Trump Admits to Obstructing Justice

So there are two scenarios regarding the flynn firing tweet.
When Trump learned that Flynn admitted that he lied to the FBI, Trump decided he would show that he was presidential and in control so he tweeted that he fired Flynn because of lying to the FBI.
His lawyer then points out that this is an admission of obstruction of justice since the day after he fired Flynn he tried to stop the FBI from investigating him for a felony.
Trump then invents the story that he didn't tweet the message, his lawyer did, to try and cover up his mistake.

Trump's lawyer, out of the blue, suddenly decides to tweet from Trumps account a statement that he knows will make Trump appear to admit to obstruction of justice and would destroy his defense.

Hmmm. I wonder which story could be the true one?
Hard to decide.

Will Donald Trump make his claims under oath Like Comey ? LOL

President Trump tweets this morning: “I never asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn. Just more Fake News covering another Comey lie!”

Axios has the backdrop:

Former FBI director James Comey has testified under oath that Trump told him in January, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” a remark he interpreted as a direction from the president. Trump’s critics have cited that as potential obstruction of justice, particularly after his Saturday tweet that he “had to fire” Flynn because he lied to the FBI (hence, Trump would have known Flynn committed a crime before allegedly asking Comey to back off).
The OP...

Another fool getting foolish information from fools in the Left media.

This is getting SO old.....yawn
Trump's twitter feed is "Left media"?
No, trump’s Twitter is the left nightmare
Trump's twitter is the Left's nightmare; are you kidding!!!!?????
The idiot is providing the prosecution proof of obstruction of justice through his tweets.
Many Trump voters are seeing the light of who Trump is.
There are a group of minions who will support Trump to the end and go down with him.
Boy, I sure can't wait for this stuff to be over. Whatever happens.
For the Trumpanzees who complain that it's gone on too long, a reminder that Watergate took 29 months.
I realize partisans on both ends love to play gotcha and go nuts over every story and rumor and accusation, and play ongoing judge and jury and all, but I do wonder if you folks ever get tired of it.
So you honestly believe its partisanship to see that Drumpf admitted to knowing that Flynn was lying but asked Comey to let it go?
No. Nice attempt a straw man. They usually begin with "So you...."

Thats not a strawman. It goes directly to the point of the OP. Are you claiming Drumpf didnt tweet he knew Flynn lied?
It's a straw man because that's not what I said. You know what "straw man" means, right?

There's nothing I wouldn't believe about that man. I also don't believe anything he says out of hand, even something that makes him look bad. I also don't think he knows what he's doing, or whether what he's doing is legal or not.

I do think it's a sign of partisanship when his enemies only believe him like gospel when they can use what they said against him, of course.

If he broke a law, nail him. We'll see. The rest of this is partisan noise to me. We'll see what a jury says.
I realize partisans on both ends love to play gotcha and go nuts over every story and rumor and accusation, and play ongoing judge and jury and all, but I do wonder if you folks ever get tired of it.
Only when it's against their guy
Yeah, good point.
Correct. Exactly.

Amazing how similar the two ends are, isn't it?

Yeah, what with Benghazi resulting in felony convictions and all...oh wait
I realize partisans on both ends love to play gotcha and go nuts over every story and rumor and accusation, and play ongoing judge and jury and all, but I do wonder if you folks ever get tired of it.
Only when it's against their guy
Yeah, good point.
Correct. Exactly.

Amazing how similar the two ends are, isn't it?

Yeah, what with Benghazi resulting in felony convictions and all...oh wait
Yep, they struck out. Trump? We'll see. My crystal ball is at the cleaners. I'll leave the partisan prognostications to the partisans.

Regardless, the behaviors of the two sides remain remarkably consistent and similar.
For the Trumpanzees who complain that it's gone on too long, a reminder that Watergate took 29 months.
I realize partisans on both ends love to play gotcha and go nuts over every story and rumor and accusation, and play ongoing judge and jury and all, but I do wonder if you folks ever get tired of it.
So you honestly believe its partisanship to see that Drumpf admitted to knowing that Flynn was lying but asked Comey to let it go?
No. Nice attempt a straw man. They usually begin with "So you...."

Thats not a strawman. It goes directly to the point of the OP. Are you claiming Drumpf didnt tweet he knew Flynn lied?
It's a straw man because that's not what I said. You know what "straw man" means, right?

There's nothing I wouldn't believe about that man. I also don't believe anything he says out of hand, even something that makes him look bad. I also don't think he knows what he's doing, or whether what he's doing is legal or not.

I do think it's a sign of partisanship when his enemies only believe him like gospel when they can use what they said against him, of course.

If he broke a law, nail him. We'll see. The rest of this is partisan noise to me. We'll see what a jury says.
I didnt say thats what you said. I asked you a question about it being partisanship that Drumpf admitted to knowing about Flynn lying to the FBI. How is that partisanship? Thats more of a confession. Only a Drumpfling would say it was partisan noise when Drumpf is the one that said it.

Do you actually think Drumpf is going to see the inside of a courtroom over this? :laugh:
Obstructing would be ordering Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn. More desperate snowflake spin after the Flynn testimony' disaster that blew up in their faces.
I realize partisans on both ends love to play gotcha and go nuts over every story and rumor and accusation, and play ongoing judge and jury and all, but I do wonder if you folks ever get tired of it.
So you honestly believe its partisanship to see that Drumpf admitted to knowing that Flynn was lying but asked Comey to let it go?
No. Nice attempt a straw man. They usually begin with "So you...."

Thats not a strawman. It goes directly to the point of the OP. Are you claiming Drumpf didnt tweet he knew Flynn lied?
It's a straw man because that's not what I said. You know what "straw man" means, right?

There's nothing I wouldn't believe about that man. I also don't believe anything he says out of hand, even something that makes him look bad. I also don't think he knows what he's doing, or whether what he's doing is legal or not.

I do think it's a sign of partisanship when his enemies only believe him like gospel when they can use what they said against him, of course.

If he broke a law, nail him. We'll see. The rest of this is partisan noise to me. We'll see what a jury says.
I didnt say thats what you said. I asked you a question about it being partisanship that Drumpf admitted to knowing about Flynn lying to the FBI. How is that partisanship? Thats more of a confession. Only a Drumpfling would say it was partisan noise when Drumpf is the one that said it.

Do you actually think Drumpf is going to see the inside of a courtroom over this? :laugh:
I have no idea.
The OP...

Another fool getting foolish information from fools in the Left media.

This is getting SO old.....yawn
Trump's twitter feed is "Left media"?
No, trump’s Twitter is the left nightmare
More like comedy gold and a prosecutors wet dream.
Then why do they care so much about them? That’s not logical!
Like I said, his tweets provide comedy and evidence for a prosecutor. Why wouldnt they care when they are getting so much from him?
Obstructing would be ordering Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn. More desperate snowflake spin after the Flynn testimony' disaster that blew up in their faces.
You sound more desperate than most Drumpflings. Dont worry he wont see prison time. He still has a pardon or two in his back pocket.
Only when it's against their guy
Yeah, good point.
Correct. Exactly.

Amazing how similar the two ends are, isn't it?

Yeah, what with Benghazi resulting in felony convictions and all...oh wait
Yep, they struck out. Trump? We'll see. My crystal ball is at the cleaners. I'll leave the partisan prognostications to the partisans.

Regardless, the behaviors of the two sides remain remarkably consistent and similar.

I think the cleaners lost my crystal ball. ;)

I don't know what's going to happen. It may be true that Trump is simply an oblivious idiot who has such a poor grasp of the meanong of leadership that he was clueless as to the events unfolding right in front of his face regarding his closest advisers. The only reason that is even mildly believable is because Trump is such a goddamn moron.

But, that idea has its own pitfalls, as the idiot keeps making it worse for himself. How ironic it would be if Trump is impeached deapite playing no apparent part in Russian collusion, due to his own moronic reactions.
Correct. Exactly.

Amazing how similar the two ends are, isn't it?

Yeah, what with Benghazi resulting in felony convictions and all...oh wait
Yep, they struck out. Trump? We'll see. My crystal ball is at the cleaners. I'll leave the partisan prognostications to the partisans.

Regardless, the behaviors of the two sides remain remarkably consistent and similar.

I think the cleaners lost my crystal ball. ;)

I don't know what's going to happen. It may be true that Trump is simply an oblivious idiot who has such a poor grasp of the meanong of leadership that he was clueless as to the events unfolding right in front of his face regarding his closest advisers. The only reason that is even mildly believable is because Trump is such a goddamn moron.

But, that idea has its own pitfalls, as the idiot keeps making it worse for himself. How ironic it would be if Trump is impeached deapite playing no apparent part in Russian collusion, due to his own moronic reactions.
Well, many of us who voted against him cited (a) his lack of a proper temperament for the position and (b) no indication that he possesses the intellectual capacity for it, as our top reasons, and everything is pretty much going as expected.

If I had to guess, I'd guess that he has done shit that he's not supposed to do, out of pure ignorance of protocol and/or laws. Will that be enough for removal from office? I'm a little doubtful, but who knows. I don't like the idea of such a thing happening to ANY President, frankly.
If I had to guess, I'd guess that he has done shit that he's not supposed to do, out of pure ignorance of protocol and/or laws.

I think that's a fair guess, and yes, it most certainly would be enough to remove him. For one, for a guy who has been surrounded by lawyers since he was a baby, that would be a tough legal sell. Second, ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, especially for the top person in the country responsible for upholding it.

Third...and this is the funny part....has it really come to this for Trump and his supporters? They are left to bend over backwards to paint a picture of an ignorant, oblivious moron who is such a horrible leader that he wasnt even aware of the illegal activity (all meant to benefit Trump personally) being committed by his very closest advisers? It appears it has come to this. And we both know these people will play it to the bone.
If I had to guess, I'd guess that he has done shit that he's not supposed to do, out of pure ignorance of protocol and/or laws.

I think that's a fair guess, and yes, it most certainly would be enough to remove him. For one, for a guy who has been surrounded by lawyers since he was a baby, that would be a tough legal sell. Second, ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, especially for the top person in the country responsible for upholding it.

Third...and this is the funny part....has it really come to this for Trump and his supporters? They are left to bend over backwards to paint a picture of an ignorant, oblivious moron who is such a horrible leader that he wasnt even aware of the illegal activity (all meant to benefit Trump personally) being committed by his very closest advisers? It appears it has come to this. And we both know these people will play it to the bone.
Well, that's where things are. They're not going to give an inch. I've always thought of him as a primal scream, so the regular standards just don't apply.
If I had to guess, I'd guess that he has done shit that he's not supposed to do, out of pure ignorance of protocol and/or laws.

I think that's a fair guess, and yes, it most certainly would be enough to remove him. For one, for a guy who has been surrounded by lawyers since he was a baby, that would be a tough legal sell. Second, ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, especially for the top person in the country responsible for upholding it.

Third...and this is the funny part....has it really come to this for Trump and his supporters? They are left to bend over backwards to paint a picture of an ignorant, oblivious moron who is such a horrible leader that he wasnt even aware of the illegal activity (all meant to benefit Trump personally) being committed by his very closest advisers? It appears it has come to this. And we both know these people will play it to the bone.
Well, that's where things are. They're not going to give an inch. I've always thought of him as a primal scream, so the regular standards just don't apply.

While I agree that Trump is an aberration to which normal human standards cant be applied, there is no such provision in the legal system. Well, unless Trump wants to claim he is mentally retarded, I guess.
If I had to guess, I'd guess that he has done shit that he's not supposed to do, out of pure ignorance of protocol and/or laws.

I think that's a fair guess, and yes, it most certainly would be enough to remove him. For one, for a guy who has been surrounded by lawyers since he was a baby, that would be a tough legal sell. Second, ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, especially for the top person in the country responsible for upholding it.

Third...and this is the funny part....has it really come to this for Trump and his supporters? They are left to bend over backwards to paint a picture of an ignorant, oblivious moron who is such a horrible leader that he wasnt even aware of the illegal activity (all meant to benefit Trump personally) being committed by his very closest advisers? It appears it has come to this. And we both know these people will play it to the bone.
Comey declared Hillary was innocent because she was ignorant of the law.

There is still no evidence against Trump that has not been manufactured and / or hevily spun by the left.

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