Trump Announces!!!

LOL, if Trump didn't organize January 6th, who did ? I really believe you people have gone nuts. You cannot defend the indefensible. This is all on him.
Pelosi and the FBI. What is it about "peacefully and patriotically" that you don't understand?
Pelosi should be prosecuted for dereliction of duty on Jan 6. She was responsible for capital security and instead encouraged the invasion of the capital and then did nothing to a capital cop who murdered an innocent woman.
You are a real winner accusing one of the victims. You are a true trump cult member, even mimicking trump's actions. Follow the leader right off the bridge.
You are a real winner accusing one of the victims. You are a true trump cult member, even mimicking trump's actions. Follow the leader right off the bridge.
If you think Pelosi was a victim you are dumber than road kill.
I think you're describing your life. Sex education encourages responsibility for one's actions.
you asked for a definition of liberal sex, I gave you one. I did not say I practiced it and I certainly do not.
very true, examples: Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Feinstein, Sanders
Even the Russian government congratulated Biden the other day for his restraint and thorough investigation of the bombing in Poland. That would have never happened with irresponsible trump. He would have jumped to conclusions without any evidence as he always does because he knows better than anyone else. If that isn't psychotic behavior nothing is.
I'm afraid this is what happens when prepubescent CHILDREN are taught about liberal sex

Liberal sex

Even the Russian government congratulated Biden the other day for his restraint and thorough investigation of the bombing in Poland. That would have never happened with irresponsible trump. He would have jumped to conclusions without any evidence as he always does because he knows better than anyone else. If that isn't psychotic behavior nothing is.
Ukraine sent the missiles into Poland to provoke a war between NATO and Russia. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on earth and senile Joe sent them billions of OUR money. Money that could have been used to help the homeless in our cities, or reduce crime in our cities, but no, Joe sent it to Ukraine to keep the bribe money flowing from Ukraine to his family. Are you happy about that?
and most of them are true, you libs are all perverts of one kind or the other. Do you get hammered like Pauli Pelosi?
LOL, that was another lie that your side created. What kind of fantasy world do you live in. That was a rhetorical question, I already know, a very sick one. Overly concerned about other people's lives. Must not have one of your own to speak of. That's very sad.
LOL, that was another lie that your side created. What kind of fantasy world do you live in. That was a rhetorical question, I already know, a very sick one. Overly concerned about other people's lives. Must not have one of your own to speak of. That's very sad.
your actions prove that allegation, the actions of all libs prove that allegation. your perversion is not a fantasy, your ideology is a fantasy. Liberalism is a mental disease, the liberal posters on USMB prove it every day.

As to my life, it has been very successful and happy. I have no regrets, have never been incarcerated and have been financially quite successful even though I pay enough taxes to support several fools like you.
You're completely missing the point. Trump took an oath. You can't orchestrate an insurrection and then run for office.
Trump did not orchestrate Jan 6. Pelosi and the FBI did. Trump tried to prevent it but Pelosi wanted it to happen and did nothing. Check into Ray Epps and his role in Jan 6, then ask why he was never arrested or charged.
your actions prove that allegation, the actions of all libs prove that allegation. your perversion is not a fantasy, your ideology is a fantasy. Liberalism is a mental disease, the liberal posters on USMB prove it every day.

As to my life, it has been very successful and happy. I have no regrets, have never been incarcerated and have been financially quite successful even though I pay enough taxes to support several fools like you.
If you assume the worst of people you can imagine all kinds of things. You are very sick person. People are all the same, I want and need a good life and someone to share with. Some people believe they have even greater needs but it's only because they don't have love in their lives. Those are very sad people.
And he can't spend it on his campaign.. campaign finance laws forbid it. He's stupid so he probably doesn't know..

He'll quit.. his megadoners are refusing to back his run.

That is not true... its his campaign money given to him by everyday regular hard working Americans....
You should be more concerned about where the DNC got its money... all of these dem donors that are dead or in jail or going to be in jail... what a bunch of corrupt power mad people you vote for...
You really must be a sucker....
Trump spent about $700 million in 2020 and still got schlonged by 7 million votes.
The dems and the FBI are going down sucker... the DNC dirty money hacks are drying up fast... ripping average American investors off to win elections is corrupt... if you turn your head to this you are corrupt too....

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