Trump <3 Putin


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
Wow. An American presidential candidate (a "Republican" even) heaping praise upon a Russian president while talking down about his own president.

Raygun must be spinning in his grave.
Wow. An American presidential candidate (a "Republican" even) heaping praise upon a Russian president while talking down about his own president.

Raygun must be spinning in his grave.
Why? Trump wants to restore the friendlier post Cold War US Russia relationship he and Bush41 established and the Clintons destroyed. Trump has been quite clear that he believes a good working relationship with Russia is the key to solving the problems in eastern Europe and the ME while Hillary has been clear she is determined to maintain the adversarial relationship with Russia she and her husband created.
Wow. An American presidential candidate (a "Republican" even) heaping praise upon a Russian president while talking down about his own president.

Raygun must be spinning in his grave.
Why? Trump wants to restore the friendlier post Cold War US Russia relationship he and Bush41 established and the Clintons destroyed. Trump has been quite clear that he believes a good working relationship with Russia is the key to solving the problems in eastern Europe and the ME while Hillary has been clear she is determined to maintain the adversarial relationship with Russia she and her husband created.
No, that is not a sufficient answer.

Putin is a dictator and was a LTC in the KGB. He is an imperialist. His idea of working with America is the Comrade Trump does what Comrade Putin tells him to.

HRC has said she would pull troops out of the ME. She can work with Putin far morel fairly for America than can Trump.

Having said that, even though Russians laugh at Trump and HRC is better at foreign policy, I must rather want Johnson.
Wow. An American presidential candidate (a "Republican" even) heaping praise upon a Russian president while talking down about his own president.

Raygun must be spinning in his grave.
Why? Trump wants to restore the friendlier post Cold War US Russia relationship he and Bush41 established and the Clintons destroyed. Trump has been quite clear that he believes a good working relationship with Russia is the key to solving the problems in eastern Europe and the ME while Hillary has been clear she is determined to maintain the adversarial relationship with Russia she and her husband created.
No, that is not a sufficient answer.

Putin is a dictator and was a LTC in the KGB. He is an imperialist. His idea of working with America is the Comrade Trump does what Comrade Putin tells him to.

HRC has said she would pull troops out of the ME. She can work with Putin far morel fairly for America than can Trump.

Having said that, even though Russians laugh at Trump and HRC is better at foreign policy, I must rather want Johnson.
Actually, the Russians hate the Clintons because of all the damage the Clintons did to Russia and US Russian relations in the 1990's and Hillary became an object f ridicule in Russia after she presented Lavrov with a reset button (ala Staples commercials). Reagan and Bush41 had developed such friendly relations with Gorbachev, that Gorbachev agreed to liberate the Soviet satellite states on the basis of Bush41's promise the US would not take them into NATO, and organization created out of hostility to Russia, but as soon as Clinton became president he broke that promise and took 12 of these states into NATO, leaving the Russians to believe their faith in a new relationship with the US had been betrayed. To make matters worse, while no one knew how to turn a communist economy into a free enterprise economy, the Clintons pushed the Russians to privatize faster and faster, sending US experts over to convince the Russians it would all be well if they just privatized faster. The Russians were convinced and this too rapid privatization led to economic and political chaos and much suffering in Russia until Putin stepped in and rescued Russia from the economic and political chaos and the humiliation the Clintons had subjected it to. Putin holds Hillary in contempt but respects Trump.

Putin is not an imperialist. He has reacted to the West taking these states that border Russia into NATO in the exact same way the US reacted to the communists taking over Cuba or Nicaragua. The Clintons' refusal to respect Russia's legitimate security concerns is what created the adversarial relationship between the US and Russia in the post Cold War period and Hillary's continued embrace of this adversarial policy and her continuous attempts to cast Russia as a villain makes it impossible for her to negotiate effective with Russia on any issue.

Trump understands that without reestablishing the trust and mutual respect between Russia and the US the Clintons destroyed, there is no hope of resolving the problems in eastern Europe and the ME. If Hillary is elected, hundreds of thousands more people will be killed in Syria and millions more will become homeless refugees and US Russia relations in eastern Europe will come to look more and more like they did during the Cold War. If Trump is elected, there is real is a real possibility that Russia and the US can work together to resolve the problems in both areas.
Yes, Putin is an imperialist. He is a former KGB intelligence analyst. He is a near dictator in Russia. He wishes to expand his borders and dominate his neighbors. Trump will let him do that with a free hand.
Yes, Putin is an imperialist. He is a former KGB intelligence analyst. He is a near dictator in Russia. He wishes to expand his borders and dominate his neighbors. Trump will let him do that with a free hand.
Now you're just being silly.
Trumps buddy is going to hack voting machines for him .
Trump's Russian master will hack DNC emails for him.

Yeah! I read it too... I already was an "extremist", a "communist", a "liberast", a 'fat pig" in Internet talks... Last year I was "troll from secret school of KGB from St.Petersburg"... Nw I becoming "an KGB hacker", who stealing all HRC infromation to Trump (dey, dudes, wanna piece of HRC private photo)?

So, only one question now is actual for me - what's about my rank? Am I lieutenant? Major? Colonel? What do you think, which rank is mine?
You are KGB hacker Colonel extremist communist liberast skinny pig guy troll from Moscow.

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