Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

This is dangerous rhetoric.

View attachment 688838
"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".

And you are correct when you say the Constitution has no language for reproductive rights. That's why they allow states to decide what rights people have with abortion.
NFBW: The states are falsely granted by SCOTUS the authority to assign constitutional personhood rights , by means of banning a medical procedure, to preserve a non-existent right to a one cell fertilizated egg that begins to divide cells and grow inside a fallopian tube inside a woman’s body without their being any reference to such reproductive rights for a fertilized egg mentioned in the Constitution.

A woman has a natural right to privacy with no government intrusion and or interference in her sexual and reproductive behavior in the privacy of her home.,

Yet you argue if it’s not in the Constitution that reproductive privacy rights for a woman do not exist if it’s not written in the Constitution, and then you turn right around and tell me that states have the authority to ban the medical procedure of abortion to protect the individual personhood right to life of a one-celled fertilized egg the split fucking second that a sperm cell breaks through the outer wall of an egg cell in a Fallopian tube and the biological reproductive process called pregnancy begins. There is nothing in the Constitution Ray From Cleveland regarding protection of civil and human right to the continued growth and development of a human egg cell that becomes fertilized. Why do you make one argument against the 30 trillion cell woman because her right to termibate a pregnancy is not directly written in the Constitution, and then you make a second argument in favor of one fertilized egg cell being considered a human being and an individual person that is to be protected from a woman who does not plan to continue her unwanted pregnancy and seeks to legally and safely terminate it? The second argument is not written in the Constitution either, but you agree with SCOTUS that the state government can grant personhood rights to a fertilized one cell egg and deny a woman her privacy right and natural right to control the health well being and pursuit of happiness within her own body. Why Ray, is a one cell fertilized egg allowed to become basically a fully viable born human being 28 to 40 weeks before they actually are developed sufficiently to actually be one? END2209080746
Furthermore, what does privacy have to do with abortion?
NFBW: Actually abortion is a medical procedure. The constitution does not state that a one cell fertilized egg is a human being to which state homicide laws can apply. So on what basis does a State Government have to demand a medical practice report to the government what should be a private matter between a woman and her doctor? 2209080848
NFBW: Actually abortion is a medical procedure. The constitution does not state that a one cell fertilized egg is a human being to which state homicide laws can apply. So on what basis does a State Government have to demand a medical practice report to the government what should be a private matter between a woman and her doctor? 2209080848

If they make a law, the doctors (like all of us) have to obey that law. To my knowledge they don't have to report anything to anybody. If you're less than X weeks pregnant, they will do the abortion like they always have. If you're over X weeks, they won't. If it's found that they did perform an abortion more than X weeks, they have to pay whatever the penalty is.
NFBW: The states are falsely granted by SCOTUS the authority to assign constitutional personhood rights , by means of banning a medical procedure, to preserve a non-existent right to a one cell fertilizated egg that begins to divide cells and grow inside a fallopian tube inside a woman’s body without their being any reference to such reproductive rights for a fertilized egg mentioned in the Constitution.

A woman has a natural right to privacy with no government intrusion and or interference in her sexual and reproductive behavior in the privacy of her home.,

Yet you argue if it’s not in the Constitution that reproductive privacy rights for a woman do not exist if it’s not written in the Constitution, and then you turn right around and tell me that states have the authority to ban the medical procedure of abortion to protect the individual personhood right to life of a one-celled fertilized egg the split fucking second that a sperm cell breaks through the outer wall of an egg cell in a Fallopian tube and the biological reproductive process called pregnancy begins. There is nothing in the Constitution Ray From Cleveland regarding protection of civil and human right to the continued growth and development of a human egg cell that becomes fertilized. Why do you make one argument against the 30 trillion cell woman because her right to termibate a pregnancy is not directly written in the Constitution, and then you make a second argument in favor of one fertilized egg cell being considered a human being and an individual person that is to be protected from a woman who does not plan to continue her unwanted pregnancy and seeks to legally and safely terminate it? The second argument is not written in the Constitution either, but you agree with SCOTUS that the state government can grant personhood rights to a fertilized one cell egg and deny a woman her privacy right and natural right to control the health well being and pursuit of happiness within her own body. Why Ray, is a one cell fertilized egg allowed to become basically a fully viable born human being 28 to 40 weeks before they actually are developed sufficiently to actually be one? END2209080746

It's in the Constitution itself. All things not listed in the US Constitution goes to the judgement of the state. If you don't like the laws your state has, you move to a state that does, or you petition your state rep to support your cause. You can support the Democrat party, vote for them, campaign for them, write letters to your local paper.
What did you read when you read this? I'm reading Donald Trump always had an immense amout of money when he grew up in the sky over New York. Even in thousand or tenth of thousands of years he could waste all the money under normal conditions which he got for nothing else than to be born on planet Earth.

I never said he didn't have a lot of money, I said his father didn't give him a billion dollars. Even if Donald was his only heir, he never had a billion dollars. As my link points out, his father had something like $200 million and that was split many ways. Donald earned his money by working for his father since he was young.
I never said he didn't have a lot of money, I said his father didn't give him a billion dollars.

For sure is the story that his father had been a Swede as wrong as anything else in the life of Donald Trump. And where is swamp never anyone will have a strong foodhold. Donald Trump is more a kind of artificial product than anything else. And the god of Trump is money.

Even if Donald was his only heir, he never had a billion dollars.

How much is a billion in NY? ¿Peanuts?

As my link points out, his father had something like $200 million and that was split many ways.

Aha. And why do you think this and you do not know this? And why do I think something else and also do not know this?

Donald earned his money by working for his father since he was young.

For you Donald Trump is something like an honorful US-American. In your culture to be rich is a kind of virtue. For me he is nothing else than a stupid criminal traitor of the western world. By the way: Why did steal your former president detailed and extremely secret data about the nuclear armament of an allied foreign country? What had been the real plans of this super-stupid super-criminal narcissist? How much money did this high traitor like to make with this information? And why do we have now a situaion in the world which makes such an information much more worthful? William Shakespeare: As my best friend from high school Hamlet used to say: Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't.
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For sure is the story that his father had been a Swede as wrong as anything else in the life of Donald Trump. And where is swamp never anyone will have a strong foodhold. Donald Trump is more a kind of artificial product than anything else. And the god of Trump is money.

How much is a billion in NY? ¿Peanuts?

Aha. And why do you think this and you do not know this? And why do I think something else and also do not know this?

For you Donald Trump is something like an honorful US-American. In your cultture to be rich is a kind of virtue. For me he is nothing else than a stupid criminal traitor of the western world. By the way: Why did steal your former president detailed and extremely secret data about the nuclear armament of an allied foreign country? What had been the real plans of this super-stupid super-criminal narcissist? How much money did this high traitor like to make with this information?

It's likely bullshit. What you don't understand about our country is the media works for the Democrat party. It's likely when all is said and done there won't be any nuclear documents. The FBI leaked that bullshit to the media and they print it with no evidence whatsoever. They make up bullshit about Republicans all the time. That's why they stopped reporting on it.

Trump is a very wealthy man who loves his country. He doesn't need to be selling anything to anybody. He not only donated all his presidential pay to various charities and organizations, but lost a billion dollars of net worth to be our President. Unlike Democrats, he didn't do it for the money.

Another thing you don't understand is our government is corrupt. What all this is really about is to keep Trump from running for President again. The commies fear him the most of anybody I've ever seen in my lifetime. They know if he does get back in with a Republican House and Senate, he will rip apart all the corruption and the people involved will have to answer to their corrupt ways. They are scared to death of this man.
It's likely bullshit.


What you don't understand about our country is the media works for the Democrat party.

And this means what? The Republicans have nothing to say?

It's likely when all is said and done there won't be any nuclear documents. The FBI leaked that bullshit to the media and they print it with no evidence whatsoever.

no comment

They make up bullshit about Republicans all the time. That's why they stopped reporting on it.

Trump is a very wealthy man who loves his country.

What a nonsense. A man with a narcissistic personality disorder like Donald Trump is not able to "love" anything else than the own person.

He doesn't need to be selling anything to anybody.

A boy of a rich man stole something from my daughter in school. When she said this to her teacher the teacher answered "He has a rich father. He never would steal. There is no need for him to do so." It was the first time in her life she had to do with a form of elitarian racism of money.

He not only donated all his presidential pay to various charities and organizations,

This remembers me to Adolf Hitler.

but lost a billion dollars of net worth to be our President.


Unlike Democrats, he didn't do it for the money.

Another thing you don't understand is our government is corrupt.

The complete government? Funny.

What all this is really about is to keep Trump from running for President again. The commies fear him the most of anybody I've ever seen in my lifetime. They know if he does get back in with a Republican House and Senate, he will rip apart all the corruption and the people involved will have to answer to their corrupt ways. They are scared to death of this man.

What a nonsense. Putin and Russian hackers supported Donald Trump in his elections in 2016. Putin likes to refound the Bolshewistic empire: "Make Russia great again!".
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All things not listed in the US Constitution goes to the judgement of the state.
A woman’s decision to receive a medical procedure performed on her own body to avoid harm to herself cannot be up to the state to decide no she cannot avoid being harmed. You argument is absurd. END2209080351
Apples and oranges.

The media heavily promoted this Russian disinformation garbage, and all they really did was run some Facebook ads. Russia was just trying to screw up our elections and that's about it. On the other hand, the FBI went to Suckerberg and told him to use caution with the Hunter story even though they knew there was nothing false about it. So Suckerberg did exactly what they wanted, and that was keep the Hunter story off social media. In other words, the government silenced free speech by proxy.

Delusional revisionist history.
A woman’s decision to receive a medical procedure performed on her own body to avoid harm to herself cannot be up to the state to decide no she cannot avoid being harmed. You argument is absurd. END2209080351

No, my argument is the US Constitution.

Tenth Amendment​

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

And this means what? The Republicans have nothing to say?

Only to a very small media that tells the truth like Fox.

What a nonsense. A man with a narcissistic personality disorder like Donald Trump is not able to "love" anything else than the own person.

Apparently he does. He left a world where most people loved him left and right, flying around on his private jet liner, been with the most beautiful women of the world, to being followed around by the SS 24/7, being haunted by the Communists almost two years after leaving office, lost a billion dollars of net worth to run our country. If that isn't love for your nation, I don't know what is.

The complete government? Funny.

Enough of government.

What a nonsense. Putin and Russian hackers supported Donald Trump in his elections in 2016. Putin likes to refound the Bolshewistic empire: "Make Russia great again!".

Russia has never been better than under Biden.
Only to a very small media that tells the truth like Fox.

God is truth and God is not only since ever who god always was and always is - god is also always new so also truth is since ever what it always had been but it is also always new. And god is love - so love also is not only since ever what love always was and always is - love is also always new. And god is life and life is ... exactly: Since ever what life always was and always is - and life is also always new.

Apparently he does. He left a world where most people loved him

Do you speak about Queen Elisabeth now? But why do you call her "he"?

left and right, flying around on his private jet liner, been with the most beautiful women of the world, to being followed around by the SS 24/7, being haunted by the Communists almost two years after leaving office, lost a billion dollars of net worth to run our country. If that isn't love for your nation, I don't know what is. ...

Weird. You are totally weird. Everyone knows that I am with the most wonderful women in the world and the most beautiful of them is my wife. And everyone knows that I am the most rich man in the world because I always had one euro more than I needed. An no - I am not president Frank-Walter Steinmeier who also has a jet-liner whenever he needs one. I hate it to travel and/or to fly with aeroplanes. Fortunatelly I had to fly only one time in my long life. From Frankfurt to Berlin and back. Both cities survived my visit. Indeed nearly no one noticed who I am. And I guess not anyone asked himselve who this man could had been. A German like all others.
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God is truth and God is not only since ever who god always was and always is - god is also always new so also truth is since ever what it always had been but it is also always new. And god is love - so love also is not only since ever what love always was and always is - love is also always new. And god is life and life is ... exactly: Since ever what life always was and always is - and life is also always new.

That's all fine and dandy but God doesn't run our government.

Do you speak about Queen Elisabeth now? But why do you call her "he"?

Besides the queen Trump was welcome at the most prestigious parties and weddings, even Hillary's daughter Chelsea. Because of his hit television series he even rubbed elbows with the far left people in Hollywood. I know you don't know who this guy is, but he's even been on the Howard Stern show several times.

For everybody else, moving into the White House to live was a step up in life. For Trump it was a step down. He did the job because he cared about his country, not to sell books like Obama or half-million dollar speeches like Bill and Hilary did.

Weird. You are totally weird. Everyone knows that I am with the most wonderful women in the world and the most beautiful of them is my wife. And everyone knows that I am the most rich man in the world because I always had one euro more than I needed. An no - I am not president Frank-Walter Steinmeier who also has a jet-liner whenever he needs one. I hate it to travel and/or to fly with aeroplanes. Fortunatelly I had to fly only one time in my long life. From Frankfurt to Berlin and back. Both cities survived my visit. Indeed nearly no one noticed who I am. And I guess not anyone asked himselve who this man could had been. A German like all others.

I see that point flew right over your head, and that is Trump had a life most men can only dream of and gave it up to run this country. Sure, now in private life he still has those same privileges, but it's not as good as it used to be for him and it will be that way for the rest of his life.
That's all fine and dandy but God doesn't run our government.

So don't use the words "god", "love", "life" and "truth" for nonsense.

Besides the queen Trump

¿¿Borg Queen? Trump?

was welcome at the most prestigious parties and weddings,

"prestigous" ... hmm ... a party and a wedding are able to be prestigous? That's new to me... On the other side - we still remember in a rhythm of 4 years the "Landshuter Fürstenhochzeit". A wedding from the year 1475 AD. What a party!

even Hillary's daughter Chelsea. Because of his hit television series he even rubbed elbows with the far left people in Hollywood. I know you don't know who this guy is, but he's even been on the Howard Stern show several times.

For everybody else, moving into the White House to live was a step up in life. For Trump it was a step down.

For the USA it was a step down.

He did the job because he cared about his country,

That's why he became the first totally unqualified president of the USA.

not to sell books like Obama or half-million dollar speeches like Bill and Hilary did.


I see that point flew right over your head, and that is Trump had a life most men can only dream of

... most mad men can only dream of ...

and gave it up to run this country. Sure, now in private life he still has those same privileges,

Same privileges? Is this the same like flat mountains?

but it's not as good as it used to be for him and it will be that way for the rest of his life.

No, my argument is the US Constitution.

Tenth Amendment​

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

NFBW: How can a state pass laws that a pregnant woman cannot get a medical procedure to prevent harm to her body? The Constitution states in the 5th and 14th Amendments, that the government shall not deprive anyone of life, liberty, or property, without due process.

Therefore when a woman decides that a one celled fertilized egg will cause harm to her body if left to grow larger than the period at the end of this sentence and she decides to end her pregnant condition , how is it the government can tell her no, it is not her choice to make. The brainless raspberry attached to her uterus has right to pursue it’s “potential” life.

State why you Ray From Cleveland think state governments can pass laws that deprive women of life and liberty which is the reason we have a Constitutional system of laws and government in the first place. END2209101848
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NFBW: How can a state pass laws that a pregnant woman cannot get a medical procedure to prevent harm to her body? The Constitution states in the 5th and 14th Amendments, that the government shall not deprive anyone of life, liberty, or property, without due process.

Therefore when a woman decides that a one celled fertilized egg will cause harm to her body if left to grow larger than the period at the end of this sentence and she decides to end her pregnant condition , how is it the government can tell her no, it is not her choice to make. The brainless raspberry attached to her uterus has right to pursue it’s “potential” life.

State why you Ray From Cleveland think state governments can pass laws that deprive women of life and liberty which is the reason we have a Constitutional system of laws and government in the first place. END2209101848

Because that Constitution doesn't mention abortion. I know you people on the left like to go to the extremes to make a point, but most women have abortions because they are simply careless. They go to a bar, meet a guy, have one too many drinks and she finds out she's pregnant a week or so later.

And again Dobbs didn't end abortion in this country. Most states have an X amount of weeks to get one and also have extra considerations for women that develop a dangerous situation later on in the pregnancy. No state prohibits birth control or the day after pill.

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