and guiding us? We should have gone extinct before cave men could even use fire! Who regulated that fire and how in the world did the world not burn completely down from caveman fire!?

Was there a point coming sometime soon?
Why not? Support your claim. Let us pit the Free Market against Government functions. Other than the Department of Transportation (which can still be argued in favor of the Free Market), I would love to see which parts of society would collapse without a Swarm of Officers eating out the substance of the People (Declaration of Independence).

Again, you'd have, just to take one example, Thalidomide babies running around because there's no screening process to corral drug corporations that have no interests in public health. You'd have foods laced with carcinogens, as well as toothpastes, cosmetics, etc. You'd have planes flying into each other because nobody's in charge above them, plus contraptions unworthy of flight on their own. Then there's railways and highways, the regulations of which would change every time one hit a state line. You'd have unlistenable radio and TV because anyone with enough money could plunk a transmitter down, and shout out their competitor. Libraries? Gone. And you'd have, again to take one example of the Linbergh baby, criminals taking refuge across state lines for lack of an FBI to pursue them.

In short you'd have chaos. I get the impression that's what you want.

The "free market" is an environment that fosters competition and a lively marketplace of goods and services. It doesn't address needs of the common public interest. Because it can't; it has no motive to do that.

Yes how did the world get so far without the government watching us and guiding us? We should have gone extinct before cave men could even use fire! Who regulated that fire and how in the world did the world not burn completely down from caveman fire!?

Uh... I don't believe there is a Federal Department of Caveman Fire, dear. And it's obvious there is no Department of Thinking Things Through.

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