Trump Campaign Statement On Wisconsin Loss

Don't fuck with Terence & Phillip bruh
I'm not your bruh, buddy
If Trump's campaign released that, they are sore losers.
Bullshit. Anybody who can't see what's going on here is either stupid or lying. The GOP establishment has pulled every fucking dirty trick they can think of to derail Trump's candidacy. He has NOT been treated fairly, and you know it. Don't give us that shit about "sore loser". If Trump gets to 1237 delegates, the establishment GOP will still find a way to screw him out of the nomination. You don't give a shit if the GOP's tactics are scrupulous or even legal as long as the guy YOU don't like gets shafted.
If they're successful (to your applause) in screwing Trump out of the nomination, I'm gonna rub your nose in it when they fuck YOUR GUY over at the convention and Cruz is left holding the bag and obligated to support Romney, Ryan, or Bush.
Noooo you were supposed to keep it going!!! AAaaaargh!

Well, I think picture of Heidi Cruz you're blasting all over the place had a lot to do with Trump's loss in Wisconsin, but I doubt you would figure it out--LOL
What motherfucker?!

Sit your ass down! :slap:
Are you Trumpbots stupid enough to believe that or do you admit that the VOTERS rejected him? The man can't even accept ONE LOSS with grace or dignity.


No surprise, he's got to blame someone.

Lol, so you think that the Republican Establishment is being fair and even handed with Trump?

IF so you must be a Hillary supporter, lol.
I read today that the Cruz campaign is going back to states that have already voted and convincing delegates to come over to their side when they become un-pledged for the second vote at the convention - assuming no-one reaches the magic 1,237 number before then.
Trump just doesn't have those political smarts, which is one reason so many like him but doesn't help him to strategise.
What do the people of wi handing Donald his @$$ have to so with the establishment?

He is a terribly candidate. Been listening to a wisconsin station this past week. Heard his ads. They seriously sucked. He just rambled on about being the best and greatest. I had to laugh because I can't believe he was serious.
Just shows the ignorance of the people in Wisconsin...and yep...I know a ton of them, and am related by marriage to many.

The DC madam list need to be released so people can see the real Cruz.....since his name is most likely on the list...or so I hear.

Yucko and puke.
I just posted a thread on this, but I don't care is the "establishment" ends up supporting Cruz.

Trump FUNDED those RINO political whores as well as democrooks. Cruz FOUGHT THEM ALL !!!


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