Trump Adviser: Hillary Clinton Should Be 'Shot For Treason'

Insanity. Clinton was not found to be culpable for Benghazi and found not to have broken any laws with her email use.
Your perspective relies completely on conspiracies to be valid. Mine does not.

Now, now....Let's be "fair" here....You are asking for right wingers to be sensible, use logic, obey laws and not act as a lynching mob????? You may be unfairly asking a bit too much from these nitwits.
Shot for treason? If Trump had any honor - he would denounce such hateful, vicious rhetoric.

Couple this death threat with the chanting to imprison Clinton and you have the Soviet'ization of the Republican Party.

Just as despotic regimes from Russia to North Korea have killed and imprisoned their political enemies, it's not hard to imagine this current Republican Party jailing their political opponents, especially if the Trump regime creates the kind of chaos and desperation they are likely to create.

Recall that Chile was the birthplace of the current form of military imposed crony-capitalism. The intellectual father of this movement ("neoliberalism") was Milton Friedman, Reagan's chief economist.

In Chile the popular, democratically elected Allende was murdered and replaced with the Pinochet, who famously had his death squads round up and kill Leftists in a soccer stadium.

The overall goal was a form of shock therapy, to seize by force the nation's markets from local populations and give them to global transnationals, while defunding the public sphere and imposing brutal forms of austerity on the non-wealthy. This violent atrocity was done to the ravenous cheers of uneducated Rightwing "home-landers", who we're lead to believe that it was a moral crusade against evil.

The bloodlust of last night's Trump rally was disturbing.

“Hillary Clinton to me is the Jane Fonda of the Vietnam.”

An adviser to Donald Trump on veterans issues said on Tuesday that Hillary Clinton should be put in a firing line and shot for treason.

New Hampshire state representative Al Baldasaro, who is also a Trump delegate from the state and has appeared with Trump at campaign events, made the comments on the Jeff Kuhner Show.

“I’m a veteran that went to Desert Shield, Desert Storm. I’m also a father who sent a son to war, to Iraq, as a Marine Corps helicopter avionics technician. Hillary Clinton to me is the Jane Fonda of the Vietnam,” he said. “She is a disgrace for the lies that she told those mothers about their children that got killed over there in Benghazi. She dropped the ball on over 400 emails requesting back up security. Something’s wrong there.”

“This whole thing disgusts me, Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason,” he added.

Baldasaro has spoken at several Trump events, introducing Trump multiple times, including at an event in late May where he admonished the media for focusing on questions over Trump’s donations to veteran’s charities.

He later added in the radio interview that Clinton was a “piece of garbage.”

A spokesperson for the Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


It's sad that the Republican Party has devolved into this. Really sad...

I am a true fiscal conservative. Why waste a bullet? Hang her fat ass from the nearest tree........because you can reuse the rope.

Well, at least you're more honest than most NaziCons. So, would you volunteer to hang her?
While I don't think she should be shot, she certainly should be sitting in a prison cell.

What about that little thing called "due process"...?

Sh will never get due process as long as her husbands friends are in power. It's kind of like trying to get justice when the king rapes your sister and then tosses her out. The king controls all aspects of government so the odds that he will be prosecuted are pretty slim. Leave it to a brain dead moron like you to ignore that simple fact.
If only the GOP were in charge of Congress or something, something...
The GOP is....we are booting them as fast as we can!!
Of course you are. What part are you playing in that "we are booting them as fast as we can"?
That's just too crazy to even try to unpack.

Why is it too crazy to "unpack," stupid? It's really not that complicated.

Private Slovik was executed for making the following confession...

[I Pvt Eddie D. Slovik #36896415 confess to the Desertion of the United States Army. At the time of my desertion we were in Albuff in France. I come to Albuff as a replacement. They were shilling the town and we were told to dig in for the night. The flowing morning they were shilling us again. I was so scared nerves and trembling that at the time the other replacements moved out I couldn’t move. I stayed their in my fox hole till it was quite and I was able to move. I then walked in town. Not seeing any of our troops so I stayed over night at a French hospital. The next morning I turned myself over to the Canadian Provost Corp. After being with them six weeks I was turned over to American M.P. They turned me lose. I told my commanding officer my story. I said that if I had to go out their again Id run away. He said there was nothing he could do for me so I ran away again AND ILL RUN AWAY AGAIN IF I HAVE TO GO OUT Their.

Signed Pvt. Eddie D. Slovik

A.S.N. 36896415]
You really are Stolen Valor, aren't you? This post of yours shows it.
He's John kerry?
Ah.....present evidence that John Kerry did not serve.

I'd say fake purple hearts are just as bad
You mean like this one?


Hey...guess where that was at!
Shot for treason? If Trump had any honor - he would denounce such hateful, vicious rhetoric.

Couple this death threat with the chanting to imprison Clinton and you have the Soviet'ization of the Republican Party.

Just as despotic regimes from Russia to North Korea have killed and imprisoned their political enemies, it's not hard to imagine this current Republican Party jailing their political opponents, especially if the Trump regime creates the kind of chaos and desperation they are likely to create.

Recall that Chili was the birthplace of the current form of military imposed crony-capitalism. The intellectual father of this movement ("neoliberalism") was Milton Friedman, Reagan's chief economist.

In Chili the popular, democratically elected Allende was murdered and replaced with the Pinochet, who famously had his death squads round up and kill Leftists in a soccer stadium.

The overall goal was a form of shock therapy, to seize by force the nation's markets from local populations and give them to global transnationals, while defunding the public sphere and imposing brutal forms of austerity on the non-wealthy. This violent atrocity was done to the ravenous cheers of uneducated Rightwing "home-landers", who we're lead to believe that it was a moral crusade against evil.

The bloodlust of last night's Trump rally was disturbing.

Amen! Like rabid jackals howling at the moon.
This seems rather appropriate for the GOP atm.

Of course. You've got us excitable fools all figured out again.

And yet --- this all could have been avoided if President Zero and Hilldebeest were not enemies of the military and the state or just your basic cowards.

But none of that bothers you, apparently. What’s important is that you maintain your unflappable image here, and to remind us lowly conservatives you’ve got this, and life itself, all under control. Cool.

My advice to you>>> be honest for a change --- get religion --- soon we will all be dead and then cometh the judgement religious is the behavior from the RW currently?

“Hillary Clinton to me is the Jane Fonda of the Vietnam.”

An adviser to Donald Trump on veterans issues said on Tuesday that Hillary Clinton should be put in a firing line and shot for treason.

New Hampshire state representative Al Baldasaro, who is also a Trump delegate from the state and has appeared with Trump at campaign events, made the comments on the Jeff Kuhner Show.

“I’m a veteran that went to Desert Shield, Desert Storm. I’m also a father who sent a son to war, to Iraq, as a Marine Corps helicopter avionics technician. Hillary Clinton to me is the Jane Fonda of the Vietnam,” he said. “She is a disgrace for the lies that she told those mothers about their children that got killed over there in Benghazi. She dropped the ball on over 400 emails requesting back up security. Something’s wrong there.”

“This whole thing disgusts me, Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason,” he added.

Baldasaro has spoken at several Trump events, introducing Trump multiple times, including at an event in late May where he admonished the media for focusing on questions over Trump’s donations to veteran’s charities.

He later added in the radio interview that Clinton was a “piece of garbage.”

A spokesperson for the Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


It's sad that the Republican Party has devolved into this. Really sad...

I am a true fiscal conservative. Why waste a bullet? Hang her fat ass from the nearest tree........because you can reuse the rope.

Well, at least you're more honest than most NaziCons. So, would you volunteer to hang her?

Again, I am a fiscal conservative. Therefore I would suggest we sell raffle tickets and the winner gets the honor of pulling the trap door lever. We could put the money towards veterans care.
We're still afraid of Palin, remember?
You're afraid of real Amrricans and the truth. That is why you embrace lying scum like hildabeast all the time.
Sorry, I'm too busy being afraid of Palin.
I know...right? She's so TERRIFYING!!!!!!
Yep, commies are scared of true Americans.
Scary! Very Scary! I understand that Palin is so scary that the GOP didn't bring her to the RNC because she would make everyone faint dead away.....
I think that Trump has a better chance of just buying a replica of the oval office at the WH gift shop.

Sleeping at the wheel and playing with yourself 24/7 isn't going to get Hillary elected, stupid.
We're counting on idiots like you - millions of you - to keep thinking the way you're thinking. Election evening, you fuckers will be jumping off buildings in droves. Be considerate. Make sure you have a permit to do so, asswipe.
This seems rather appropriate for the GOP atm.

Of course. You've got us excitable fools all figured out again.

And yet --- this all could have been avoided if President Zero and Hilldebeest were not enemies of the military and the state or just your basic cowards.

But none of that bothers you, apparently. What’s important is that you maintain your unflappable image here, and to remind us lowly conservatives you’ve got this, and life itself, all under control. Cool.

My advice to you>>> be honest for a change --- get religion --- soon we will all be dead and then cometh the judgement religious is the behavior from the RW currently?

You are deflecting.

I was only trying to help.
I think that Trump has a better chance of just buying a replica of the oval office at the WH gift shop.

Sleeping at the wheel and playing with yourself 24/7 isn't going to get Hillary elected, stupid.
We're counting on idiots like you - millions of you - to keep thinking the way you're thinking. Election evening, you fuckers will be jumping off buildings in droves. Be considerate. Make sure you have a permit to do so, asswipe.

Are you really a Senior Chef? (what a right wing, clueless :ahole-1:)
Just horrible. Actually, she should be held accountable for the deaths of Americans, as well as treason, brought to trial - and deal with whatever the jury deals her. Eddie Slovik was shot for a lot less than she's done, but hey - she's above the law.

Fuck off.

That's just too crazy to even try to unpack.
and yet you think nothing of labeling fellow Americans NAZI'S just because they have the gall and audacity to disagree with you.....that also is too crazy to try and unpack....

For your further enlightenment...

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

Or propaganda?
Nazis - National Socialists


1. state sponsored DNA discrimination
2. gun control (for those not in the Party)
3. socialism, including socialized health care
4. using biased/controlled media to lie

Clearly, one American party is in lock step with the National Socialists, and it isn't the GOP or the Libertarians..

as moronic as the above is.......Which party would rather not have "black folks" have a gun?....and which party has the full endorsement and propaganda from FOX and hate talk radio?
Bull fucking SHIT!
How do we know the Trump people are just spouting nonsense, and if Trump gets elected some might expect him to carry out his threats, and they will help. He is spouting nonsense isn't he?

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