Trump Acknowledges Michael Cohen Represented Him In Stormy Daniels Payment

such a horrible crime ...ranks up there with Charles Manson
The next step they will look to see if that one hundred and thirty thousand came from campaign funds, and if it did then you can insert your gwip about it being a crime...
oooOMG !!!!!!!!!!!!! that also is a horrible crime!! using campaign funds!!!
hang him/keelhaul him/25 years hard labor---so horrible !!!!!
there's not even a charge yet
so all these anti-Trump posts speculating/maybe/could be /if --- are CRAP
I’m really surprised the USMB Trump piss drinkers aren’t defending him over this.

Could I at least get a “fake news”?
nothing to defend--what did he do wrong?? and let's have the details/quotes with links--
I’m really surprised the USMB Trump piss drinkers aren’t defending him over this.

Could I at least get a “fake news”?
nothing to defend--what did he do wrong?? and let's have the details/quotes with links--
Are you joking, or are you seriously that delusional?

He implicated himself in a situation where hush money was paid to a porn star, of which he previously claimed to have no knowledge.

Maybe he didn’t do anything legally wrong, but he just gave Meuller some ammunition, and at the very least, he totally screwed Cohen. The states attorney prosecuting Cohen has already seized upon the opportunity.

And if he did do something legally wrong — like say he used campaign money to pay off Stormy Daniels — then he just opened himself up to prosecution, as in he had knowledge that campaign money was used in an illegal manner.
I’m really surprised the USMB Trump piss drinkers aren’t defending him over this.

Could I at least get a “fake news”?
nothing to defend--what did he do wrong?? and let's have the details/quotes with links--
Are you joking, or are you seriously that delusional?

He implicated himself in a situation where hush money was paid to a porn star, of which he previously claimed to have no knowledge.

Maybe he didn’t do anything legally wrong, but he just gave Meuller some ammunition, and at the very least, he totally screwed Cohen. The states attorney prosecuting Cohen has already seized upon the opportunity.

And if he did do something legally wrong — like say he used campaign money to pay off Stormy Daniels — then he just opened himself up to prosecution, as in he had knowledge that campaign money was used in an illegal manner. you just said ''maybe he didn't do anything legally wrong''--EXACTLY --like I said in post #6 --BIG DEAL---you just proved my post # 6 is correct!!!!!!! hahhahah thanks
hahaha--- have no evidence of ANY crime!!! again BIG DEAL!! WOW!! OMG!!!
Maybe he didn’t do anything legally wrong,
that's right--Maybe he didn't commit a crime---hahaha!!!
And if he did do something legally wrong

maybe he didn't do anything wrong, but it's still wrong????!!! WTF ???
I’m really surprised the USMB Trump piss drinkers aren’t defending him over this.

Could I at least get a “fake news”?
nothing to defend--what did he do wrong?? and let's have the details/quotes with links--
Are you joking, or are you seriously that delusional?

He implicated himself in a situation where hush money was paid to a porn star, of which he previously claimed to have no knowledge.

Maybe he didn’t do anything legally wrong, but he just gave Meuller some ammunition, and at the very least, he totally screwed Cohen. The states attorney prosecuting Cohen has already seized upon the opportunity.

And if he did do something legally wrong — like say he used campaign money to pay off Stormy Daniels — then he just opened himself up to prosecution, as in he had knowledge that campaign money was used in an illegal manner. you just said ''maybe he didn't do anything legally wrong''--EXACTLY --like I said in post #6 --BIG DEAL---you just proved my post # 6 is correct!!!!!!! hahhahah thanks
hahaha--- have no evidence of ANY crime!!! again BIG DEAL!! WOW!! OMG!!!
Maybe he didn’t do anything legally wrong,
that's right--Maybe he didn't commit a crime---hahaha!!!
And if he did do something legally wrong

maybe he didn't do anything wrong, but it's still wrong????!!! WTF ???
Jesus, get a grip, clown. I never said Donald did anything legally wrong by admitting knowledge of the payoff. What I said was that Donald screwed Cohen and opened himself up to further scrutiny. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit
Did you guys see the way that Trump threw Cohen under the bus on FOX today?

Not only did he say that Cohen "maybe did a little business" for him, but he was talking in terms to REALLY distance himself from Cohen.

I'm guessing that after being kicked in the crotch like that, Cohen is gonna be more than happy to cooperate with Mueller.
:lol: He can’t keep his mouth shut! A lawyer’s worst nightmare

Trump Acknowledges Michael Cohen Represented Him In Stormy Daniels Payment

President Trump acknowledged on Thursday that his longtime attorney Michael Cohen had "represented" him in what he called the "crazy" deal in which Cohen paid $130,000 to buy the silence of a porn actress just before the 2016 election.

Trump's comments in an interview with Fox & Friends were the first time he has conceded his connection to Cohen's deal with Stormy Daniels, who says she had a sexual encounter with Trump in 2006, after Trump's marriage and the birth of his youngest son.

Previously, Trump denied any relationship with Daniels and told reporters he wasn't aware that Cohen paid Daniels.
Listened to his entire rant....what a frickin''s nothing but a yelling whinefest.....:lol:
:lol: He can’t keep his mouth shut! A lawyer’s worst nightmare

Trump Acknowledges Michael Cohen Represented Him In Stormy Daniels Payment

President Trump acknowledged on Thursday that his longtime attorney Michael Cohen had "represented" him in what he called the "crazy" deal in which Cohen paid $130,000 to buy the silence of a porn actress just before the 2016 election.

Trump's comments in an interview with Fox & Friends were the first time he has conceded his connection to Cohen's deal with Stormy Daniels, who says she had a sexual encounter with Trump in 2006, after Trump's marriage and the birth of his youngest son.

Previously, Trump denied any relationship with Daniels and told reporters he wasn't aware that Cohen paid Daniels.
Listened to his entire rant....what a frickin''s nothing but a yelling whinefest.....:lol:
He’s unhinged
You know what's really funny? Trump blew up his own defense on national television.

His lawyers were trying to keep all of Cohen's stuff secret by claiming attorney/client privilege, but now that Trump has said on national television that Cohen only did a very small percentage of his legal work, as well as mentioned that he was more of a business than anything else.

First time I've ever seen someone throw another person under the bus and end up running over themselves as well.
You know what's really funny? Trump blew up his own defense on national television.

His lawyers were trying to keep all of Cohen's stuff secret by claiming attorney/client privilege, but now that Trump has said on national television that Cohen only did a very small percentage of his legal work, as well as mentioned that he was more of a business than anything else.

First time I've ever seen someone throw another person under the bus and end up running over themselves as well.
oooOMG !!!!!!!!!!!!! that also is a horrible crime!! using campaign funds!
Yes, it is illegal to use campaign funds for anything other than their intended purpose.

Anything else you need cleared up for you, dipshit?
oooOMG !!!!!!!!!!!!! that also is a horrible crime!! using campaign funds!
Yes, it is illegal to use campaign funds for anything other than their intended purpose.

Anything else you need cleared up for you, dipshit?
such a horrible crime
...but not as bad as Obama screwing up the country --''it may not be illegal'' [ahaha ] but it's worse than campaign fund fraud
We are all witnessing the transitional stage up to the point where the trumpanzees will INDEED support trump if he shoots someone on 5th Ave in broad daylight. We will hear:

"what a horrible crime" said with sarcasm
a non-issue....

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