Trump adds televangelist Paula White to his administration!\

Paula White ain't your enemy. Why do lefties hate and fear her?

Trump doesn't know any better and obviously, neither do you

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing,
but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
You will know them by their fruits.

Matthew 7:15-16

But there were also false prophets among the people,
even as there will be false teachers among you,
who will secretly bring in destructive heresies,
even denying the Lord who bought them,
and bring on themselves swift destruction.

And many will follow their destructive ways,
because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed.
By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words;
for a long time their judgment has not been idle,
and their destruction does not slumber.

2 Peter 2:1-3

Ya Fucking OOOPS - How about YOU?

I guess the Sore Loser Brigade needs to get to amending the Constitution you and your ilk hates so much.
No thanks. No OOOPS here.

When will you and your ilk try to amend the Constitution instead of whining like jilted teenage girls for 3 years after losing an election?


It says that all roads leads to Rome. And the Roman church speaks Greek. And Illuminati and Klu Klux are all Greek words. They has been infiltrating this country for years. They has been trying to erase the word of God for centuries.


Ya Fucking OOOPS - How about YOU?

I guess the Sore Loser Brigade needs to get to amending the Constitution you and your ilk hates so much.
No thanks. No OOOPS here.

When will you and your ilk try to amend the Constitution instead of whining like jilted teenage girls for 3 years after losing an election?

Nobody is whining. We are merely concerned about a lawless, corrupt, amoral president who is abusing his power in ways that endanger our national security. But now that you mention it - Your side distinctly whined for 8 years about that Kenyan, Marxist, Mooslim, Halfrican feller. F'in OOOPS indeed! ;)

Ya Fucking OOOPS - How about YOU?

I guess the Sore Loser Brigade needs to get to amending the Constitution you and your ilk hates so much.
No thanks. No OOOPS here.

When will you and your ilk try to amend the Constitution instead of whining like jilted teenage girls for 3 years after losing an election?

Nobody is whining. We are merely concerned about a lawless, corrupt, amoral president who is abusing his power in ways that endanger our national security. But now that you mention it - Your side distinctly whined for 8 years about that Kenyan, Marxist, Mooslim, Halfrican feller. F'in OOOPS indeed! ;)
You are still whining.
Those "demonic networks" just don't understand that this president was sent by GAWD! And always remember "Saying no to president Trump would be saying NO to the Almighty!!"

President Donald Trump has added Florida televangelist Paula White to his administration. She will be an adviser to the president’s Faith and Opportunity Initiative in the White House’s Office of Public Liaison.

The New York Times calls the 53-year-old White “a quintessentially Trump figure: a television preacher, married three times, who lives in a mansion [and believes] that God wants followers to find wealth and health -- commonly called the prosperity gospel.”

Paula White, Donald Trump’s new adviser, ratchets up rhetoric, denounces ‘demonic’ networks opposing president’s ‘calling’
Those "demonic networks" just don't understand that this president was sent by GAWD! And always remember "Saying no to president Trump would be saying NO to the Almighty!!"

President Donald Trump has added Florida televangelist Paula White to his administration. She will be an adviser to the president’s Faith and Opportunity Initiative in the White House’s Office of Public Liaison.

The New York Times calls the 53-year-old White “a quintessentially Trump figure: a television preacher, married three times, who lives in a mansion [and believes] that God wants followers to find wealth and health -- commonly called the prosperity gospel.”

Paula White, Donald Trump’s new adviser, ratchets up rhetoric, denounces ‘demonic’ networks opposing president’s ‘calling’
The kings in the Bible always used prophets as advisers. They were like the king's mediators between them and God. This country is based on Christian's principles which certain people are trying to erase from the history books. That they are trying to say that this country was started by secularism. But the only thing that is hard to erase from history. It is the Christian's names that they all had. Lincoln seek counsel from the Bible. That is how he made most of his decisions.

Did you WATCH the Paula White video? Do you agree that "wherever she stands is holy"? Do you believe that "saying no to president tRump is saying no to God"?? Do you believe that networks that criticize president tRump are "demonic"??? Do you believe that president tRump was "sent by God"???? Do you believe that president tRump is "a huge history buff?????

If you believe these things, then you too are a world class NUT ;)
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Says the idiots that elected Bill Clinton and are currently melting down because people rejected Hillary.

I didn't vote for Hillary - but she did win by 3 million votes although Donnie Dumpster squeaked the EC by 77,000 votes in three states with the help of two inappropriate Comey announcements and butt-tons of assistance from his favorite murderous dictator (and Daddy) Vladimir. ;)
Do you live in one of them 3 states of them 77K in votes?
And if you had of, would you still not vote HRC?
I'm still going with people who did not show up to vote in those 3 states, as they told themselves, the Orange Racist POS can't win.
These 3 states need to pay for this in the future.

Baz, I lived in Idaho in 2016 where thanks to the EC my vote for POTUS or US Senators mattered not a whit. Though not a Hilly fan, I most certainly would have voted for HRC if I'd been living in anything that resembled a swing state. I'm in Oregon now. Though a blue state, I will not be casting anymore protest votes.
Says the idiots that elected Bill Clinton and are currently melting down because people rejected Hillary.

I didn't vote for Hillary - but she did win by 3 million votes although Donnie Dumpster squeaked the EC by 77,000 votes in three states with the help of two inappropriate Comey announcements and butt-tons of assistance from his favorite murderous dictator (and Daddy) Vladimir. ;)

Trump won 30 states giving him a 304-232 win.

When will you libnut morons figure out the popular vote isn't how we elect a President.

In your world, apparently states like Wyoming and Alaska with fewer than a million total population should get 3-4 times the voting power as those in CA, TX or NY with 20-40 times as many people. In your world it isn't one man/ one vote ... it's 1 acre/ one vote.

Of course the first time Republicans win the popular vote by 3 million yet lose the election, they will want to scrap the EC. :rolleyes:
Those "demonic networks" just don't understand that this president was sent by GAWD! And always remember "Saying no to president Trump would be saying NO to the Almighty!!"

President Donald Trump has added Florida televangelist Paula White to his administration. She will be an adviser to the president’s Faith and Opportunity Initiative in the White House’s Office of Public Liaison.

The New York Times calls the 53-year-old White “a quintessentially Trump figure: a television preacher, married three times, who lives in a mansion [and believes] that God wants followers to find wealth and health -- commonly called the prosperity gospel.”

Paula White, Donald Trump’s new adviser, ratchets up rhetoric, denounces ‘demonic’ networks opposing president’s ‘calling’

It's a brilliant move....though I find her to be horrifyingly unsubstantial I think you have no idea how many swing votes that woman will carry with her.

I wonder if anyone has taken her aside to discuss the concept of modesty in dress??? She looks like a two penny slut with a speed sex button under her shirt.

Trump is fighting like a real slugger here.....he's going for the low hanging fruit....blind faith votes....they make up a good 30 percent of the bible belt electorate. Brilliant .....Brilliant.....Brilliant....... Watch and learn

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Says the idiots that elected Bill Clinton and are currently melting down because people rejected Hillary.

I didn't vote for Hillary - but she did win by 3 million votes although Donnie Dumpster squeaked the EC by 77,000 votes in three states with the help of two inappropriate Comey announcements and butt-tons of assistance from his favorite murderous dictator (and Daddy) Vladimir. ;)
Do you live in one of them 3 states of them 77K in votes?
And if you had of, would you still not vote HRC?
I'm still going with people who did not show up to vote in those 3 states, as they told themselves, the Orange Racist POS can't win.
These 3 states need to pay for this in the future.

Baz, I lived in Idaho in 2016 where thanks to the EC my vote for POTUS or US Senators mattered not a whit. Though not a Hilly fan, I most certainly would have voted for HRC if I'd been living in anything that resembled a swing state. I'm in Oregon now. Though a blue state, I will not be casting anymore protest votes.
Protest voting is just a wasted vote.
I feel if you have 3 choices, and you vote for a person that WILL NOT WIN EVER. Why ever vote?
Really, here. Say we know 1M register voters, vote in that area. On average every election the Dems gets 490K
the Reppuer gets 490K and the Independent gets 20K in votes. There is never a valid point to
toss your vote in the trash. And If you vote once, you need to vote every time even if the race is
just one person running to be elected to a seat etc. My point is, there is either a Dem or Repugger
and in some cases an Independent in a state where they elect them all the time there to vote for.
But we have just a two-party system. Where your vote counts. One is better than the other by a little.

The Great El Douche' is a real criminal. HRC is not at the same level as the Douche. = HRC is a better choice to vote for.

FYI: I was talking to a person. The person voted for the Great El Douche'. I ask why? The person said HRC was an
enabler of Bubba Clinton affairs. (Yes, you guessed it, a female said this). WTF? HRC is to blame for Bubba's Dogging?
:shok:You voted for the Great El Douche' because of that thinking. After a few words, she changes from that reason to
she did not like HRC.:dunno: I guess the Great Douche' 43 sexual assaults, 3 rape claims one by ITS 1st wife and Raw Dogging a Pornstar for 130K got her to not like HRC.
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Actually, I am in favor of White getting on the bus. I think that it is a good thing for all the con artists to be in the same tent. It makes it easier to keep an eye on them.
In your world, apparently states like Wyoming and Alaska with fewer than a million total population should get 3-4 times the voting power as those in CA, TX or NY with 20-40 times as many people. In your world it isn't one man/ one vote ... it's 1 acre/ one vote.

Of course the first time Republicans win the popular vote by 3 million yet lose the election, they will want to scrap the EC.
Welcome to the United States of America and their Constitution. America is not a democracy strictly but a republic.
That means California and New York cannot run roughshod over less populated states. If you don't like it move or
get the Constitution amended.

As Ben Franklin said a democracy is three wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
Thank God we had men of wisdom as founding fathers rather than "woke" ideologues and other morons.
Ya sure - Eking out 77,000 votes in three states with the help of Daddy Poot Twas a LAAAANDSLIDE!! :113:
Once again, 3 states didn't elect Trump, 30 states did. And he won those 30 states by over 7 MILLION votes, giving him a 304-232 win.

Bla LA-LA-LA ... Yes, the good ol' EC (aka Last Vestige of Slavery) where acres vote and not actual PEOPLE.

Cool I guess if you prescribe. I do NOT approve of those in AK, WY and MT getting 3-4 times the voting power as those in CA, TX & NY.

I guess the Sore Loser Brigade needs to get to amending the Constitution you and your ilk hates so much.

I'm sure this clown ^^^ has been brainwashed, I'm also sure he paid for a full brainwash when all he needed was a lite rinse.

The stupidity and arrogance of trumpanzees is amazing, and embarrassing. People all over the world can access this forum and read the insanity (out of touch with reality) of these clowns.

You mad?

Nope, I'm not mad, either angry or insane. I'm embarrassed by your posts, and the posts of others whose life is run by conspiracy theories and trump's BIG LIES.

People all over the earth read your posts, and Russians and Chinese laugh at how successful they have been in increasing their hegemony around the world, as our country provides gallows humor to our allies.
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