Trump calls for new 2020 election or declare he won

What is that?

That was the bill Dementia signed that Trump wouldn't. An additional federal unemployment check added to the state unemployment. It started in March of last year and went into September of the same year. Then there was an increase in the child tax credit and SNAP's stipend; the largest increase in the history of food stamps.

You see, inflation is the term used to describe paying more for products or services than you have in the past. When needy employers had to compete with government for workers, the only possible way to do that was greatly increase wage offers. Labor, being the largest expenditure of just about any business gets passed down to us, the consumer.

So when you add much higher labor costs, increase in transportation because diesel (like gasoline) more than doubled the price, the huge increase in utility costs for a businesses to operate, printing money to placate your climate change voters, you have all the ingredients for out of control inflation which is what we are experiencing now.
Trump himself just admitted the investigation into Hillary was faked. You're contradicting DearLeader himself now. Do you really want to do that?

The Hillary investigation was based on solid evidence of criminal wrong doing, but the investigation was fake because it covered it up instead of prosecuting it.
For example, there absolutely no doubt that Hillary was given the debate questions ahead of time, and Bernie was not.
That is criminal fraud.
The voters were told it was a "real" and "honest" debate.
This is a cheap distraction for his base from the fact he stole top secret information.

View attachment 688845

Presidents can't "steal" any classified docs because they are above the law, the final arbiter, and can do whatever they want with them.
Including give them to anyone they want.
Read the laws.
They specifically exempt presidents and vice presidents.
So an ex-president is assumed then to have total access granted to themselves while president.
There is no way around the absolute fact the FBI is lying and the Mar-a-lago search warrant was illegal.
You brought up “imagine the outrage” I just showed an example of the same thing. Hillary ain’t in jail for anything.

With the email server with classified docs, that was bad but did not show criminal intent.
With the debate questions, there can be no doubt of deliberate attempt to commit fraud on all the DNC party members, and throw the primary. For that Hillary should have been prosecuted.
The FBI claimed it could not prosecute because primaries are not controlled by law, and can be run anyway the party wants. But not by lying to all those who were lead to believe the debate was real.
To me that was still criminal fraud.
Trump That was the bill Dementia signed that Trump wouldn't.
NFBW: You are a liar: Trump signed it after losing the election and while inciting a riot to stay in power.

. . . . a $300-a-week federal bonus. President Donald Trump signed a bill in December that extended that program through March 14, 2021.​
NFBW: You are a liar: Trump signed it after losing the election and while inciting a riot to stay in power.

. . . . a $300-a-week federal bonus. President Donald Trump signed a bill in December that extended that program through March 14, 2021.​

Why are you talking about a different bill than I am? Don't you know how to read?
NFBW: Lindsay Graham has just announced that his profession as a Republican US Senator entitles him to place a value on the one-cell embryo developing organism resulting from any recent fusion of human sperm and egg at fifteen weeks from the date of such “fusion” .

Entirely independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view on the value of earliest stages of human life there are universally accepted scientific methods that indicates that human embryos from the one-cell sperm and egg fusion stage forward are indeed alive and developing individuals of the human species and that science should not be in dispute.

Back to Lindsay Graham. Scientific minds tell us biological life begins in one cell at conception. The Senator places no value on that new individual cell until it develops for fifteen weeks. Therefore the Lindsay Graham Abortion Law (LGAL) grants a window of opportunity for a pregnant woman to terminate a pregnancy as a matter of her personal choice.

Either a one cell fertilized human egg has the same value at the instant of conception and all the way to fifteen weeks or it doesn’t..

(1) Why the REPUBLICAN NATIONAL 15 week ban if the value of human life is not present at conception?

(2) - why not 24 weeks when a fetus might be consistently viable outside the womb as has been LEGAL precedent for fifty years?

(3) Why can Republicans like Graham defy science and be pro-life, but Democrats and most pro-choice Americans are to be called Baby Killers for ignoring the same “conception” science but using “viability” science and placing value on fetus life at 24 to 28 weeks?

Can any of the following answer any or all of the three questions above?



ding beagle9 Meister Lysistrata

San Souci eagle1462010



Cardinal Carminative

Clyde 154

Ray From Cleveland

NFBW: Lindsay Graham has just announced that his profession as a Republican US Senator entitles him to place a value on the one-cell embryo developing organism resulting from any recent fusion of human sperm and egg at fifteen weeks from the date of such “fusion” .

Entirely independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view on the value of earliest stages of human life there are universally accepted scientific methods that indicates that human embryos from the one-cell sperm and egg fusion stage forward are indeed alive and developing individuals of the human species and that science should not be in dispute.

Back to Lindsay Graham. Scientific minds tell us biological life begins in one cell at conception. The Senator places no value on that new individual cell until it develops for fifteen weeks. Therefore the Lindsay Graham Abortion Law (LGAL) grants a window of opportunity for a pregnant woman to terminate a pregnancy as a matter of her personal choice.

Either a one cell fertilized human egg has the same value at the instant of conception and all the way to fifteen weeks or it doesn’t..

(1) Why the REPUBLICAN NATIONAL 15 week ban if the value of human life is not present at conception?

(2) - why not 24 weeks when a fetus might be consistently viable outside the womb as has been LEGAL precedent for fifty years?

(3) Why can Republicans like Graham defy science and be pro-life, but Democrats and most pro-choice Americans are to be called Baby Killers for ignoring the same “conception” science but using “viability” science and placing value on fetus life at 24 to 28 weeks?

Can any of the following answer any or all of the three questions above?



ding beagle9 Meister Lysistrata

San Souci eagle1462010



Cardinal Carminative

Clyde 154

Ray From Cleveland

Okay, I’ll bite… but I have substance in my response. Let’s look at what another fossil (there should be ZERO career politicians) on the hill Mitch McConnell said about Graham’s bill: "I think every Republican senator running this year in these contested races has an answer as to how they feel about the issue," McConnell said. He said most GOP senators prefer having the issue dealt with by the states, rather than at the federal level. "So I leave it up to our candidates who are quite capable of handling this issue to determine for them what their response is."
I, and many others, agree with this stance.

Added note: If you are trying to imply that a majority of Republicans and conservatives back Graham’s leadership at this late date (his expiration date is up) you couldn’t be more wrong. Likewise and to be fair, the majority of Republicans do not back McConnell at this late date either, but McConnell’s words above in bold ring true.

In specifics to your questions: 1). A 15 week ban is more likely to be passed with the stated exemptions for rape, incest, and concern of mother’s health - as opposed to passing an at conception ban. You know this of course, but you want it in writing there it is.
2). Your selection for 24 weeks is unfathomable. Good grief, 24 weeks - 6 months, if you endorse this position you must either be an idiot or a piece of crap. So, which is it? I will submit a short thesis explaining the developmental status of a baby at 8 weeks, much less than your “viable at 24 weeks” position. News flash for you: a fetus is a baby, however, the medical term fetus has been highjacked as one of those “safe words” by the leftists and even many pro-abortion liberals use it in order to blur the truth of what it still means with respect to abortion:killing babies. Pro-abortion types are typically well-versed in using “politically correct” words so they don’t sound as offensive as they really are in reality. Intelligent voters, however, can read right through this charade.

Your 3rd “question” is redundant from number 2 as well as another uninformed statement. As much as I do not like Graham, please point out where he is denying science by his bill. You are a piece of cake and it’s not the good kind of cake lol

As a supporter of states rights,
I detest moves towards expansion of federal powers/control regardless of which party backs authoritarian control measures, with the huge majority of these efforts coming from the left.
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But recent revelations of FBI interfering in ANOTHER election aren't...................LOL
No shits given. Show me where in the Constitution you can overturn the election you cracker ass slack jawed shit for brained redneck Nazi.

^^^ Why is this snot-nosed little prick still mauding? ^^^

It should practice what it preaches...

Presidents can't "steal" any classified docs because they are above the law, the final arbiter, and can do whatever they want with them.
Including give them to anyone they want.
Read the laws.
They specifically exempt presidents and vice presidents.
So an ex-president is assumed then to have total access granted to themselves while president.
There is no way around the absolute fact the FBI is lying and the Mar-a-lago search warrant was illegal.
Nobody should be above the law.
Presidents can't "steal" any classified docs because they are above the law, the final arbiter, and can do whatever they want with them.
Including give them to anyone they want.
Read the laws.
They specifically exempt presidents and vice presidents.
So an ex-president is assumed then to have total access granted to themselves while president.
There is no way around the absolute fact the FBI is lying and the Mar-a-lago search warrant was illegal.
Funny, lotta this crap for other people in congress was never an issue before Mar-A-Lago. And it still wouldn't be.
The problem is there are quite a few of those people walking around free.
Like who? O.J.? :rolleyes-41:

The President is actually more ACCOUNTABLE than everyone, to the Law...because the constitution, actually says so... In so many words... The faithfully TAKE CARE CLAUSE(S)


Article II of the U.S. Constitution twice imposes a duty of faithful execution on the President, who must “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” and take an oath or affirmation to “faithfully execute the Office of President.”

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