Trump and Trudeau to launch joint task force aimed at helping women in the workforce: White House of


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Mary Barra of GM will be there, she gets to meet up with the $550M Sugar Daddy Trudeau. That's what was given to GM to keep a couple of thousand of jobs in Ontario rather than help Ohio and Michigan out.

You have to wonder why these CEO's are the best representatives of entrepreneurs, which they aim to help out when these women clearly are not (outside of Ivanka).

Apparently, it's an important part of Trudeaus plan to help women workers. In other words, he loves to get votes from segments of the population while our economy continues to be the worst in the G20.

P.S Canadian operatives in American businesses do just as much damage to American businesses as men. I hope Trump doesn't become too smitten with Canadas con job.

Trump and Trudeau to launch joint task force aimed at helping women in the workforce: White House official

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will participate in a roundtable discussion about women in the workforce Monday, showing the rising policy influence of the first daughter who has stressed her commitment to issues like child care.

A White House official said the two countries would launch a new task force called the United States Canada Council for the Advancement of Women Business Leaders-Female Entrepreneurs. The official said Trudeau’s office reached out to discuss working on a joint effort, noting that this was seen as an area of shared interest between both leaders.

Ivanka Trump, who has been a vocal advocate for policies benefiting working women, was involved in recruiting participants and setting the agenda for the meeting and will attend, the official said. Ivanka Trump stressed the importance of maternity leave and child care on the campaign trail, and has recently been meeting with business leaders to discuss those issues.

The White House official said that Trump’s economic agenda will include a “focus on ensuring women enter and stay in the work force and addressing barriers facing female entrepreneurs.” The official requested anonymity to provide details in advance of the meeting.

The council includes many of the meeting attendees, as well as Mary Barra, General Motors CEO, GE Vice Chair Beth Comstock and Catalyst CEO Deborah Gillis.

Topics at the event will likely include issues like providing maternity leave and childcare, how to recruit and retain women and how to better support women entrepreneurs.
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Will that include not elbowing women at the workplace?

That was blown WAY out of proportion. What was sad about that incident was the reaction from the NDP, the MP acted as if she had been tackled, tarred and feathered. Their entire party reaction brought sympathy for Trudeau, because it was so silly a response.
Will that include not elbowing women at the workplace?

That was blown WAY out of proportion. What was sad about that incident was the reaction from the NDP, the MP acted as if she had been tackled, tarred and feathered. Their entire party reaction brought sympathy for Trudeau, because it was so silly a response.

No, they acted like she got elbowed, because she was elbowed by him. He's a typical leftist jerk, all about "women's rights" unless the women are conservative. Leftists always resort to violence when they don't get their way democratically.
Will that include not elbowing women at the workplace?

That was blown WAY out of proportion. What was sad about that incident was the reaction from the NDP, the MP acted as if she had been tackled, tarred and feathered. Their entire party reaction brought sympathy for Trudeau, because it was so silly a response.

No, they acted like she got elbowed, because she was elbowed by him. He's a typical leftist jerk, all about "women's rights" unless the women are conservative. Leftists always resort to violence when they don't get their way democratically.

Well the woman he elbowed was from the far left, so it sort of denigrates your theory. Furthermore it was clearly an accident, incidental contact. Let's not go overboard.

I can disagree with policies and philosophies, but I'm not going to lie just to besmirch someone.
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Will that include not elbowing women at the workplace?

That was blown WAY out of proportion. What was sad about that incident was the reaction from the NDP, the MP acted as if she had been tackled, tarred and feathered. Their entire party reaction brought sympathy for Trudeau, because it was so silly a response.

No, they acted like she got elbowed, because she was elbowed by him. He's a typical leftist jerk, all about "women's rights" unless the women are conservative. Leftists always resort to violence when they don't get their way democratically.

Well the woman he elbowed was from the far left, so it sort of denigrates your theory.

Goes to show liberals don't care about any women.

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