Trump adds televangelist Paula White to his administration!\

Actually, I am in favor of White getting on the bus. I think that it is a good thing for all the con artists to be in the same tent. It makes it easier to keep an eye on them.

By adding her to his cabinet Trump just locked up the Southern Swing vote.

Once again, 3 states didn't elect Trump, 30 states did. And he won those 30 states by over 7 MILLION votes, giving him a 304-232 win.

Bla LA-LA-LA ... Yes, the good ol' EC (aka Last Vestige of Slavery) where acres vote and not actual PEOPLE.

Cool I guess if you prescribe. I do NOT approve of those in AK, WY and MT getting 3-4 times the voting power as those in CA, TX & NY.

I guess the Sore Loser Brigade needs to get to amending the Constitution you and your ilk hates so much.

I'm sure this clown ^^^ has been brainwashed, I'm also sure he paid for a full brainwash when all he needed was a lite rinse.

The stupidity and arrogance of trumpanzees is amazing, and embarrassing. People all over the world can access this forum and read the insanity (out of touch with reality) of these clowns.

You mad?

Nope, I'm not mad, either angry or insane. I'm embarrassed by your posts, and the posts of others whose life is run by conspiracy theories and trump's BIG LIES.

People all over the earth read your posts, and Russians and Chinese laugh at how successful they have been in increasing their hegemony around the world, as our country provides gallows humor to our allies.

The problem with people like yourself who place themselves in a mental and emotional enclaves is that you have no idea what you're making comparison to. The world has been laughing at the United States for the past 11 years it started just after Obama took office. Though politics has reached a fever pitch are in the United States at this point it's civil compared to the absolute blood feuds that take place in Europe and Asia. If people from those areas are reading these posts they're reading them against the background of a completely different culture. Stop trying to climb to the moral high ground... It's not there.

In your world, apparently states like Wyoming and Alaska with fewer than a million total population should get 3-4 times the voting power as those in CA, TX or NY with 20-40 times as many people. In your world it isn't one man/ one vote ... it's 1 acre/ one vote.

Of course the first time Republicans win the popular vote by 3 million yet lose the election, they will want to scrap the EC.
Welcome to the United States of America and their Constitution. America is not a democracy strictly but a republic.
That means California and New York cannot run roughshod over less populated states. If you don't like it move or
get the Constitution amended.

As Ben Franklin said a democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
Thank God we had men of wisdom as founding fathers rather than "woke" ideologues and other morons.

The EC is the last vestige of slavery.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars
Says the idiots that elected Bill Clinton and are currently melting down because people rejected Hillary.

I didn't vote for Hillary - but she did win by 3 million votes although Donnie Dumpster squeaked the EC by 77,000 votes in three states with the help of two inappropriate Comey announcements and butt-tons of assistance from his favorite murderous dictator (and Daddy) Vladimir. ;)

Trump won 30 states giving him a 304-232 win.

When will you libnut morons figure out the popular vote isn't how we elect a President.

In your world, apparently states like Wyoming and Alaska with fewer than a million total population should get 3-4 times the voting power as those in CA, TX or NY with 20-40 times as many people. In your world it isn't one man/ one vote ... it's 1 acre/ one vote.

Of course the first time Republicans win the popular vote by 3 million yet lose the election, they will want to scrap the EC. :rolleyes:

What you're really trying to do is eliminate the concept of a state.
Do you really want to give up California's borders? I imagine not since you woke up on California as a big powerful state.... It's the EC that keeps it that way you dingbat.

Bla LA-LA-LA ... Yes, the good ol' EC (aka Last Vestige of Slavery) where acres vote and not actual PEOPLE.

Cool I guess if you prescribe. I do NOT approve of those in AK, WY and MT getting 3-4 times the voting power as those in CA, TX & NY.

I guess the Sore Loser Brigade needs to get to amending the Constitution you and your ilk hates so much.

I'm sure this clown ^^^ has been brainwashed, I'm also sure he paid for a full brainwash when all he needed was a lite rinse.

The stupidity and arrogance of trumpanzees is amazing, and embarrassing. People all over the world can access this forum and read the insanity (out of touch with reality) of these clowns.

You mad?

Nope, I'm not mad, either angry or insane. I'm embarrassed by your posts, and the posts of others whose life is run by conspiracy theories and trump's BIG LIES.

People all over the earth read your posts, and Russians and Chinese laugh at how successful they have been in increasing their hegemony around the world, as our country provides gallows humor to our allies.

The problem with people like yourself who place themselves in a mental and emotional enclaves is that you have no idea what you're making comparison to. The world has been laughing at the United States for the past 11 years it started just after Obama took office. Though politics has reached a fever pitch are in the United States at this point it's civil compared to the absolute blood feuds that take place in Europe and Asia. If people from those areas are reading these posts they're reading them against the background of a completely different culture. Stop trying to climb to the moral high ground... It's not there.


Ehhh - Nobody was laughing at us under Obama. They sure are now!

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key Allies

Says the idiots that elected Bill Clinton and are currently melting down because people rejected Hillary.

I didn't vote for Hillary - but she did win by 3 million votes although Donnie Dumpster squeaked the EC by 77,000 votes in three states with the help of two inappropriate Comey announcements and butt-tons of assistance from his favorite murderous dictator (and Daddy) Vladimir. ;)

Pure delusion
And "some" constitutional scholars would disagree, quite sensibly.

The Electoral College merely guarantees that the votes of people in less populous states are not nullified by the votes of people concentrated in urban coastal centers.
Ben Franklin already long ago detailed why we are a republic and not a strict democracy.
Move to Canada if it bothers you and take your ideologue friends with you.
In your world, apparently states like Wyoming and Alaska with fewer than a million total population should get 3-4 times the voting power as those in CA, TX or NY with 20-40 times as many people. In your world it isn't one man/ one vote ... it's 1 acre/ one vote.

Of course the first time Republicans win the popular vote by 3 million yet lose the election, they will want to scrap the EC.
Welcome to the United States of America and their Constitution. America is not a democracy strictly but a republic.
That means California and New York cannot run roughshod over less populated states. If you don't like it move or
get the Constitution amended.

As Ben Franklin said a democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
Thank God we had men of wisdom as founding fathers rather than "woke" ideologues and other morons.

The EC is the last vestige of slavery.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars

Tough shit.... When you can
In your world, apparently states like Wyoming and Alaska with fewer than a million total population should get 3-4 times the voting power as those in CA, TX or NY with 20-40 times as many people. In your world it isn't one man/ one vote ... it's 1 acre/ one vote.

Of course the first time Republicans win the popular vote by 3 million yet lose the election, they will want to scrap the EC.
Welcome to the United States of America and their Constitution. America is not a democracy strictly but a republic.
That means California and New York cannot run roughshod over less populated states. If you don't like it move or
get the Constitution amended.

As Ben Franklin said a democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
Thank God we had men of wisdom as founding fathers rather than "woke" ideologues and other morons.

The EC is the last vestige of slavery.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars

When you can visit all 50 states and convince them to give up their statehood, tear down the governor's Mansion and stop collecting state taxes.... Get back to me. You can start with California and see how far you get.

In your world, apparently states like Wyoming and Alaska with fewer than a million total population should get 3-4 times the voting power as those in CA, TX or NY with 20-40 times as many people. In your world it isn't one man/ one vote ... it's 1 acre/ one vote.

Of course the first time Republicans win the popular vote by 3 million yet lose the election, they will want to scrap the EC.
Welcome to the United States of America and their Constitution. America is not a democracy strictly but a republic.
That means California and New York cannot run roughshod over less populated states. If you don't like it move or
get the Constitution amended.

As Ben Franklin said a democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
Thank God we had men of wisdom as founding fathers rather than "woke" ideologues and other morons.

What you fear are the people, and thus put your faith in the special interests and elite (whose efforts seem to me to put their wealth and lifestyle first, and the vast majority of us last).

When the Framers sat to write COTUS in 1787 they were well aware that our revolution was successful against the most powerful Army and Navy in the world, at that time.

They understood the power of the people, they (for the most part) were instrumental in its success. Thus they faced a conundrum, should power be in the hands of the people, or a king. The Framers had also been well read, and settled on what was written by Charles, Baron de Montesquieu: The Separation of Power among an Executive, Legislative and Judiciary.

Today, we are a nation of laws, wherein no one person is above the law. That is currently under attack by Trump&jCo. along with his fellow travelers in The Congress and people like you. - the enemy within.
Ehhh - Nobody was laughing at us under Obama. They sure are now!

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key Allies
The democrats roll out this narrative every single time a republican is in office. Europe doesn't like Reagan.....etc.
It's all bullshit and nonsense. Germany, Italy and France etc. is not electing our president. We are.

I don't like their political landscape either. So what?

It's not even Remotely true...

They laughed at Obama when they were asked to donate their fair share to the UN....they ignored him...he gave them a hat tip and
they liked that.
They laughed when we asked China to cut the shit with the Trade imbalance and the intellectual property theft..they ignored it....he gave them a hat tip...and they liked that.
They laughed When Obama Drew the red line and then retreated from it...they ignored it...he gave them a hat tip....and they liked that.

Yeah um....they don't like us so much anymore.

Last edited:
In your world, apparently states like Wyoming and Alaska with fewer than a million total population should get 3-4 times the voting power as those in CA, TX or NY with 20-40 times as many people. In your world it isn't one man/ one vote ... it's 1 acre/ one vote.

Of course the first time Republicans win the popular vote by 3 million yet lose the election, they will want to scrap the EC.
Welcome to the United States of America and their Constitution. America is not a democracy strictly but a republic.
That means California and New York cannot run roughshod over less populated states. If you don't like it move or
get the Constitution amended.

As Ben Franklin said a democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
Thank God we had men of wisdom as founding fathers rather than "woke" ideologues and other morons.

What you fear are the people, and thus put your faith in the special interests and elite (whose efforts seem to me to put their wealth and lifestyle first, and the vast majority of us last).

When the Framers sat to write COTUS in 1787 they were well aware that our revolution was successful against the most powerful Army and Navy in the world, at that time.

They understood the power of the people, they (for the most part) were instrumental in its success. Thus they faced a conundrum, should power be in the hands of the people, or a king. The Framers had also been well read, and settled on what was written by Charles, Baron de Montesquieu: The Separation of Power among an Executive, Legislative and Judiciary.

Today, we are a nation of laws, wherein no one person is above the law. That is currently under attack by Trump&jCo. along with his fellow travelers in The Congress and people like you. - the enemy www

Bullshit....accountability went out the window with the last administration.

Ehhh - Nobody was laughing at us under Obama. They sure are now!

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key Allies
The democrats roll out this narrative every single time a republican is in office. Europe doesn't like Reagan.....etc.
It's all bullshit and nonsense. Germany, Italy and France etc. is not electing our president. We are.

I don't like their political landscape either. So what?

It's not even Remotely true...

They laughed at Obama when they were asked to donate their fair share to the UN....they ignored him...he gave them a hat tip and
they liked that.
They laughed when we asked China to cut the shit with the Trade imbalance and the intellectual property theft..they ignored it....he gave them a hat tip...and they liked that.
They laughed When Obama Drew the red line and then retreated from it...they ignored it...he gave them a hat tip....and they liked that.

Yeah um....they don't like us so much anymore.


You are of course ... FOS Mr JO and ya know it. ;)

Our allies despise us and the murderous autocrats that Donald is sucking up to LOVE us. Sad man - Just SAD
Ehhh - Nobody was laughing at us under Obama. They sure are now!

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key Allies
The democrats roll out this narrative every single time a republican is in office. Europe doesn't like Reagan.....etc.
It's all bullshit and nonsense. Germany, Italy and France etc. is not electing our president. We are.

I don't like their political landscape either. So what?

Yep - "So what and who cares" with regard to our allies are very Trumpian notions.

Your political landscape sucks and soon you'll find out that Dear Leader has literally killed responsible conservatism and hence, the Republican Party.
In your world, apparently states like Wyoming and Alaska with fewer than a million total population should get 3-4 times the voting power as those in CA, TX or NY with 20-40 times as many people. In your world it isn't one man/ one vote ... it's 1 acre/ one vote.

Of course the first time Republicans win the popular vote by 3 million yet lose the election, they will want to scrap the EC.
Welcome to the United States of America and their Constitution. America is not a democracy strictly but a republic.
That means California and New York cannot run roughshod over less populated states. If you don't like it move or
get the Constitution amended.

As Ben Franklin said a democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
Thank God we had men of wisdom as founding fathers rather than "woke" ideologues and other morons.

The EC is the last vestige of slavery.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars

Tough shit.... When you can
In your world, apparently states like Wyoming and Alaska with fewer than a million total population should get 3-4 times the voting power as those in CA, TX or NY with 20-40 times as many people. In your world it isn't one man/ one vote ... it's 1 acre/ one vote.

Of course the first time Republicans win the popular vote by 3 million yet lose the election, they will want to scrap the EC.
Welcome to the United States of America and their Constitution. America is not a democracy strictly but a republic.
That means California and New York cannot run roughshod over less populated states. If you don't like it move or
get the Constitution amended.

As Ben Franklin said a democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
Thank God we had men of wisdom as founding fathers rather than "woke" ideologues and other morons.

The EC is the last vestige of slavery.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars

When you can visit all 50 states and convince them to give up their statehood, tear down the governor's Mansion and stop collecting state taxes.... Get back to me. You can start with California and see how far you get.


Oh, the movement to eliminate the EC is going quite well my friend. All we need are a few more states who agree to dedicate all their electors to the winner of the popular vote. A constitutional amendment in that case will not be necessary. :)
Yep - "So what and who cares" with regard to our allies are very Trumpian notions.
No. It's more like we cannot elect our presidents based on what is popular in Paris and Berlin.
Just as they don't particularly care if we don't love Merkel or Macron.
If you weren't such a dishonest sack of crap you would admit this is so.

Your political landscape sucks and soon you'll find out that Dear Leader has literally killed responsible conservatism and hence, the Republican Party.
Odd that it is instead the democrat party that seems to be imploding. You have a corrupt brain damaged candidate who claims to be a moderate facing down two died in the wool socialists. Good luck with that.
Oh, the movement to eliminate the EC is going quite well my friend. All we need are a few more states who agree to dedicate all their electors to the winner of the popular vote. A constitutional amendment in that case will not be necessary
Oh, frightening. Whether you get enough fools to all throw in together to have any effect or not (it looks like not) the whole scheme is unconstitutional anyway.

"Additionally, Ian J. Drake, an associate professor of political science and law at Montclair State University, has argued that because the Supreme Court has held (in Cuyler v. Adams) that congressional approval of interstate compacts makes them federal laws,[ if the U.S. Congress is required to approve the NPVIC because of a horizontal balance of power shift, congressional passage of such a law would be in violation of the Supremacy Clause of Article VI, because under Article I, Section VIII and the 12th Amendment, Congress has no enumerated or implied powers to alter the presidential election process except as outlined in Article V as part of the constitutional amendment process"

The entire process would disenfranchise voters from every single state not part of this pact and it would be thrown to the Supreme Court for the conservative court to protect the rights of all those citizens Good fucking luck getting them to shiv the electoral college.

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