Trump didn't say go back to their countries...and not come back!

How we talk, out accents (Boston, southern, northern, New York,) all white Americans. Look out your window whites built that, look at our laws.. whites.. it’s our country

What have you ever built?

Well let see I have worked on bridges, houses, cars and computers...

Hell I even mow lawns and casper has a better tan than me...

What gave you the idea I was talking to you? My comments were clearly directed toward the little dishwasher dumbass who thinks he deserves credit for the laws of my country due to his supposed skin color.

What have you ever built beside kids wishing they never took your class?

I never claimed to have built the country, and I have certainly never claimed any credit by association because of skin color or any such stupidity.

You seem to be eager for an argument, which is fine, but so far you haven't established a basis.

Do I ever need one?

Fact is most of you on here have never lifted a hammer, worked a field and fixed a septic pump, so I kind of laugh when tender soin hands lecture each other.
We don’t our kind are true Americans
How we talk, out accents (Boston, southern, northern, New York,) all white Americans. Look out your window whites built that, look at our laws.. whites.. it’s our country

What have you ever built?

You most certainly did not build my country, little nobody. You most certainly have nothing to do with all the great men and women of all races, creeds, and cultures who have built my country. But I'll give you one chance to make a little less of a fool of yourself. Tell us one positive contribution you have ever made to my country. Go ahead.
Just us whites
They call them selves Latin American or African American, one wasn’t born here
So where do natural born Americans "return" to?
What are you not getting? None of the four are white. Trump and gop believe they should go back to where they came from. Have you heard ANY republican denouncing Trump? Of course not. If and politician doesn't believe the four need to get the fuck out, he/she better not say it if they want to run as a republican.

As of this morning there’s a total of 16 GOP blasting Trump racist remarks. That includes King, Murkowski, Brooks.

If not for CNN these will not come up. Fox News will try to hide this kind of racist remarks from unfit POTUS.

But keep it up Trump one way or the other decent Americans condemned this kind of racist remarks. Can’t wait for 2020.

Where is the "racism" in this remark by Trump?
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Trump's exact words:
"Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!"

He asked them to come back and fix as they fixed there own countries.

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states?
I guess what Trump is telling them is what this Bible verse says:
"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

You can twist however you want. Trump tweets is racist. Loud and clear. He could have said something different. And 3 of the 4 are born here. Where do you think they should go?

Criticism of Trump fabricated crisis at the border doesn’t deserve to be dealt this way. Trump can’t stand criticism.

I gathered that you are a religious person. This always puzzled me how and why a religious person like you unbelievably supports a person like Trump. You mentioned hypocrite.

1. Trump doesn’t like foreigners taking over American jobs. But his Maralago resort and vineyards workers are from foreign countries. That makes him what? Hypocrite.
2. He wants American business and jobs back to US. Make American products back to US. But his products are made in China, Bangladesh & Mexico. That makes him what? Hypocrite.
3. Womanizer.
4. Pussy grabber.
5. Pathological liar.
6. Bully.
7. Corrupt.
8. Coziness with murderer like Kim Jung Un and Putin.

Can you honestly tell god that when you kneel and pray ..... Trump is a good person?

Can you honestly tell your kids or your grandkids that Trump is a role model?

Please be honest with your answer.
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450
If you do not see how this is bigoted, you are a bigot. Three of the 4 were born in the USA. They come from the USA. Trump was born in the USA but two generations back were not born in the USA. What if someone told Trump to go back where he came from, Scotland. Trump is an American with Scottish roots.
As a Christian I feel you are sinful in supporting an immoral leader and being bigoted. I strongly feel Peter would have nothing to do with your thinking. Peter would try to save you from sinful ways. May God help you.

What are they?
They call them selves Latin American or African American, one wasn’t born here
So where do natural born Americans "return" to?
What are you not getting? None of the four are white. Trump and gop believe they should go back to where they came from. Have you heard ANY republican denouncing Trump? Of course not. If and politician doesn't believe the four need to get the fuck out, he/she better not say it if they want to run as a republican.

As of this morning there’s a total of 16 GOP blasting Trump racist remarks. That includes King, Murkowski, Brooks.

If not for CNN these will not come up. Fox News will try to hide this kind of racist remarks from unfit POTUS.

But keep it up Trump one way or the other decent Americans condemned this kind of racist remarks. Can’t wait for 2020.

So his remarks are racist because he disagrees with some folks that happen to be minorities? This is NOT racism.

So just because they are minorities they can’t criticize this inept Orange Clown?

So just because this orange clown can’t stand criticism. People of minorities should just shut the fuck up?

So just because they are minorities elected officials cannot expressed freedom of speech?

Please answer all my questions.
They call them selves Latin American or African American, one wasn’t born here
So where do natural born Americans "return" to?
What are you not getting? None of the four are white. Trump and gop believe they should go back to where they came from. Have you heard ANY republican denouncing Trump? Of course not. If and politician doesn't believe the four need to get the fuck out, he/she better not say it if they want to run as a republican.

As of this morning there’s a total of 16 GOP blasting Trump racist remarks. That includes King, Murkowski, Brooks.

If not for CNN these will not come up. Fox News will try to hide this kind of racist remarks from unfit POTUS.

But keep it up Trump one way or the other decent Americans condemned this kind of racist remarks. Can’t wait for 2020.

So his remarks are racist because he disagrees with some folks that happen to be minorities? This is NOT racism.

So just because they are minorities they can’t criticize this inept Orange Clown?

So just because this orange clown can’t stand criticism. People of minorities should just shut the fuck up?

So just because they are minorities elected officials cannot expressed freedom of speech?

Please answer all my questions.
Getting along is way overrated
They call them selves Latin American or African American, one wasn’t born here
So where do natural born Americans "return" to?
What are you not getting? None of the four are white. Trump and gop believe they should go back to where they came from. Have you heard ANY republican denouncing Trump? Of course not. If and politician doesn't believe the four need to get the fuck out, he/she better not say it if they want to run as a republican.

As of this morning there’s a total of 16 GOP blasting Trump racist remarks. That includes King, Murkowski, Brooks.

If not for CNN these will not come up. Fox News will try to hide this kind of racist remarks from unfit POTUS.

But keep it up Trump one way or the other decent Americans condemned this kind of racist remarks. Can’t wait for 2020.

So his remarks are racist because he disagrees with some folks that happen to be minorities? This is NOT racism.

So just because they are minorities they can’t criticize this inept Orange Clown?

So just because this orange clown can’t stand criticism. People of minorities should just shut the fuck up?

So just because they are minorities elected officials cannot expressed freedom of speech?

Please answer all my questions.
You are democrat making fun of someone’s skin tone lol Calling a republican a racist lol to much
Democraps to officially respond to Trump's tweets any minute now.
They took the bait!
It's like gigging for mackerel!!
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450
But except for Omar, they are from the US! Actually, I think that IS what they are trying to do....
How we talk, out accents (Boston, southern, northern, New York,) all white Americans. Look out your window whites built that, look at our laws.. whites.. it’s our country

Good......We're getting closer to the truth of this discussion.

So you're conceeding that Trump's intentions with his statements are based on white supremacist ideals?
Trump didn't say anything about race, jackass.
They all just happen to be women of color that he's telling to go back where they came from.

Uppity, they are. They don't know their place. (-:
None of them have the balls to say what they really want to say. The dance around it with dopey arguments but will never say what you just said. That would betray their racist intentions.
Exactly. For the media and public figures, there are only two options. 1) Be like Fox and say "The President was in fine joking mode today." 2) Not say anything. Because if they chose door 3, it bites them in the ass - if like Graham you previously called AOC a communist (which she isn't and I don't like her even a little) Trump grabs on to the out of context comment and says "See Graham agrees with me that they need to get the fuck out and go home."

But TRUMP never said "go home and don't come back!

He said exactly this and I'm shouting now because that's the only way to get you idiots attention!!!
He said:
Why don't the go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it sit done"

It was a stupid insult. Trumpsters don care about the stupid part because the insult, to them, is the most important part.

"who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world"

They don't look like WASPs so they must not be from here.

Trumpsters agree that non-whites are not a fully citizens as they are. Three of the four are "originally" from here. Trump's grandfather was a German. As was mine, btw. But that's all I have in common with the racist fock. LOL

BS ^^^^^ shitting and spitting on the USA and its ethos is not
UPPITY------its shitting and spitting

Cow dung. Trump is a racist. Period.

That means if you are not white. You are not a fully citizens.

You can ask these bigots here like basque and willow.
But except for Omar, they are from the US! Actually, I think that IS what they are trying to do....
Good......We're getting closer to the truth of this discussion.

So you're conceeding that Trump's intentions with his statements are based on white supremacist ideals?
Trump didn't say anything about race, jackass.
They all just happen to be women of color that he's telling to go back where they came from.

Uppity, they are. They don't know their place. (-:
Exactly. For the media and public figures, there are only two options. 1) Be like Fox and say "The President was in fine joking mode today." 2) Not say anything. Because if they chose door 3, it bites them in the ass - if like Graham you previously called AOC a communist (which she isn't and I don't like her even a little) Trump grabs on to the out of context comment and says "See Graham agrees with me that they need to get the fuck out and go home."

But TRUMP never said "go home and don't come back!

He said exactly this and I'm shouting now because that's the only way to get you idiots attention!!!
He said:
Why don't the go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it sit done"

It was a stupid insult. Trumpsters don care about the stupid part because the insult, to them, is the most important part.

"who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world"

They don't look like WASPs so they must not be from here.

Trumpsters agree that non-whites are not a fully citizens as they are. Three of the four are "originally" from here. Trump's grandfather was a German. As was mine, btw. But that's all I have in common with the racist fock. LOL

BS ^^^^^ shitting and spitting on the USA and its ethos is not
UPPITY------its shitting and spitting

Cow dung. Trump is a racist. Period.

That means if you are not white. You are not a fully citizens.

You can ask these bigots here like basque and willow.

bullshit. btw----if you have not noticed the NEW FAD----today ALL MUSLIMS are NOW "persons of color"-----I am old----I remember when
muslims were not only WHITE-----but highly insulted if they were considered "colored". That muhummad was WHITE is quite an issue in the koran
But except for Omar, they are from the US! Actually, I think that IS what they are trying to do....
Good......We're getting closer to the truth of this discussion.

So you're conceeding that Trump's intentions with his statements are based on white supremacist ideals?
Trump didn't say anything about race, jackass.
They all just happen to be women of color that he's telling to go back where they came from.

Uppity, they are. They don't know their place. (-:
Exactly. For the media and public figures, there are only two options. 1) Be like Fox and say "The President was in fine joking mode today." 2) Not say anything. Because if they chose door 3, it bites them in the ass - if like Graham you previously called AOC a communist (which she isn't and I don't like her even a little) Trump grabs on to the out of context comment and says "See Graham agrees with me that they need to get the fuck out and go home."

But TRUMP never said "go home and don't come back!

He said exactly this and I'm shouting now because that's the only way to get you idiots attention!!!
He said:
Why don't the go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it sit done"

It was a stupid insult. Trumpsters don care about the stupid part because the insult, to them, is the most important part.

"who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world"

They don't look like WASPs so they must not be from here.

Trumpsters agree that non-whites are not a fully citizens as they are. Three of the four are "originally" from here. Trump's grandfather was a German. As was mine, btw. But that's all I have in common with the racist fock. LOL

BS ^^^^^ shitting and spitting on the USA and its ethos is not
UPPITY------its shitting and spitting
Trump too should go back from where he originally came from.

Yeah but the NAZIs and the concentration camps are not there anymore.

Wait wait Wait....... I heard the crisis at the border where these illegals are being kept are now being converted to concentration camp. LOL. Maybe Trump is lonely.
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450

When Asked whether Trump’s comments were racist, Marc Short, chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence, defended Trump, telling reporters he had been responding to “very specific” comments made by Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, who was born in Somalia, and was not making a “universal statement."
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450

All but one were born in the US, dope.

They may have been born in America, but they hate it and they hate Americans.
Thank You President Trump for standing up to those dumb liberal bigot bullies.

Sorry Troglo ........

Are you saying that anyone that criticize Trump inept behavior and policies hate America?
View attachment 269496
How we talk, out accents (Boston, southern, northern, New York,) all white Americans. Look out your window whites built that, look at our laws.. whites.. it’s our country

What have you ever built?

You most certainly did not build my country, little nobody. You most certainly have nothing to do with all the great men and women of all races, creeds, and cultures who have built my country. But I'll give you one chance to make a little less of a fool of yourself. Tell us one positive contribution you have ever made to my country. Go ahead.
Just us whites

There is no "us" for you. Skin color establishes 0.00% connection between you and anyone who contributed to the building of my country. Tell us one positive contribution you have ever made to my country. Go ahead. If you've got nothing to point to than the color of your skin, you are admitting that you have done absolutely nothing and are just worthless dead weight in my country.
Anyone see the four little loony kids press conference just now? :lol:

What a clown show.
Trump didn't say anything about race, jackass.
They all just happen to be women of color that he's telling to go back where they came from.

Uppity, they are. They don't know their place. (-:
But TRUMP never said "go home and don't come back!

He said exactly this and I'm shouting now because that's the only way to get you idiots attention!!!
He said:
Why don't the go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it sit done"

It was a stupid insult. Trumpsters don care about the stupid part because the insult, to them, is the most important part.

"who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world"

They don't look like WASPs so they must not be from here.

Trumpsters agree that non-whites are not a fully citizens as they are. Three of the four are "originally" from here. Trump's grandfather was a German. As was mine, btw. But that's all I have in common with the racist fock. LOL

BS ^^^^^ shitting and spitting on the USA and its ethos is not
UPPITY------its shitting and spitting

Cow dung. Trump is a racist. Period.

That means if you are not white. You are not a fully citizens.

You can ask these bigots here like basque and willow.

bullshit. btw----if you have not noticed the NEW FAD----today ALL MUSLIMS are NOW "persons of color"-----I am old----I remember when
muslims were not only WHITE-----but highly insulted if they were considered "colored". That muhummad was WHITE is quite an issue in the koran

That doesn’t change anything. Trump is a racist.
If you are not white. You are not a fully qualified as fully citizen. That is what Trump was saying.

Did you ask willow and basque like I asked you?
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450

When Asked whether Trump’s comments were racist, Marc Short, chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence, defended Trump, telling reporters he had been responding to “very specific” comments made by Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, who was born in Somalia, and was not making a “universal statement."

What do you expect coming from VP defending Trump? Do expect anything different?
-if you have not noticed the NEW FAD----today ALL MUSLIMS are NOW "persons of color"-

Still, they believe in supernatural beings.

Cow dung. Trump is a racist. Period.
Since you have absolutely no reason to believe that Trump is racist, it is quite obvious that you are projecting.

I have lots of reason to believe it. I don't know it. I don't know Trumpybear.

But it does appear to me that he believes he is superior to everyone, not just certain so called races. He just tolerates white people more.

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