Trump acts like a child while everyone else stands for the anthem

You’re being irrational and overly sensitive. Good talk. He has been great for me and my family that matters most to me.

You’re not having an honest debate. When you start losing, you switch topics. Coward.
Not remotely. I told you he told the truth about the economy, military, trade deals and Israel. You just went to ad Hominems. You re losing it.

Which is irrelevant. Telling two truths doesn’t make 1000 lies go away. You can’t respond to that. You suck at this.
List his 1000 lies. Were you being hyperbolic? Your last sentence is subjective. You seem angry. You OK? Need to put me on ignore again? It’s OK.

I graciously accept your surrender.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. LOL. You just lied again. I never surrendered.
You’re not having an honest debate. When you start losing, you switch topics. Coward.
Not remotely. I told you he told the truth about the economy, military, trade deals and Israel. You just went to ad Hominems. You re losing it.

Which is irrelevant. Telling two truths doesn’t make 1000 lies go away. You can’t respond to that. You suck at this.
List his 1000 lies. Were you being hyperbolic? Your last sentence is subjective. You seem angry. You OK? Need to put me on ignore again? It’s OK.

I graciously accept your surrender.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. LOL. You just lied again. I never surrendered.

When you stop making an argument and resort to calling me a liar, you’ve given up.

Otherwise known as surrendering. Don’t like it, next time try harder.

Good talk. Better luck next time.
Not remotely. I told you he told the truth about the economy, military, trade deals and Israel. You just went to ad Hominems. You re losing it.

Which is irrelevant. Telling two truths doesn’t make 1000 lies go away. You can’t respond to that. You suck at this.
List his 1000 lies. Were you being hyperbolic? Your last sentence is subjective. You seem angry. You OK? Need to put me on ignore again? It’s OK.

I graciously accept your surrender.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. LOL. You just lied again. I never surrendered.

When you stop making an argument and resort to calling me a liar, you’ve given up.

Otherwise known as surrendering. Don’t like it, next time try harder.

Good talk. Better luck next time.
When did I surrender? You made up odd rules. Who made you judge and jury? LOL. You need to be careful calling others liars when you lie more than anyone. It’s funny how you could not dispute my post that was actual facts. So maybe I win and you lose as actions speak louder than words?
I sense much butt-hurt in this thread from Trump hating Snowflakes.......

Seems their parade of charades and lies is winding down.....FINALLY

And....Trump is set to win in a landslide in the left only has Communists to offer.

Probably explains all the Progresso pouting. They KNOW they've lost. :113:
like Tramp only says something negative only 60% of the time! Why should the media report Tramp's negatives as positive?????

How about not talking like a baby during a serious discussion? Or are you telling us to treat you like you are a baby?
He explicitly stated that he was not speaking of the white supremacists and the media and the liberals are lying about what he said.
And he ALWAYS lies!
So, you admit that he SAID IT.
I admitted Tramp lied.
YOU lie like Tramp!

YOu admitted Trump said it. THe media told America he said something completely different. They did not say what you are saying.

YOu cannot have it both ways. That whirling rage you are feeling, that is your brain trying to have it both ways.


It was a rally organized by white supremacists that was publicized as a rally about historical statues, in a dishonest attempt by the white supremacists to co-opt a larger and more popular issue to dishonestly inflate their perceived numbers and relevance.
There was NO mention of statues in their publicity ads!

I assume that they mentioned statues elsewhere.

My position is that the nazis did this, trying to co-opt a popular issue, to try to broaden their appeal.

A Bait and Switch, as it were.

The media, and President Trump both presented talked about this as though the rally was at least partially about the statues.

You are the first person I have heard make the claim that it was not.


Is that what you are claiming?
Wow so now Trump is unAmerican?

Well for a start --- his father was born in a very wonderful place in Germany....

If it was anyone else, folks would not mock him.


Does Trump Have ADHD? My Professional Opinion | HuffPost

Donald Trump and Adult ADHD — Dr. John Kruse

". . Several lines of cocaine, I mean investigation, lead to Mr. Trump’s purported history with stimulants. Reports going back decades assert that doctors prescribed Mr. Trump Fentermine. The FDA approved the stimulant medication Fentermine for weight-control, but physicians also prescribe it off-label to treat ADHD. Fentermine prescriptions receive less government scrutiny than more tightly controlled stimulants like Ritalin or Adderall. During the presidential campaign two years ago, pundits extensively discussed Mr. Trump’s sniffing, grimacing and hyperactivity, and whether these behaviors indicated a habit of snorting cocaine or other stimulants. Months ago, individuals who worked on the reality show The Apprentice claimed that Mr. Trump routinely snorted Adderall while on the set.. . "
Trump Nose Best:
AT MOST, he might have been honestly mistaken about who was there. He was clear he was not calling nazis very fine people and the media and liberals have been lying about that since then.
I find it hard to believe Trump is honest about anything. He said there were fine people that showed up to a white supremacist rally. If you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, be my guest but it’s not right to criticize people who don’t.

He explicitly stated that he was not speaking of the white supremacists and the media and the liberals are lying about what he said.

THey are not making the case that he was wrong. They are lying.

And white supremacists NEVER get attendance in the hundreds. They are lucky to get into double digits. A dozen? A massive win. TWENTY? Once in a lifetime.

You are being lied to.

He also explicitly said his father was born in Germany. Again and again he repeated it.

So yes, we are all being lied to. The only difference is which one of us will admit it.

Yet, you libs and media are not saying that he lied or was wrong when he said that there were good people on both sides there.

Instead they LIED AND ARE STILL LYING about what he said.

Are you claiming he lied when he said "not white supremacists" or are you lying and claiming he did not say that?

It has to be one or the other.

Actually it's you lying. I've never claimed Rump said "good people". He said "very fine" people. And yes he was clearly. that is, clearly to everybody not swimming in the toxic soup of self-delusion, walking back his earlier rational egalitarian criticism and playing footsie with the Klannic/fascist element. That's exactly why he got into so much heated controversy, for making excuses for the Nazi element......

He did no such thing.

To support your poisonous accusation all you have is a tweet from David Duke. What you need to suport your vicious smear, is an action from the President. Which you have none.

AND, this is what this is about. So that when the President is discussed, people like you have a very vicious smear to spread.

THe media lied. There is no way around it.

Are you claiming he lied when he said "not white supremacists" or are you lying and claiming he did not say that?

It has to be one or the other.
I don’t think he was wrong. I think he was lying. I don’t know how he could claim to know who was and wasn’t a white supremacist just by looking at them.
exactly, and the rally was advertised as a white supremacist rally, so those who were there were NOT duped by Nazis!
Other ads were far less obvious.
OK, even the tame ads say NOTHING about statues!!!!!

Ah, so you admit there were "tame ads" and other ads that were more blatant about their white supremacist message.

Which matches with MY position that it was a dishonest attempt by a fringe group(s) to co-opt a much more popular issue, in a dishonest attempt to dishonestly broaden their appeal and dishonestly inflate their perceived numbers and relevance.

An attempt you are supporting, because it supports YOUR dishonest narrative(s) of America and Trump being inherently "racist" and "evul".

Trump is the GOOD GUY in all of this.
I don’t think he was wrong. I think he was lying. I don’t know how he could claim to know who was and wasn’t a white supremacist just by looking at them.
exactly, and the rally was advertised as a white supremacist rally, so those who were there were NOT duped by Nazis!
Other ads were far less obvious.
OK, even the tame ads say NOTHING about statues!!!!!

Not sure if that is a rally I'd attend. One of the people listed is "Baked Alaska", and I had to go look that up to see if it was a real person or not.

Sadly enough, Baked Alaska is a real person. And, he's a white supremacist.

Baked Alaska (activist) - Wikipedia

Anthime "Tim" Gionet (born November 16, 1987), more commonly known as Baked Alaska, is an American social media personality who gained attention through his commentary and political advocacy on behalf of alt-right and neo-Nazi ideology, and through his promotion of anti-semitic conspiracy theories such as white genocide and Jewish control of the media.[1][2][3][4][5][6] Prior to his 2016 transformation into an alt right activist, Gionet was a left-wing commentator for Buzzfeed, and attended rallies in support of Black Lives Matter and progressive causes in 2015 and early 2016.

In March 2019, Gionet attempted to distance himself from the alt-right and meme culture, which he criticized as hateful and a source of terrorism and violence. He released an emotional video apologizing for his past participation in meme culture and alleging a link between 8chan and the Christchurch mosque shootings.[7][8]

However, in November 2019 Gionet changed his politics again, and collaborated with the white supremacist "groyper" movement in their trolling of rallies held by Turning Point USA.[9] He subsequently deleted all his previous videos, in which he had apologized for his old views and condemned meme culture and the alt right.

I have only heard of two of them, and
I don’t think he was wrong. I think he was lying. I don’t know how he could claim to know who was and wasn’t a white supremacist just by looking at them.
exactly, and the rally was advertised as a white supremacist rally, so those who were there were NOT duped by Nazis!

Other ads were far less obvious.

Do you consider lying to be something nazis would not do?

Can you give another example in the last 50 years, where nazis got hundreds of people to show up at a rally?

What other ads?

Who said they were all Nazis? A lot were run of the mill white supremacists. These guys were driving in from all over the country. It wouldn't be very hard to assemble a few hundred white supremacists.

At least one of the other ads has already been posted by someone else.

Other ads were less obvious.

It is quite hard to get hundreds of actual white supremacists to a rally. I do not think I have heard of that happening in my lifetime, in this country. Double digits is normally a good day for them. They are FRINGE.

Trump explicitly stated that he was NOT talking about the nazis or the white supremacists when he made the comment about "very fine people"

and the media and liberals lied to the American people about what he said, and are STILL lying about it.

Libs lie, because they know that the Truth is not on their side.
It is quite hard to get hundreds of actual white supremacists to a rally. I do not think I have heard of that happening in my lifetime, in this country. Double digits is normally a good day for them. They are FRINGE.

Not as fringe as you want to believe.
It is quite hard to get hundreds of actual white supremacists to a rally. I do not think I have heard of that happening in my lifetime, in this country. Double digits is normally a good day for them. They are FRINGE.

Not as fringe as you want to believe.

How so?

And why is it, that you WANT to believe that they are not fringe?

What does it gain you, to have White Supremacists be "not fringe"?
No, the Post was citing the BULLSHIT from MRC a extremist Right-wing lie factory, headed by pathological liar Brent Bozo, that constantly whines about how unfairly the media treats CON$ervoNazis by reporting exactly what they say!
Your rhetoric is not only divisive it is incoherent. When you grow up, feel free to ping me.
When you can't argue the facts, insult the person with the facts, just like Tramp, your Party leader!
When you start calling people "Tramp" you act like a child. Facts do not matter to you.
He is a TRAMP, who brags about all the stars he cheated on his wives with and grabbed by their pussies!

Whatever helps you sleep at night. My 12 year old has better debating skills than you.
Then you should take lessons from them!
Your rhetoric is not only divisive it is incoherent. When you grow up, feel free to ping me.
When you can't argue the facts, insult the person with the facts, just like Tramp, your Party leader!
When you start calling people "Tramp" you act like a child. Facts do not matter to you.
He is a TRAMP, who brags about all the stars he cheated on his wives with and grabbed by their pussies!

Whatever helps you sleep at night. My 12 year old has better debating skills than you.
Then you should take lessons from them!

you talk like a baby.
It is quite hard to get hundreds of actual white supremacists to a rally. I do not think I have heard of that happening in my lifetime, in this country. Double digits is normally a good day for them. They are FRINGE.

Not as fringe as you want to believe.

How so?

And why is it, that you WANT to believe that they are not fringe?

What does it gain you, to have White Supremacists be "not fringe"?
Depends on what you mean by fringe I guess, but if you spend any time online, you’d see that white supremacist ideology has either grown or been unmasked.
When you can't argue the facts, insult the person with the facts, just like Tramp, your Party leader!
When you start calling people "Tramp" you act like a child. Facts do not matter to you.
He is a TRAMP, who brags about all the stars he cheated on his wives with and grabbed by their pussies!

Whatever helps you sleep at night. My 12 year old has better debating skills than you.
Then you should take lessons from them!

you talk like a baby.
You ARE a baby!
It’s not. Never has been. Journalism is identifying the truth. Debates don’t identify truth. They give opinions. It’s important, to be sure, but it doesn’t identify truth.
Sometimes the truth is in opinions. Red Sox play in Fenway Park is the truth and a fact. Red Sox are a great team is an opinion. The fun part of journalism is debating whether they are a great team or not

Debating whether they’re a great team is not journalism. That’s opinion. It’s fun, for sure, but it’s not journalism.

The fun part of journalism is uncovering truth that is hidden. No one gets a Pulitzer because they identified that Fenway is where the Red Sox play. They get a Pulitzer for examining decades of Trump’s financial records and exposing how the wealthy manipulate their wealth to avoid taxes.
Or maybe discovering that Joe Biden got his son a cool gig in Ukraine that paid him $83k per month while not paying child support? Or how people manipulate the system and take advantage of Medicaid. Yes, much of the news is negative. I prefer to discuss the Red Sox.
Hmm, interesting point. You act as though it’s a fact they Joe Biden got his son a cool gig when there is no factual basis for that.

No one is getting a Pulitzer for making things up.

That’s what I mean about debates. If we put two people up on a TV show to debate if Joe Biden got Hunter his job, people are just going to ignore the one they don’t want to listen to. No facts. No truth. Just two biased views. That’s not journalism.
Hunter admitted he got that job cause of Joe. You can look it up. I never Would have known without journalism.
So now you admit Hunter is honest.
You care enough about his “hyperbolic bravado” to avoid calling it what it really is. If you really didn’t care, you wouldn’t have a problem identifying him as a liar that we both know he is.
His lie about having sex with Stormy Daniels is the only one I can recall off the top of my head. Which one can you recall without Googling it? The rest is hyperbolic bravado. Now you’re saying my opinion is wrong? Interesting.
Yeah. I’m saying your opinion is wrong because it ignores reality. He says he’s worth $10 billion. He says he was only given a small loan from his father to start his business. He says he made billions off his casino and airline. Hell, pretends his buildings are 10 stories higher than they actually are.

He claims Bolton wasn’t asked to testify. He claimed that Zelensky brought up Yovanovich. He claimed Yovanovich refused to put up his presidential portrait. He claimed the whistleblower got his phone call almost completely wrong. He claims that Biden bragged about stopping a prosecution in Ukraine.

Should I go on?
Colfax fabricates out loud: "Hell, pretends his buildings are 10 stories higher than they actually are."
:blahblah: :link:

You shouldn’t accuse me of fabricating anything.
Donald Trump’s Math Takes His Towers to Greater Heights
1979? Come on. LOL

I was not even born yet. Nitpicking
So he's been lying longer than you've been alive and you say that is not relevant! :cuckoo:

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