Trump and the NRA and the GOP have INFESTED America with murderous GUN VERMIN

Not everyone is built to run to the sound;
That's why God created Conservatives / Republicans....Democrats run for their 'safe spaces' until its all over then come out pointing fingers at others....


(Just kidding, snowflakes...)
Except in this REALITY it was the CON$ervoFascists with guns who ran to their "coward's corners" and the Liberal without a gun who turned and faced down the Trump Nationalist and threw bottles at him to distract him from killing children. So as usual, you are projecting the actual actions of the Right onto the Left.
The Right always plays dumb in the face of the truth!!!
From your own extreme Right-wing NY Post, no less:
A man who was shot in the El Paso Walmart massacre is being hailed as a hero for throwing bottles at accused gunman Patrick Crusius to try to distract him, rather than fleeing from the rampage that killed 22.

Chris Grant, 50, was shopping for groceries in the Texas Walmart on Saturday when the 21-year-old started firing his AK-47-style assault rifle.

“I heard gunshots and I knew what it was so I ran towards my mother to try to shield her,” Grant told CNN, noting that the usually “gun-wielding grandma” left her weapon at home as they were “just going to Walmart.”

After making sure she was safe, he saw the gunman in the parking lot.

“I saw him popping people off. To deter him, I just started throwing bottles at him,” he recalled from his hospital bed.

“One went right towards him and that’s when he saw me.

“I ducked, and he just boop-boop-boop-boop started firing off rounds at me. I was like, ‘Oh my God, this guy is shooting at me.'”

Grant was struck twice, both bullets hitting near the rib cage. “When I got hit, it was somebody put a hand grenade in your back and pulled the pin. That’s what it felt like,” he told the network.
If he had had a CCP and a weapon instead of bottles he could have taken the guy down.

1. The DEMOCRATS control the House...the budget...spending....

2. The country is BEYOND being 'bankrupt', dumbass - we're trillions in debt & Democrats are adding the cost of millions of illegals while promising billions / trillions more in 'free shit' campaign promises...

The democrats had nothing to do with $2 trillion revenue drop from tax cuts for the wealthy.
you are right - Dems had no part in creating the strongest economy in decades, lowest unemployment rate in decades / ever, most jobs ever, etc...
We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
90+ million private citizens who own legally purchased firearms (handguns and rifles alike) on the "left" and right are not criminals and are no threat to you. The problem is simply an extremely few loonies out there. The left's agenda however, is to disarm law abiding gun owners in order to dismantle the Constitution and implement a tyrannical one-party government.
There are millions of law abiding citizens in Baltimore, but that didn't stop Tramp from labeling the entire city, so don't give me that crap that some Trump Nationalist murderous gun vermin are "nice people."

I love the hypocrisy of the Right, they readily stereotype large groups of Americans, like you just did with "The Left," and then have a shit fit when someone does it back to you. :cuckoo:

1. The DEMOCRATS control the House...the budget...spending....

2. The country is BEYOND being 'bankrupt', dumbass - we're trillions in debt & Democrats are adding the cost of millions of illegals while promising billions / trillions more in 'free shit' campaign promises...

The democrats had nothing to do with $2 trillion revenue drop from tax cuts for the wealthy.
you are right - Dems had no part in creating the strongest economy in decades, lowest unemployment rate in decades / ever, most jobs ever, etc...
If economy is so great, why did the feds just juice it up?
The current yield curve is an ominous warning.
It has nothing to do with bravery or cowardice,as you well know, but the NRA's self serving answer to gun violence of "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." Not only does it sell more guns, the REAL purpose of the NRA, it sells tee shirts too.

- NO


Turning more law-abiding citizens into helpless sheep does not make them safer.

Regulating who can buy what kind of guns would help.

Who decides? The supreme court has already ruled on the topic.

The rules we have now are not working. Time to try something else. Too bad the NRA won't let us.

What something else do you have in mind? And what has the NRA stopped?

It doesn't matter what I put forward, the NRA will block it. Just ask the GOP.
Regulating who can buy what kind of guns would help.

We already do.....

1) It is against the law to buy, own or carry a gun if you are a felon.

2) It is against the law to own a gun if you are adjudicated, by a court, to be dangerously mentally ill.

3) It is against the law to knowingly sell a gun to either of the above.

We have the laws we need....we need democrats to stop releasing violent gun offenders from jil and prison.
We obviously aren’t doing the job properly.

Moore people die of the flu than mass shootings, I guess we're not doing the job properly there either.

If you want start a thread about that, go for it, otherwise stick to the topic.

Isn't this about people dying? The fact is you commies want to control people, you could care less about the things that kill many more people than guns.

Stop deflecting. We're talking about guns.
Regulating who can buy what kind of guns would help.

Who decides? The supreme court has already ruled on the topic.

The rules we have now are not working. Time to try something else. Too bad the NRA won't let us.

The rules work..... the problem is the democrats keep letting violent gun offenders out of jail...over and over again.
The last two shooters weren't just let out of jail. So no, the rules are not working.

They did however pass background checks.

Proving that that's not enough.
Regulating who can buy what kind of guns would help.

Who decides? The supreme court has already ruled on the topic.

The rules we have now are not working. Time to try something else. Too bad the NRA won't let us.

The rules work..... the problem is the democrats keep letting violent gun offenders out of jail...over and over again.
The last two shooters weren't just let out of jail. So no, the rules are not working.


2018, 12 mass public shootings, 93 killed.

2017, last year for FBI figures.....10,982 were murdered with guns.....

Can you tell which number is bigger? Which number is the actual problem?

And of those killers.....the majority will have long histories of crime and violence and will have previous gun convictions or gun charges that were bargained away by democrats...
It's all a big problem.

- NO


Turning more law-abiding citizens into helpless sheep does not make them safer.

Regulating who can buy what kind of guns would help.

Who decides? The supreme court has already ruled on the topic.

The rules we have now are not working. Time to try something else. Too bad the NRA won't let us.

What something else do you have in mind? And what has the NRA stopped?

It doesn't matter what I put forward, the NRA will block it. Just ask the GOP.
Only if it is In-Constitutional crap, like what Socialist Dems want to pass. Of course, Pelosi, Nadler, & Dems haven't had much time to legislate due to their never-ending Trump Witch Hunt...
Regulating who can buy what kind of guns would help.

Who decides? The supreme court has already ruled on the topic.

The rules we have now are not working. Time to try something else. Too bad the NRA won't let us.

What something else do you have in mind? And what has the NRA stopped?

It doesn't matter what I put forward, the NRA will block it. Just ask the GOP.
Only if it is In-Constitutional crap, like what Socialist Dems want to pass. Of course, Pelosi, Nadler, & Dems haven't had much time to legislate due to their never-ending Trump Witch Hunt...
There's already plenty of weapons that you're not allowed to own, cruise missiles, nukes, WMD... When the Constitution says no infringement whatsoever.
So, has Warren denounced her Satan-worshipping Antifa assassin supporter's terrorist attack yet?

Have any Democrats called for the President to be officially listed along side white supremacists as 'TERTORISTS'?

Has she & the DNC announced yet they will give all the money they collected fund raising on the dead bodies of shooting victims to the victim's families?

- NO


Turning more law-abiding citizens into helpless sheep does not make them safer.

Regulating who can buy what kind of guns would help.

Who decides? The supreme court has already ruled on the topic.

The rules we have now are not working. Time to try something else. Too bad the NRA won't let us.

What something else do you have in mind? And what has the NRA stopped?

It doesn't matter what I put forward, the NRA will block it. Just ask the GOP.

Ohhhh..poor baby...... you know that everything you have put out in the past has been shown to be pointless, ineffective and targeting only normal people and not criminals...that is why you anti-gunners have stopped listing these things and now won't say what you actually want....falling back on the "common sense" gun control phrase as a magic phrase that you won't allow to be questioned.....
Regulating who can buy what kind of guns would help.

Who decides? The supreme court has already ruled on the topic.

The rules we have now are not working. Time to try something else. Too bad the NRA won't let us.

What something else do you have in mind? And what has the NRA stopped?

It doesn't matter what I put forward, the NRA will block it. Just ask the GOP.

Ohhhh..poor baby...... you know that everything you have put out in the past has been shown to be pointless, ineffective and targeting only normal people and not criminals...that is why you anti-gunners have stopped listing these things and now won't say what you actually want....falling back on the "common sense" gun control phrase as a magic phrase that you won't allow to be questioned.....
I'm not anti-gun because I want something done about the massive amount of gun violence in this country. You must really hate the US, all you want is more guns and more shootings.
Who decides? The supreme court has already ruled on the topic.

The rules we have now are not working. Time to try something else. Too bad the NRA won't let us.

What something else do you have in mind? And what has the NRA stopped?

It doesn't matter what I put forward, the NRA will block it. Just ask the GOP.

Ohhhh..poor baby...... you know that everything you have put out in the past has been shown to be pointless, ineffective and targeting only normal people and not criminals...that is why you anti-gunners have stopped listing these things and now won't say what you actually want....falling back on the "common sense" gun control phrase as a magic phrase that you won't allow to be questioned.....
I'm not anti-gun because I want something done about the massive amount of gun violence in this country. You must really hate the US, all you want is more guns and more shootings.

More guns in the hands of normal people = less gun violence.....

The anti-gun theory and argument.....your theory and argument....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.

So your argument wasn't that crime goes up, crime goes down....your theory, your argument is More Guns (regardless of any other factors) = More Gun Crime

Whatever the crime rate more Americans owned more guns the crime rate did not go again...

The exact opposite of your theory science that means your theory is wrong.
Who decides? The supreme court has already ruled on the topic.

The rules we have now are not working. Time to try something else. Too bad the NRA won't let us.

What something else do you have in mind? And what has the NRA stopped?

It doesn't matter what I put forward, the NRA will block it. Just ask the GOP.

Ohhhh..poor baby...... you know that everything you have put out in the past has been shown to be pointless, ineffective and targeting only normal people and not criminals...that is why you anti-gunners have stopped listing these things and now won't say what you actually want....falling back on the "common sense" gun control phrase as a magic phrase that you won't allow to be questioned.....
I'm not anti-gun because I want something done about the massive amount of gun violence in this country. You must really hate the US, all you want is more guns and more shootings.

No, you don't.....if you cared about gun violence you would be out protesting the democrat party...the party that keeps letting violent gun offenders out of prison, over and over just hate don't care if innocent people are raped, robbed and would rather that happen than normal people stop those rapes, robberies and murders with legal guns...

The CDC states that 1.1 million times a year, Americans use their legal guns to stop would keep those people from stopping those crimes....allowing them to be raped, robbed and murdered....

You don't care about gun crime, you only care that John and Jane citizen want a gun to be safe......
The rules we have now are not working. Time to try something else. Too bad the NRA won't let us.

What something else do you have in mind? And what has the NRA stopped?

It doesn't matter what I put forward, the NRA will block it. Just ask the GOP.

Ohhhh..poor baby...... you know that everything you have put out in the past has been shown to be pointless, ineffective and targeting only normal people and not criminals...that is why you anti-gunners have stopped listing these things and now won't say what you actually want....falling back on the "common sense" gun control phrase as a magic phrase that you won't allow to be questioned.....
I'm not anti-gun because I want something done about the massive amount of gun violence in this country. You must really hate the US, all you want is more guns and more shootings.

More guns in the hands of normal people = less gun violence.....

The anti-gun theory and argument.....your theory and argument....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.

So your argument wasn't that crime goes up, crime goes down....your theory, your argument is More Guns (regardless of any other factors) = More Gun Crime

Whatever the crime rate more Americans owned more guns the crime rate did not go again...

The exact opposite of your theory science that means your theory is wrong.
You're insane, we have the most mass shootings in the fucking world. :cuckoo:

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