Trump closer to Wallace than Hitler

Segregationists simply felt the best deal for blacks was for them to have their own segregated stuff equal to whites... it was actually ANTI-racist in terms of the times.

Yeah, that the ticket, my wife, Morgan Fairchild, told me so......

You obviously didn't bother to listen to that eulogy. Big surprise.

No, I didn't. I don't support racists of any color.

So you don't realize that Obama didn't in any way endorse Byrd's racist past.
Trump is definitely a racist. It remains to be seen what support he has in the wider community.
From my observations it seems that you need to have a range of bigoted view to get some traction in Republican politics.
and you are a Bigot. so you have no room to accuse anyone of being anything
Well I hope that I am not a bigot and that I treat my neighbour with respect.
I base my comments on the Republicans on the conversations I am seeing. Anti Gay,anti abortion, anti immigrant,anti muslim, gun crazy nutjobs. That is obviously not the whole story by any means but it does look like sanity has been crowded out in right wing American politics. Where are the normal people ?
I am not sure if Trump has accelerated the race to the bottom either. I look at Cruz and shake my head. How can a civilised and educated people throw up something so disgusting ?
That's because you are a liberal. To liberals, disagreement is pure insanity. You think that because you are all deeply impressed with yourselves.

Traditional marriage is labeled anti-gay.
Not killing babies is labeled anti-abortion.
Legal immigration is anti-immigration.

You peddle lies and bullshit. It's all you have.

Denying gays marriage is anti-gay bigotry.
Denying brothers and bi-sexuals marriage is anti-sibling and anti-bi-sexual bigotry. You just think your shit doesn't stink.

There's no logical argument for denying brothers or sisters equal civil marriage rights.
For those who might be a little slow in picking up what's being put down... a recent poll showed Trump's support among African-Americans is at 25% versus Hillary and the Democrats are in full panic mode.

This is why you will continue to see the typical partisan media confront Trump on this "racist" meme. They KNOW they have to somehow bring the blacks back-a-running to Hillary or it's Game Over.
That's because you are a liberal. To liberals, disagreement is pure insanity. You think that because you are all deeply impressed with yourselves.

Traditional marriage is labeled anti-gay.
Not killing babies is labeled anti-abortion.
Legal immigration is anti-immigration.

You peddle lies and bullshit. It's all you have.

Denying gays marriage is anti-gay bigotry.
Denying brothers and bi-sexuals marriage is anti-sibling and anti-bi-sexual bigotry. You just think your shit doesn't stink.

I see you don't contest my statement. You have self-identified as a bigot.
I did. But the point was too big for you.

You tried to assign a position to me that I don't hold thinking that would justify your bigotry.
You assigned bigotry to me. LOL. Get it yet? Probably not!
and you are a Bigot. so you have no room to accuse anyone of being anything
Well I hope that I am not a bigot and that I treat my neighbour with respect.
I base my comments on the Republicans on the conversations I am seeing. Anti Gay,anti abortion, anti immigrant,anti muslim, gun crazy nutjobs. That is obviously not the whole story by any means but it does look like sanity has been crowded out in right wing American politics. Where are the normal people ?
I am not sure if Trump has accelerated the race to the bottom either. I look at Cruz and shake my head. How can a civilised and educated people throw up something so disgusting ?
That's because you are a liberal. To liberals, disagreement is pure insanity. You think that because you are all deeply impressed with yourselves.

Traditional marriage is labeled anti-gay.
Not killing babies is labeled anti-abortion.
Legal immigration is anti-immigration.

You peddle lies and bullshit. It's all you have.

Denying gays marriage is anti-gay bigotry.
Denying brothers and bi-sexuals marriage is anti-sibling and anti-bi-sexual bigotry. You just think your shit doesn't stink.

There's no logical argument for denying brothers or sisters equal civil marriage rights.
At least you are consistent on that one. In a minority but consistent. You did avoid the bisexual one though.
Denying gays marriage is anti-gay bigotry.
Denying brothers and bi-sexuals marriage is anti-sibling and anti-bi-sexual bigotry. You just think your shit doesn't stink.

I see you don't contest my statement. You have self-identified as a bigot.
I did. But the point was too big for you.

You tried to assign a position to me that I don't hold thinking that would justify your bigotry.
You assigned bigotry to me. LOL. Get it yet? Probably not!

Because opposition to same sex marriage rights is pure bigotry. There is no other reason to oppose it.
Well I hope that I am not a bigot and that I treat my neighbour with respect.
I base my comments on the Republicans on the conversations I am seeing. Anti Gay,anti abortion, anti immigrant,anti muslim, gun crazy nutjobs. That is obviously not the whole story by any means but it does look like sanity has been crowded out in right wing American politics. Where are the normal people ?
I am not sure if Trump has accelerated the race to the bottom either. I look at Cruz and shake my head. How can a civilised and educated people throw up something so disgusting ?
That's because you are a liberal. To liberals, disagreement is pure insanity. You think that because you are all deeply impressed with yourselves.

Traditional marriage is labeled anti-gay.
Not killing babies is labeled anti-abortion.
Legal immigration is anti-immigration.

You peddle lies and bullshit. It's all you have.

Denying gays marriage is anti-gay bigotry.
Denying brothers and bi-sexuals marriage is anti-sibling and anti-bi-sexual bigotry. You just think your shit doesn't stink.

There's no logical argument for denying brothers or sisters equal civil marriage rights.
At least you are consistent on that one. In a minority but consistent. You did avoid the bisexual one though.

Do two bisexuals have the right to marry? Of course.
An American academic was on our tv last night arguing that this was the case.

She argued that he, Wallace, tapped into an inherent racism amongst white working class Americans that surfaced when times were seen to be bad.

Trump is seen as similar.

Well... First of all, to argue that Wallace was a "racist" in context of the times in which he lived, is laughable. The man had unprecedented support from the black community. Segregation is today viewed as a racist policy but it really wasn't racist. A racist would have said "fuck black people" instead of "separate but equal." Segregationists simply felt the best deal for blacks was for them to have their own segregated stuff equal to whites... it was actually ANTI-racist in terms of the times. But like a lot of things, the stigma has been attached by the left and it's forever seen as racist policy. I'm not advocating any kind of return to segregation or the policies of that time, just explaining the actual dynamics in objective context.

Wallace was a populist and in that aspect, does share similarities with Trump. But Wallace was a career politician and Trump has never ran for or held political office.
It was seen as pretty shocking at the time. There was this big civil rights thing going on I understand.
Denying gays marriage is anti-gay bigotry.
Denying brothers and bi-sexuals marriage is anti-sibling and anti-bi-sexual bigotry. You just think your shit doesn't stink.

I see you don't contest my statement. You have self-identified as a bigot.
I did. But the point was too big for you.

You tried to assign a position to me that I don't hold thinking that would justify your bigotry.
You assigned bigotry to me. LOL. Get it yet? Probably not!

There is no logical reason to deny same sex civil marriage rights if the law already allows opposite sex marriages,

therefore, if you oppose allowing gays that equal right, your only motivation must be some sort of anti-gay bigotry.
Segregationists simply felt the best deal for blacks was for them to have their own segregated stuff equal to whites... it was actually ANTI-racist in terms of the times.

Yeah, that the ticket, my wife, Morgan Fairchild, told me so......

Well... Again... for the slow-witted... You can certainly pretend that people in 1950 were of the same cultural mindset as they are today... I know that it's not the truth or we wouldn't have needed Civil Rights. So we have to be honest in assessing what the cultural mindset of the time was, if it wasn't like it is today. Just as we can't live in the past, we can't judge those in the past by how we live today. It's real easy to tee off on segregation now, everyone agrees (pretty much) that it was not a good policy. So you're not really taking any kind of radical position there... you would have been in 1950. And that is really my only point here... Segregation was not a "racist" policy at the time... A "racist" policy was stringing up black men for flirting with white women.

Segregation was an honest attempt, in earnest, to resolve a social problem. It didn't fly but it was not racist. It's racist today, and maybe we just can't comprehend how it wasn't also racist back then, but it was a different time. It's like the issue of slavery wasn't about "equality of race" in 1860. Virtually everyone in society back then would be a flaming racist by today's standards. We must put these things in context of the times in which they happened in order to honestly assess them.

Look... We are having a great debate today about abortion.... Now, let's imagine that somewhere in the future, our society decides that the unborn fetus DOES have a Constitutionally protected right to life.... We pass an Act or a law to codify said right and society accepts that previous ideas were abhorrent and wrong... Would it be fair to then castigate all the people from 2016 who supported abortion on demand? Could we simply ignore your arguments for a woman's right to choose and denigrate you as monsters and morally corrupt people who didn't have any decency? Would that be fair to judge you by tomorrow's standards? I don't think it would be. I think we have to accept things in context of the time in which they happened and judge accordingly.
It was seen as pretty shocking at the time. There was this big civil rights thing going on I understand.

But that's the thing, we're talking about the 1950s and the Civil Rights movement didn't gain momentum until the mid-1960s. It hadn't happened yet. Sure, there were some radicals who were pushing it, but most of society hadn't gotten on that bandwagon.
An American academic was on our tv last night arguing that this was the case.

She argued that he, Wallace, tapped into an inherent racism amongst white working class Americans that surfaced when times were seen to be bad.

Trump is seen as similar.

he is, but hitler fed into that, too. it's called scapegoating.

Arguing that increasing the supply of labor decreases wages and access to jobs is not scapegoating.

It is the reality of Supply and Demand.

Calling it "Scapegoating" and "Hitler" is race baiting.

It was seen as pretty shocking at the time. There was this big civil rights thing going on I understand.

But that's the thing, we're talking about the 1950s and the Civil Rights movement didn't gain momentum until the mid-1960s. It hadn't happened yet. Sure, there were some radicals who were pushing it, but most of society hadn't gotten on that bandwagon.
Apologies I thought the Wallace campaign was in 68.
An American academic was on our tv last night arguing that this was the case.

She argued that he, Wallace, tapped into an inherent racism amongst white working class Americans that surfaced when times were seen to be bad.

Trump is seen as similar.

he is, but hitler fed into that, too. it's called scapegoating.
It seems that whatever is wrong in any society can be traced back to an easily identifiable minority.We are lucky that our politicians have identified the guilty parties.
An American academic was on our tv last night arguing that this was the case.

She argued that he, Wallace, tapped into an inherent racism amongst white working class Americans that surfaced when times were seen to be bad.

Trump is seen as similar.

he is, but hitler fed into that, too. it's called scapegoating.
It seems that whatever is wrong in any society can be traced back to an easily identifiable minority.We are lucky that our politicians have identified the guilty parties.

What a load of crap.

An American academic was on our tv last night arguing that this was the case.

She argued that he, Wallace, tapped into an inherent racism amongst white working class Americans that surfaced when times were seen to be bad.

Trump is seen as similar.

he is, but hitler fed into that, too. it's called scapegoating.
It seems that whatever is wrong in any society can be traced back to an easily identifiable minority.We are lucky that our politicians have identified the guilty parties.

What a load of crap.


so no one is allowed to discuss trump being a bigot? is that your game?

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