Trump calls for death penalty for drug dealers

The entire War on Drugs is totally illegal.
The DEA should be disbanded.
You can defend the rights of others, but can not tell anyone what they can or can not do to themselves.
But their altered state makes them do things to others. The minute they enter the realm of another human while their minds are altered, they are no longer doing things only to themselves.
"Donald Trump proposed in a somber speech in Las Vegas on Friday night that convicted drug dealers should be given the death penalty."
Well then where will Coke Head Don Jr get his "Key Boats"

Taylor Green
Nope, Matt Gaetz.
People only die because of the War on Drugs.
If all drugs were legalized, than no one would die.
Just like Prohibition greatly increased the deaths.

You mean like in Mexico? The decriminalized small amounts of just about every drug in 2009. yet the daily murders continue.

"Mexican law enforcement and the military have struggled to curb crime-related violence. In 2018, the number of drug-related homicides in Mexico rose to 33,341, a 15 percent increase from the previous year—and a record high."

Criminal Violence in Mexico | Global Conflict Tracker
Well, there goes the stoner vote.

Trump calls for the death penalty for drug dealers in a somber campaign speech in Las Vegas

"Donald Trump proposed in a somber speech in Las Vegas on Friday night that convicted drug dealers should be given the death penalty."

"Speaking at the podium with his hands clenched, the ex-president called the United States a “failing nation,” citing rising crime rates in major cities and a wave of migrants at the southern border."

“If you look at countries around the world… The only ones who don’t have a drug problem are those who implement the death penalty for drug dealers.”

Trump calls for the death penalty for drug dealers in a somber campaign speech in Las Vegas - S Chronicles
Probably a good idea...

Unfortunately, for worshipers of the Orange Baboon-God, it's still a case of...

Right Message... Wrong Messenger...
Like a fish running out of air, Trump is desperate for some exposure.

Believe it or not, but he had 4 years of presidency to pursue this as a policy, if he really believed his Phillipino autocrat buddy had the right idea on drugs.
Like a fish running out of air, Trump is desperate for some exposure.

Believe it or not, but he had 4 years of presidency to pursue this as a policy, if he really believed his Phillipino autocrat buddy had the right idea on drugs.

Kind of building a lot on a small off the cuff remark from a man known for his... rash language.
Well, there goes the stoner vote.

Trump calls for the death penalty for drug dealers in a somber campaign speech in Las Vegas​

"Donald Trump proposed in a somber speech in Las Vegas on Friday night that convicted drug dealers should be given the death penalty."

"Speaking at the podium with his hands clenched, the ex-president called the United States a “failing nation,” citing rising crime rates in major cities and a wave of migrants at the southern border."

“If you look at countries around the world… The only ones who don’t have a drug problem are those who implement the death penalty for drug dealers.”

Trump calls for the death penalty for drug dealers in a somber campaign speech in Las Vegas - S Chronicles
And I had just flipped a coin between Donald Trump or Tulsi Gabbard for '24.

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