Trouble brewing...

Let's hope this is wrong, but what if it is right?

For all the linear thinking people out there, do you need any more proof of the cyclical nature of history than the last two weeks? Politicians being assassinated in Britain. Then the people of Britain shocking the world by telling the politicians, EU bureaucrats, and central bankers to fuck off. Markets in turmoil. Currencies in turmoil.

Then the rule of law is completely trashed by the FBI, DOJ and the rest of the corrupt establishment running this country. Hillary Clinton commits multiple crimes, lies under oath, and skates away free to become the next president of the United States. If ever rational thinking people needed more proof the system is rigged, they got it this week. The simmering anger among the hoi poloi is palpable.

Then two police shootings of black men in the U.S. Obama doing his absolute best to fan the flames of racial discontent. And now the blowback of black terrorists slaughtering police in Dallas. There is nothing or no one who will keep this from intensifying.

As I’ve said hundreds of times over the last few years, Fourth Turnings DO NOT de-escalate or de-intensify. They build to a crescendo of violence, bloodshed, and war. The world is a powder keg and we are on the verge of a civil war, monetary war, cyber war, and eventually world war.

We can all go about our lives like everything will resolve itself peacefully. We can believe the establishment that everything is just fine. We can pretend the coming storms can be avoided. That’s delusional thinking. There are ten years left in this Fourth Turning. If you think the first eight years weren’t so hot, you haven’t seen anything yet. The two presidential candidates are lightning rods.

I wonder if Obama will call this domestic terrorism. Knowing what a lowlife race baiter he is, he’ll try to blame the NRA, Trump, and guns for this slaughter. I think I’ll take a safer route to my job this morning.

Government and politicians really suck!!! They are about to once again, get a lot of people killed and cause terrible suffering. Oh well...the human condition.

Look in the mirror and you'll see the genesis of racial discontent. When then senator Obama was nominated, actually even before, the racists came out of the closet attacking him as not black enough and when that didn't catch fire, as ineligible for the Office of POTUS, then calling him a racist (a typical and all too common response by the new iteration of conservative, labeling others of acting as they do).

Today's conservatives use rhetoric framed by lies of omission and commission, half-truths, rumor, hate and fear mongering, innuendos and character assassination - all of which are the tools - seemingly the only tools - in the toolbox of the New Right, the 21st Century iteration of conservatism.

Reagan, Goldwater and Buckley must be spinning in their graves every time Trump, Ryan and McConnell, et al open their mouth, and speak for them or about conservative principles (what a laugh, conservative principles are one: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you)!

There is no greater dishonesty than those who point fingers at others while doing exactly what they claim to abhor, those who rewrite history & those who echo such bullshit, and especially those who claim to be patriots and Christians with their lips, but trod on our flag and the cross of Jesus with their feet.
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The race war began 160+ years ago. The first few years were a shadow war by Abolitionists until it ballooned into the War of Northern Aggression. Afterwards it went underground, or into a "cold war" status for 150 years. Now it looks like we are headed back to a shooting war.
You forgot to add that the blatant racism of a few decades ago has disappeared, just as most concealed racism has too. Blacks hold positions of power, authority, and fame throughout our society (we even have a black POTUS, AG, congressmen, mayors, police chiefs, etc.), all unheard of just a few decades ago.

Apparently all this improvement is still not good enough.

It seems some in our society, want a return to the racial conflict of the 1960s. I wonder why.

Two points:

Affirmative Action opened the door (Consent Decrees removed the door) and that is why women and people of color have been able to compete on a level playing field, secure leadership opportunities, be elected to office and enjoy the freedoms Jefferson outlined for We the People in the Dec. of Independence.


That is why the Republican Party has attempted to suppress the voting Rights of our citizens, attracting the Racist and bigoted minority into their (self proclaimed to vigorous laughter) Big Tent.
Let's hope this is wrong, but what if it is right?

For all the linear thinking people out there, do you need any more proof of the cyclical nature of history than the last two weeks? Politicians being assassinated in Britain. Then the people of Britain shocking the world by telling the politicians, EU bureaucrats, and central bankers to fuck off. Markets in turmoil. Currencies in turmoil.

Then the rule of law is completely trashed by the FBI, DOJ and the rest of the corrupt establishment running this country. Hillary Clinton commits multiple crimes, lies under oath, and skates away free to become the next president of the United States. If ever rational thinking people needed more proof the system is rigged, they got it this week. The simmering anger among the hoi poloi is palpable.

Then two police shootings of black men in the U.S. Obama doing his absolute best to fan the flames of racial discontent. And now the blowback of black terrorists slaughtering police in Dallas. There is nothing or no one who will keep this from intensifying.

As I’ve said hundreds of times over the last few years, Fourth Turnings DO NOT de-escalate or de-intensify. They build to a crescendo of violence, bloodshed, and war. The world is a powder keg and we are on the verge of a civil war, monetary war, cyber war, and eventually world war.

We can all go about our lives like everything will resolve itself peacefully. We can believe the establishment that everything is just fine. We can pretend the coming storms can be avoided. That’s delusional thinking. There are ten years left in this Fourth Turning. If you think the first eight years weren’t so hot, you haven’t seen anything yet. The two presidential candidates are lightning rods.

I wonder if Obama will call this domestic terrorism. Knowing what a lowlife race baiter he is, he’ll try to blame the NRA, Trump, and guns for this slaughter. I think I’ll take a safer route to my job this morning.

Government and politicians really suck!!! They are about to once again, get a lot of people killed and cause terrible suffering. Oh well...the human condition.

Look in the mirror and you'll see the genesis of racial discontent. When then senator Obama was nominated, actually even before, the racists came out of the closet attacking him as not black enough and when that didn't catch fire, as ineligible for the Office of POTUS, then calling him a racist (a typical and all too common response by the new iteration of conservative, labeling others of acting as they do).

Today's conservatives use rhetoric framed by lies of omission and commission, half-truths, rumor, hate and fear mongering, innuendos and character assassination - all of which are the tools - seemingly the only tools - in the toolbox of the New Right, the 21st Century iteration of conservatism.

Reagan, Goldwater and Buckley must be spinning in their graves every time Trump, Ryan and McConnell, et al open their mouth, and speak for them or about conservative principles (what a laugh, conservative principles are one: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you)!

There is no greater dishonesty than those who point fingers at others while doing exactly what they claim to abhor, those who rewrite history & those who echo such bullshit, and especially those who claim to be patriots and Christians with their lips, but trod on our flag and the cross of Jesus with their feet.
You are delusional, Barry is not a savior of any type.
The hildabeast is just another irreversibly corrupt progressive career politician.
Just like Barry now, she will only represent those who voted for her if she is to win the presidential election...
The race war began 160+ years ago. The first few years were a shadow war by Abolitionists until it ballooned into the War of Northern Aggression. Afterwards it went underground, or into a "cold war" status for 150 years. Now it looks like we are headed back to a shooting war.
You forgot to add that the blatant racism of a few decades ago has disappeared, just as most concealed racism has too. Blacks hold positions of power, authority, and fame throughout our society (we even have a black POTUS, AG, congressmen, mayors, police chiefs, etc.), all unheard of just a few decades ago.

Apparently all this improvement is still not good enough.

It seems some in our society, want a return to the racial conflict of the 1960s. I wonder why.

Two points:

Affirmative Action opened the door (Consent Decrees removed the door) and that is why women and people of color have been able to compete on a level playing field, secure leadership opportunities, be elected to office and enjoy the freedoms Jefferson outlined for We the People in the Dec. of Independence.


That is why the Republican Party has attempted to suppress the voting Rights of our citizens, attracting the Racist and bigoted minority into their (self proclaimed to vigorous laughter) Big Tent.
Shit for brains, affirmative action is a curse to all minorities everywhere I would know...
Take your shit eating head out of your fucking ass, you fucking moron… LOL
The race war began 160+ years ago. The first few years were a shadow war by Abolitionists until it ballooned into the War of Northern Aggression. Afterwards it went underground, or into a "cold war" status for 150 years. Now it looks like we are headed back to a shooting war.
You forgot to add that the blatant racism of a few decades ago has disappeared, just as most concealed racism has too. Blacks hold positions of power, authority, and fame throughout our society (we even have a black POTUS, AG, congressmen, mayors, police chiefs, etc.), all unheard of just a few decades ago.

Apparently all this improvement is still not good enough.

It seems some in our society, want a return to the racial conflict of the 1960s. I wonder why.

Two points:

Affirmative Action opened the door (Consent Decrees removed the door) and that is why women and people of color have been able to compete on a level playing field, secure leadership opportunities, be elected to office and enjoy the freedoms Jefferson outlined for We the People in the Dec. of Independence.


That is why the Republican Party has attempted to suppress the voting Rights of our citizens, attracting the Racist and bigoted minority into their (self proclaimed to vigorous laughter) Big Tent.
Shit for brains, affirmative action is a curse to all minorities everywhere I would know...
Take your shit eating head out of your fucking ass, you fucking moron… LOL

To bad you don't have the balls to speak to someone face to face as you do while hiding behind your keyboard. Only cowards act in the manner (w/o manners) that you do, as well as unsocialized teenagers who usually run home with a shiner.
The race war began 160+ years ago. The first few years were a shadow war by Abolitionists until it ballooned into the War of Northern Aggression. Afterwards it went underground, or into a "cold war" status for 150 years. Now it looks like we are headed back to a shooting war.
You forgot to add that the blatant racism of a few decades ago has disappeared, just as most concealed racism has too. Blacks hold positions of power, authority, and fame throughout our society (we even have a black POTUS, AG, congressmen, mayors, police chiefs, etc.), all unheard of just a few decades ago.

Apparently all this improvement is still not good enough.

It seems some in our society, want a return to the racial conflict of the 1960s. I wonder why.

Two points:

Affirmative Action opened the door (Consent Decrees removed the door) and that is why women and people of color have been able to compete on a level playing field, secure leadership opportunities, be elected to office and enjoy the freedoms Jefferson outlined for We the People in the Dec. of Independence.


That is why the Republican Party has attempted to suppress the voting Rights of our citizens, attracting the Racist and bigoted minority into their (self proclaimed to vigorous laughter) Big Tent.
Shit for brains, affirmative action is a curse to all minorities everywhere I would know...
Take your shit eating head out of your fucking ass, you fucking moron… LOL

To bad you don't have the balls to speak to someone face to face as you do while hiding behind your keyboard. Only cowards act in the manner (w/o manners) that you do, as well as unsocialized teenagers who usually run home with a shiner.
Go hide...
gipper's "just as most concealed racism has too" disappeared will be the biggest lie of the month.

So you are racist as well as politically deranged.
Yep...I am a racist. :ahole-1:
And you are stupid too.

Racism, you goon, is out in the open now much more than before, which is good. It will be crushed.
That post proves once again how ignorant you are. We don't have whites only drinking fountains, restaurants, bathrooms. Blacks are not excluded from schools and colleges...from playing college sports. The D party no longer prevents them from voting or riding in the back of the bus.

Jake you need to learn history and stop watching MSLSD...its making you even more stupid.
gipper's "just as most concealed racism has too" disappeared will be the biggest lie of the month.

So you are racist as well as politically deranged.
Yep...I am a racist. :ahole-1:
And you are stupid too.

Racism, you goon, is out in the open now much more than before, which is good. It will be crushed.
That post proves once again how ignorant you are. We don't have whites only drinking fountains, restaurants, bathrooms. Blacks are not excluded from schools and colleges...from playing college sports. The D party no longer prevents them from voting or riding in the back of the bus. Jake you need to learn history and stop watching MSLSD...its making you even more stupid.
The Dem party broke the back of racism in the South, forcing the GOP to come along.

Continue to deny that you are aiding racism, continue to politically fail.
Clueless obummer said he can't for the life of him figure out what the shooter's motive was. Asswipe, you ears are big enough why don't you use them to listen?
Let's hope this is wrong, but what if it is right?

For all the linear thinking people out there, do you need any more proof of the cyclical nature of history than the last two weeks? Politicians being assassinated in Britain. Then the people of Britain shocking the world by telling the politicians, EU bureaucrats, and central bankers to fuck off. Markets in turmoil. Currencies in turmoil.

Then the rule of law is completely trashed by the FBI, DOJ and the rest of the corrupt establishment running this country. Hillary Clinton commits multiple crimes, lies under oath, and skates away free to become the next president of the United States. If ever rational thinking people needed more proof the system is rigged, they got it this week. The simmering anger among the hoi poloi is palpable.

Then two police shootings of black men in the U.S. Obama doing his absolute best to fan the flames of racial discontent. And now the blowback of black terrorists slaughtering police in Dallas. There is nothing or no one who will keep this from intensifying.

As I’ve said hundreds of times over the last few years, Fourth Turnings DO NOT de-escalate or de-intensify. They build to a crescendo of violence, bloodshed, and war. The world is a powder keg and we are on the verge of a civil war, monetary war, cyber war, and eventually world war.

We can all go about our lives like everything will resolve itself peacefully. We can believe the establishment that everything is just fine. We can pretend the coming storms can be avoided. That’s delusional thinking. There are ten years left in this Fourth Turning. If you think the first eight years weren’t so hot, you haven’t seen anything yet. The two presidential candidates are lightning rods.

I wonder if Obama will call this domestic terrorism. Knowing what a lowlife race baiter he is, he’ll try to blame the NRA, Trump, and guns for this slaughter. I think I’ll take a safer route to my job this morning.

Government and politicians really suck!!! They are about to once again, get a lot of people killed and cause terrible suffering. Oh well...the human condition.
I am no liberal, so don't take this wrong. You are part of the problem here. Playing into hysteria and hate. I can only speak for myself, I am so heartsick about this stuff, we all have to look into our hearts and be more aware of ALL the facts, and be forgiving. Perhaps this is the beginning of a new cultural awareness. We can only hope.
It can only be a new beginning if all of us work towards it instead of playing politics.
Let's hope this is wrong, but what if it is right?

For all the linear thinking people out there, do you need any more proof of the cyclical nature of history than the last two weeks? Politicians being assassinated in Britain. Then the people of Britain shocking the world by telling the politicians, EU bureaucrats, and central bankers to fuck off. Markets in turmoil. Currencies in turmoil.

Then the rule of law is completely trashed by the FBI, DOJ and the rest of the corrupt establishment running this country. Hillary Clinton commits multiple crimes, lies under oath, and skates away free to become the next president of the United States. If ever rational thinking people needed more proof the system is rigged, they got it this week. The simmering anger among the hoi poloi is palpable.

Then two police shootings of black men in the U.S. Obama doing his absolute best to fan the flames of racial discontent. And now the blowback of black terrorists slaughtering police in Dallas. There is nothing or no one who will keep this from intensifying.

As I’ve said hundreds of times over the last few years, Fourth Turnings DO NOT de-escalate or de-intensify. They build to a crescendo of violence, bloodshed, and war. The world is a powder keg and we are on the verge of a civil war, monetary war, cyber war, and eventually world war.

We can all go about our lives like everything will resolve itself peacefully. We can believe the establishment that everything is just fine. We can pretend the coming storms can be avoided. That’s delusional thinking. There are ten years left in this Fourth Turning. If you think the first eight years weren’t so hot, you haven’t seen anything yet. The two presidential candidates are lightning rods.

I wonder if Obama will call this domestic terrorism. Knowing what a lowlife race baiter he is, he’ll try to blame the NRA, Trump, and guns for this slaughter. I think I’ll take a safer route to my job this morning.

Government and politicians really suck!!! They are about to once again, get a lot of people killed and cause terrible suffering. Oh well...the human condition.
It was the GF b!tch of the Minnesota suspect shot by the Latino cop who started this race war.

The cop was reacting to the movement of the suspect who had a gun.

When a police officer tells you don't move, you should not move. Especially IF you HAVE a gun.

Officer who shot Minnesota man reacted to gun, not race, lawyer says | Fox News
The race war began 160+ years ago. The first few years were a shadow war by Abolitionists until it ballooned into the War of Northern Aggression. Afterwards it went underground, or into a "cold war" status for 150 years. Now it looks like we are headed back to a shooting war.
Since you were not there when it all happened 160+ years ago, what are your sources ??

I'll give you a better source.

Read "Personal Memoirs" by Gen./Pres. Hyrum Ulysses "U.S." Grant (Barnes & Noble Books, 2003/1885).

Grant says is was Southern aggression that forced the Fugitive Slave Law on the North forcing the North to become the Southerners slave hunters against the North's will. Then with Abe Lincoln's election the South went into full rebellion.

In other words you are a fokking lying rebel.
gipper's "just as most concealed racism has too" disappeared will be the biggest lie of the month.

So you are racist as well as politically deranged.
Yep...I am a racist. :ahole-1:
And you are stupid too.

Racism, you goon, is out in the open now much more than before, which is good. It will be crushed.
That post proves once again how ignorant you are. We don't have whites only drinking fountains, restaurants, bathrooms. Blacks are not excluded from schools and colleges...from playing college sports. The D party no longer prevents them from voting or riding in the back of the bus.

Jake you need to learn history and stop watching MSLSD...its making you even more stupid.

.its making you even more stupid

which is hard to believe

if it wasn't so glaringly obvious on this site
Let's hope this is wrong, but what if it is right?

For all the linear thinking people out there, do you need any more proof of the cyclical nature of history than the last two weeks? Politicians being assassinated in Britain. Then the people of Britain shocking the world by telling the politicians, EU bureaucrats, and central bankers to fuck off. Markets in turmoil. Currencies in turmoil.

Then the rule of law is completely trashed by the FBI, DOJ and the rest of the corrupt establishment running this country. Hillary Clinton commits multiple crimes, lies under oath, and skates away free to become the next president of the United States. If ever rational thinking people needed more proof the system is rigged, they got it this week. The simmering anger among the hoi poloi is palpable.

Then two police shootings of black men in the U.S. Obama doing his absolute best to fan the flames of racial discontent. And now the blowback of black terrorists slaughtering police in Dallas. There is nothing or no one who will keep this from intensifying.

As I’ve said hundreds of times over the last few years, Fourth Turnings DO NOT de-escalate or de-intensify. They build to a crescendo of violence, bloodshed, and war. The world is a powder keg and we are on the verge of a civil war, monetary war, cyber war, and eventually world war.

We can all go about our lives like everything will resolve itself peacefully. We can believe the establishment that everything is just fine. We can pretend the coming storms can be avoided. That’s delusional thinking. There are ten years left in this Fourth Turning. If you think the first eight years weren’t so hot, you haven’t seen anything yet. The two presidential candidates are lightning rods.

I wonder if Obama will call this domestic terrorism. Knowing what a lowlife race baiter he is, he’ll try to blame the NRA, Trump, and guns for this slaughter. I think I’ll take a safer route to my job this morning.

Government and politicians really suck!!! They are about to once again, get a lot of people killed and cause terrible suffering. Oh well...the human condition.
It was the GF b!tch of the Minnesota suspect shot by the Latino cop who started this race war.

The cop was reacting to the movement of the suspect who had a gun.

When a police officer tells you don't move, you should not move. Especially IF you HAVE a gun.

Officer who shot Minnesota man reacted to gun, not race, lawyer says | Fox News

the girlfriend got it right

she kept her hands still
Jake you need to learn history and stop watching MSLSD...its making you even more stupid.

Heavy on the LSD part...
According to Jake, conditions in American today for blacks is worse than in 1950. He claims racism is out in the open...he must be getting this from the left media and the D party. Another effort to keep dummies voting D, yet it is clearly transparent, but Jake isn't smart enough to see it.
Let's hope this is wrong, but what if it is right?

For all the linear thinking people out there, do you need any more proof of the cyclical nature of history than the last two weeks? Politicians being assassinated in Britain. Then the people of Britain shocking the world by telling the politicians, EU bureaucrats, and central bankers to fuck off. Markets in turmoil. Currencies in turmoil.

Then the rule of law is completely trashed by the FBI, DOJ and the rest of the corrupt establishment running this country. Hillary Clinton commits multiple crimes, lies under oath, and skates away free to become the next president of the United States. If ever rational thinking people needed more proof the system is rigged, they got it this week. The simmering anger among the hoi poloi is palpable.

Then two police shootings of black men in the U.S. Obama doing his absolute best to fan the flames of racial discontent. And now the blowback of black terrorists slaughtering police in Dallas. There is nothing or no one who will keep this from intensifying.

As I’ve said hundreds of times over the last few years, Fourth Turnings DO NOT de-escalate or de-intensify. They build to a crescendo of violence, bloodshed, and war. The world is a powder keg and we are on the verge of a civil war, monetary war, cyber war, and eventually world war.

We can all go about our lives like everything will resolve itself peacefully. We can believe the establishment that everything is just fine. We can pretend the coming storms can be avoided. That’s delusional thinking. There are ten years left in this Fourth Turning. If you think the first eight years weren’t so hot, you haven’t seen anything yet. The two presidential candidates are lightning rods.

I wonder if Obama will call this domestic terrorism. Knowing what a lowlife race baiter he is, he’ll try to blame the NRA, Trump, and guns for this slaughter. I think I’ll take a safer route to my job this morning.

Government and politicians really suck!!! They are about to once again, get a lot of people killed and cause terrible suffering. Oh well...the human condition.
I am no liberal, so don't take this wrong. You are part of the problem here. Playing into hysteria and hate. I can only speak for myself, I am so heartsick about this stuff, we all have to look into our hearts and be more aware of ALL the facts, and be forgiving. Perhaps this is the beginning of a new cultural awareness. We can only hope.
How am I part of the problem, when I merely posted website article? I did not write it nor did I claim it was correct. I tend to think it may be correct, but I certainly hope it is not.

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