Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

He doesn't run anything as far as the RNC goes. He does have a movement that's not going to end anytime soon no matter how the next two elections turn out. This whole FBI thing is unraveling faster than a ball of yarn speeding down a hill. This is a clear violation of our Constitution and people are going to have to answer to it once we get back into power. That's why Wray kicked out the clown that started the MAL invasion. He knows he's in deep shit.

And also let historic records note that Dementia is not a legitimate President. His win was accomplished by the US government silencing free speech.
Trump is the leader ofthe republican party. It's the only way you can explain almost universal acceptance of the big lie, and the right's unusual decision to campaign on the facist ideal of using government power to punish your political foes. You disgust me.
It's still up to the various States to validate and certify their votes. Not the Federal government.
If enough fraud is found to be on one side a judge can order states to redo their elections.... so just what does it take?... FBI agents are being fired.... Zuckerberg is running for cover.....
If enough fraud is found to be on one side a judge can order states to redo their elections.... so just what does it take?... FBI agents are being fired.... Zuckerberg is running for cover.....
If, is the most powerful word in the English language.
If enough fraud is found to be on one side a judge can order states to redo their elections.... so just what does it take?... FBI agents are being fired.... Zuckerberg is running for cover.....
So where is all that fraud? Just saying it exists is not proof. Even rudy said there were plenty of theories, but no proof.
Not when fraud is found... once again you are making shit up....
I've through the looking glass and am in Wonderland now.

The Constitution of the United States controls via the elections of President via Article 1. Removal of President may occur under Article II via impeachment, and Amendment 25. The states do not control the election. The states do not get to call a "do-over." If you believe otherwise, please cite the cases of legal precedent and law review articles to support your argument.
Trump calls to reinstate himself. He did not lose the 2020 election. New election, etc etc.

This is Biden a few minutes ago:

If enough fraud is found to be on one side a judge can order states to redo their elections.... so just what does it take?... FBI agents are being fired.... Zuckerberg is running for cover.....
Trump and his lawyers went to court more than 60 times. Including the Supreme Court.

NO FRAUD found.
Trump is the leader ofthe republican party. It's the only way you can explain almost universal acceptance of the big lie, and the right's unusual decision to campaign on the facist ideal of using government power to punish your political foes. You disgust me.

This phony 1/6 clown show is not using government power?
This MAL raid wasn't using government power?
The two phony impeachments wasn't using government power?
Spygate wasn't using government power?
The FBI goons stealing the cell phone of an opposing representative in the middle of an airport was not using government power?

If that's what you really believe, I don't want to hear your crying when Republicans don't use government power against your people, because that's exactly what's going to happen, or as the old saying goes, payback is a bitch.

How was each one declassified?

the problem with debating a leftist is it's like talking to a Fn wall. I answered your question already and even gave you a quote from a link with the link itself. And like most leftists, you act like you didn't hear or read a thing.
Courts don't like to hear election cases. Most won't even give them the time of day.
This is what happened:

Independent experts, governors and state election officials from both parties say there was no evidence of widespread fraud.

According to the Washington Post here , instead of alleging “widespread fraud or election-changing conspiracy” the lawsuits pushed by Trump’s team and allies focused on smaller complaints, which were largely dismissed by judges due to a lack of evidence. “The Republicans did not provide evidence to back up their assertions — just speculation, rumors or hearsay.”

On Nov 27, 2020 a federal appeals court rejected a Trump campaign proposal to block Biden from being declared the winner of Pennsylvania. ( here ). At the time, Stephanos Bibas, on behalf of the three-judge panel wrote: “Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so." It added: “Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."

Similarly, on Dec. 12, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a long-shot lawsuit by the state of Texas and backed by Trump, which sought to throw out voting results in four states ( here ). In a brief order, the justices said Texas did not have legal standing to bring the case.

On Dec. 1, then-Attorney General William Barr said that the Justice Department had found no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the election, even as President Trump kept up his legal efforts to reverse his defeat ( here ). Two weeks later, Barr announced his resignation from the Trump administration ( here ).

Reuters Fact Check has debunked a series of similar false claims of election fraud. Some can be seen here , here , here , here , here .

Translation: you're admitting there is no clause in the Constitution - you know THE ONLY DOCUMENT THAT MATTERS - to have a new election in this scenario. Trump is ranting like a crazy loon on a street corner.

It's not but our founders never dreamed a party would be so low, such scum, so demonic that they would use government agencies to cheat an election. They envisioned a lot of things back then, but social media and the FBI were not two of those things.

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