Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

The fetus is a baby,
If it is not your fetus why do you put the words in other people’s mouth. Do you think you’re the most important person in the world or everybody has to live by your meanings and definitions of things.

A fetus can be a baby and a fetus can just be a fetus. That’s how language works. Neither usage is wrong.

You obviously are lured to the usage of the Catholic/Republicanisms flowery hate scent propaganda of calling 60 - 70% of the population, baby killers“. You have the option of using the phrase “termination of a pregnancy“. However that does not quench your lust for promoting divisiveness.

Like most Trump simpaticos you have a lot of white grievance or anger issues underneath the surface of your being.

Why are you are irrationally
opposed to dealing with whatever is bothering you.
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If it is not your fetus Why do you put the words in other peoples mouth. Do you think you’re the most important person in the world or what everybody has to live by your mean and definitions of things.

A fetus can be a baby and a fetus can just be a fetus. That’s how language works. Neither usage is wrong.

You obviously are lured to the usage of the Catholic/Republicanism flowery hate scent propsgsnda of calling 60 - 70% of the population, baby killers“. You have the option of using the phrase “termination of a pregnancy“. However that does not quench your lust for promoting divisiveness.

Like most Trump simpaticos you have a lot of white grievance or anger issues underneath the surface of your being.

You are absolutely opposed to dealing with whatever is bothering you.
So my usage is not wrong, you just said it is interchangeable, then why do you object? It’s the same thing just a different word meaning the same. Why do you get to tell me how to speak or communicate? Why are you so great that you dictate to me? I use facts, I am not sure what game you play but it seems all emotional for you, to me, facts are facts, that is why males are males and females are female to me and I don’t have to play games when defining sex, it is all very simple, baby = fetus, abortion = killing, both are true and factual, you don’t like my terminology it might be best to understand why YOU don’t like the terminology.

I’m not sure why I have to tiptoe around your terminology and you can dictate mine, can you explain that?
The vast majority of problems in our lives don't need the government, granted, I agree! Notice my definition of a democratic government. It's a social apparatus, organized by the people, to manage their LARGE SCALE socioeconomic and civil affairs and projects. It's that which you and I as individuals or even as owners of a privately owned business enterprise, can't or aren't willing to effectively or fairly address and resolve.

It doesn't matter how much money we have, we can't do it, as individual citizens or even as members of a social group organization, because there's no authority there to do it.

Your house is burning and you didn't pay for fire insurance, so, the private firefighting company decides to take its sweet time to your burning house, sometimes even waiting for the mayor or city council to call you up "Please take care of that fire and we'll pay you".

Here is another one...You live in the boondocks with a few hundred people, out in the country, and the private for-profit mail service doesn't deliver mail there, hence you don't get mail. The government will set up a post-office in the boondocks, because it's a civil service and "profitability" is irrelevant. It's a government service.

Here is the last one..You own a small business, a great restaurant that people love, but you now (unlike in the past), have homeless people setting up tents outside your business, urinating and defecating on the sidewalk, harassing and even threatening your customers. The local, city government run by liberals, doesn't have the cojones, to impose ordinances that will prevent these homeless miscreants, and junkies, from destroying their once-beautiful city (you probably already know which city this analogy is alluding to)......

So the "evil" socialist federal government intervenes and forces (using the police and national guard) all of these homeless people, into a special emergency housing "camp", on the outskirts of the city, where social workers assess what type of government services these people need. Is this person homeless just for financial reasons, is this individual addicted to narcotics, are they mentally ill...etc? They're "triaged" at the camp.

The people who are homeless strictly due to financial reasons are placed in government housing, the people with substance abuse problems, go to rehab, and the mentally ill go to the psych-ward. There's a government program to get these people off the streets, and you know who agrees with my socialist party, on this issue? Trump:

The liberals complain, that this is being "hardline", but it's just common sense. The government has to get involved because this serious social crisis (This BIG PROJECT) can't be resolved by the private, for-profit sector, or a Christian homeless mission or ministry, it takes a government to do this. With all of its legitimate authority and vast resources.

Now sir, Mr Dblack, do you realize how advanced robotics has become in the last twenty years? Are you aware of the present capabilities of intelligent robots and artificial intelligence? It's not the automation of the 1970s, 80s, or 90s, we're currently in 2024, in the realm of Sci-Fi. We're now living in a "science fiction" world, as ridiculous as this might sound, it's true.

If I'm a capitalist, I don't need human labor to do the job anymore, I can invest in smart robots and AI, and produce the goods and services that consumers need. Those human laborers are a pain in the ass. They get tired, they talk back to me, they're always asking, even demanding, higher wages, and when they get injured they sue me. Mr. Dblack, I don't need these obnoxious, expensive meat-sacks working for me anymore, I have robots and AI.

All of my competitors are fully automating their businesses, I need to do the same or I'm toast. However, I also realize as a capitalist, that without human wage labor, there aren't any paying customers. The consumer under capitalism, needs money to consume, and most consumers rely on their jobs to generate an income, or earn money. So if we capitalists, replace these stinky sacks of protoplasm, with robots and AI, who the hell is going to buy our products?

So now I turn from Mr Dblack to my cronies in the US government and I demand..."I need you, to bail me out of this major crisis, by printing at least 4 trillion dollars yearly, which you will give to the American public, as a monthly income of $1000. I need paying customers, and those customers need money, in order to buy my products and services".

Do you understand now, how this works? I don't need to hire whiney humans, I have robots and AI that work 24/7 for me, at about 50¢ hourly, in electricity and maintenance costs.

That entails, letting go of tens of millions of people out of the job market, and eventually, hundreds of millions of workers won't have jobs or a source of income. I don't really care, I don't need them anymore.

So I'm going to demand my cronies in government, give me some socialism, by paying consumers, a monthly income, that way I can preserve my wealth and plutocratic power.

I'm afraid that the working-class will take my assets away from me, and my influence over the government. I want to maintain my social status, wealth, and political power. So I'm going to have the government bail me out monthly (socialism for the rich), by giving the former working-class (now unemployed), $1000 a month.

This will keep capitalism on life-support for at least another 50 years, maybe even a century or two. Provided the goods and services we capitalist techno-lords produce, are affordable. Since I now have a workforce that words 24/7 for me, without being paid wages or whining about everything they don't like, threatening me with their labor union..Since I don't have to deal with that shit anymore, and I'm 100 times more efficient than I was as an employer (exploiter) of meat sacks, I can charge five times less for my goods and services.

A $1000 income will be the equivalent of what $5.000 a month is today. Of course, this all depends upon the government providing the public with that free money (socialism for the rich), and keeping me and my family, in our current position of dominance over society, the economy, and the political sphere, as a feudal techlord.

Welcome to techno-feudalism, where the working class is reduced to unproductive, consumer-serfs, whose only purpose is to maintain the current capitalist class in power. The current capitalist class refuses to relinquish ownership of the mines, factories, and all of the other assets of production (autonomous, self-driving machinery, smart robots, AI, supercomputers), or their control over our government.

The people will no longer need any government services, like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and most other government services because they're now receiving a welfare check or UBI. The capitalist continues to say:

Sure, they're going to have to pay us capitalists for all of those services, and they're going to have less disposable income, but that's the nature of the beast, life is a bitch.

Too bad, we're obviously the fittest, because we own everything, including the government.

"Survival Of The Fittest"

I and my family, my fellow capitalists, the members of my socioeconomic class, who own everything, will live in beautiful gated communities, surrounded by smart, sexy robots, and they will produce everything. We don't really need markets anymore hehehehe, we just have those markets for the former working class, until we figure out a way to "cull the herd", you know what I mean? These "working class" folks love markets, we really did a good job of brainwashing them during the Cold War.

We need to be careful because if the general populace, 94% of the population (the former working class, who are now worthless, unproductive consumer serfs), figure out that, they can own the means of production (all of the sexy robots), they won't need us anymore hehehe, yeah. Scary.

If they experienced one day of our lives living in this beautiful, gated community, essentially a high-tech paradise, they would want what we have. We have to keep them, more or less ignorant and satisfied with their monthly government welfare check of $1000. They're relying on us to provide them with the goods and services that they need.

We capitalists don't need markets anymore, and we rely on the government to keep the barbarians outside of the gates until we figure out a way to get rid of them (drugs, crime, incarceration, wars abroad, pandemics..etc). Essentially, we're now the socialists, hehehehe, who own the means of production and produce everything to meet our needs and wants, without needing profits or even money.

We control the government and we're essentially the "commie-techlords", while the masses are spending their government welfare checks ("UBI") on the products and services that we provide them with. They hardly have any income left after we juice them dry, but that's life...for them anyway.


If you want conversation - converse. If you're just here to post your daily propaganda, I'm not interested.
I’m sure after that attempt on his life and surviving that gun shot wound from the ActBlue donor’s bullet, he has had a religious experience

Good for him
You mean the conservative shooter....

The guy was a conservative who shot at him... His father was a Trump supporter...

But you have a narrative, Blame Democrats..
Beats me. What you said isn't true. Are you trying to pretend otherwise?
What you say isn't true? You mean "when I said we have no other choice"?

What other viable choice do we have this year other than Trump or Harris. There are no other choices that can win!!!!

Should I have specifically said the word "viable"? I thought that is normally understood that the only people that have an opportunity to win in "any year" are either Democrats or Republicans. This has been a 2 party nation for as long as I remember. So again, what did I say that isn't true?
What then is your version of "truth"?

You still have not given me your version, you have just dissed mine! You want to debate, then debate and give me your version!
You mean the conservative shooter....

The guy was a conservative who shot at him... His father was a Trump supporter...

But you have a narrative, Blame Democrats..
What the F does it matter who his father supported? The Actblue donor donated to Xiden and followed XIden's order to put Trump in the bullseye.
What then is your version of "truth"?

You still have not given me your version, you have just dissed mine! You want to debate, then debate and give me your version!
Not sure if this is addressed to me, but I've grown weary of these ridiculous "lesser-of-two-evils" discussions. The whole thing is a con perpetuated by the two parties who benefit from it. The solid truth is, we can vote for whomever we want. If you want to pretend otherwise, to justify voting for a shitty candidate - that's on you.
fetus = fetus; unborn baby = fetus
abortion = preventative killing as an act of self-defense or self preservation

So my usage is not wrong,

i. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240905 {post•632}

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vtaerp: I did not say you’re usage of the word “baby“ is wrong. I am saying the intention for which you choose to use it, is divisive. Therefore I’m telling you that your intentional divisiveness is wrong. nfbw 240905 Vtaerp00632

ii. Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. 231121 {post•1}. NotfooledbyW Sep’23 Vrftma: ….. state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women. nfbw 231121 Vrftma0000

iii. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240905 {post•632}

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vtaerp: Do you agree or disagree with my statement in para ii. Saint_Papageorgio?

nfbw 240905 Vtaerp00632
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If you want to pretend otherwise, to justify voting for a shitty candidate
Both Biden and Harris are and were qualified and meaningful candidates. Don Trump is not qualified to be considered a human being.

This election is the riddance of Republican rot and evil top to bottom.
Both Biden and Harris are and were qualified and meaningful candidates.
If you think that, then great. Vote for them. But I don't, and I'm tired of partisans telling me that Harris and Trump are the only choices. If that were true, I wouldn't bother voting. Fortunately, it's not true.
I'm tired of partisans telling me that Harris and Trump are the only choices.

You are a partisan for chaos.

There are only two candidates that have a chance to become president. One is a convicted felon pending three other criminal indictments and the former president who attempted to overturn the election that he lost by running a criminal conspiracy to present fake election documents to the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021 in order to create chaos in the peaceful transfer of power. The other is the former Attorney General of California; a former US Senator and the current Vice President of the United States.. Very qualified to become the next president of the United States.

And you can’t make a choice between those two. Rather pathetic, I must say.
fetus = fetus; unborn baby = fetus
abortion = preventative killing as an act of self-defense or self preservation

i. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240905 {post•632}

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vtaerp: I did not say you’re usage of the word “baby“ is wrong. I am saying the intention for which you choose to use it, is divisive. Therefore I’m telling you that your intentional divisiveness is wrong. nfbw 240905 Vtaerp00632

ii. Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. 231121 {post•1}. NotfooledbyW Sep’23 Vrftma: ….. state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women. nfbw 231121 Vrftma0000

iii. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240905 {post•632}

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vtaerp: Do you agree or disagree with my statement in para ii. Saint_Papageorgio?

nfbw 240905 Vtaerp00632
Don’t care what Trump or evangelicals think, why should I?
Don’t care what Trump or evangelicals think, why should I?
The question is;

“state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women”

Do you agree or disagree if you disagree explain why.
You are a partisan for chaos.
What the hell does that mean?
There are only two candidates that have a chance to become president.
That's just not true. They can't win if we don't vote for them.

Listen, if you want to base your vote on trying to guess what everyone else is going to do, go for it I guess. I'm just going to vote for the best candidate.
And you can’t make a choice between those two. Rather pathetic, I must say.
"Won't" is the correct word.
Trump has been "using" the Evangelicals and quoting God as a way to get elected. and recently with the attempted assassination attempt he experienced, according to Trump, God is watching out for him and that is the reason why he was not killed. In addition, Megan Kelly tried to confirm that by making the case that Trump was shot at 6:11pm and that is meaningful on a biblical basis............In reading Ephesian 6:11 where it says "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." Megan Kelly says that it means that Trump has the "full armor of God" on his side and the Democratic "devils" were the ones trying to kill him.

Nonetheless, this video makes the very good case that the opposite meaning is most likely to be the case, quoting other 6:11's verses in the Bible. See this and have a good laugh

I have 2 questions for you:

1) "Should Trump be using God and Religion to win the presidency"?
2) "Knowing who Trump is and hearing the above video, should the Evangelicals be supporting Trump"?

What Trump told the evangelicals was he'd stop paying lip service to their political desires and allow McConell to subvert how Justices are chosen, but then Trump recognized he'd pissed off more than he satisifed ... not good for a populist. So, he's tried to waffle out with abortion waiting periods, no national ban (like that was gonna pass, and trust me the dems would run train with that). etc

And we now have a Sup Ct viewed with distrust by all interested groups. The evangelicals wanted to play politics. And they are a minority and depend on the tolerance of the maj and a Court willing to put it's credibility upon those who don't have any political power.
The question is;

“state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women”

Do you agree or disagree if you disagree explain why.

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