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Toddler finds mother shot dead in Umm al-Fahm

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Why does it seem strange? Immigrants often bring certain customs with them. The fact that it is still RARE among immigrants is testimony that that is one of the customs not often brought along.

.......in view of the way hormones run----it seems strange to me that in ANY
culture a girl will be killed for looking at a boy----even if doing so is
very much ----condemned in the culture. I get my information about muslims
of the indian subcontinent from muslims of the indian subcontinent----in fact
the first muslim I know as a kid was pakistani----he assured me that his
sister could never take a walk with a boy----whilst the two of use were walking
together----we were both 14 and simply both doing a volunteer thing at the same
place I was horrified----It never occured to me that the little stroll was a
"boy/girl thing"-----I grew up----other pakistanis I knew told me that as children--
if a brother's friend came to the house for a visit---the girls of the family VANISHED
to the backrooms -----however---I also learned from HINDU friends---that girls
were afforded separate facilities everywhere----from park benches to train cars
in India------MINGLING OF THE SEXES there is simply "NOT DONE"---on the other
hand-----I also learned from Hindu friends. indian literature (short stories by hindus)
and BOLLYWOOD that surreptitious glances are prized by hindus. From
hindus in the USA----I learned---its the boys who are timid----not the girls and
the girls so not seem COMPELLED to VANISH

Do they bring their tribal customs to Europe?
By the way, why not ask her what she thinks about the female circumcision in Muslim society. I read articles that even in the U.S., they are doing this

I wonder why honor killings are so rare in the most populous Muslim nation in the world?

Easy---because it used to be buddhist/hindu----it is rare in Iran too because
it never really got over its distaste for arabs. It is even far more rare in Pakistan
then in north african muslim countries ----hindus did not do it

Very rarely----but local custom ----of those in MAJORITY always have an
effect on minorities ---

It was there before islam got there-----migrated from Egypt---Egypt
had very close trade relations with subsaharan blacks

I wonder why female mutilation is rare in western muslims?

Its illegal

Go figure.

Big mysteries here my friend :)
It is silly, IRosie, to even waste more time on Coyote and the subject of honor killings. I think many of the viewers who had previously never even knew that things like honor killings happened have now been presented with so many articles about them on the Internet, and it appears that this is mainly prevalent in the Muslim world. Coyote can argue from Monday through Sunday about it not being prevalent in the Muslim world if it makes her happy. In fact, she can contact Zohra Yusuf, chairwoman of the HRCP, and tell her that a country like Pakistan which is mainly Muslim has so few honor killings of young females.
Let face it, Coyote, you want to give a pass to the many honor killings committed by Muslims by trying to bring up other groups where you don't find the prevalence of honor killings like one does in the Muslim community.

Kind of like you give a free pass to those non-Muslim groups that engage in honor killings? ;)

I prefer to view the big picture.

Some of this might be off the topic but this Pro Palestinian is nothing but a liar. In another post in " defense" of the killing of Israelis he claims the Israelis celebrate what happened at the King David Hotel every year. Not only is he a liar but they were warned before. Israelis also died there

The Bombing of the King David Hotel

Next he claims that " Honor Killings" have nothing to do with Islam their Culture lol Just one more example

Palestinian Mother Speaks Out
About Daughter’s Honor Killing

Palestinian women attend a public rally in Gaza City in May 2012. (photo by REUTERS/Mohammed Salem)

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By: Asmaa al-Ghoul for Al-Monitor Palestine Pulse Posted on March 20.

إقرأ باللغة العربية

Hiyam, a 23-year-old Palestinian woman, was killed at the hands of her father and brother at dawn on March 8 under the pretext of a so-called honor killing. Her mother Souad, 44, spoke with Al-Monitor at the family's home in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the heart of the Gaza Strip. Looking gray with fatigue, and so worn out she could not even stand, Souad said, “They wronged my daughter Hiyam. She was my eldest daughter and the sweetest of them all. May god avenge her father and brother.”

About This Article

Summary :
Those who commit so-called honor crimes continue to receive light sentences in the Gaza Strip despite efforts to amend outdated laws in this regard, Asmaa al-Ghoul reports.
Original Title:
Gazan Woman Killed in Suspected Honor Crime
Author: Asmaa al-Ghoul
Translated by: Sahar Ghoussoub

Categories : Originals Palestinian Authority

The mother told Al-Monitor her daughter's story. “I was visiting my parents, and I slept at their place. Around 3:00 a.m., I received a call from my eldest son, Adham, telling me to rush back home. I felt there was something very bad. When I arrived at home I found my daughter standing there in silence,” Souad said, pointing to a corner in the house. Souad continued, “Adham said that they had found our young neighbor Ahmed inside the house. I asked my daughter, and she said it was a thief jumping out of the window. They did not give her a chance to speak. My daughter was shy by nature. She did not even defend herself.”

With her surviving children sitting around her, Souad's eyes filled with tears, when she added, “I knew they were going to kill her. I screamed and cried, and then I don’t remember anything except that I woke up in a closed room with my young children.”

Palestinian Mother Speaks Out About Daughter?s Honor Killing - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Then he claimed in another post that not only do Palestinians NOT hand out Candy but Israelis do! lol

Palestinians Hand Out Candy After Murder of 5 Israelis in Their Sleep

Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, March 12, 2011, 5:50 PM

Four-year-old Elad Fogel was stabbed to death in the attack.

A Palestinian terrorist stabbed five family members to death in the settlement of Itamar early Saturday morning; three children, including a baby girl, were among the victims. Later that day Palestinians handed out candy to celebrate the mass murder.
YNet News reported:

Gaza residents from the southern city of Rafah hit the streets Saturday to celebrate the terror attack in the West Bank settlement of Itamar where five family members were murdered in their sleep, including three children.

Residents handed out candy and sweets, one resident saying the joy “is a natural response to the harm settlers inflict on the Palestinian residents in the West Bank.”

Meanwhile, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said he “clearly and firmly denounces the terror attack, just as I have denounced crimes against Palestinians.

“We are against all types of violence,” Fayyad said during a tour in Bethlehem. “Our position has not changed. As we have said many times before, we categorically oppose violence and terror, regardless of the identity of the victims or the perpetrators.”

The prevalence of honor killing (and disfigurement and assault) are high in India. I choose not to ignore that.

I also choose not to ignore the fact that the most populous Muslim country in the world rarely has honor killings or the fact that other religions within those ME Muslim countries engage in honor killings. Such messy facts - they complicate things don't they?

Since you are so into the subject of honor killings, I suggest that you contact Professor Phyllis Chesler on her Facebook page. Since she has been studying this subject for a long time, you can tell her your thoughts and she will tell you hers. This way you can get to the nitty gritty of the subject of honor killings.

Your suggestion is noted and discarded. Her article was an excellent read, but there are many people who have studied honor killings and are considered expert and material is freely available on the internet. Why limit yourself to only ONE person's opinion? :)
Why, Coyote, since you seem to be the expert here on honor killings, I would think you would enjoy the chance of debating this professor who has studied the violence against women (including honor killings) for a very long time. Why pass up a good opportunity in having a debate with someone on a subject in which you are apparently interested. As for taking one person's opinion, maybe some of the viewers should just discard yours as others can discard my opinion. Isn't that great that the viewers have the prerogative to discard anyone's opinion?

Palestinians Hand Out Candy After Murder of 5 Israelis in Their Sleep | The Gateway Pundit


PMW Bulletins
Abbas sponsors birthday celebrations honoring terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, killer of 37
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Dec. 31, 2009

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This week Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas once again honored the memory of the terrorist Dalal Mughrabi - this time by sponsoring a ceremony celebrating the 50th anniversary of her birth. Mughrabi led the most lethal terror attack in Israel's history in 1978, when she and other terrorists hijacked a bus and killed 37 civilians. Present at the ceremony were Palestinian dignitaries and a children's marching band. Earlier this year, Abbas sponsored a computer center named after Mughrabi.

The PA further glorified Mughrabi on the date of her birth when the Governor of Ramallah announced the naming of the "Dalal Mughrabi Square".

An article by Fatah spokesman Jamal Nazal in the official PA daily defined the terrorist Mughrabi as "the heroine of Palestine's heroines."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 30, 2009]

Banner showing Mughrabi at birthday celebration

PA leaders at Mughrabi birthday celebration

Children's marching band at Mughrabi birthday celebration
Remnat of bus hijacked bu Mughrabi
Remnant of bus hijacked by Mughrabi
The text on the giant banner carrying Mughrabi's portrait at the birthday ceremony read:
"Under the auspices of President Mahmoud Abbas
The Political and National Education Authority
Ceremony on the anniversary of the birth of the bride of the cosmos
The Shahida (Martyr) Dalal Mughrabi."

Two PA TV news broadcasts focused on the celebration:
"Under the auspices of President Mahmoud Abbas, the Political and National Education Authority held a ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the Shahida (Martyr) Dalal Mughrabi, commander of the Coastal Operation (i.e. hijacking of bus and killing of 37 civilians)."
[PA TV (Fatah), Dec. 29, 2009]

These are not isolated examples of public glorification of terrorists in the PA. The PA has a strong tradition of using terrorists as role models -- especially for children -- by naming public places, facilities and events after them. Dalal Mughrabi, who is not known for anything other than her murderous terror attack, is one of the prominent examples of a terrorist who is promoted as a worthy and desirable role model.

The following are named after, or have been named after Dalal Mughrabi in the last two years:

Last but not least, He initially called me a " racist" because I don't believe Palestinians should become citizens of Israel. When I challenged him about Abbas NO JEW/ NO ISRAELI Policy he denied it!

Abbas? Palestine: No Jews Allowed

The Cordray Crisis

Santorum's Flawed Plan for Working America

Abbas’ Palestine: No Jews Allowed

May 30th, 2011 at 11:53 pm Emmanuel Navon | 36 Comments |

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“So now here is the question” Netanyahu cleverly asked in his masterly address to the US Congress. “If the benefits of peace with the Palestinians are so clear, why has peace eluded us?” Netanyahu’s answer to his own rhetorical question was correct: the Palestinian leadership has always refused, and continues to refuse, to sign a peace agreement that entails the acceptance and permanence of the Jewish state, regardless of its borders. Hence the PA’s rejection of the offers by Ehud Barack (in 2000) and by Ehud Olmert (in 2008) to establish a Palestinian state on virtually the entire West Bank and Gaza. Arafat and Abbas said no, because they were asked to abandon the fantasy of invading Israel with the descendants of the 1948 Arab refugees, because they refused to recognize the Jewish past of the Temple Mount, and because they would not commit to ending the conflict after reaching statehood.

So then here is another question. If Abbas refused to establish a Palestinian state within borders that were practically identical to the 1949 armistice lines, why would he accept to establish a Palestinian state on a smaller territory in order for Israel to have defensible borders? Those who claim that Israel will eventually achieve peace by keeping offering the Palestinians what they’ve rejected many times are a lively example of Einstein’s definition of insanity (“doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”). And those who expect the Palestinians to agree to a downgraded version of what they rejected in the past somehow reenact the famous spat between Winston Churchill and Lady Astor (“Winston, if you were my husband, I’d poison your tea … Nancy, if I were your husband, I would drink it”).

A standard answer to this question is that all Israel needs to do in order to achieve peace with the Palestinians is to withdraw to “the 1967 border.” There never was such a border. What existed between 1949 and 1967 was an armistice line specifically defined as “temporary” in the Rhodes Agreements upon Jordan’s insistence. This line was not a border and never was meant to become one. UN Security Council Resolution 242 was specifically worded so as not to convert the armistice line into a border. There is no legal basis for “demanding” an Israeli withdrawal to the 1949 armistice line. But besides legality, claiming that withdrawing to those lines will produce peace with the Palestinians defies logics. There was no peace before 1967, so why would rewinding history back to 1967 bring a peace that didn’t exist then?

The reason why Israel was able to extract a peace agreement (though no real peace) from Sadat by withdrawing from Sinai is that all Sadat wanted was Sinai (and, incidentally, the American financial largess that came with it). If all the Palestinians wanted were the West Bank and Gaza, the “rewind to 1967” formula would work with them as well. But since what they want is all of Palestine, previous attempts to bring them to sign a peace agreement by settling for the pre-1967 setting have failed. The PA teaches Palestinian children that Jaffa and Haifa will eventually be liberated from the Zionist invaders and that the only purpose of signing agreements with the infidels is to achieve the ultimate goal of “liberating” all of Palestine. The message is getting through. A poll conducted by Stanley Greenberg in November 2010 reveals that 60% of Palestinians see in the two-state solution a mere step to replace Israel with an exclusively Arab state.

The claim that the Palestinians have abandoned their goal of “liberating” all of Palestine ignores what they themselves keep saying (though, admittedly, in Arabic). On May 28, Mahmud Abbas declared in Doha that he will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state, that he will never give up on the “right of return,” and that the future Palestinian state will be “clean” (or “empty,” depending on the translation) of any Israeli presence (including civilians). In such a scenario, the State of Israel would lose its Jewish majority, while the Palestinian state will be “clean” of any Jew. Jews would become a minority between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, and they would be ruled by the Arab majority. If Abbas is so clear about his true intentions, and if he is so explicit about them, why is it so hard to believe him?

The above is just part of the article. I'm a " racist" because I don't care if Arabs stab each other to death or they're the victim of an " Honor Killing?' TOO BAD! When the Arabs stop handing out Candy, stop naming streets after the suicide bombers, and show they are ready to " negotiate" a peace maybe then I'll consider it.

He is nothing but a lying, racist Hypocrite
The above is just part of the article. I'm a " racist" because I don't care if Arabs stab each other to death or they're the victim of an " Honor Killing?' TOO BAD! When the Arabs stop handing out Candy, stop naming streets after the suicide bombers, and show they are ready to " negotiate" a peace maybe then I'll consider it.

He is nothing but a lying, racist Hypocrite

You need to get a bit of control over yourself PV.

I didn't call you a racist.

I said you were a bigot because you only care if certain people get killed.

Interestingly - you make big hoopla when Palestinians name streets after suicide bombers but remain silent when Israel commerates the King David Hotel bombing or elects former terrorists to public office.

So, in your book - some terrorists are ok and murder ONLY counts when it's not Arabs being killed.

Sweet, no?

Thank you for clarifying your (somewhat grotesque) sense of ethics.
I think that post 282 says everything in this world about the poster any person needs to know, and nothing else. THE post illustrates the poster is a lying bigot! This thread began with the story of a tragic killing and that poster turned a tragedy that left a little boy motherless into a demonization of Muslims and all of the posters arguments are based on lies! I guess lying bigots shall alwsys be lying bigots! And for lying bigots tragedies like the story in the OP fall on deaf ears! Sherri
Last edited:
Why does it seem strange? Immigrants often bring certain customs with them. The fact that it is still RARE among immigrants is testimony that that is one of the customs not often brought along.

.......in view of the way hormones run----it seems strange to me that in ANY
culture a girl will be killed for looking at a boy----even if doing so is
very much ----condemned in the culture. I get my information about muslims
of the indian subcontinent from muslims of the indian subcontinent----in fact
the first muslim I know as a kid was pakistani----he assured me that his
sister could never take a walk with a boy----whilst the two of use were walking
together----we were both 14 and simply both doing a volunteer thing at the same
place I was horrified----It never occured to me that the little stroll was a
"boy/girl thing"-----I grew up----other pakistanis I knew told me that as children--
if a brother's friend came to the house for a visit---the girls of the family VANISHED
to the backrooms -----however---I also learned from HINDU friends---that girls
were afforded separate facilities everywhere----from park benches to train cars
in India------MINGLING OF THE SEXES there is simply "NOT DONE"---on the other
hand-----I also learned from Hindu friends. indian literature (short stories by hindus)
and BOLLYWOOD that surreptitious glances are prized by hindus. From
hindus in the USA----I learned---its the boys who are timid----not the girls and
the girls so not seem COMPELLED to VANISH

Easy---because it used to be buddhist/hindu----it is rare in Iran too because
it never really got over its distaste for arabs. It is even far more rare in Pakistan
then in north african muslim countries ----hindus did not do it

Very rarely----but local custom ----of those in MAJORITY always have an
effect on minorities ---

It was there before islam got there-----migrated from Egypt---Egypt
had very close trade relations with subsaharan blacks

Its illegal

Go figure.

Big mysteries here my friend :)
It is silly, IRosie, to even waste more time on Coyote and the subject of honor killings. I think many of the viewers who had previously never even knew that things like honor killings happened have now been presented with so many articles about them on the Internet, and it appears that this is mainly prevalent in the Muslim world. Coyote can argue from Monday through Sunday about it not being prevalent in the Muslim world if it makes her happy. In fact, she can contact Zohra Yusuf, chairwoman of the HRCP, and tell her that a country like Pakistan which is mainly Muslim has so few honor killings of young females.

And Hossfly can talk directly to Coyote instead of engaging in this silly third party charade :)

By the way...you have yet to explain how it is that you lambaste Sherri for not giving a damn about atrocities occurring in other Muslim countries while you show a deafening lack of concern for atrocities commited by non-Muslim perps.

Similarly, your deliberate act of denseness on Pakistan is .... cute. I have repeatedly specified Indonesia (hint - the most populous Muslim country is NOT Pakistan but Indonesia) and I have agreed Pakistan has serious issue (on many fronts). Perhaps you can stop pretending that I claimed Pakistan has so few honor killings? Think that's possible sweetie?

Interesting but not surprising :)
Why does it seem strange? Immigrants often bring certain customs with them. The fact that it is still RARE among immigrants is testimony that that is one of the customs not often brought along.

.......in view of the way hormones run----it seems strange to me that in ANY
culture a girl will be killed for looking at a boy----even if doing so is
very much ----condemned in the culture. I get my information about muslims
of the indian subcontinent from muslims of the indian subcontinent----in fact
the first muslim I know as a kid was pakistani----he assured me that his
sister could never take a walk with a boy----whilst the two of use were walking
together----we were both 14 and simply both doing a volunteer thing at the same
place I was horrified----It never occured to me that the little stroll was a
"boy/girl thing"-----I grew up----other pakistanis I knew told me that as children--
if a brother's friend came to the house for a visit---the girls of the family VANISHED
to the backrooms -----however---I also learned from HINDU friends---that girls
were afforded separate facilities everywhere----from park benches to train cars
in India------MINGLING OF THE SEXES there is simply "NOT DONE"---on the other
hand-----I also learned from Hindu friends. indian literature (short stories by hindus)
and BOLLYWOOD that surreptitious glances are prized by hindus. From
hindus in the USA----I learned---its the boys who are timid----not the girls and
the girls so not seem COMPELLED to VANISH

Good bit Rosie...and I agree. In those cultures - traditional Hindu and Muslim both, women were and are expected to maintain a certain seperateness and demureness. Something I could never have accepted.

Short stories - I have a wealth of them both Hindu and Muslim, modern and old (old by being of 1960's vintage paperbacks falling apart) - I have not read them all. But whether it's the seperateness or the match making, it reveals a culture both similar (mostly, we care about our children want what's best...). Surrptitious glances are prized in the Indian Muslim culture...and Muslim and Hindu women have many ways of being both modest and colorful - walking the line of propriety.

Rosie - do you like Indian films and films on culture clash? If so - I would highly recommend this trilogy - both very India and beatifully choreographed, by Deepa Mehta: Elements trilogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do they bring their tribal customs to Europe?
By the way, why not ask her what she thinks about the female circumcision in Muslim society. I read articles that even in the U.S., they are doing this

I wonder why honor killings are so rare in the most populous Muslim nation in the world?

Easy---because it used to be buddhist/hindu----it is rare in Iran too because
it never really got over its distaste for arabs. It is even far more rare in Pakistan
then in north african muslim countries ----hindus did not do it

So basically -it's not religious, it's cultural. I understand that female mutilation is also predominantly of African origin.

Very rarely----but local custom ----of those in MAJORITY always have an
effect on minorities ---

Not necessarily - sometimes the majority incorporates what is already there, in the minority - for example, the Roman's overan the Greeks and incorporated their Pantheon into the Roman Pantheon. Same with Christians - pagan gods and goddess' became saints and demons and pagan customs arose in Christmas, Easter, and Feast days.

It was there before islam got there-----migrated from Egypt---Egypt
had very close trade relations with subsaharan blacks

So...it's not really Islam.
The above is just part of the article. I'm a " racist" because I don't care if Arabs stab each other to death or they're the victim of an " Honor Killing?' TOO BAD! When the Arabs stop handing out Candy, stop naming streets after the suicide bombers, and show they are ready to " negotiate" a peace maybe then I'll consider it.

He is nothing but a lying, racist Hypocrite

You need to get a bit of control over yourself PV.

I didn't call you a racist.

I said you were a bigot because you only care if certain people get killed.

Interestingly - you make big hoopla when Palestinians name streets after suicide bombers but remain silent when Israel commerates the King David Hotel bombing or elects former terrorists to public office.

So, in your book - some terrorists are ok and murder ONLY counts when it's not Arabs being killed.

Sweet, no?

Thank you for clarifying your (somewhat grotesque) sense of ethics.

You initiatially did call me a Racist when I said that Palestinians who might live within the " borders" should not get Full citizenship like the Israelis do.

I'm a bigot because I don't care about Arabs who get kiled? Too bad you don't have those high" standards" for Pro Palestinians on the board and the rest of the Arab World

Israel does not commerate the King David Hotel Bombing as the killing of Palestinians or anybody else. You are a liar

The Bombing of the King David Hotel

The Bombing of the King David Hotel


The King David Hotel was the site of the British military command and the British Criminal Investigation Division. The Irgun chose it as a target after British troops invaded the Jewish Agency June 29, 1946, and confiscated large quantities of documents. At about the same time, more than 2,500 Jews from all over Palestine were placed under arrest. The information about Jewish Agency operations, including intelligence activities in Arab countries, was taken to the King David Hotel.

A week later, news of a massacre of 40 Jews in a pogrom in Poland reminded the Jews of Palestine how Britain's restrictive immigration policy had condemned thousands to death.

Irgun leader Menachem Begin stressed his desire to avoid civilian casualties and said three telephone calls were placed, one to the hotel, another to the French Consulate, and a third to the Palestine Post, warning that explosives in the King David Hotel would soon be detonated.

On July 22, 1946, the calls were made. The call into the hotel was apparently received and ignored. Begin quotes one British official who supposedly refused to evacuate the building, saying: "We don't take orders from the Jews."1 As a result, when the bombs exploded, the casualty toll was high: a total of 91 killed and 45 injured. Among the casualties were 15 Jews. Few people in the hotel proper were injured by the blast.2

So in your Book, I should care about Arabs while they celebrate , Hand out Candy, and name streets after those who kill Israelis

So in your book, I should condemn Israel's " racist policy" but it's perfectly aacceptible for Abbas to have a NJA " No Israelis Allowed" Policy. Thank you for explaining your Racist, Hypoctitical Dounle Standard and Code of Ethics. Typical Pro Palestinian Mentality
The above is just part of the article. I'm a " racist" because I don't care if Arabs stab each other to death or they're the victim of an " Honor Killing?' TOO BAD! When the Arabs stop handing out Candy, stop naming streets after the suicide bombers, and show they are ready to " negotiate" a peace maybe then I'll consider it.

He is nothing but a lying, racist Hypocrite

You need to get a bit of control over yourself PV.

I didn't call you a racist.

I said you were a bigot because you only care if certain people get killed.

Interestingly - you make big hoopla when Palestinians name streets after suicide bombers but remain silent when Israel commerates the King David Hotel bombing or elects former terrorists to public office.

So, in your book - some terrorists are ok and murder ONLY counts when it's not Arabs being killed.

Sweet, no?

Thank you for clarifying your (somewhat grotesque) sense of ethics.

You initiatially did call me a Racist when I said that Palestinians who might live within the " borders" should not get Full citizenship like the Israelis do.


I'm a bigot because I don't care about Arabs who get kiled? Too bad you don't have those high" standards" for Pro Palestinians on the board and the rest of the Arab World

Too bad is right. I care about all those that get killed.

I guess being human is more important than ethnic and religious boundaries, dontcha think?

Israel does not commerate the King David Hotel Bombing as the killing of Palestinians or anybody else. You are a liar

Nope. It's not me who's the liar.

Israel celebrates Irgun hotel bombers - Telegraph
.......in view of the way hormones run----it seems strange to me that in ANY
culture a girl will be killed for looking at a boy----even if doing so is
very much ----condemned in the culture. I get my information about muslims
of the indian subcontinent from muslims of the indian subcontinent----in fact
the first muslim I know as a kid was pakistani----he assured me that his
sister could never take a walk with a boy----whilst the two of use were walking
together----we were both 14 and simply both doing a volunteer thing at the same
place I was horrified----It never occured to me that the little stroll was a
"boy/girl thing"-----I grew up----other pakistanis I knew told me that as children--
if a brother's friend came to the house for a visit---the girls of the family VANISHED
to the backrooms -----however---I also learned from HINDU friends---that girls
were afforded separate facilities everywhere----from park benches to train cars
in India------MINGLING OF THE SEXES there is simply "NOT DONE"---on the other
hand-----I also learned from Hindu friends. indian literature (short stories by hindus)
and BOLLYWOOD that surreptitious glances are prized by hindus. From
hindus in the USA----I learned---its the boys who are timid----not the girls and
the girls so not seem COMPELLED to VANISH

Easy---because it used to be buddhist/hindu----it is rare in Iran too because
it never really got over its distaste for arabs. It is even far more rare in Pakistan
then in north african muslim countries ----hindus did not do it

Very rarely----but local custom ----of those in MAJORITY always have an
effect on minorities ---

It was there before islam got there-----migrated from Egypt---Egypt
had very close trade relations with subsaharan blacks

Its illegal
It is silly, IRosie, to even waste more time on Coyote and the subject of honor killings. I think many of the viewers who had previously never even knew that things like honor killings happened have now been presented with so many articles about them on the Internet, and it appears that this is mainly prevalent in the Muslim world. Coyote can argue from Monday through Sunday about it not being prevalent in the Muslim world if it makes her happy. In fact, she can contact Zohra Yusuf, chairwoman of the HRCP, and tell her that a country like Pakistan which is mainly Muslim has so few honor killings of young females.

And Hossfly can talk directly to Coyote instead of engaging in this silly third party charade :)

By the way...you have yet to explain how it is that you lambaste Sherri for not giving a damn about atrocities occurring in other Muslim countries while you show a deafening lack of concern for atrocities commited by non-Muslim perps.

Similarly, your deliberate act of denseness on Pakistan is .... cute. I have repeatedly specified Indonesia (hint - the most populous Muslim country is NOT Pakistan but Indonesia) and I have agreed Pakistan has serious issue (on many fronts). Perhaps you can stop pretending that I claimed Pakistan has so few honor killings? Think that's possible sweetie?

Interesting but not surprising :)
Isn't it funny how Coyote has nothing to say when other people happen to speak to another poster about something that was posted by yet another poster, but when it involves something she posted, then she is quick to react about it being a "charade?". I have never seen you lambaste Frau Sherri for anything, especially when she is dragging Jesus into the mix. It is interesting, but not surprising that you would stick up for someone posting who is all over the Internet bashing the Jews and Israel and constantly calling the "Zionists" baby killers. Doesn't it make you wonder how she finds time to do anything else in her life? We all know, Coyote, that in all different groups on this planet that people commit atrocities toward other people, but you seem to be blind as to whom is committing the most atrocities today. For some reason you seem to have a fit if the Muslims are accused of anything even if the accusations happen to be true.
I think that post 282 says everything in this world about the poster any person needs to know, and nothing else. THE post illustrates the poster is a lying bigot! This thread began with the story of a tragic killing and that poster turned a tragedy that left a little boy motherless into a demonization of Muslims and all of the posters arguments are based on lies! I guess lying bigots shall alwsys be lying bigots! And for lying bigots tragedies like the story in the OP fall on deaf ears! Sherri
You don't think many of the viewers haven't figure you out by now, Frau Sherri? How many times have you lied about the Israelis so I wouldn't be calling someone a lying bigot if I were you? I doubt that Proud Veteran is all over the Internet day and night bashing the Muslims the way you are with your bashing the Jews and Israel as if it were a full-time job with overtime thrown in.
You need to get a bit of control over yourself PV.

I didn't call you a racist.

I said you were a bigot because you only care if certain people get killed.

Interestingly - you make big hoopla when Palestinians name streets after suicide bombers but remain silent when Israel commerates the King David Hotel bombing or elects former terrorists to public office.

So, in your book - some terrorists are ok and murder ONLY counts when it's not Arabs being killed.

Sweet, no?

Thank you for clarifying your (somewhat grotesque) sense of ethics.

You initiatially did call me a Racist when I said that Palestinians who might live within the " borders" should not get Full citizenship like the Israelis do.


I'm a bigot because I don't care about Arabs who get kiled? Too bad you don't have those high" standards" for Pro Palestinians on the board and the rest of the Arab World

Too bad is right. I care about all those that get killed.

I guess being human is more important than ethnic and religious boundaries, dontcha think?

Israel does not commerate the King David Hotel Bombing as the killing of Palestinians or anybody else. You are a liar

Nope. It's not me who's the liar.

Israel celebrates Irgun hotel bombers - Telegraph

You are the liar. They are Celebrating the Resistence; They are not Celebrating any Palestinians, Arabs, British, or anyone else dying. That is the difference unlike the example below where the Palestinians were handing out Candy

Itamar massacre: Fogel family butchered while sleeping - Israel News, Ynetnews

Get it now? Of course not. You are too bigoted and stupid
It is silly, IRosie, to even waste more time on Coyote and the subject of honor killings. I think many of the viewers who had previously never even knew that things like honor killings happened have now been presented with so many articles about them on the Internet, and it appears that this is mainly prevalent in the Muslim world. Coyote can argue from Monday through Sunday about it not being prevalent in the Muslim world if it makes her happy. In fact, she can contact Zohra Yusuf, chairwoman of the HRCP, and tell her that a country like Pakistan which is mainly Muslim has so few honor killings of young females.

And Hossfly can talk directly to Coyote instead of engaging in this silly third party charade :)

By the way...you have yet to explain how it is that you lambaste Sherri for not giving a damn about atrocities occurring in other Muslim countries while you show a deafening lack of concern for atrocities commited by non-Muslim perps.

Similarly, your deliberate act of denseness on Pakistan is .... cute. I have repeatedly specified Indonesia (hint - the most populous Muslim country is NOT Pakistan but Indonesia) and I have agreed Pakistan has serious issue (on many fronts). Perhaps you can stop pretending that I claimed Pakistan has so few honor killings? Think that's possible sweetie?

Interesting but not surprising :)
Isn't it funny how Coyote has nothing to say when other people happen to speak to another poster about something that was posted by yet another poster, but when it involves something she posted, then she is quick to react about it being a "charade?". I have never seen you lambaste Frau Sherri for anything, especially when she is dragging Jesus into the mix. It is interesting, but not surprising that you would stick up for someone posting who is all over the Internet bashing the Jews and Israel and constantly calling the "Zionists" baby killers. Doesn't it make you wonder how she finds time to do anything else in her life? We all know, Coyote, that in all different groups on this planet that people commit atrocities toward other people, but you seem to be blind as to whom is committing the most atrocities today. For some reason you seem to have a fit if the Muslims are accused of anything even if the accusations happen to be true.

He's nothing but a HYPOCRITE. Abbas has a NJA/ No Israeli allowed Policy which I have posted ( the link) but he still denies it. At the samr time he calls Israel " racist".

That Jew Hating " Christian" Sherri can say MS. Fogel " asked for it" there's no condemnation. However, I don't give a SHIT about Muslims amd I'm a " racist, bigot" etc. etc.

He gets a fit when it's proven that " HONOR KILLINGS" mainly occur in the Muslim World and it's part of their Culture. TOO BAD!:cuckoo:
You initiatially did call me a Racist when I said that Palestinians who might live within the " borders" should not get Full citizenship like the Israelis do.


Too bad is right. I care about all those that get killed.

I guess being human is more important than ethnic and religious boundaries, dontcha think?

Israel does not commerate the King David Hotel Bombing as the killing of Palestinians or anybody else. You are a liar

Nope. It's not me who's the liar.

Israel celebrates Irgun hotel bombers - Telegraph

You are the liar. They are Celebrating the Resistence; They are not Celebrating any Palestinians, Arabs, British, or anyone else dying. That is the difference unlike the example below where the Palestinians were handing out Candy

Itamar massacre: Fogel family butchered while sleeping - Israel News, Ynetnews

Get it now? Of course not. You are too bigoted and stupid

One point at a time.

You claimed: You initiatially did call me a Racist when I said that Palestinians who might live within the " borders" should not get Full citizenship like the Israelis do.

I'm asking you for a link.

Or, make it simple and admit you are a liar.

The Fogel family is irrelevant to this discussion so stop throwing it out like a desperate attempt to change the topic.

Lastly: Irgun is a terrorist gang. The King David Hotel attack was a terrorist attack. The commemeration, according to the article was not the "resistance" but the attack on the hotel. Which you would have realized if you had read the article. Bigoted and stupid kind of comes to mind here.
It is silly, IRosie, to even waste more time on Coyote and the subject of honor killings. I think many of the viewers who had previously never even knew that things like honor killings happened have now been presented with so many articles about them on the Internet, and it appears that this is mainly prevalent in the Muslim world. Coyote can argue from Monday through Sunday about it not being prevalent in the Muslim world if it makes her happy. In fact, she can contact Zohra Yusuf, chairwoman of the HRCP, and tell her that a country like Pakistan which is mainly Muslim has so few honor killings of young females.

And Hossfly can talk directly to Coyote instead of engaging in this silly third party charade :)

By the way...you have yet to explain how it is that you lambaste Sherri for not giving a damn about atrocities occurring in other Muslim countries while you show a deafening lack of concern for atrocities commited by non-Muslim perps.

Similarly, your deliberate act of denseness on Pakistan is .... cute. I have repeatedly specified Indonesia (hint - the most populous Muslim country is NOT Pakistan but Indonesia) and I have agreed Pakistan has serious issue (on many fronts). Perhaps you can stop pretending that I claimed Pakistan has so few honor killings? Think that's possible sweetie?

Interesting but not surprising :)
Isn't it funny how Coyote has nothing to say when other people happen to speak to another poster about something that was posted by yet another poster, but when it involves something she posted, then she is quick to react about it being a "charade?". I have never seen you lambaste Frau Sherri for anything, especially when she is dragging Jesus into the mix. It is interesting, but not surprising that you would stick up for someone posting who is all over the Internet bashing the Jews and Israel and constantly calling the "Zionists" baby killers. Doesn't it make you wonder how she finds time to do anything else in her life? We all know, Coyote, that in all different groups on this planet that people commit atrocities toward other people, but you seem to be blind as to whom is committing the most atrocities today. For some reason you seem to have a fit if the Muslims are accused of anything even if the accusations happen to be true.

Shame on you Hossfly - you can't address the argument itself so you have to resort to an attack on the poster, in third person no less? If I substitute "Frau Sherri" for "Coyote" the formula would be the same, no?

Let me repeat: How is it that you lambaste Sherri for not giving a damn about atrocities occurring in other Muslim countries while you show a deafening lack of concern for atrocities commited by non-Muslim perps.

A resounding chorus of hypocrickets awaits ;)
And Hossfly can talk directly to Coyote instead of engaging in this silly third party charade :)

By the way...you have yet to explain how it is that you lambaste Sherri for not giving a damn about atrocities occurring in other Muslim countries while you show a deafening lack of concern for atrocities commited by non-Muslim perps.

Similarly, your deliberate act of denseness on Pakistan is .... cute. I have repeatedly specified Indonesia (hint - the most populous Muslim country is NOT Pakistan but Indonesia) and I have agreed Pakistan has serious issue (on many fronts). Perhaps you can stop pretending that I claimed Pakistan has so few honor killings? Think that's possible sweetie?

Interesting but not surprising :)
Isn't it funny how Coyote has nothing to say when other people happen to speak to another poster about something that was posted by yet another poster, but when it involves something she posted, then she is quick to react about it being a "charade?". I have never seen you lambaste Frau Sherri for anything, especially when she is dragging Jesus into the mix. It is interesting, but not surprising that you would stick up for someone posting who is all over the Internet bashing the Jews and Israel and constantly calling the "Zionists" baby killers. Doesn't it make you wonder how she finds time to do anything else in her life? We all know, Coyote, that in all different groups on this planet that people commit atrocities toward other people, but you seem to be blind as to whom is committing the most atrocities today. For some reason you seem to have a fit if the Muslims are accused of anything even if the accusations happen to be true.

Shame on you Hossfly - you can't address the argument itself so you have to resort to an attack on the poster, in third person no less? If I substitute "Frau Sherri" for "Coyote" the formula would be the same, no?

Let me repeat: How is it that you lambaste Sherri for not giving a damn about atrocities occurring in other Muslim countries while you show a deafening lack of concern for atrocities commited by non-Muslim perps.

A resounding chorus of hypocrickets awaits ;)
It looks like you're standing by to jump right on my post on this thread. Shame on you, Coyote, for trying to fool the viewers that no one ever speaks to another poster about the posts some other person has made. I am sure the viewers realize, Coyote, that you never actually say anything no matter what Frau Sherri writes, even though a lot of it is so ridiculous. So to me and others, you are the hypocrite here. If you want everyone to think that you are so evenhanded and virtuous, go for it.

It was there before islam got there-----migrated from Egypt---Egypt
had very close trade relations with subsaharan blacks

So...it's not really Islam.

wrong again ----muslims did not invent it---but TODAY---
the it has become OVERWHELMINGLY islamic. Very few non
muslims engage in the custom and the custom is seen as
a religious rite by far far far more muslims than all other
people combined---<<<<that makes it ISLAM. If 100
years from now----the just about the only people to engage
in male circumcision becomes JEWS----then male circumcision
will be "JEWISH" chances are that the custom preceded
abraham. Spaghetti with "marinara sauce" is ITALIAN
today------the chinse invented noodles and-----tomatoes did
not even exist in Rome of Julius Ceasar

moses never saw a bagel or a potato latke
Isn't it funny how Coyote has nothing to say when other people happen to speak to another poster about something that was posted by yet another poster, but when it involves something she posted, then she is quick to react about it being a "charade?". I have never seen you lambaste Frau Sherri for anything, especially when she is dragging Jesus into the mix. It is interesting, but not surprising that you would stick up for someone posting who is all over the Internet bashing the Jews and Israel and constantly calling the "Zionists" baby killers. Doesn't it make you wonder how she finds time to do anything else in her life? We all know, Coyote, that in all different groups on this planet that people commit atrocities toward other people, but you seem to be blind as to whom is committing the most atrocities today. For some reason you seem to have a fit if the Muslims are accused of anything even if the accusations happen to be true.

Shame on you Hossfly - you can't address the argument itself so you have to resort to an attack on the poster, in third person no less? If I substitute "Frau Sherri" for "Coyote" the formula would be the same, no?

Let me repeat: How is it that you lambaste Sherri for not giving a damn about atrocities occurring in other Muslim countries while you show a deafening lack of concern for atrocities commited by non-Muslim perps.

A resounding chorus of hypocrickets awaits ;)
It looks like you're standing by to jump right on my post on this thread. Shame on you, Coyote, for trying to fool the viewers that no one ever speaks to another poster about the posts some other person has made. I am sure the viewers realize, Coyote, that you never actually say anything no matter what Frau Sherri writes, even though a lot of it is so ridiculous. So to me and others, you are the hypocrite here. If you want everyone to think that you are so evenhanded and virtuous, go for it.

Coyote is nothing but a F...ING Hypocrite. I am supposed to care about Muslim " Honor Killing" or Muslims being killed at all while an entire Jewish Family ( Just one example!) is killed with their infant boy actually beheaded? That " Christian" Sherri states " She( Ms Fogel) asked for it and there is no condemnation? He denies it primarily happens. among Muslims/ Arabs. He keeps referring to Indonesia. Ask him why he isn't focusing on the problem in general there will be no response. This is besides the point but I am " racist" because I agree with Israel's Policy about not letting Palestinians who marry Israelis become Full Citizens even though they are allowed to live there but Abbas having a " No Israelis Allowed " Policy isn't? Consider the source
You need to get a bit of control over yourself PV.

I didn't call you a racist.

I said you were a bigot because you only care if certain people get killed.

Interestingly - you make big hoopla when Palestinians name streets after suicide bombers but remain silent when Israel commerates the King David Hotel bombing or elects former terrorists to public office.

So, in your book - some terrorists are ok and murder ONLY counts when it's not Arabs being killed.

Sweet, no?

Thank you for clarifying your (somewhat grotesque) sense of ethics.

You initiatially did call me a Racist when I said that Palestinians who might live within the " borders" should not get Full citizenship like the Israelis do.


I'm a bigot because I don't care about Arabs who get kiled? Too bad you don't have those high" standards" for Pro Palestinians on the board and the rest of the Arab World

Too bad is right. I care about all those that get killed.

I guess being human is more important than ethnic and religious boundaries, dontcha think?

Israel does not commerate the King David Hotel Bombing as the killing of Palestinians or anybody else. You are a liar

Nope. It's not me who's the liar.

Israel celebrates Irgun hotel bombers - Telegraph
You are Thanks for proving my point. They are celebrating the Resistence; Not the people that were killed UNLIKE Pro Palestinians who applaud and cheer when Israelis are killed, You Hypocrite
It looks like you're standing by to jump right on my post on this thread. Shame on you, Coyote, for trying to fool the viewers that no one ever speaks to another poster about the posts some other person has made. I am sure the viewers realize, Coyote, that you never actually say anything no matter what Frau Sherri writes, even though a lot of it is so ridiculous. So to me and others, you are the hypocrite here. If you want everyone to think that you are so evenhanded and virtuous, go for it.

I've never implied nor claimed to be "evenhanded" much less "virtuous". :cuckoo: I'm biased like everyone else here- I have my views and am not ashamed to express them nor do I feel in any way obligated to denounce every creepy post in order to prove to you that I'm "unbiased".

I'm sure viewers also have read through post after derailing post of you chastizing "Frau" Sherri for her one sided views while simultaneiously noting a stark lack of concern for non-Islamic abuses going on around the world and an extreme lack of criticism for outrageous posts coming from your own side.

You know the old saying....if the Foo shits....wear it.
You initiatially did call me a Racist when I said that Palestinians who might live within the " borders" should not get Full citizenship like the Israelis do.


Too bad is right. I care about all those that get killed.

I guess being human is more important than ethnic and religious boundaries, dontcha think?

Israel does not commerate the King David Hotel Bombing as the killing of Palestinians or anybody else. You are a liar

Nope. It's not me who's the liar.

Israel celebrates Irgun hotel bombers - Telegraph
You are Thanks for proving my point. They are celebrating the Resistence; Not the people that were killed UNLIKE Pro Palestinians who applaud and cheer when Israelis are killed, You Hypocrite

Ya right - and you don't think the Palestinians are celebrating the resistance? You don't think they feel that their terrorists are a resistance movement? Your double standard in regards to terrorism is as blatant as your ignorance :)
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