Trump Declares War On California...

California will be filthy rich due to the great decision to allow legal marijuana.

There’s no question this small minded tiny penis president is singling out blue states to punish them for not voting for him. And dopes like you still question that he’s mentally ill?

This isn't the ONLY THING that Trump disagrees with Sessions about. I THINK there's gonna be a change of direction on the stupid marijuana edict that Sessions made. OR -- they've decided to FORCE Congress to codify the changes in marijuana Drug Class listings and enforcement. To get CONGRESS to actually do it's job to specify that the STATES are free to decide the "legal status" of marijuana.
Will they try to secede from the union? You remember what happened the last time a bunch of Democrats tried that, right? It didn't work out very well for them either.

"It’s been less than a week since the California Legislature reconvened for the year, and already the No. 1 issue here is emerging: what to do about Donald Trump.

In the span of three days, the Trump administration threatened California’s burgeoning recreational marijuana market, proposed drilling off the California coast and pledged to increase immigration enforcement in the state — proposing to punish cities that get in the way. That came on the heels of his signing a tax bill that hit California harder than most other states.

Following a year of provocations, the widespread feeling among Democrats is that the nation’s most populous state once again is under siege.

“This is further proof of President Trump’s war on California,” Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León said."

'This is further proof of President Trump’s war on California'


Isn't it California who declared war on the United States?
California will be filthy rich due to the great decision to allow legal marijuana.

There’s no question this small minded tiny penis president is singling out blue states to punish them for not voting for him. And dopes like you still question that he’s mentally ill?

So, I could see potentially characterizing the marijuana move as a big FU to the blue states, but a war on California? Trump ran his whole campaign on enforcing immigration laws and loosening up regulations on various forms of commerce, with more than a little emphasis on the energy sector and fossil fuels. Trying to say that his primary purpose in enforcing immigration law in a border state and allowing oil drilling off the coast of California (while similarly allowing it off the coast of every Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf Coast state) is all about punishing his political opponents, then you simply haven't been paying attention to what he's been saying. I find it funny that members of the same press who have been trying to psychoanalyze the man can be so unaware of the theme of his entire presidency. How you gonna diagnose someone when you're not listening to them?
California will be filthy rich due to the great decision to allow legal marijuana.

There’s no question this small minded tiny penis president is singling out blue states to punish them for not voting for him. And dopes like you still question that he’s mentally ill?

Oh that’s so great, “the state” will get rich by selling drugs to lower class blacks and Latinos.

The Democrat Party, ladies and gentlemen.
you must have missed all the upper class people buying pot....

So the poor people buying weed won’t be taxed?
they will be taxed just as much as all those upper class people who buy the stuff......

Then my point that poor people will be taxed when buying drugs in order to make the state money stands.
Will they try to secede from the union? You remember what happened the last time a bunch of Democrats tried that, right? It didn't work out very well for them either.

"It’s been less than a week since the California Legislature reconvened for the year, and already the No. 1 issue here is emerging: what to do about Donald Trump.

In the span of three days, the Trump administration threatened California’s burgeoning recreational marijuana market, proposed drilling off the California coast and pledged to increase immigration enforcement in the state — proposing to punish cities that get in the way. That came on the heels of his signing a tax bill that hit California harder than most other states.

Following a year of provocations, the widespread feeling among Democrats is that the nation’s most populous state once again is under siege.

“This is further proof of President Trump’s war on California,” Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León said."

California is only a victim of itself. I know a lot of people in California who do NOT like how it is being run! Just like Kate Steinle, California seems to always find itself diametrically on the opposite side of common sense on everything. California is a failed liberal experiment that is collapsing now in slow motion, propped up only by its own self-denial-- -- -- now if they stay part of the Union they are subject to Trump's increasingly "hostile" actions, yet, if they secede, they not only further harm themselves, they forever remove the Democratic Party from ever winning another national election again.
California is the best state in the's the locomotive of the economy. All those who say the opposite deep down know that.

Google, Amazon, Tesla , Boeing, silicone valley, spaceX, agriculture, wine, 13% of the eonomy, created most jobs in the nation,
companies are based in California. Two of them -- Alphabet and Facebook -- were conceived in the past 18 years. San Francisco-based Wells Fargo, the world's largest bank by market capitalization, routinely outperforms any of its peers from Wall Street.

California produces almost all of the country's almonds, apricots, dates, figs, kiwifruit, nectarines, olives, pistachios, prunes and walnuts among dozens of crops that make it No. 1 in the U.S., with an equivalent GDP from agriculture, forestry and hunting totaling more than $37.7 billion, dwarfing No. 2 Iowa's $12.1 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. No state comes close to California in manufacturing totaling $255.6 billion. Texas is next with $239.1 billion. The trailing 12-month revenue from California technology companies totaled $732 billion, or 53 percent of all tech revenues in the U.S.

Although I'm not a native Californian, I couldn't succeed as good and as fast anywhere else in the US, let alone ina regressive state.

So to the haters, I say shut up and be thankful California is part of the US, otherwise America would look like an ex Soviet state, old and rusty.
i lived there for the last 50 years,if you dont live in the "good" areas it aint that great.....unless you have money it is tough to retire there....
You get your money and retire ina cheaper area. I live in Santa Monica and we plan to sell and retire in Palm springs or similar. But plenty of jobs, much more room for growth for those who wants to do greater things.
Red states for example in general are dull and slow, r3minds me a lot of third world countries honestly. ( I lived in one)


You never had the joys of cow tipping?
oh dear....why you regressive hate the great state of California? jealousy? We feed you so many things, we give you the technology, the entertainment, life hacks, and lot of good things. Why??!!
California is the best state in the's the locomotive of the economy. All those who say the opposite deep down know that.

Google, Amazon, Tesla , Boeing, silicone valley, spaceX, agriculture, wine, 13% of the eonomy, created most jobs in the nation,
companies are based in California. Two of them -- Alphabet and Facebook -- were conceived in the past 18 years. San Francisco-based Wells Fargo, the world's largest bank by market capitalization, routinely outperforms any of its peers from Wall Street.

California produces almost all of the country's almonds, apricots, dates, figs, kiwifruit, nectarines, olives, pistachios, prunes and walnuts among dozens of crops that make it No. 1 in the U.S., with an equivalent GDP from agriculture, forestry and hunting totaling more than $37.7 billion, dwarfing No. 2 Iowa's $12.1 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. No state comes close to California in manufacturing totaling $255.6 billion. Texas is next with $239.1 billion. The trailing 12-month revenue from California technology companies totaled $732 billion, or 53 percent of all tech revenues in the U.S.

Although I'm not a native Californian, I couldn't succeed as good and as fast anywhere else in the US, let alone ina regressive state.

So to the haters, I say shut up and be thankful California is part of the US, otherwise America would look like an ex Soviet state, old and rusty.
i lived there for the last 50 years,if you dont live in the "good" areas it aint that great.....unless you have money it is tough to retire there....
You get your money and retire ina cheaper area. I live in Santa Monica and we plan to sell and retire in Palm springs or similar. But plenty of jobs, much more room for growth for those who wants to do greater things.
Red states for example in general are dull and slow, r3minds me a lot of third world countries honestly. ( I lived in one)


You never had the joys of cow tipping?
oh dear....why you regressive hate the great state of California? jealousy? We feed you so many things, we give you the technology, the entertainment, life hacks, and lot of good things. Why??!!

It's not jealously, we could care less about California except the California court system keeps messing it up for the rest of the country and we have to subsidize cheap illegal allien car insurance in California..

I guess we got a lot of complaints about California retards....

Jealousy no my friend hatred yes .
In the span of three days, the Trump administration threatened California’s burgeoning recreational marijuana market, proposed drilling off the California coast and pledged to increase immigration enforcement in the state — proposing to punish cities that get in the way. That came on the heels of his signing a tax bill that hit California harder than most other states.

Like everything else in life & politics; there is good and bad here.

The bad - Trump and the Federal Government need to leave California (and every state) alone insofar as marijuana. This is clearly a 10th amendment issue.

On the other hand, immigration enforcement is absolutely a power enumerated to the Executive Branch in the Constitution. No city or state has a right to obstruct the feds from enforcing immigration policy.

Drilling is admittedly a gray area. A decent argument can be made for either side, is this a State's Rights issue, or are the coastlines and waterways Federally owned?

The tax bill? Absolutely an attack an wealthy liberal elites. This tax bill shifts the burden from creation of wealth to holdings of wealth. Absolutely brilliant from the Republicans and POTUS!
In the span of three days, the Trump administration threatened California’s burgeoning recreational marijuana market, proposed drilling off the California coast and pledged to increase immigration enforcement in the state — proposing to punish cities that get in the way. That came on the heels of his signing a tax bill that hit California harder than most other states.

Like everything else in life & politics; there is good and bad here.

The bad - Trump and the Federal Government need to leave California (and every state) alone insofar as marijuana. This is clearly a 10th amendment issue.

On the other hand, immigration enforcement is absolutely a power enumerated to the Executive Branch in the Constitution. No city or state has a right to obstruct the feds from enforcing immigration policy.

Drilling is admittedly a gray area. A decent argument can be made for either side, is this a State's Rights issue, or are the coastlines and waterways Federally owned?

The tax bill? Absolutely an attack an wealthy liberal elites. This tax bill shifts the burden from creation of wealth to holdings of wealth. Absolutely brilliant from the Republicans and POTUS!

Wait a second federal law clearly trumps state laws ...the civil war decided that one, legal weed in states are not going anywhere but it's going to be funny when some poor schmucks in legal weed states get locked up, it will be randomn just to make point.
Wait a second federal law clearly trumps state laws ...the civil war decided that one

so might makes right???

In this case it does. But then again Trump is up against Eric "judge shopping , part of the resistance" Holder let's see what he does if he challenges sessions

I know the guy is going to lock up random people in the legal weed states .
The people who are attacking California on the grounds they're defying federal law are the same ones who made Roy Moore a hero for doing the same.
California will be filthy rich due to the great decision to allow legal marijuana.

There’s no question this small minded tiny penis president is singling out blue states to punish them for not voting for him. And dopes like you still question that he’s mentally ill?

Oh that’s so great, “the state” will get rich by selling drugs to lower class blacks and Latinos.

The Democrat Party, ladies and gentlemen.
you must have missed all the upper class people buying pot....

So the poor people buying weed won’t be taxed?
they will be taxed just as much as all those upper class people who buy the stuff......

Then my point that poor people will be taxed when buying drugs in order to make the state money stands.
but you are acting like upper class people get it tax free,and those people will buy more than the lower classes each time they buy...

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