Trump Adviser: Hillary Clinton Should Be 'Shot For Treason'

That's just too crazy to even try to unpack.

Why is it too crazy to "unpack," stupid? It's really not that complicated.

Private Slovik was executed for making the following confession...

[I Pvt Eddie D. Slovik #36896415 confess to the Desertion of the United States Army. At the time of my desertion we were in Albuff in France. I come to Albuff as a replacement. They were shilling the town and we were told to dig in for the night. The flowing morning they were shilling us again. I was so scared nerves and trembling that at the time the other replacements moved out I couldn’t move. I stayed their in my fox hole till it was quite and I was able to move. I then walked in town. Not seeing any of our troops so I stayed over night at a French hospital. The next morning I turned myself over to the Canadian Provost Corp. After being with them six weeks I was turned over to American M.P. They turned me lose. I told my commanding officer my story. I said that if I had to go out their again Id run away. He said there was nothing he could do for me so I ran away again AND ILL RUN AWAY AGAIN IF I HAVE TO GO OUT Their.

Signed Pvt. Eddie D. Slovik

A.S.N. 36896415]
You really are Stolen Valor, aren't you? This post of yours shows it.
I think the GOP is just a couple steps away from outright demanding that their political enemies be shot or locked up. Maybe in a gulag.
Already had at least one say Liberals should be put in gulags and one other who wants Drumpf to become King or Dictator.
If you were being impeached for a few "personal/private" blowjobs - wouldn't you also be reciting various verbs for clarification...? I would...
Nobody was ever impeached for a blowjob.

However, I do realize that most Dumocrats are so fucking stupid, ignorant and easily brainwashed that they that they think Bill Clinton was impeached for getting a blowjob.

The fact of the matter is that Clinton was impeached for committing perjury and obstruction of justice, not for getting a blowjob. Most Democrats are simply very easily brainwashed because they have lazy and weak minds.

Yes, President Clinton was impeached for BLOWJOBS. You can spin it however you wish - but that's the bottom line. The Ken Starr NaziCons wanted to burn him at the stake - so after spending about $50 million plus of taxpayer money - they nailed him on a little perjury charge. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
No, he was impeached for lying. Typical libtard, lying about a liar. Scumbags all of you.

Funny. If that's the case - Trump should only last about five minutes after being sworn in - or maybe even during the swearing-in ceremony.
Your fear is awesome!!!!!
We're still afraid of Palin, remember?
Shot for treason? If Trump had any honor - he would denounce such hateful, vicious rhetoric.

Treason is still a crime that can warrant the death penalty.

If a public official betrays the nation by selling or giving military or state secrets to a nation we are at war with or even one who is known to have waged subversive acts against the U.S. -- that could be deemed treason, an extremely serious offense.

I, for one, have no problem with the death penalty for that type of treason. One cannot measure the damage and loss of lives such a thing might cause.
How are you about believing in an indictment, trial, and conviction.......first?
Declared "nothing illegal." Would 9 more investigations satisfy you?

One honest investigation where the investigators are not intimidated or black mailed might --- might --- satisfy me.

The facts about Benghazi and the email bullshit is enough for me to convict her. Just her lying to those parents of the dead soldiers saying it was a video is enough to make me sick and charge her with something.

But to answer your earlier question --- no, she should not be charged with treason or hung if she has been cleared by the committee or court. Even if "cleared" is dubious.
So in your perfect society, telling a lie is enough to charge someone with something. Hmm.

Nvm that at that time in the investigation the video, with had sparked protests in over 100 countries that same day, was still completely in play as a reason behind the attack. And nvm that the only terrorist from that day that has been arrested said he was there because of the video.

No, but placing classified documents on a private server with no security absolutely is. That is what the Director of the FBI states she did. MANY people have gone to prison for much less than she did.

What does "no security" mean. Do you have the details of their security?

Uh the state department is much different because of their networks and firewalls, switches, and loads of other software....Norton on your is considered nothing when compared with.that....not even close.....that's like saying your gated community is as safe as a military base.....

Do you have the details of the security for the Clinton's server? Was it equivalent to a "home computer"?
Nobody was ever impeached for a blowjob.

However, I do realize that most Dumocrats are so fucking stupid, ignorant and easily brainwashed that they that they think Bill Clinton was impeached for getting a blowjob.

The fact of the matter is that Clinton was impeached for committing perjury and obstruction of justice, not for getting a blowjob. Most Democrats are simply very easily brainwashed because they have lazy and weak minds.

Yes, President Clinton was impeached for BLOWJOBS. You can spin it however you wish - but that's the bottom line. The Ken Starr NaziCons wanted to burn him at the stake - so after spending about $50 million plus of taxpayer money - they nailed him on a little perjury charge. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
No, he was impeached for lying. Typical libtard, lying about a liar. Scumbags all of you.

Funny. If that's the case - Trump should only last about five minutes after being sworn in - or maybe even during the swearing-in ceremony.
Your fear is awesome!!!!!
We're still afraid of Palin, remember?
You're afraid of real Amrricans and the truth. That is why you embrace lying scum like hildabeast all the time.
Nobody was ever impeached for a blowjob.

However, I do realize that most Dumocrats are so fucking stupid, ignorant and easily brainwashed that they that they think Bill Clinton was impeached for getting a blowjob.

The fact of the matter is that Clinton was impeached for committing perjury and obstruction of justice, not for getting a blowjob. Most Democrats are simply very easily brainwashed because they have lazy and weak minds.

Yes, President Clinton was impeached for BLOWJOBS. You can spin it however you wish - but that's the bottom line. The Ken Starr NaziCons wanted to burn him at the stake - so after spending about $50 million plus of taxpayer money - they nailed him on a little perjury charge. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
No, he was impeached for lying. Typical libtard, lying about a liar. Scumbags all of you.

Funny. If that's the case - Trump should only last about five minutes after being sworn in - or maybe even during the swearing-in ceremony.
Your fear is awesome!!!!!
We're still afraid of Palin, remember?
Seems Paul RINO is too...:lol:
That's just too crazy to even try to unpack.

Why is it too crazy to "unpack," stupid? It's really not that complicated.

Private Slovik was executed for making the following confession...

[I Pvt Eddie D. Slovik #36896415 confess to the Desertion of the United States Army. At the time of my desertion we were in Albuff in France. I come to Albuff as a replacement. They were shilling the town and we were told to dig in for the night. The flowing morning they were shilling us again. I was so scared nerves and trembling that at the time the other replacements moved out I couldn’t move. I stayed their in my fox hole till it was quite and I was able to move. I then walked in town. Not seeing any of our troops so I stayed over night at a French hospital. The next morning I turned myself over to the Canadian Provost Corp. After being with them six weeks I was turned over to American M.P. They turned me lose. I told my commanding officer my story. I said that if I had to go out their again Id run away. He said there was nothing he could do for me so I ran away again AND ILL RUN AWAY AGAIN IF I HAVE TO GO OUT Their.

Signed Pvt. Eddie D. Slovik

A.S.N. 36896415]
You really are Stolen Valor, aren't you? This post of yours shows it.
He's John kerry?
Shot for treason? If Trump had any honor - he would denounce such hateful, vicious rhetoric.

Treason is still a crime that can warrant the death penalty.

If a public official betrays the nation by selling or giving military or state secrets to a nation we are at war with or even one who is known to have waged subversive acts against the U.S. -- that could be deemed treason, an extremely serious offense.

I, for one, have no problem with the death penalty for that type of treason. One cannot measure the damage and loss of lives such a thing might cause.
Even in cases where the accused has been completely cleared apparently.

Not "cleared" . Declared too stupid to prosecute. Big difference.
Interesting. Where is that codified in our Justice System?
Shot for treason? If Trump had any honor - he would denounce such hateful, vicious rhetoric.

Treason is still a crime that can warrant the death penalty.

If a public official betrays the nation by selling or giving military or state secrets to a nation we are at war with or even one who is known to have waged subversive acts against the U.S. -- that could be deemed treason, an extremely serious offense.

I, for one, have no problem with the death penalty for that type of treason. One cannot measure the damage and loss of lives such a thing might cause.
Even in cases where the accused has been completely cleared apparently.

Not "cleared" . Declared too stupid to prosecute. Big difference.
Declared "nothing illegal." Would 9 more investigations satisfy you?
They should be allowed to investigate all they long as THEY pay for it and not the general public.
I agree with the man.

While I don't think she should be shot, she certainly should be sitting in a prison cell.

What about that little thing called "due process"...?

Sh will never get due process as long as her husbands friends are in power. It's kind of like trying to get justice when the king rapes your sister and then tosses her out. The king controls all aspects of government so the odds that he will be prosecuted are pretty slim. Leave it to a brain dead moron like you to ignore that simple fact.
If only the GOP were in charge of Congress or something, something...
I agree with the man.

While I don't think she should be shot, she certainly should be sitting in a prison cell.

What about that little thing called "due process"...?

Sh will never get due process as long as her husbands friends are in power. It's kind of like trying to get justice when the king rapes your sister and then tosses her out. The king controls all aspects of government so the odds that he will be prosecuted are pretty slim. Leave it to a brain dead moron like you to ignore that simple fact.
If only the GOP were in charge of Congress or something, something...
The GOP is....we are booting them as fast as we can!!
One honest investigation where the investigators are not intimidated or black mailed might --- might --- satisfy me.

The facts about Benghazi and the email bullshit is enough for me to convict her. Just her lying to those parents of the dead soldiers saying it was a video is enough to make me sick and charge her with something.

But to answer your earlier question --- no, she should not be charged with treason or hung if she has been cleared by the committee or court. Even if "cleared" is dubious.
So in your perfect society, telling a lie is enough to charge someone with something. Hmm.

Nvm that at that time in the investigation the video, with had sparked protests in over 100 countries that same day, was still completely in play as a reason behind the attack. And nvm that the only terrorist from that day that has been arrested said he was there because of the video.

No, but placing classified documents on a private server with no security absolutely is. That is what the Director of the FBI states she did. MANY people have gone to prison for much less than she did.

What does "no security" mean. Do you have the details of their security?

Uh the state department is much different because of their networks and firewalls, switches, and loads of other software....Norton on your is considered nothing when compared with.that....not even close.....that's like saying your gated community is as safe as a military base.....

Do you have the details of the security for the Clinton's server? Was it equivalent to a "home computer"? can't recreate that at home...Stop trying to justify it.....the security was a joke for that content. She had Trend micro.....that's it......I've used it before.....but there is alot more to security than that...I work IT.......that should NEVER happen
Treason is still a crime that can warrant the death penalty.

If a public official betrays the nation by selling or giving military or state secrets to a nation we are at war with or even one who is known to have waged subversive acts against the U.S. -- that could be deemed treason, an extremely serious offense.

I, for one, have no problem with the death penalty for that type of treason. One cannot measure the damage and loss of lives such a thing might cause.
Even in cases where the accused has been completely cleared apparently.

Not "cleared" . Declared too stupid to prosecute. Big difference.
Declared "nothing illegal." Would 9 more investigations satisfy you?

One honest investigation where the investigators are not intimidated or black mailed might --- might --- satisfy me.

The facts about Benghazi and the email bullshit is enough for me to convict her. Just her lying to those parents of the dead soldiers saying it was a video is enough to make me sick and charge her with something.

But to answer your earlier question --- no, she should not be charged with treason or hung if she has been cleared by the committee or court. Even if "cleared" is dubious.
President Trump would be right in insisting she have a MILITARY trial. do you justify that, Constitutionally?

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