Top 5 Fox News Uncle Toms

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Top 5 Fox News Uncle Toms | NewsOne

Being a Republican does not make you an Uncle Tom. If you believe in fiscal responsibility and social conservatism, it is your right to be a republican. However if you are a black republican, it should be your duty to stand up to your party when it becomes blatantly racist against your own kind. You should also realize it when they only use you to attack other black people and never to offer any other points of view.

These African Americans have made a living off of going on Fox News and smearing black leaders and culture. They often are the mouthpieces for the things that even Fox is to racist to say. They always attack another black person and never stand up to any of Fox’s or the GOP’s racism

Now you all know what makes an Uncle Thomas.
top 5 fox news uncle toms | newsone

being a republican does not make you an uncle tom. If you believe in fiscal responsibility and social conservatism, it is your right to be a republican. however if you are a black republican, it should be your duty to stand up to your party when it becomes blatantly racist against your own kind. You should also realize it when they only use you to attack other black people and never to offer any other points of view.

These african americans have made a living off of going on fox news and smearing black leaders and culture. They often are the mouthpieces for the things that even fox is to racist to say. They always attack another black person and never stand up to any of fox’s or the gop’s racism

now you all know what makes an uncle thomas.

top 5 fox news uncle toms | newsone

being a republican does not make you an uncle tom. If you believe in fiscal responsibility and social conservatism, it is your right to be a republican. however if you are a black republican, it should be your duty to stand up to your party when it becomes blatantly racist against your own kind. You should also realize it when they only use you to attack other black people and never to offer any other points of view.

These african americans have made a living off of going on fox news and smearing black leaders and culture. They often are the mouthpieces for the things that even fox is to racist to say. They always attack another black person and never stand up to any of fox’s or the gop’s racism

now you all know what makes an uncle thomas.


Care to add something relevant other than a girly personal attack and flee tactic? Its all good, you're only fleeing a potential Bass-whippin.
top 5 fox news uncle toms | newsone

being a republican does not make you an uncle tom. If you believe in fiscal responsibility and social conservatism, it is your right to be a republican. however if you are a black republican, it should be your duty to stand up to your party when it becomes blatantly racist against your own kind. You should also realize it when they only use you to attack other black people and never to offer any other points of view.

These african americans have made a living off of going on fox news and smearing black leaders and culture. They often are the mouthpieces for the things that even fox is to racist to say. They always attack another black person and never stand up to any of fox’s or the gop’s racism

now you all know what makes an uncle thomas.


Care to add something relevant other than a girly personal attack and flee tactic? Its all good, you're only fleeing a potential Bass-whippin.

You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag. In a duel of wits you are unarmed. The only racist here is YOU. The black life style is so far out of whack with reality that when Black leaders stand up and try to fix it retards like you attack them.

Care to add something relevant other than a girly personal attack and flee tactic? Its all good, you're only fleeing a potential Bass-whippin.

You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag. In a duel of wits you are unarmed. The only racist here is YOU. The black life style is so far out of whack with reality that when Black leaders stand up and try to fix it retards like you attack them.

RGS, you are a pathetic moron, how is one a retard for attacking idiots like Jesse Lee Peterson for stating that 95% of blacks are racist, black racism and white guilt put Obama in office and lastly, thanking whites for slavery? On the contrary, Peterson is the retard and so are you if you defend those positions. These people are called Uncle Thomases not because of their views alone, but because they have become the mouthpieces of white racist Republicans, in other words they like slaves who regurgitate the garbage spewed by their masters.

What is this "black lifestyle"supposed to entail RGS? It doesn't exist and the Bass has posted numerous study after study that refute this nonsense and or the existence of a "black culture/lifestyle" that embraces negativity, so the burden of proof is on you moron to prove it.
Care to add something relevant other than a girly personal attack and flee tactic? Its all good, you're only fleeing a potential Bass-whippin.

You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag. In a duel of wits you are unarmed. The only racist here is YOU. The black life style is so far out of whack with reality that when Black leaders stand up and try to fix it retards like you attack them.

RGS, you are a pathetic moron, how is one a retard for attacking idiots like Jesse Lee Peterson for stating that 95% of blacks are racist, black racism and white guilt put Obama in office and lastly, thanking whites for slavery? On the contrary, Peterson is the retard and so are you if you defend those positions. These people are called Uncle Thomases not because of their views alone, but because they have become the mouthpieces of white racist Republicans, in other words they like slaves who regurgitate the garbage spewed by their masters.

What is this "black lifestyle"supposed to entail RGS? It doesn't exist and the Bass has posted numerous study after study that refute this nonsense and or the existence of a "black culture/lifestyle" that embraces negativity, so the burden of proof is on you moron to prove it.

Sure thing Bass.:lol: If there is no such thing as a "black culture/lifestyle", then there can't be a white one either.

Damn did you just slaughter yourself.:lol:
Not to mention also, defending Rush Limbaugh's "Barack the Magic Negro" sound is the mark of a black Republican rightly denouncing the negativity of the "black lifestyle," admit it RGS, you far right nutjobs love having well trained Negroes at your disposal to provide yourselves with a cover and mouthpiece for the racism inside you will not speak yourselves.
Your ignorant attempt to claim republicans are all racists is funny as hell. The only retarded moron in this thread is you.

One need only look at the level of crime and unwed mothers in the black community to know it has a problem, one only need turn on a RAP station to understand how depraved and ignorant blacks are for listening to that crap. Not the original rap but the current gansta crap that is the rave. All about murder robbery, calling women bitches and whores and making out that gangster life and drug abuse are good things.

Anyone willing to point out to ignorant blacks that the white man is not keeping them down and that their own choices and decisions are to blame is no Uncle Tom. As for your characterization of what someone said, please, you twist and pervert everything cause you have a major racist problem.

Black families in most of our inner cities do NOT care about school or education, they do not care about law and order, they do not instill a work ethic in their children and the VAST majority are single parent families with no man willing to actually BE a man and be responsible for HIS actions and choices.

That is the REALITY. ANYONE willing to try and change that is on the right track. Anyone opposed to changing that is to stupid to have an opinion worth listening to.

Supposed black leaders like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are race Baiters not leaders. They are users of their own race to further enrich themselves and make a name for themselves.

Until there is a fundamental shift in the core belief system of these families, these blacks in the inner city, nothing will change, a small trickle will escape through hard work and determination and the vast majority will remain is squalor and self pity being taken care of and KEPT down by the White Democratic Party in America. Sold out by their supposed leaders and dumb asses like you.
You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag. In a duel of wits you are unarmed. The only racist here is YOU. The black life style is so far out of whack with reality that when Black leaders stand up and try to fix it retards like you attack them.

RGS, you are a pathetic moron, how is one a retard for attacking idiots like Jesse Lee Peterson for stating that 95% of blacks are racist, black racism and white guilt put Obama in office and lastly, thanking whites for slavery? On the contrary, Peterson is the retard and so are you if you defend those positions. These people are called Uncle Thomases not because of their views alone, but because they have become the mouthpieces of white racist Republicans, in other words they like slaves who regurgitate the garbage spewed by their masters.

What is this "black lifestyle"supposed to entail RGS? It doesn't exist and the Bass has posted numerous study after study that refute this nonsense and or the existence of a "black culture/lifestyle" that embraces negativity, so the burden of proof is on you moron to prove it.

Sure thing Bass.:lol: If there is no such thing as a "black culture/lifestyle", then there can't be a white one either.

Damn did you just slaughter yourself.:lol:

Classic fallacious argument because you as well as a lot of whites and even disillusioned blacks believe that a black ghetto culture exists that encourages and praises negativity, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. What that says is that people like RGS believe in a lie and no one stated anything about a white culture negative lifestyle, thats the strawman bait you're trying to throw in there, but the Bass isn't biting.

The main point is that these Uncle Thomases aren't branded as such for criticizing negative behaviour, Farrakhan does the same and no one sees him as an Uncle Thomases and you want to know why? Farrakhan isn't acting as a black body with a mouthpiece for white racist Republicans whereas those Uncle Thomases are.
Your ignorant attempt to claim republicans are all racists is funny as hell. The only retarded moron in this thread is you.

You're retarded and stop with the strawman arguments, the Bass never stated that all Republicans and or Black Republicans are racist nor Uncle Toms, the Bass stated that Black Republican Uncle Thomases are the mouthpieces for white racist Republicans because white racist Republicans are a reality, but no one implied that all Republicans are, stupid tard.

One need only look at the level of crime and unwed mothers in the black community to know it has a problem, one only need turn on a RAP station to understand how depraved and ignorant blacks are for listening to that crap.

The level of crime is due to economics not some black ghetto culture or praise for negativity and as long as the fathers are there in their children's life[And black fathers are more likely to be their for their children than any other racial group, thats backed by research] where is the culture of negativity? Listening to rap is seen as embracing negativity eh? What about white kids who listen to Marilyn Manson and all types of metal that encourage drug use and violence? Does that mean whites are ignorant and depraved for listening to that type of music? The same thing said about rap music today was said about rock and roll long before the Bass was born.

Not the original rap but the current gansta crap that is the rave. All about murder robbery, calling women bitches and whores and making out that gangster life and drug abuse are good things.

That stuff is perpetuated by record company owners who are mostly white anyways, but the people who make that crap in no way represents Aframs nor is that proof of a black ghetto culture, you have to do better than that RGS

Anyone willing to point out to ignorant blacks that the white man is not keeping them down and that their own choices and decisions are to blame is no Uncle Tom. As for your characterization of what someone said, please, you twist and pervert everything cause you have a major racist problem.

Like the Bass said, Farrakhan has likewise pointed and condemned negativity by blacks but he is not seen as an Uncle Thomas, but why is Jesse Lee Peterson? Do you really believe that saying that 95% of blacks are racist and thanking whites for slavery really constitute pointing ignorance by blacks? Is defending Limbaugh's Magic Negro song pointing out ignorant blacks? Get real RGS, these House Negroes are just mouthpieces for crap that people like have on the inside but don't openly state.

Black families in most of our inner cities do NOT care about school or education, they do not care about law and order,

Now your racism has been exposed but first let the Bass issue you a smackdown for your ignorant statement that inner city blacks don't care about education:

More information debunking the notion that urban people don't value their children's education:

Education Book Review/Reading Families

According to Compton-Lilly many inner city students exist in a world where their talents are often not recognized and their efforts are seen as inconsequential. They are discounted and are made to feel as though their contributions are somehow inferior to that of others in their world. More telling, assumptions are made about their abilities and those assumptions govern the way they are treated and consequently the way they react to the educational system and the rest of society. It is therefore, not surprising that many urban students come to the ultimate conclusion that they are incapable of learning anything at all. This is the reality of urban youth in Reading Families: The Literate Lives of Urban Children.

The author uses a combination of personal experience and the results from research conducted as a first grade teacher in an urban school, to discount the untruths about the literacy capability of children in urban settings. The early chapters present an excursus of existing myths held by both parents and educators - myths that block the formation of cooperative relationships that could enhance the learning experiences of urban kids. The author attributes a lot of these attitudes to the many teachers who are socialized to believe that not only are urban children unable to readily grasp the concept of reading but that they are products of families that do not value or reinforce reading skills as a part of their lives.

The author’s research provides evidence that shows that the discourses held by many mainstream teachers are without merit when they generally disparage the willingness and ability of urban families to help facilitate the process of literacy among young children. On the contrary, most of the parents interviewed by Compton- Lilly displayed urgency around the desire to have their children become successful readers and thus improve their life chances. Further, these parents seemed to have a very distinct understanding of the limitations of illiteracy and expressed aspirations for their children that included reading and learning to navigate the world of education. A preponderance of the evidence also showed that urban parents understood the concept of cultural capital and believed that their children were not being granted fair access to some of the educational resources available to others by virtue of their sociopolitical and socioeconomic status.

Black Parents Place Higher Value On College Education Than Whites: Study | Jet | Find Articles at BNET

Black parents are far more likely than White parents to rank a college education as the most important ingredient for a youngster's ultimate success, a newly released poll reveals.

The survey of the general public and parents of high school-age youths found that 47 percent of Black parents considered college the most important element for their children's success, while only 33 percent of White parents agreed with that sentiment

‘Ghetto culture’ doesn’t lead teens astray, U-M study finds

The vast majority of teens from disadvantaged neighborhoods have ideals as high as their more privileged peers about sexual behavior and romantic relationships, a University of Michigan study shows.

"My findings suggest that there's no such thing as a monolithic ghetto culture that promotes early sexual behavior and childbearing," said U-M sociologist David Harding. "In fact, teens who live in disadvantaged, urban areas start out with hopes as high as anyone else's in our society. But the mixed messages they receive make them less likely to realize their ideal relationships."

‘Ghetto culture’ doesn’t lead teens astray, U-M study finds

The vast majority of teens from disadvantaged neighborhoods have ideals as high as their more privileged peers about sexual behavior and romantic relationships, a University of Michigan study shows.

"My findings suggest that there's no such thing as a monolithic ghetto culture that promotes early sexual behavior and childbearing," said U-M sociologist David Harding. "In fact, teens who live in disadvantaged, urban areas start out with hopes as high as anyone else's in our society. But the mixed messages they receive make them less likely to realize their ideal relationships."

Obama's Rebuke of Absentee Black Fathers

Stereotypes about negligent black fathers persist, promoted most vehemently by Bill Cosby, who has embarked on a national crusade against the alleged misbehavior of poor black families. And yet such stereotypes may have little basis in reality. Research by Boston College social psychologist Rebekah Levine Coley found that black fathers not living at home are more likely to keep in contact with their children than fathers of any other ethnic or racial group. Coley offers a more complex view of the causes of absenteeism among black fathers: the failure to live up to expectations to provide for their families--owing to stunted economic and educational opportunities--drives poor black men into despair and away from their families. Such findings undermine the arguments about black fathers' inherent pathology or moral lassitude. These men need jobs, not jabs.

What this means is that most of these Negro crusaders and white far right conservatives have been talking way out of their anuses based more on stereotypes than actually facts documented by research, yet most people black and white still believe the same old stereotypical nonsense. What they need to do is actually go into the hoods and actually speak to the people and do some research. Also people don't know that government takes child support money away from children .

The Bass has posted facts based on actual research jackass, now since you make the lame claim that all of this is fact, lets see you post research that explicitly state that inner city blacks don't value, education, moral responsibility, do not instill work ethic and have no men that want to be responsible for their children
Ahh yes make excuses for why education is ignored and looked down on, makes perfect sense. Honest masta it just ain't our fault, you damn whiteys is keepin us down.
Ahh yes make excuses for why education is ignored and looked down on, makes perfect sense. Honest masta it just ain't our fault, you damn whiteys is keepin us down.

Jackass, the Bass is still waiting for you to post research and studies, not your racist idiotic far right nuttery to back up your claims that education is ignored and looked down upon by blacks. Until then, shut and taken the smackdown/Bass whippin as an educational learning experience before the Bass smacks you in the back of your head again with some more studies, of what the hell, why not smack you up some more:

Assessing the Oppositional Culture Explanation for Racial/Ethnic Differences in School Performance

The oppositional culture explanation for racial disparities in school performance posits that individuals from historically oppressed groups (involuntary minorities) signify their antagonism toward the dominant group by resisting school goals. In contrast, individuals from the dominant group and groups that migrated freely to the host country (immigrant minorities) maintain optimistic views of their chances for educational and occupational success. Because of its historical and cross-cultural appeal, this explanation has been well-received by academics, although key implications of the theory have not been carefully tested. Proponents have failed to systematically compare perceptions of occupational opportunity and resistance to school across involuntary, dominant, and immigrant groups. Using a large sample of African American, Asian American, and non-Hispanic white high school sophomores from the first follow-up of the National Education Longitudinal Study, the authors provide the first rigorous test of the oppositional culture explanation. Upon close scrutiny, its key predictions fail.

In sum, our results do not provide support for the belief that group differences in peer attitudes account for much of the black-white gap in educational achievement. On the other hand, disparities in the family backgrounds of blacks and whites do account for the racial group differences in student inputs into the educational process. For policymakers, concern about the oppositional culture may be something of a distraction from addressing the more fundamental education policy issues: improving schools and providing adequate motivation, support, and guidance for students who are weighed down by the burdens of poverty.
Ahh yes make excuses for why education is ignored and looked down on, makes perfect sense. Honest masta it just ain't our fault, you damn whiteys is keepin us down.

Jackass, the Bass is still waiting for you to post research and studies, not your racist idiotic far right nuttery to back up your claims that education is ignored and looked down upon by blacks. Until then, shut and taken the smackdown/Bass whippin as an educational learning experience before the Bass smacks you in the back of your head again with some more studies, of what the hell, why not smack you up some more:

Assessing the Oppositional Culture Explanation for Racial/Ethnic Differences in School Performance

The oppositional culture explanation for racial disparities in school performance posits that individuals from historically oppressed groups (involuntary minorities) signify their antagonism toward the dominant group by resisting school goals. In contrast, individuals from the dominant group and groups that migrated freely to the host country (immigrant minorities) maintain optimistic views of their chances for educational and occupational success. Because of its historical and cross-cultural appeal, this explanation has been well-received by academics, although key implications of the theory have not been carefully tested. Proponents have failed to systematically compare perceptions of occupational opportunity and resistance to school across involuntary, dominant, and immigrant groups. Using a large sample of African American, Asian American, and non-Hispanic white high school sophomores from the first follow-up of the National Education Longitudinal Study, the authors provide the first rigorous test of the oppositional culture explanation. Upon close scrutiny, its key predictions fail.

In sum, our results do not provide support for the belief that group differences in peer attitudes account for much of the black-white gap in educational achievement. On the other hand, disparities in the family backgrounds of blacks and whites do account for the racial group differences in student inputs into the educational process. For policymakers, concern about the oppositional culture may be something of a distraction from addressing the more fundamental education policy issues: improving schools and providing adequate motivation, support, and guidance for students who are weighed down by the burdens of poverty.

You're a tool. A racist tool to exact. You're the type that would call a black child that makes good grades as "acting white". Here's some facts for your dumBass to consider.

According to the latest census, black married couples earn 82 percent of what white married couples make. For married blacks, the median income is $50,729. For married whites the median is $60,080. And because the majority of African-Americans live in the South, where salaries and living costs are lower -- that income figure gap is really closer in reality than it is on paper

According to the 2000 census, nearly 70% of all African American babies were born out of wedlock. In fact, only 44% of African American households are married. That is compared to 80% for Whites and 70% for Hispanic.

Nearly seven in 10 black babies are born to single mothers today. These children will fail in school at higher rates than those born to two parents. They are more likely to become involved in criminal activity. Their poverty rates will be higher. And they are far more likely to repeat this pattern by giving birth to or fathering a child out of wedlock themselves.

So basically addressing the "fundamental education policy issues" will not correct the problem. It's my opinion that most exams have to be "dumbed down" just so that minorities can compete, Case in point, the firefighter promotional exam in New Haven that SCOTUS reversed after the racist Sotomayor got it wrong.
Gimmie Uncle Tom over....

Bottom line: If you are black and you don't think and believe and act as Casey Gane-McCalla and Charlie do, you are an Uncle Tom. I had no idea the two of them could see into people's hearts as well as read their minds. Simply amazing!
You're a tool. A racist tool to exact. You're the type that would call a black child that makes good grades as "acting white". Here's some facts for your dumBass to consider.

No, the acting white attitude isn't a product of so called black culture, nor did it emanate from blacks and for the record you Texas faggot[the Bass bitterly hates anything that comes from out of that God forsaken state] the Bass has never chided nor put down any black that makes good grades as acting white, on the contrary, its the schools that ingrain the idea that getting good grades is acting white:

School Culture, Academic Achievement and the Social Construction of Blackness

School Culture, Academic Achievement and the Social Construction of Blackness

Abstract: Despite the legal, political and economic changes that America has made since the Civil Rights Era, the racial disparity in academic achievement continues. Over the past several years, a number of theories have been developed to explain this dilemma. My research was inspired by John Ogbu’s ‘Oppositional Culture’ theory, which state’s that the racial gap is due to black student’s failure to apply themselves academically because of the black community’s conception of school as ‘white’. While I found this argument compelling, it seemed to me that school’s also play a significant role in framing academic arena’s as ‘white’. To test this hypothesis, I conducted a 5 month ethnographic study at a Minneapolis based alternative school. The preliminary findings of my research at MFS suggest that, while Ogbu may be accurate in his assertion that many black students believe that school is ‘white’ his assumptions about how and where this belief is constructed are problematic. The belief that school and academics are ‘white’ results, not from a cultural perspective that black students bring to school, but from a dialectical relationship between the school and the black community. Thus, any effort to eradicate the racial gap in academic achievement must include an examination of the way that school’s construct ‘blackness’ and ‘whiteness’ in ways that either inhibit or promote academic achievement.

According to the latest census, black married couples earn 82 percent of what white married couples make. For married blacks, the median income is $50,729. For married whites the median is $60,080. And because the majority of African-Americans live in the South, where salaries and living costs are lower -- that income figure gap is really closer in reality than it is on paper

According to the 2000 census, nearly 70% of all African American babies were born out of wedlock. In fact, only 44% of African American households are married. That is compared to 80% for Whites and 70% for Hispanic.

Nearly seven in 10 black babies are born to single mothers today. These children will fail in school at higher rates than those born to two parents. They are more likely to become involved in criminal activity. Their poverty rates will be higher. And they are far more likely to repeat this pattern by giving birth to or fathering a child out of wedlock themselves.

The 7 out of 10 out of wedlock rate was from the year 2000 and none of what you posted demonstrated anything proving that a black ghetto culture exists that praises failure and laziness over success.

So basically addressing the "fundamental education policy issues" will not correct the problem. It's my opinion that most exams have to be "dumbed down" just so that minorities can compete, Case in point, the firefighter promotional exam in New Haven that SCOTUS reversed after the racist Sotomayor got it wrong.

For the last time you jackass, blacks[not all but some] did pass the firefighter exams in New Haven they just didn't score high enough of the exams to qualify for the 15 immediately available slots, so your logic that the tests need dumbing is retarded. Only 27 blacks took the exams out of a total of 118 people, most of whom were white .
Bottom line: If you are black and you don't think and believe and act as Casey Gane-McCalla and Charlie do, you are an Uncle Tom. I had no idea the two of them could see into people's hearts as well as read their minds. Simply amazing!

No idiot, you're an Uncle Tom when one allows him/herself to become the mouthpiece for white racist politicians and people who would otherwise lose their positions if they stated such things. None of these people are being called Uncle Toms for not being a black radical, its because of the stupidity they spew and the trash they defend that comes from white conservative nutjobs and or saying those things that they think racist white conservatives would love to hear, such as defending Rush Limbaugh Magic Negro song, thanking whites for slavery and the worst of all, stating that if white people left the country blacks would turn America into a great big ghetto within 10 years.

Anyone who defends that nonsense and or finds no problem with is a world class retard.
You're a tool. A racist tool to exact. You're the type that would call a black child that makes good grades as "acting white". Here's some facts for your dumBass to consider.

No, the acting white attitude isn't a product of so called black culture, nor did it emanate from blacks and for the record you Texas faggot[the Bass bitterly hates anything that comes from out of that God forsaken state] the Bass has never chided nor put down any black that makes good grades as acting white, on the contrary, its the schools that ingrain the idea that getting good grades is acting white:

School Culture, Academic Achievement and the Social Construction of Blackness

School Culture, Academic Achievement and the Social Construction of Blackness

Abstract: Despite the legal, political and economic changes that America has made since the Civil Rights Era, the racial disparity in academic achievement continues. Over the past several years, a number of theories have been developed to explain this dilemma. My research was inspired by John Ogbu’s ‘Oppositional Culture’ theory, which state’s that the racial gap is due to black student’s failure to apply themselves academically because of the black community’s conception of school as ‘white’. While I found this argument compelling, it seemed to me that school’s also play a significant role in framing academic arena’s as ‘white’. To test this hypothesis, I conducted a 5 month ethnographic study at a Minneapolis based alternative school. The preliminary findings of my research at MFS suggest that, while Ogbu may be accurate in his assertion that many black students believe that school is ‘white’ his assumptions about how and where this belief is constructed are problematic. The belief that school and academics are ‘white’ results, not from a cultural perspective that black students bring to school, but from a dialectical relationship between the school and the black community. Thus, any effort to eradicate the racial gap in academic achievement must include an examination of the way that school’s construct ‘blackness’ and ‘whiteness’ in ways that either inhibit or promote academic achievement.

According to the latest census, black married couples earn 82 percent of what white married couples make. For married blacks, the median income is $50,729. For married whites the median is $60,080. And because the majority of African-Americans live in the South, where salaries and living costs are lower -- that income figure gap is really closer in reality than it is on paper

According to the 2000 census, nearly 70% of all African American babies were born out of wedlock. In fact, only 44% of African American households are married. That is compared to 80% for Whites and 70% for Hispanic.

Nearly seven in 10 black babies are born to single mothers today. These children will fail in school at higher rates than those born to two parents. They are more likely to become involved in criminal activity. Their poverty rates will be higher. And they are far more likely to repeat this pattern by giving birth to or fathering a child out of wedlock themselves.

The 7 out of 10 out of wedlock rate was from the year 2000 and none of what you posted demonstrated anything proving that a black ghetto culture exists that praises failure and laziness over success.

So basically addressing the "fundamental education policy issues" will not correct the problem. It's my opinion that most exams have to be "dumbed down" just so that minorities can compete, Case in point, the firefighter promotional exam in New Haven that SCOTUS reversed after the racist Sotomayor got it wrong.

For the last time you jackass, blacks[not all but some] did pass the firefighter exams in New Haven they just didn't score high enough of the exams to qualify for the 15 immediately available slots, so your logic that the tests need dumbing is retarded. Only 27 blacks took the exams out of a total of 118 people, most of whom were white .

Hey stupid, you just proved my point.

The phrase was coined by Signithia Fordham and first popularized in her groundbreaking 1986 study, Black Students' School Success: Coping with the "Burden of 'Acting White

Those stats may be from 2000 but it does not make them any less accurate.

Those negroes FAILED the exam because the test wasn't dumbed down enough. Not qualifying = failure.
You're a tool. A racist tool to exact. You're the type that would call a black child that makes good grades as "acting white". Here's some facts for your dumBass to consider.

No, the acting white attitude isn't a product of so called black culture, nor did it emanate from blacks and for the record you Texas faggot[the Bass bitterly hates anything that comes from out of that God forsaken state] the Bass has never chided nor put down any black that makes good grades as acting white, on the contrary, its the schools that ingrain the idea that getting good grades is acting white:

School Culture, Academic Achievement and the Social Construction of Blackness

School Culture, Academic Achievement and the Social Construction of Blackness

Abstract: Despite the legal, political and economic changes that America has made since the Civil Rights Era, the racial disparity in academic achievement continues. Over the past several years, a number of theories have been developed to explain this dilemma. My research was inspired by John Ogbu’s ‘Oppositional Culture’ theory, which state’s that the racial gap is due to black student’s failure to apply themselves academically because of the black community’s conception of school as ‘white’. While I found this argument compelling, it seemed to me that school’s also play a significant role in framing academic arena’s as ‘white’. To test this hypothesis, I conducted a 5 month ethnographic study at a Minneapolis based alternative school. The preliminary findings of my research at MFS suggest that, while Ogbu may be accurate in his assertion that many black students believe that school is ‘white’ his assumptions about how and where this belief is constructed are problematic. The belief that school and academics are ‘white’ results, not from a cultural perspective that black students bring to school, but from a dialectical relationship between the school and the black community. Thus, any effort to eradicate the racial gap in academic achievement must include an examination of the way that school’s construct ‘blackness’ and ‘whiteness’ in ways that either inhibit or promote academic achievement.

The 7 out of 10 out of wedlock rate was from the year 2000 and none of what you posted demonstrated anything proving that a black ghetto culture exists that praises failure and laziness over success.

So basically addressing the "fundamental education policy issues" will not correct the problem. It's my opinion that most exams have to be "dumbed down" just so that minorities can compete, Case in point, the firefighter promotional exam in New Haven that SCOTUS reversed after the racist Sotomayor got it wrong.

For the last time you jackass, blacks[not all but some] did pass the firefighter exams in New Haven they just didn't score high enough of the exams to qualify for the 15 immediately available slots, so your logic that the tests need dumbing is retarded. Only 27 blacks took the exams out of a total of 118 people, most of whom were white .

Hey stupid, you just proved my point.

The phrase was coined by Signithia Fordham and first popularized in her groundbreaking 1986 study, Black Students' School Success: Coping with the "Burden of 'Acting White

Those stats may be from 2000 but it does not make them any less accurate.

Those negroes FAILED the exam because the test wasn't dumbed down enough. Not qualifying = failure.

All of the blacks did not fail you Texas rhesus monkey, those that did pass did not score high enough to qualify for the slot, how retarded are you? Post proof that all the blacks failed the exam.
I get my news from CNN, FOX and CNBC!

(1) Juan Williams:
A huge liberal and Obama supporter. Listen to him he is extremely intelligent.

(2) Jesse Lee Peterson:
Nice cherry picking his commentrary. What he stated originally is slavery was a huge crime against humanity. It was something that was a crime and blurp on American history. But he thanks god he is American and was brought here. He stated he wished it was by other means, but he was glad he was American and not African! The reason, because even back in slave times Africa was a mess. To this day, its still a mess. There is no better country in the world to be Black. And guess what Peterson is 100% right!

Why is it such a crime to for a black man to openly stated he loves his country and believes its by far the best in the world! This man has spoken many times that organizations like the NAACP are becoming irrelevent and really just hurt blacks in America. He is right

(3) Larry Elders:
I read some of his book. That man is right on! Bass you would be a much better person if you read and followed his book! Elders preaches that blacks now have to stand on their own 2 feet and stop blaming whites (ironically Obama just stated this), that the problems of the black community are now self-inflicited. He is not a black apologist and unlike the NAACP, he sees beyond color. Maybe you should do the same!

(4) Angela McGlowan:
For the record, many she is glorious. Intelligent, glorious and conservative oh my! That last characteristic makes her a turn coat in black apologist's eyes.
Wow another person that sees past color and actually loves her country. Everyone in this country should have been outraged when Michelle stated "For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country!" Hell if your not proud of your country then fucking leave! Angela is more then right to critize her on it!

(5) Erik Rush:
First provide proof to your slander!
Second, he was 100% just for bashing Wright's arrogant racism. Wright is a piece of shit. And Erik had a right as an AMERICAN to bash Wright and Obama's relationship with Wright. He has a right to bash Obama for playing the race card.
Wow another black who is not a black apologist. A black who doesn't like big business.

Wow look 5 black conservatives, hey bash should we lynch them?

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