Trump could've said

Trump could have said he'd cut personal income taxes to zero, and then he'd have won the popular vote too. What message does that send?
I know what it tells me ..... that most Americans are idiots that don't care any more about our mounting debt than anybody in Congress does, even though they blabber about it all the time.
Candidates can say all kinds of shit to get votes, and then they'll get the votes, but it doesn't mean that all the shit those candidates propose should be enacted.
Here we are with $21 trillion in debt, and what do we have? Republicans jacking up spending on the military, much of which is wasted on its giant bureaucracy and weapons that don't work (and even if they did, we don't need them), and cutting taxes on the rich, while supporting the construction of a worthless wall that won't accomplish jack.
Then there's the flipside ..... proposals for free college for everyone, and expanded Medicare/SS.
Neither side saying much about how to pay for all this shit, let alone balance the budget let alone pay down the debt.
Trump saying he'd build a wall and stop illegal immigration and then being elected just doesn't mean shit to me, it tells me that the priorities of voters are all fucked up. On a list of ten problems the USA has, I'd rank illegal immigration TENTH.

Again, I see no real difference between either party, you bribe them with free stuff to vote for you. It’s been that way for a long time.
Here is what I have noticed the left only cares about debt when Republicans are in control and the right only cares about it when Democrats are in control. This nation did not rack up 21 trillion in debt and counting under only one partys control no matter how much some want to pretend otherwise.
You must have slept through Math 101. The national debt was only $10 trillion or so when GW left the White House....

U.S. National Debt Clock 2008

It took all previous Presidents in the history of our country combined to run it up to that $10 trillion dollars when GW left office. Obama effectively doubled it by running it up to $19 trillion or so. Now it stands at $21 trillion...

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You see the problem here? You didn't as always give me much to work with you posted "you do know that half of the $21 trilliion in debt was obams's, right?" Come on cheese head if you're going to come back later with links to what you really meant why not start with them?

So you thought prior to Obama there was no national debt?

You see the problem here?
You must have slept through Math 101. The national debt was only $10 trillion or so when GW left the White House....

U.S. National Debt Clock 2008

It took all previous Presidents in the history of our country combined to run it up to that $10 trillion dollars when GW left office. Obama effectively doubled it by running it up to $19 trillion or so. Now it stands at $21 trillion...

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You see the problem here? You didn't as always give me much to work with you posted "you do know that half of the $21 trilliion in debt was obams's, right?" Come on cheese head if you're going to come back later with links to what you really meant why not start with them?

So you thought prior to Obama there was no national debt?

You see the problem here?

Of course, neither party has don a GD thing about the debt.

Quick, sell everything you have in the market. I'm sure you can put that $200.00 to better use.

lol lol .....Thinker do think before you post I could probably buy and sell you

View attachment 204066

I’m not a proctologist, thinker but I know an asshole when I see one.

I should think so, you see one in the mirror every day.
futures DOW off 225

Quick, sell everything you have in the market. I'm sure you can put that $200.00 to better use.
lol lol .....Thinker do think before you post I could probably buy and sell you

View attachment 204066
I’m not a proctologist, thinker but I know an asshole when I see one.

I should think so, you see one in the mirror every day.
Good one stinker Your usual brilliance..
You must have slept through Math 101. The national debt was only $10 trillion or so when GW left the White House....

U.S. National Debt Clock 2008

It took all previous Presidents in the history of our country combined to run it up to that $10 trillion dollars when GW left office. Obama effectively doubled it by running it up to $19 trillion or so. Now it stands at $21 trillion...

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You see the problem here? You didn't as always give me much to work with you posted "you do know that half of the $21 trilliion in debt was obams's, right?" Come on cheese head if you're going to come back later with links to what you really meant why not start with them?

So you thought prior to Obama there was no national debt?

You see the problem here?

Of course, neither party has don a GD thing about the debt.
Maybe but cutting taxes and expecting it to get paid for by fn with SS medicare ?
Quick, sell everything you have in the market. I'm sure you can put that $200.00 to better use.
lol lol .....Thinker do think before you post I could probably buy and sell you

View attachment 204066
I’m not a proctologist, thinker but I know an asshole when I see one.

I should think so, you see one in the mirror every day.
Good one stinker Your usual brilliance..

Thank you...dumbass.
Trump could have said he'd cut personal income taxes to zero, and then he'd have won the popular vote too. What message does that send?

I know what it tells me ..... that most Americans are idiots that don't care any more about our mounting debt than anybody in Congress does, even though they blabber about it all the time.

Candidates can say all kinds of shit to get votes, and then they'll get the votes, but it doesn't mean that all the shit those candidates propose should be enacted.

Here we are with $21 trillion in debt, and what do we have? Republicans jacking up spending on the military, much of which is wasted on its giant bureaucracy and weapons that don't work (and even if they did, we don't need them), and cutting taxes on the rich, while supporting the construction of a worthless wall that won't accomplish jack.

Then there's the flipside ..... proposals for free college for everyone, and expanded Medicare/SS.

Neither side saying much about how to pay for all this shit, let alone balance the budget let alone pay down the debt.

Trump saying he'd build a wall and stop illegal immigration and then being elected just doesn't mean shit to me, it tells me that the priorities of voters are all fucked up. On a list of ten problems the USA has, I'd rank illegal immigration TENTH.
I forgot who made this observation, but imo it's true. Voters don't give a shit about the debt unless some politician makes it an issue, and then all the other politicians fall in line and brag about being the real deficit hawks.

Meanwhile the last gop house member who actually got a balanced budget through was Kasich, and we know what happened to him.

And no the liberal wing doesn't care about the debt, because they figure if it comes to soc sec medicare and the military ... we'll disarm.
Trump could have said he'd cut personal income taxes to zero, and then he'd have won the popular vote too. What message does that send?

I know what it tells me ..... that most Americans are idiots that don't care any more about our mounting debt than anybody in Congress does, even though they blabber about it all the time.

Candidates can say all kinds of shit to get votes, and then they'll get the votes, but it doesn't mean that all the shit those candidates propose should be enacted.

Here we are with $21 trillion in debt, and what do we have? Republicans jacking up spending on the military, much of which is wasted on its giant bureaucracy and weapons that don't work (and even if they did, we don't need them), and cutting taxes on the rich, while supporting the construction of a worthless wall that won't accomplish jack.

Then there's the flipside ..... proposals for free college for everyone, and expanded Medicare/SS.

Neither side saying much about how to pay for all this shit, let alone balance the budget let alone pay down the debt.

Trump saying he'd build a wall and stop illegal immigration and then being elected just doesn't mean shit to me, it tells me that the priorities of voters are all fucked up. On a list of ten problems the USA has, I'd rank illegal immigration TENTH.

You rank illegal immigration a TEN, i rank it the number ONE problem, so who’s more important you or me, we both got our own ideas

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump could have said he'd cut personal income taxes to zero, and then he'd have won the popular vote too. What message does that send?

I know what it tells me ..... that most Americans are idiots that don't care any more about our mounting debt than anybody in Congress does, even though they blabber about it all the time.

Candidates can say all kinds of shit to get votes, and then they'll get the votes, but it doesn't mean that all the shit those candidates propose should be enacted.

Here we are with $21 trillion in debt, and what do we have? Republicans jacking up spending on the military, much of which is wasted on its giant bureaucracy and weapons that don't work (and even if they did, we don't need them), and cutting taxes on the rich, while supporting the construction of a worthless wall that won't accomplish jack.

Then there's the flipside ..... proposals for free college for everyone, and expanded Medicare/SS.

Neither side saying much about how to pay for all this shit, let alone balance the budget let alone pay down the debt.

Trump saying he'd build a wall and stop illegal immigration and then being elected just doesn't mean shit to me, it tells me that the priorities of voters are all fucked up. On a list of ten problems the USA has, I'd rank illegal immigration TENTH.

You do know that half of the $21 trillion in debt was Obama's, right?

So what you're saying is 10.5 trillion in 8 years vs 10.5 in less than two? I then have to say obama didn't do too bad.

You can’t be that stupid can you, it’s 10.5 for Obama and 10.5 for EVERY president before him added together.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump could have said he'd cut personal income taxes to zero, and then he'd have won the popular vote too. What message does that send?

I know what it tells me ..... that most Americans are idiots that don't care any more about our mounting debt than anybody in Congress does, even though they blabber about it all the time.

Candidates can say all kinds of shit to get votes, and then they'll get the votes, but it doesn't mean that all the shit those candidates propose should be enacted.

Here we are with $21 trillion in debt, and what do we have? Republicans jacking up spending on the military, much of which is wasted on its giant bureaucracy and weapons that don't work (and even if they did, we don't need them), and cutting taxes on the rich, while supporting the construction of a worthless wall that won't accomplish jack.

Then there's the flipside ..... proposals for free college for everyone, and expanded Medicare/SS.

Neither side saying much about how to pay for all this shit, let alone balance the budget let alone pay down the debt.

Trump saying he'd build a wall and stop illegal immigration and then being elected just doesn't mean shit to me, it tells me that the priorities of voters are all fucked up. On a list of ten problems the USA has, I'd rank illegal immigration TENTH.
I forgot who made this observation, but imo it's true. Voters don't give a shit about the debt unless some politician makes it an issue, and then all the other politicians fall in line and brag about being the real deficit hawks.

Meanwhile the last gop house member who actually got a balanced budget through was Kasich, and we know what happened to him.

And no the liberal wing doesn't care about the debt, because they figure if it comes to soc sec medicare and the military ... we'll disarm.

They won't care until their government checks start bouncing.
Trump could have said he'd cut personal income taxes to zero, and then he'd have won the popular vote too. What message does that send?

I know what it tells me ..... that most Americans are idiots that don't care any more about our mounting debt than anybody in Congress does, even though they blabber about it all the time.

Candidates can say all kinds of shit to get votes, and then they'll get the votes, but it doesn't mean that all the shit those candidates propose should be enacted.

Here we are with $21 trillion in debt, and what do we have? Republicans jacking up spending on the military, much of which is wasted on its giant bureaucracy and weapons that don't work (and even if they did, we don't need them), and cutting taxes on the rich, while supporting the construction of a worthless wall that won't accomplish jack.

Then there's the flipside ..... proposals for free college for everyone, and expanded Medicare/SS.

Neither side saying much about how to pay for all this shit, let alone balance the budget let alone pay down the debt.

Trump saying he'd build a wall and stop illegal immigration and then being elected just doesn't mean shit to me, it tells me that the priorities of voters are all fucked up. On a list of ten problems the USA has, I'd rank illegal immigration TENTH.

You rank illegal immigration a TEN, i rank it the number ONE problem, so who’s more important you or me, we both got our own ideas

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The voters rank it #1, so dumbass Edward is delusional.
Trump could have said he'd cut personal income taxes to zero, and then he'd have won the popular vote too. What message does that send?

I know what it tells me ..... that most Americans are idiots that don't care any more about our mounting debt than anybody in Congress does, even though they blabber about it all the time.

Candidates can say all kinds of shit to get votes, and then they'll get the votes, but it doesn't mean that all the shit those candidates propose should be enacted.

Here we are with $21 trillion in debt, and what do we have? Republicans jacking up spending on the military, much of which is wasted on its giant bureaucracy and weapons that don't work (and even if they did, we don't need them), and cutting taxes on the rich, while supporting the construction of a worthless wall that won't accomplish jack.

Then there's the flipside ..... proposals for free college for everyone, and expanded Medicare/SS.

Neither side saying much about how to pay for all this shit, let alone balance the budget let alone pay down the debt.

Trump saying he'd build a wall and stop illegal immigration and then being elected just doesn't mean shit to me, it tells me that the priorities of voters are all fucked up. On a list of ten problems the USA has, I'd rank illegal immigration TENTH.

You rank illegal immigration a TEN, i rank it the number ONE problem, so who’s more important you or me, we both got our own ideas

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The voters rank it #1, so dumbass Edward is delusional.
GREAT NEWS bri your pal PUTIN is dancing in the streets of Stalingrad after hearing president AH bashed NATO
Trump could have said he'd cut personal income taxes to zero, and then he'd have won the popular vote too. What message does that send?

I know what it tells me ..... that most Americans are idiots that don't care any more about our mounting debt than anybody in Congress does, even though they blabber about it all the time.

Candidates can say all kinds of shit to get votes, and then they'll get the votes, but it doesn't mean that all the shit those candidates propose should be enacted.

Here we are with $21 trillion in debt, and what do we have? Republicans jacking up spending on the military, much of which is wasted on its giant bureaucracy and weapons that don't work (and even if they did, we don't need them), and cutting taxes on the rich, while supporting the construction of a worthless wall that won't accomplish jack.

Then there's the flipside ..... proposals for free college for everyone, and expanded Medicare/SS.

Neither side saying much about how to pay for all this shit, let alone balance the budget let alone pay down the debt.

Trump saying he'd build a wall and stop illegal immigration and then being elected just doesn't mean shit to me, it tells me that the priorities of voters are all fucked up. On a list of ten problems the USA has, I'd rank illegal immigration TENTH.

You rank illegal immigration a TEN, i rank it the number ONE problem, so who’s more important you or me, we both got our own ideas

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The voters rank it #1, so dumbass Edward is delusional.
Surely bri you can't be that stupid to not know that the tariffs will more than eat up those BS tax cuts?
Trump could have said he'd cut personal income taxes to zero, and then he'd have won the popular vote too. What message does that send?

I know what it tells me ..... that most Americans are idiots that don't care any more about our mounting debt than anybody in Congress does, even though they blabber about it all the time.

Candidates can say all kinds of shit to get votes, and then they'll get the votes, but it doesn't mean that all the shit those candidates propose should be enacted.

Here we are with $21 trillion in debt, and what do we have? Republicans jacking up spending on the military, much of which is wasted on its giant bureaucracy and weapons that don't work (and even if they did, we don't need them), and cutting taxes on the rich, while supporting the construction of a worthless wall that won't accomplish jack.

Then there's the flipside ..... proposals for free college for everyone, and expanded Medicare/SS.

Neither side saying much about how to pay for all this shit, let alone balance the budget let alone pay down the debt.

Trump saying he'd build a wall and stop illegal immigration and then being elected just doesn't mean shit to me, it tells me that the priorities of voters are all fucked up. On a list of ten problems the USA has, I'd rank illegal immigration TENTH.

You do know that half of the $21 trillion in debt was Obama's, right?

So what you're saying is 10.5 trillion in 8 years vs 10.5 in less than two? I then have to say obama didn't do too bad.

You can’t be that stupid can you, it’s 10.5 for Obama and 10.5 for EVERY president before him added together.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Which of all those before him had to deal with the recovery from the largest recession ever??
Trump could have said he'd cut personal income taxes to zero, and then he'd have won the popular vote too. What message does that send?

I know what it tells me ..... that most Americans are idiots that don't care any more about our mounting debt than anybody in Congress does, even though they blabber about it all the time.

Candidates can say all kinds of shit to get votes, and then they'll get the votes, but it doesn't mean that all the shit those candidates propose should be enacted.

Here we are with $21 trillion in debt, and what do we have? Republicans jacking up spending on the military, much of which is wasted on its giant bureaucracy and weapons that don't work (and even if they did, we don't need them), and cutting taxes on the rich, while supporting the construction of a worthless wall that won't accomplish jack.

Then there's the flipside ..... proposals for free college for everyone, and expanded Medicare/SS.

Neither side saying much about how to pay for all this shit, let alone balance the budget let alone pay down the debt.

Trump saying he'd build a wall and stop illegal immigration and then being elected just doesn't mean shit to me, it tells me that the priorities of voters are all fucked up. On a list of ten problems the USA has, I'd rank illegal immigration TENTH.

You rank illegal immigration a TEN, i rank it the number ONE problem, so who’s more important you or me, we both got our own ideas

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The voters rank it #1, so dumbass Edward is delusional.
Surely bri you can't be that stupid to not know that the tariffs will more than eat up those BS tax cuts?

I thought this discussion was about illegal immigration.
Trump could have said he'd cut personal income taxes to zero, and then he'd have won the popular vote too. What message does that send?

I know what it tells me ..... that most Americans are idiots that don't care any more about our mounting debt than anybody in Congress does, even though they blabber about it all the time.

Candidates can say all kinds of shit to get votes, and then they'll get the votes, but it doesn't mean that all the shit those candidates propose should be enacted.

Here we are with $21 trillion in debt, and what do we have? Republicans jacking up spending on the military, much of which is wasted on its giant bureaucracy and weapons that don't work (and even if they did, we don't need them), and cutting taxes on the rich, while supporting the construction of a worthless wall that won't accomplish jack.

Then there's the flipside ..... proposals for free college for everyone, and expanded Medicare/SS.

Neither side saying much about how to pay for all this shit, let alone balance the budget let alone pay down the debt.

Trump saying he'd build a wall and stop illegal immigration and then being elected just doesn't mean shit to me, it tells me that the priorities of voters are all fucked up. On a list of ten problems the USA has, I'd rank illegal immigration TENTH.

You do know that half of the $21 trillion in debt was Obama's, right?

So what you're saying is 10.5 trillion in 8 years vs 10.5 in less than two? I then have to say obama didn't do too bad.

You can’t be that stupid can you, it’s 10.5 for Obama and 10.5 for EVERY president before him added together.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Which of all those before him had to deal with the recovery from the largest recession ever??

The best policy for dealing with a recession is for government to do nothing at all. Instead, Obama doubled down on the gushing red ink.
Trump could have said he'd cut personal income taxes to zero, and then he'd have won the popular vote too. What message does that send?

I know what it tells me ..... that most Americans are idiots that don't care any more about our mounting debt than anybody in Congress does, even though they blabber about it all the time.

Candidates can say all kinds of shit to get votes, and then they'll get the votes, but it doesn't mean that all the shit those candidates propose should be enacted.

Here we are with $21 trillion in debt, and what do we have? Republicans jacking up spending on the military, much of which is wasted on its giant bureaucracy and weapons that don't work (and even if they did, we don't need them), and cutting taxes on the rich, while supporting the construction of a worthless wall that won't accomplish jack.

Then there's the flipside ..... proposals for free college for everyone, and expanded Medicare/SS.

Neither side saying much about how to pay for all this shit, let alone balance the budget let alone pay down the debt.

Trump saying he'd build a wall and stop illegal immigration and then being elected just doesn't mean shit to me, it tells me that the priorities of voters are all fucked up. On a list of ten problems the USA has, I'd rank illegal immigration TENTH.

You do know that half of the $21 trillion in debt was Obama's, right?

So what you're saying is 10.5 trillion in 8 years vs 10.5 in less than two? I then have to say obama didn't do too bad.

You can’t be that stupid can you, it’s 10.5 for Obama and 10.5 for EVERY president before him added together.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Which of all those before him had to deal with the recovery from the largest recession ever??

Obama didn't "deal with it", it was eventually a self-correcting problem. He created no wealth in this country, no jobs except for public-sector jobs, and if anything, merely greased the palms of those who supported his campaign. His Federal Reserve artificially inflated the stock market by printing billions of dollars worth of money every month, which was used to buy up debt. That was referred to as "Quantitative Easing."

Meanwhile, he invested billions of dollars of taxpayers money into scams like "Green Energy" companies, automotive labor union bailouts, and phony "stimulus" packages that did nothing but pour more taxpayer's money down a gopher hole. No infrastructure was built, no jobs were created, and no wealth was created, except for a handful of Wall Street investors.
Song #1 coming back to London AMERICAN IDIOT yeah you bri but mainly in honor of Trump by Green Day

along with trump baby blimp
Trump could have said he'd cut personal income taxes to zero, and then he'd have won the popular vote too. What message does that send?

I know what it tells me ..... that most Americans are idiots that don't care any more about our mounting debt than anybody in Congress does, even though they blabber about it all the time.

Candidates can say all kinds of shit to get votes, and then they'll get the votes, but it doesn't mean that all the shit those candidates propose should be enacted.

Here we are with $21 trillion in debt, and what do we have? Republicans jacking up spending on the military, much of which is wasted on its giant bureaucracy and weapons that don't work (and even if they did, we don't need them), and cutting taxes on the rich, while supporting the construction of a worthless wall that won't accomplish jack.

Then there's the flipside ..... proposals for free college for everyone, and expanded Medicare/SS.

Neither side saying much about how to pay for all this shit, let alone balance the budget let alone pay down the debt.

Trump saying he'd build a wall and stop illegal immigration and then being elected just doesn't mean shit to me, it tells me that the priorities of voters are all fucked up. On a list of ten problems the USA has, I'd rank illegal immigration TENTH.

You do know that half of the $21 trillion in debt was Obama's, right?

So what you're saying is 10.5 trillion in 8 years vs 10.5 in less than two? I then have to say obama didn't do too bad.

You can’t be that stupid can you, it’s 10.5 for Obama and 10.5 for EVERY president before him added together.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Which of all those before him had to deal with the recovery from the largest recession ever??

Obama didn't "deal with it", it was eventually a self-correcting problem. He created no wealth in this country, no jobs except for public-sector jobs, and if anything, merely greased the palms of those who supported his campaign. His Federal Reserve artificially inflated the stock market by printing billions of dollars worth of money every month, which was used to buy up debt. That was referred to as "Quantitative Easing."

Meanwhile, he invested billions of dollars of taxpayers money into scams like "Green Energy" companies, automotive labor union bailouts, and phony "stimulus" packages that did nothing but pour more taxpayer's money down a gopher hole. No infrastructure was built, no jobs were created, and no wealth was created, except for a handful of Wall Street investors.
Thats what happens when you have republican traitors holding back a president oh by the way 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains weren't created??? lol

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