Trump calls for death penalty for drug dealers

Following due process of law, a criminal is found guilty and is killed by any of several humane methods. NOTE: Since this killing is done by the state following established law and procedures, it cannot be considered murder.

Unless you're an idiot kid on the internet.
Even if it kills innocent people regardless of legality? Because you wanna murder people who smoke a joint?
The entire War on Drugs is totally illegal.
The DEA should be disbanded.
You can defend the rights of others, but can not tell anyone what they can or can not do to themselves.
With the amount of people that get set up by the cops for dealing drugs I don't want the death penalty.

All you cons want to kill everybody
People only die because of the War on Drugs.
If all drugs were legalized, than no one would die.
Just like Prohibition greatly increased the deaths.
The death panelty IS murder.
There is no way government can be authorized to take a life when not needed in defense.
Really? That's good to know that no government has ever executed anyone. Thanks for the info. Moron.
I fully agree. Drug dealers should be executed immediately. Hang the bodies in public until the flesh rots off their bones. A warehouse was recently discovered in Mexico with half a ton of fentanyl. That's enough to kill almost 30 million people. Start speedy executions.

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