"Transgender" Target Stores: Prepare To Be Sued.

Men in the women's bathroom at Target = plummeting share values and possible bankruptcy for Target within the next 5 years. Handle your stocks accordingly. Enjoy the empty aisles in the mean time... :popcorn:


Considering your track record for accuracy in your predictions, I'm half tempted to invest some money in Target.
Here's how it will unfold: Local news article "woman alarmed when she encounters man in a Target restroom locally". Result, no matter what the bleeding heart tranny spin on that article will be... = drastically less women shopping at Target. You can hang your hat on that.

Silent protests kill... Sell those shares folks...sell sell SELL! While there's still time..

They might as well post a huge billboard outside the front doors of Targets everywhere:

You welcome Peeping Tom Lurkers.
Men in the women's bathroom at Target = plummeting share values and possible bankruptcy for Target within the next 5 years. Handle your stocks accordingly. Enjoy the empty aisles in the mean time... :popcorn:


Considering your track record for accuracy in your predictions, I'm half tempted to invest some money in Target.
Knock yourself out. With your track record on insulting, I'd heartily encourage you to invest in Target at this point...lol...

^Imagine the nightmares our adolescents are going to have sharing the public restroom with it^

I suspect Walmart is very happy with this bizarre Target decision. Many loyal Target customers are gonna flock to Walmart. Most just don't like the idea of weird dudes hangin in the ladies room. I'm sure Target thinks this is a great PC publicity stunt, but i think it's gonna lose some valuable customers.

^Imagine the nightmares our adolescents are going to have sharing the public restroom with it^

So...what laws are you putting forth to prevent that person from using the Public Restroom?
It Can't happen... It Will soon be the law of the land for adolescents to share the toilet with it... Live with it. Lol

^Imagine the nightmares our adolescents are going to have sharing the public restroom with it^


So is this the weirdo who's becoming a Dragon? The ears and nose chopped off, WTF? This person certainly has psychological issues, nobody can look at this and think he's not messed-up in the membrane.

^Imagine the nightmares our adolescents are going to have sharing the public restroom with it^

So...what laws are you putting forth to prevent that person from using the Public Restroom?
It Can't happen... It Will soon be the law of the land for adolescents to share the toilet with it... Live with it. Lol
Are you saying that as of this moment, that person cannot go to a public restroom? Show me the law.

^Imagine the nightmares our adolescents are going to have sharing the public restroom with it^

So...what laws are you putting forth to prevent that person from using the Public Restroom?

Would you say this person is normal or would you say this person has very serious psychological issues? Should this person be on the streets or should this person be in a psychological unit getting help with their illness?
HUH, I just did a remodel, not nearly to the extent that would have been required to do what you would need.

1. Walls are far more expensive then stalls

2. Each private stall requires independent ventilation as well as fire sprinkler coverage.

These are not cheap by any stretch of the imagination.
All stalls are private.
Problem solved.

Billions spent on >1% of the population when zero is required if you simply go to the room appropriate
False! Maintenance and materials (toilet paper soap towels cleaning products are from 30 to 50% of the budget.
Far from zero .
A swing and a miss.

You're an emotional idiot. 95% or more bathroom stalls do do qualify as private
If one makes it their business to look over or under or between the gaps.......that would make them a Peeping Tom. Interesting trade off.

Put one of those doors in your home yet?

Didn't think so

^Imagine the nightmares our adolescents are going to have sharing the public restroom with it^

So...what laws are you putting forth to prevent that person from using the Public Restroom?

Would you say this person is normal or would you say this person has very serious psychological issues? Should this person be on the streets or should this person be in a psychological unit getting help with their illness?

Are you under the impression that the only possible categories are "normal" and "mentally ill"?

The world is that black and white to you?
Isn't that the problem.

Should a woman have the right to know? I would think that's a slam dunk.
Ah...so you are suggesting that women in the restroom "have the right to know" the actual naughty parts of everyone else in the restroom with them.

Well, that's an Interesting concept.

When only women populate the room, the naughty bits are known

But you're an idiot, so there's that
Really ? You know this how?

I've been with women.

You should try it some time. It might help your idiocy.....


Well it's fun even though I doubt it would help your idiocy
Fascinating....and congratulations. Tho not quite understanding why you need to announce it......as if we won't believe you have unless you tell us you have.

I clearly explained the question.

You have severe issues

^Imagine the nightmares our adolescents are going to have sharing the public restroom with it^

So...what laws are you putting forth to prevent that person from using the Public Restroom?
It Can't happen... It Will soon be the law of the land for adolescents to share the toilet with it... Live with it. Lol
Are you saying that as of this moment, that person cannot go to a public restroom? Show me the law.
No, I am saying all adolescents will be forced to share a public toilet with it. Lol
It's a desperate PC publicity stunt. Target will lose more customers to Walmart as a result. Bet on it.

^Imagine the nightmares our adolescents are going to have sharing the public restroom with it^

So...what laws are you putting forth to prevent that person from using the Public Restroom?

Would you say this person is normal or would you say this person has very serious psychological issues? Should this person be on the streets or should this person be in a psychological unit getting help with their illness?

Are you under the impression that the only possible categories are "normal" and "mentally ill"?

The world is that black and white to you?

Of course not.

However look at the person in that picture, he wants to become a Dragon, he's had his ears and nose chopped off....would you call this in any way a normal thing to do, is this something that psychologically healthy people do?

^Imagine the nightmares our adolescents are going to have sharing the public restroom with it^

So...what laws are you putting forth to prevent that person from using the Public Restroom?

Would you say this person is normal or would you say this person has very serious psychological issues? Should this person be on the streets or should this person be in a psychological unit getting help with their illness?

Are you under the impression that the only possible categories are "normal" and "mentally ill"?

The world is that black and white to you?

Of course not.

However look at the person in that picture, he wants to become a Dragon, he's had his ears and nose chopped off....would you call this in any way a normal thing to do, is this something that psychologically healthy people do?
In the world of political correctness everything is acceptable except for Christianity...

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