Trump calls for death penalty for drug dealers

Anyway: I don’t like the idea of the death penalty for drug dealers. I’m still a Trump supporter. I’d simply oppose his position on that subject.
Well, there goes the stoner vote.

Trump calls for the death penalty for drug dealers in a somber campaign speech in Las Vegas​

"Donald Trump proposed in a somber speech in Las Vegas on Friday night that convicted drug dealers should be given the death penalty."

"Speaking at the podium with his hands clenched, the ex-president called the United States a “failing nation,” citing rising crime rates in major cities and a wave of migrants at the southern border."

“If you look at countries around the world… The only ones who don’t have a drug problem are those who implement the death penalty for drug dealers.”

Trump calls for the death penalty for drug dealers in a somber campaign speech in Las Vegas - S Chronicles
Anyone who listens to a word that comes out of that lunatic's yap needs to have their head examined.
Trump was not my first choice in 2016 but neither was Hillary Clinton so I awarded my throwaway vote to Dr Jill Stein. The Nunes memo initially made me a Trump supporter and then he turned out to be one of the best presidents we've had in my lifetime.

It doesn't make him perfect. I believe he's a spoiled, arrogant, overly- outspoken, often out-of -touch, pathological liar but he sincerely loves this country, and most importantly it's Constitution...... more than I can say for any Democrats that I know of except for Tulsi Gabbard...... whatever happened to the balls of the left like Russ Feingold and Dennis Kucinich.... they got kicked out a long time ago.

Trump was going to run as Reform Party candidate in 2000.
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By assassinating one? Don't have the means, but thanks for the encouragement.

I didn't say "make an example out of them."

You want all of the world leaders dead? I suggested that you lead by example.
Well, there goes the stoner vote.

Trump calls for the death penalty for drug dealers in a somber campaign speech in Las Vegas​

"Donald Trump proposed in a somber speech in Las Vegas on Friday night that convicted drug dealers should be given the death penalty."

"Speaking at the podium with his hands clenched, the ex-president called the United States a “failing nation,” citing rising crime rates in major cities and a wave of migrants at the southern border."

“If you look at countries around the world… The only ones who don’t have a drug problem are those who implement the death penalty for drug dealers.”

Trump calls for the death penalty for drug dealers in a somber campaign speech in Las Vegas - S Chronicles

How about the death penalty for drug users? Why do they get off scott free?
Why in the world was Trump's speech characterized as "somber" when everything the current president says is either somber or incoherent?

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