Trump Could Pardon Himself if Elected POTUS


Jonathan Turley is a professor at George Washington University Law School, he has testified in United States Congressional proceedings about constitutional and statutory issues.

He is a highly respected law professor. So why "LOLLOOLLOOLLL"? What do you know about law? Where is your law degree?

MAGA will win.
I know that turley is a bootlicking trump lover.
That's all I need.
Still waiting for you to add something to this forum.
Talking TDS and IQ are two signs of 'you got nothing to add.'
If you have TDS and and a low IQ that's not "nothing to add". That is pertinent information.

Try going back to what was written in the thread Einstein.

Highly respected law professor Jonathan Turley talks with Jesse Waters about the indictments and opines that Donald Trump could campaign on pardoning himself if elected President of the United States.

It could be part of his campaign in 2023-24.

Highly respected law professor Jonathan Turley talks with Jesse Waters about the indictments and opines that Donald Trump could campaign on pardoning himself if elected President of the United States.

It could be part of his campaign in 2023-24.

Professor Turley starts talking about Trump pardoning himself at 01:50.

He will never be allowed to have the opportunity.
Not for a state conviction. If he is elected next year, expect the country to have a repeat of the summer of Floyd. The Left has become straight up thuggish. If they can't cheat their way in again, they'll burn it down.
You mean, "Mostly Peaceful Protests"????
opines that Donald Trump could campaign on pardoning himself if elected President of the United States.
That's the problem.
You clowns on the right don't care about crimes committed, you only care about the team trump cult.

Trump endangered the security of the USA, and you don't care.
That is what is truly sad.
That's the problem.
You clowns on the right don't care about crimes committed, you only care about the team trump cult.

Trump endangered the security of the USA, and you don't care.
That is what is truly sad.
Yep. Low IQ.

"Trump endangered the security of the USA, and you don't care."

I care deeply about the security of the USA. The future too.

Classified documents that he, as President of the United States, was entitled to have.

You clowns on the right don't care about crimes committed by Joe Biden. Classified documents PLUS corruption. Bribery from the CCP, Burisma, etc.

This is a political weaponization of the Justice Department. You don't care about that but MAGA patriots do. The voters care. Have you seen polls lately? There are millions of us and we are growing in numbers and grassroots organization and commitment.

TRUMP 2024
So the logic of the Trump supporter.

"We need to re-elect the criminally inept president who caused a million people to die, millions to lose their jobs and business, and let our cities descend into riots because of his constant race-baiting, because when he is finally held to account for the criminal acts he's committed, he can pardon himself! And even though we have half a dozen governors who would pursue the exact same policies without acting crazy, we love this man so much we think this is a plan."

This is the logic you guys are going with here?
So the logic of the Trump supporter.

"We need to re-elect the criminally inept president who caused a million people to die, millions to lose their jobs and business, and let our cities descend into riots because of his constant race-baiting, because when he is finally held to account for the criminal acts he's committed, he can pardon himself! And even though we have half a dozen governors who would pursue the exact same policies without acting crazy, we love this man so much we think this is a plan."

This is the logic you guys are going with here?
"Now Offering Cult Deprogramming Services for Branch Trumpidians... "

Typical. MAGA is a cult, blah, blah. It doesn't matter. MAGA is winning.

There are millions of American citizens in the America First revolution.

These false allegations have made Donald Trump more popular with voters. Especially undecideds. Have you seen the polls recently?

Now Offering Cult Deprogramming Services for Branch Trumpidians... "

Typical. MAGA is a cult, blah, blah. It doesn't matter. MAGA is winning.

There are millions of American citizens in the America First revolution.

These false allegations have made Donald Trump more popular with voters. Especially undecideds. Have you seen the polls recently?

Um, yeah, they show him running about even with Biden, which is kind of pathetic.

Sorry, if you don't see that you are in a cult, that's kind of on you.

Um, yeah, they show him running about even with Biden, which is kind of pathetic.

Sorry, if you don't see that you are in a cult, that's kind of on you.

"Um, yeah, they show him running about even with Biden, which is kind of pathetic."

Um, nah, I said recent polls. Reputable polls. Not those touted by MSNBC. Look at his huge lead over Ron DeSantis which is growing daily. The numbers about Biden will get better the longer he is in office. Biden's corruption is being exposed. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not the fact that Joe Biden is a lifelong corrupt politician matters to American voters.

"Sorry, if you don't see that you are in a cult, that's kind of on you."

Take your stupid cult checklist and shove it up your ass. MAGA is not a cult. It is a grassroots movement that will win in November, 2024. House and Senate. Presidency? We'll see.

Do you understand now?

TRUMP 2024
The numbers about Biden will get better the longer he is in office. Biden's corruption is being exposed. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not the fact that Joe Biden is a lifelong corrupt politician matters to American voters.

Coming from Trump who has been indicted on over 70 charges

Still waiting for nay charges against Honest Joe Biden
Um, nah, I said recent polls. Reputable polls. Not those touted by MSNBC. Look at his huge lead over Ron DeSantis which is growing daily. The numbers about Biden will get better the longer he is in office. Biden's corruption is being exposed. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not the fact that Joe Biden is a lifelong corrupt politician matters to American voters.

Yeah, recent polls, Even severely biased right wing RCP has him running even with Biden, with lots of undecideds (although how anyone can be undecided at this point is a mystery to me.)

Take your stupid cult checklist and shove it up your ass. MAGA is not a cult. It is a grassroots movement that will win in November, 2024. House and Senate. Presidency? We'll see.

Do you understand now?

Yes that you guys are all in a cult. Trump fell ass-backwards into the Presidency, (because we use a bizarre system to select presidents), and you can't just admit you made a mistake and course correct after he lost elections for you in 2018, 2020 and 2022.

If your movement was about the ideas, (as bad as most of them are), DeSantis should be leading Trump easily, as he believes all the same things without the baggage of indictments in four jurisdictions looming.

But instead, we have the party of Family Values excusing paying hush money to porn stars.
the party of Law and Order attacking the FBI.
The party of National Security cheering for Russia to crush its smaller weaker neighbor.

This is what a cult looks like. All that's missing is the Kool-aid.


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