Town Halls?

I thought town halls offered voters the chance to ask question directly. It seems however that George on ABC and whoever the stupidly grinning blond bimbo on NBC is are hogging all the time.

They know what they are doing. If this woman had the balls to ask such tough questions of Biden, maybe voters wouldn't be uninformed. She's a patsy, trying to appease her China First bosses.

She's an embarrassment, and it's why China is planning to crush America, even now through Germany. Good luck to the CIA and FBI dealing with it when you listen to these morons on TV. They have so many within the U.S who are happy to appease and destroy America. In fact. they don't want America to succeed, they only want to get their hand in any part of Chinas benefit.
Holy shit Trump just said he know NOTHING about QAnon, then followed it up with defending them by saying he knows they are against pedophilia which is good. Jesus Christ. How can anyone vote for this guy? He will NOT distances himself from these nut ball groups because he doesn't want to lose their votes.
Holy shit Trump just said he know NOTHING about QAnon, then followed it up with defending them by saying he knows they are against pedophilia which is good. Jesus Christ. How can anyone vote for this guy? He will NOT distances himself from these nut ball groups because he doesn't want to lose their votes.

At what point?
I'm 20 minutes in and havent seen that yet.
Holy shit Trump just said he know NOTHING about QAnon, then followed it up with defending them by saying he knows they are against pedophilia which is good. Jesus Christ. How can anyone vote for this guy? He will NOT distances himself from these nut ball groups because he doesn't want to lose their votes.

At what point?
I'm 20 minutes in and havent seen that yet.

He said it around the beginning after they argued about Trump lying about taking Covid tests and that he lied and said he had a negative Covid test before the last debate. He said "I do it so often I don't remember..."
Holy shit Trump just said he know NOTHING about QAnon, then followed it up with defending them by saying he knows they are against pedophilia which is good. Jesus Christ. How can anyone vote for this guy? He will NOT distances himself from these nut ball groups because he doesn't want to lose their votes.
And the chief is burning down America raping and killing people and Joe Biden won’t say anything
NBC got loud mouth hate filled TDS inflicted Karen to moderate but Trump is handling the bitch nicely.
That woman is so fucking ugly you can tell her breath is so hot.. So full of rage and hate how can anybody take the side of a Democrat with this much hate and rage for other human beings
Did Trump secretly get another spray tan squirt sometime in the first few minutes? His face is a lot redder now than it was.
Holy shit Trump just said he know NOTHING about QAnon, then followed it up with defending them by saying he knows they are against pedophilia which is good. Jesus Christ. How can anyone vote for this guy? He will NOT distances himself from these nut ball groups because he doesn't want to lose their votes.

At what point?
I'm 20 minutes in and havent seen that yet.

He said it around the beginning after they argued about Trump lying about taking Covid tests and that he lied and said he had a negative Covid test before the last debate. He said "I do it so often I don't remember..."

Thats your bitch? :cuckoo:
Talk about a hostile interviewer!!!!
Note how the "audience" questions are all written on the same kind of reference cards. This whole charade is scripted by NBC (National Bullshit Corporation).

The audience question is spouted, then Savannah takes over the debate.

LOL...I was thinking the exact same thing!!!

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