Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

No. No other person in the community can be harmed in any way when a woman terminates he fetus. In fact with medical privacy laws no one in the community needs to know when it happens.

If I am not correct about that. Please tell me why..
Because two human beings go into an abortion clinic, and only one comes out. The other is parted out for profit or turned into medical waste.

And you really can't see what's wrong with that?
It’s the government’s obligation to protect the community by protecting citizens from the spread of deadly viruses. Immunization is part of that protection.

The government has no cause nor obligation to protect the community from a member of the community when she terminates her pregnancy.
I can easily PROVE you wrong on your fragile state statement you made about me and that you mention for a second time again in this post..

Fragile means: a person that is
  • delicate.
  • brittle.
  • frail.
  • breakable.
  • weak.

I have been here for just 3 weeks and yesterday I got the award for 1000 messages being written (meaning I have probably received more than 1000 responses to them) and given that most of the people on this site are Trumpers unable to prove their points (other than through insulting and debasing the messenger), I have to say that I have received a lot of that.

I am a man that gives the benefit of the doubt to people, so I allow people to insult and debase me for anywhere from 3-5 times before I warn them and then if they do it one more time, I put them on ignore, which means that I have not been delicate, brittle, frail, breakable, or weak. I have put 17 people on ignore for that reason (insulting and debasing) alone.

This is proof that you are 100% wrong in your accusation!
The threat of being ignored by you is not the disincentive you believe it is, Skippy.
nfbw 240907 Vtaerp00784

two human beings

i. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240831 {post•265 to 256} daveman Aug’24 Staerp: I am a Christian. dvmn 240831 Staerp00265

ii. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240907 {post•761}. NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vtaerp: No other person in the community can be harmed in any way when a woman terminates her fetus. nfbw 240907 Vtaerp00761

iii. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240907 {post•782 to 761}. daveman Sep’24 Staerp: Because two human beings go into an abortion clinic, and only one comes out. #dvmn 240907 Staaerp00782

iv. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240907 {post•784 to 782}

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vtaerp : Two questions for Saint_Daveman:

When you Saint_Daveman see two “human beings” go into an abortion clinic do you see one “human being” going in or two?

Is the one person you see going into an abortion clinic a Christian just like you?

nfbw 240907 Vtaerp00784
Last edited:

No, more government is not the answer to anything except, "Why don't we waste a lot more money and have a lot more corruption?"

You're not winning any converts here, Adolph. And while your tantrums are mildly entertaining, your one-note song is boring.

Run along, boy.

Exactly, you're an idiot.

No, more government is not the answer to anything except, "Why don't we waste a lot more money and have a lot more corruption?"

No more government unless it serves Elon Musk, and hands over all of the nation's potential assets and commonwealth to him and other billionaire capitalists, because davey pansy-boy the numbskull dingleberry says so.

According to soy-boy, we should waste our money further enriching billionaires with assets and resources that should be in the hands and under the authority of the American people, publicly owned, and managed through NASA (the most prestigious, epic, effective space exploration agency and organization in the world, due to its countless accomplishments and KICKASSNESS. Oh, wait..guess what, NASA = The American People! It's America! NASA = MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, ).

Like the retard that you are, you pretend there's no corruption in the private sector, only in the public one, yet at least in government there's more accountability. The US government holds elections dipshit, whereas Elon Musk doesn't.

You're not winning any converts here, Adolph.

You couldn't be more clueless.

And while your tantrums are mildly entertaining, your one-note song is boring.Run along, boy.

You're the one given to irrational, moronic fits, not me. If you want me to leave, make me. Come get some bitch.

Did you ask the same about the now defunct president that will spend the rest of his presidency at the beach?
Or have you asked the same questions of Kamala Harris.?



The facts are clear that Biden chose not to run for a second term. He's not "defunct", he's a patriot that has put country ahead of personal ego and ambition.
Biden is old and fragile. He has no stamina for doing his job and campaigning. Your bias has crippled your thinking.
That’s really funny because up until the debate, the left was claiming he was fit and energetic’ love the spin though, you are as creative as the GOP.
Translation? Biden was forced out because of his poor performance in the debate.
Actually, Biden took himself out of the race because after considering the threat to our nation and the world posed by Don Trump running as a rapist, convicted felon and four times indicted and twice impeached former President of the United States who is seeking to impose a cult of his disgusting personality brand of authoritarianism on free people, so on top of realizing that going against such a despicable human being should have had him up in the polls by the time of the debate he decided it was best to focus on his duty as President by recommendin that Harris carry the ball and the nation forward.

He was down in the polls in the battleground states, and the money to put together a strong campaign against the horror of Trump was not coming in.

Biden saw the handwriting on the wall and he refused to let Putin’s beat him this time

So he passed the torch to the younger generation and let him Putin is very depressed.
nfbw 240907 Vtaerp00784

i. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240831 {post•265 to 256} daveman Aug’24 Staerp: I am a Christian. dvmn 240831 Staerp00265

ii. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240907 {post•761}. NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vtaerp: No other person in the community can be harmed in any way when a woman terminates her fetus. nfbw 240907 Vtaerp00761

iii. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240907 {post•782 to 761}. daveman Sep’24 Staerp: Because two human beings go into an abortion clinic, and only one comes out. #dvmn 240907 Staaerp00782

iv. Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election? 240907 {post•784 to 782}

NotfooledbyW Sep’24 Vtaerp : Two questions for Saint_Daveman:

When you Saint_Daveman see two “human beings” go into an abortion clinic do you see one “human being” going in or two?

Is the one person you see going into an abortion clinic a Christian just like you?

nfbw 240907 Vtaerp00784
You are so desperately flailing.

I don't need someone to share my beliefs to acknowledge them as a human being.

Two human beings go into an abortion clinic. Only one human being comes out.

It's really very simple. There is no rational way to dispute it.
Exactly, you're an idiot.

No more government unless it serves Elon Musk, and hands over all of the nation's potential assets and commonwealth to him and other billionaire capitalists, because davey pansy-boy the numbskull dingleberry says so.

According to soy-boy, we should waste our money further enriching billionaires with assets and resources that should be in the hands and under the authority of the American people, publicly owned, and managed through NASA (the most prestigious, epic, effective space exploration agency and organization in the world, due to its countless accomplishments and KICKASSNESS. Oh, wait..guess what, NASA = The American People! It's America! NASA = MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, ).

Like the retard that you are, you pretend there's no corruption in the private sector, only in the public one, yet at least in government there's more accountability. The US government holds elections dipshit, whereas Elon Musk doesn't.

You couldn't be more clueless.

You're the one given to irrational, moronic fits, not me. If you want me to leave, make me. Come get some bitch.

:auiqs.jpg: You are not intimidating at all, boy.
That’s really funny because up until the debate, the left was claiming he was fit and energetic’ love the spin though, you are as creative as the GOP.

No they weren't. Biden is fragile, but medical professionals say he has no signs of dementia.

Everyone ages differently. How old are you? My brain is holding up pretty good but I have problems with balance and back pain.
First of all, without the government, SpaceX wouldn't exist. SpaceX relies heavily on the US government, NASA and many other resources that are government-supported. Moreover, do you know what China has been doing in the last few years in Space?
NASA wouldn’t exist, right?
No they weren't. Biden is fragile, but medical professionals say he has no signs of dementia.

Everyone ages differently. How old are you? My brain is holding up pretty good but I have problems with balance and back pain.
God. How do you do that? You know blatantly lie?

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