Trump Announces!!!

He will never get the backing of the GOP. They have no balls, never backed him before and won't this time either. Plus he screwed himself with his big assed ego and attacking DeSantis for no good reason. I'm done with him.
He will never get the backing of the GOP. They have no balls, never backed him before and won't this time either. Plus he screwed himself with his big assed ego and attacking DeSantis for no good reason. I'm done with him.
So then accuse the guy of Lying.Tonight he reminded those
at Mar-a-Lago that he got more votes than any president in
history { referring to 2020 }. Biden however got more.
Trump does have an Ego.Lives to Brag { Boast } and
has very little in the way of Humility,a virtue.
But he gets the job done and always shows up.
No matter if scheduled to address walrus in Timbuktu.
No matter if there ain't any Walrus in Timbuktu.
Donald Trump is a man built like P.T.Barnum and
he'll get the Big tent up and put on a show.He might be a widdle
squeamish about petting the Big elephants.Or consuming
cotton candy.But he's as steady Freedie as they come.
Or hear it coming.I can't both see and hear Trump beforehand.
Maybe If I dream about.
I did write earlier that Trump's announcement
included his mention of a potential running mate.
Kari Lake would make a perfect fit.I mean,why not.
Mise well go whole hog.
That's Not a Joke,Son. I say,I say that ain't a Joke,Son.
Sounds like one hell of a joke. Two clowns blaming everyone else for their failures.
So then accuse the guy of Lying.Tonight he reminded those
at Mar-a-Lago that he got more votes than any president in
history { referring to 2020 }. Biden however got more.
Trump does have an Ego.Lives to Brag { Boast } and
has very little in the way of Humility,a virtue.
But he gets the job done and always shows up.
No matter if scheduled to address walrus in Timbuktu.
No matter if there ain't any Walrus in Timbuktu.
Donald Trump is a man built like P.T.Barnum and
he'll get the Big tent up and put on a show.He might be a widdle
squeamish about petting the Big elephants.Or consuming
cotton candy.But he's as steady Freedie as they come.
Until he gets upset then he throws a meltdown tantrum because you can't accept his failure, can only think of that for weeks or months and gets nothing done. Most normal people call this a psychotic episode during each episode 1% of the total brain volume can be lost in 3% of the cortical gray matter can be lost. trump has had so many of these episodes it's a wonder he can walk and talk at the same time. His inability to navigate stairs when walking is just one symptom of this problem. At any rate being president is a very stressful job and it will eventually destroy him if he becomes president again.
2 years away. I am for DeSantis. But I would vote for Khomeni before voting for a fucking Democrat.
I'm a liberal and I usually vote Democratic especially nowadays since the Republicans have gone so crazy. I'm hoping Amy cobacher runs and gets it. She's a moderate Democrat that will bring a lot of former trump supporters in.
There is no doubt Trump was a great POTUS. But during his time as POTUS, his love for HIMSELF overshadowed his love for America. There is no doubt he loves the USA. But his ego overshadowed even that and now its ME ME ME in his mind, not America. No. Trump is not the one now to fix us. It has to be someone else not so full of him/herself. I would vote for him to stop a dem, yes. Unless JFK rose from the grave. But I doubt even JFK would want to represent the dem party the way it is now.
That Red Wave was something to watch this last November…

I am sure Trump will ride a smaller wave to defeat like he did in 2020…
I'm certain it will be stolen again. No way Biden could have won on his own. It's not possible.
Trump just announced his candidacy for 2024!!

“Donald Trump, twice impeached for seeking to undermine the integrity of the 2020 presidential election, says he is running for president again in 2024. His new campaign has begun with the same ugliness, lies and chaos as the last, but it poses even greater dangers to American democracy.

Mr. Trump and his supporters can no longer pretend to be good-faith participants in the democratic process. They have enshrined the refusal to accept adverse election results as a defining feature of their political movement, sought to install true believers in local and state election offices and demonstrated a willingness to resort to violence.

Mr. Trump is unfit for public office. As president, he showed himself to be incompetent and self-dealing.”

Trump is indeed unfit for any public office.
“Donald Trump, twice impeached for seeking to undermine the integrity of the 2020 presidential election, says he is running for president again in 2024. His new campaign has begun with the same ugliness, lies and chaos as the last, but it poses even greater dangers to American democracy.

Mr. Trump and his supporters can no longer pretend to be good-faith participants in the democratic process. They have enshrined the refusal to accept adverse election results as a defining feature of their political movement, sought to install true believers in local and state election offices and demonstrated a willingness to resort to violence.

Mr. Trump is unfit for public office. As president, he showed himself to be incompetent and self-dealing.”

Trump is indeed unfit for any public office.
Biggest liar on here.

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