Transgenderism is child abuse

Transgenderism: Dangerous Child Abuse -

The “transgender” mental illness currently favored by the establishment and pushed by the controlled media is exceptionally dangerous for children, is child abuse, and must be stopped, the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) has announced.

No shit! Just part of cultural marxists goal of destroying a sane society.

'American College of Pediatricians'- and who are they?

The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a socially conservative association of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States. The College was founded in 2002 by a group of pediatricians including Joseph Zanga, a past president of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), as a protest against the AAP's support for adoption by gay couples.[1][2] The group's membership has been estimated at between 60 and 200 members.

So who really represents most American Pediatricians?

The American Academy of Pediatricians- The academy was founded in 1930 by 35 pediatricians to address pediatric healthcare standards.[2] It has 62,000 members in primary care and sub-specialist areas.[3] Qualified pediatricians can become fellows.

That is right- it has about 61,000 more members than the little ACP

And what is the consensus position?

Transgender Preadolescents Have Good Mental Health Outcomes After Transitioning Gender Identities

Transgender Preadolescents Have Good Mental Health Outcomes After Transitioning Gender Identities

I swear...

I say if they are over 18 and living on their own from their parents house then let the individual do what they want.

If a parent or couple want to let their kid be a cross dressing individual, then so be it.

If someone is gay and they believe they look and feel better as a woman or a woman wanting to be a man, then that is their life and not mine.

I have more important things to worry about than if the female next to me has a longer penis than me or if someone is allowing their son to wear girl skirts or if someone is allowing their daughter to wear pants.

I know many will cling to their Bible, and I know I am going straight to hell if I am not there already, but really the ACP is no one I would listen to and they are just a Social Conservative Anti-Gay group that voices their opinion but has very little sway in general society...

Now I know many of you will disagree with my stance and so be it but you will not sway me to change my mind either, so thank you for reading and I am gone... ( poof )
Prove it. Prove that the parents put it into their heads.

Try reading some actual accounts from these children and parents.

Born this way: Stories of young transgender children

Would you rather have a dead son or a live daughter?

You tell me how say a 6 year-old boy decides that he should be a girl? The actual accounts from the children and parents, as I said WHO is putting the FIRST thought into the childrens minds? Are you trying to say that young children think this up themselves.

Dead son or live daughter? What and then potentially have to have to deal with their psychological problems, also there's a high rate of suicidal tendencies amongst those who've already Transgendered.

Indeed. I want to know how a boy or girl, at the early age of 3-6 years old knows these things? Hell, they can barely tie their own damned shoes. Gee, I "wonder" how they learn this crap? Hmmmmm.....

Bet you a wooden nickel that it's one of their hippie parents, or a fag parent, or a fag kindergarten teacher, you think?
Nope, not according to the kids. As young as two they will start playing with what's for the opposite sex, and not let go, most times.

That doesn't make you male or female....
So, what does, Brian?

Penis or vagina.
Hmmmm, lots of transgendered kids kill themselves because they feel they cannot live how they were born. I think I'd rather my kids were alive, happy and living the way THEY want to.

Who puts it into childrens heads that they were born in wrong gender? Adults that's who, for younger children, adult's in the home ie. parents, so yes child abuse.

Prove it. Prove that the parents put it into their heads.

Try reading some actual accounts from these children and parents.

Born this way: Stories of young transgender children

Would you rather have a dead son or a live daughter?

You tell me how say a 6 year-old boy decides that he should be a girl? The actual accounts from the children and parents, as I said WHO is putting the FIRST thought into the childrens minds? Are you trying to say that young children think this up themselves.

Dead son or live daughter? What and then potentially have to have to deal with their psychological problems, also there's a high rate of suicidal tendencies amongst those who've already Transgendered.

Indeed. I want to know how a boy or girl, at the early age of 3-6 years old knows these things? Hell, they can barely tie their own damned shoes. Gee, I "wonder" how they learn this crap? Hmmmmm.....

Bet you a wooden nickel that it's one of their hippie parents, or a fag parent, or a fag kindergarten teacher, you think?

If say a girl likes playing with boys toys, this has always been called being a Leftists would say to get the girl to the hospital and create a fake penis for her because obviously she actually MUST have been mentally "born male".

They put these kids on hormone pills also, it's the ultimate in child abuse. If you put a 10 year-old on hormone pills, what happens when they get to say 16 years-old and decide they WERE afterall born in the correct at 16 they've made a decision, but at age 10 the decision was made FOR them.

You then have situation of a completely messed up 16 year-old, you then somehow have to reverse all the stuff that the hormone pills have done to them.

All these people championing Transgendering children, in my opinion, they all need rounding up and being locked away and the key throwing away, they should never be allowed to be on the loose in any society again.

Nothing says 'Proud Conservative' like saying you want to lock up those who say things you disapprove of.
If a 4 year old says "biology got it wrong", their parents should be arrested and sterilized.

I agree and also all of these children need taking out of these destructive households and either adopted or fostered by normal families.
Prove it. Prove that the parents put it into their heads.

Try reading some actual accounts from these children and parents.

Born this way: Stories of young transgender children

Would you rather have a dead son or a live daughter?

You tell me how say a 6 year-old boy decides that he should be a girl? The actual accounts from the children and parents, as I said WHO is putting the FIRST thought into the childrens minds? Are you trying to say that young children think this up themselves.

Dead son or live daughter? What and then potentially have to have to deal with their psychological problems, also there's a high rate of suicidal tendencies amongst those who've already Transgendered.

Indeed. I want to know how a boy or girl, at the early age of 3-6 years old knows these things? Hell, they can barely tie their own damned shoes. Gee, I "wonder" how they learn this crap? Hmmmmm.....

Bet you a wooden nickel that it's one of their hippie parents, or a fag parent, or a fag kindergarten teacher, you think?
Nope, not according to the kids. As young as two they will start playing with what's for the opposite sex, and not let go, most times.

That doesn't make you male or female....
So, what does, Brian?

Name that gender, she's also XY and has always looked female, the human default sex.

A face? Ha
You tell me how say a 6 year-old boy decides that he should be a girl? The actual accounts from the children and parents, as I said WHO is putting the FIRST thought into the childrens minds? Are you trying to say that young children think this up themselves.

Dead son or live daughter? What and then potentially have to have to deal with their psychological problems, also there's a high rate of suicidal tendencies amongst those who've already Transgendered.

Indeed. I want to know how a boy or girl, at the early age of 3-6 years old knows these things? Hell, they can barely tie their own damned shoes. Gee, I "wonder" how they learn this crap? Hmmmmm.....

Bet you a wooden nickel that it's one of their hippie parents, or a fag parent, or a fag kindergarten teacher, you think?
Nope, not according to the kids. As young as two they will start playing with what's for the opposite sex, and not let go, most times.

That doesn't make you male or female....
So, what does, Brian?

Penis or vagina.
So, the XY above is female, and XX males are males, so everyone just needs to drop their underpants then, which covers most except it can't cover these people: What is intersex? | Intersex Society of North America

Now what? Seems God doesn't just believe in tabs or slots eh?
You tell me how say a 6 year-old boy decides that he should be a girl? The actual accounts from the children and parents, as I said WHO is putting the FIRST thought into the childrens minds? Are you trying to say that young children think this up themselves.

Dead son or live daughter? What and then potentially have to have to deal with their psychological problems, also there's a high rate of suicidal tendencies amongst those who've already Transgendered.

Indeed. I want to know how a boy or girl, at the early age of 3-6 years old knows these things? Hell, they can barely tie their own damned shoes. Gee, I "wonder" how they learn this crap? Hmmmmm.....

Bet you a wooden nickel that it's one of their hippie parents, or a fag parent, or a fag kindergarten teacher, you think?
Nope, not according to the kids. As young as two they will start playing with what's for the opposite sex, and not let go, most times.

That doesn't make you male or female....
So, what does, Brian?

Penis or vagina.

Yes, what can't they understand? It's fairly straight-forward.
Hermaphrodites have absolutely NO relation to transgenders. One is a mental abnormality, one is a physical abnormality.
Hmmmm, lots of transgendered kids kill themselves because they feel they cannot live how they were born. I think I'd rather my kids were alive, happy and living the way THEY want to.

Who puts it into childrens heads that they were born in wrong gender? Adults that's who, for younger children, adult's in the home ie. parents, so yes child abuse.

Prove it. Prove that the parents put it into their heads.

Try reading some actual accounts from these children and parents.

Born this way: Stories of young transgender children

Would you rather have a dead son or a live daughter?

You tell me how say a 6 year-old boy decides that he should be a girl? The actual accounts from the children and parents, as I said WHO is putting the FIRST thought into the childrens minds? Are you trying to say that young children think this up themselves.

Dead son or live daughter? What and then potentially have to have to deal with their psychological problems, also there's a high rate of suicidal tendencies amongst those who've already Transgendered.

Once these poor disturbed people realize they will never be what they want to be they commit suicide. When the movie Avatar came out there was a spike in suicides when people realized they would never live on Pandora. What should be done with the woman who believes herself to be a cat? She wants to shit in a ,litter box, Live cat or dead daughter.

Correct. Angst filled teenagers kill themselves constantly. Have been doing that for the last 100 years (or longer) some dumbass kids nay very well be pre-disposed to that. A cry for Mommy's or Daddy's "attention". Spoiled assed rotten. Hell, I don't know, and truthfully, who cares?

I remember a kid in high school who blew his brains out with daddy's 12 gauge. Terrible thing. But 50 years later, I STILL don't give a damn.

I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me, a 72 year old man, how the hell a child, who knows jack shit about the world, know enough about physiology to make a "decision" about his/her body that will have an adverse affect on him/her for the rest of their lives - unless it is a parent, relative or other adult filling that babies head with bullshit?
You tell me how say a 6 year-old boy decides that he should be a girl? The actual accounts from the children and parents, as I said WHO is putting the FIRST thought into the childrens minds? Are you trying to say that young children think this up themselves.

Dead son or live daughter? What and then potentially have to have to deal with their psychological problems, also there's a high rate of suicidal tendencies amongst those who've already Transgendered.

Indeed. I want to know how a boy or girl, at the early age of 3-6 years old knows these things? Hell, they can barely tie their own damned shoes. Gee, I "wonder" how they learn this crap? Hmmmmm.....

Bet you a wooden nickel that it's one of their hippie parents, or a fag parent, or a fag kindergarten teacher, you think?
Nope, not according to the kids. As young as two they will start playing with what's for the opposite sex, and not let go, most times.

That doesn't make you male or female....
So, what does, Brian?

Name that gender, she's also XY and has always looked female, the human default sex.

A face? Ha
Should be all you need but let's put it this way, when naked she's on the right..
Hermaphrodites have absolutely NO relation to transgenders. One is a mental abnormality, one is a physical abnormality.

Indeed. One has no correlation to the other. One is a medical condition, the other a problem with society, or a mental illness.
Indeed. I want to know how a boy or girl, at the early age of 3-6 years old knows these things? Hell, they can barely tie their own damned shoes. Gee, I "wonder" how they learn this crap? Hmmmmm.....

Bet you a wooden nickel that it's one of their hippie parents, or a fag parent, or a fag kindergarten teacher, you think?
Nope, not according to the kids. As young as two they will start playing with what's for the opposite sex, and not let go, most times.

That doesn't make you male or female....
So, what does, Brian?

Penis or vagina.
So, the XY above is female, and XX males are males, so everyone just needs to drop their underpants then, which covers most except it can't cover these people: What is intersex? | Intersex Society of North America

Now what? Seems God doesn't just believe in tabs or slots eh?

And that is the case with how many transgender children?
Nope, not according to the kids. As young as two they will start playing with what's for the opposite sex, and not let go, most times.

That doesn't make you male or female....
So, what does, Brian?

Penis or vagina.
So, the XY above is female, and XX males are males, so everyone just needs to drop their underpants then, which covers most except it can't cover these people: What is intersex? | Intersex Society of North America

Now what? Seems God doesn't just believe in tabs or slots eh?

And that is the case with how many transgender children?
Many actually. There are more than two sexes, and many more genders.
Indeed. I want to know how a boy or girl, at the early age of 3-6 years old knows these things? Hell, they can barely tie their own damned shoes. Gee, I "wonder" how they learn this crap? Hmmmmm.....

Bet you a wooden nickel that it's one of their hippie parents, or a fag parent, or a fag kindergarten teacher, you think?
Nope, not according to the kids. As young as two they will start playing with what's for the opposite sex, and not let go, most times.

That doesn't make you male or female....
So, what does, Brian?

Name that gender, she's also XY and has always looked female, the human default sex.

A face? Ha
Should be all you need but let's put it this way, when naked she's on the right..

So what is the issue then?
It amazes me how people want to argue about this and don't know the difference between social concepts, biology and mental/physical conditions

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