Trump didn't say go back to their countries...and not come back!

[QUOTE="TroglocratsRdumb, post: 22722195, member: 65531"They can return to the countries that their ancestors came from.

That's the spirit of the Trumpublicans. If you don't swallow everything the "Dirty Don" gives you, you're out.
hey dimsquat, if you don't like the country you're in, leave. It's a simple anthem don't you think? Those girls hate us, so fking leave? Why take it personal?[/QUOTE]

My dislike for Trumpybear's representation of the country has nothing to do with my like or dislike for the country I was born in.

I'm sure all the racist fucks out their would like all of "the others" to leave too.

But I think everyone should all stay and vote for the Government/policies they support.
[QUOTE="TroglocratsRdumb, post: 22722195, member: 65531"They can return to the countries that their ancestors came from.

That's the spirit of the Trumpublicans. If you don't swallow everything the "Dirty Don" gives you, you're out.
hey dimsquat, if you don't like the country you're in, leave. It's a simple anthem don't you think? Those girls hate us, so fking leave? Why take it personal?

My dislike for Trumpybear's representation of the country has nothing to do with my like or dislike for the country I was born in.

I'm sure all the racist fucks out their would like all of "the others" to leave too.

But I think everyone should all stay and vote for the Government/policies they support.[/QUOTE]
except again, it isn't what he said, right? he didn't say 'leave'. he said go fix their issues. hmmm, again, you have 'being stupid' issues far too large to resolve.
[QUOTE="TroglocratsRdumb, post: 22722195, member: 65531"They can return to the countries that their ancestors came from.

That's the spirit of the Trumpublicans. If you don't swallow everything the "Dirty Don" gives you, you're out.
hey dimsquat, if you don't like the country you're in, leave. It's a simple anthem don't you think? Those girls hate us, so fking leave? Why take it personal?
It's awesome when President Trump bulldozes political correctness and tells the truth about the Troglocrats.
so refreshing.[/QUOTE]

Oh you mean lie about them, so the Trumpsters can trot out some lame excuse and claim it's true, so they can stay on Trumpybears good side.
[QUOTE="TroglocratsRdumb, post: 22722195, member: 65531"They can return to the countries that their ancestors came from.

That's the spirit of the Trumpublicans. If you don't swallow everything the "Dirty Don" gives you, you're out.
hey dimsquat, if you don't like the country you're in, leave. It's a simple anthem don't you think? Those girls hate us, so fking leave? Why take it personal?
It's awesome when President Trump bulldozes political correctness and tells the truth about the Troglocrats.
so refreshing.

Oh you mean lie about them, so the Trumpsters can trot out some lame excuse and claim it's true, so they can stay on Trumpybears good side.[/QUOTE]
what lie? come on now, give us the lie. why can't you? your 'being stupid' issues are far too large to resolve.
Trump too should go back from where he originally came from.

Queens? have you ever been there? damned boring

He's originally from Germany, JUST like AOC is originally from PR. And according to your's and Trumps fckijng racist logic, Bernie needs to get the fuck out too.

Bernie? I don't know. BRONX? AOC was not born in the USA?
I did not know-----I thought she was born in Bronx. ------like me
All were born in the USA, like Trump. And just because a person is a socialist, or a racist, they don't have to leave to return from wherever their ancestors were from, despite the failings in their beliefs.

I'm sorry if I misunderstood you.

don't have to BUT MAY ----especially if they prefer the SYSTEM over there
oh stop the bullshit. We've have socialists in America since the fukcing quakers. Call trump's racism out for what it is, or stop hiding your OWN
The Holy Experiment, in Pennsylvania
Queens? have you ever been there? damned boring

He's originally from Germany, JUST like AOC is originally from PR. And according to your's and Trumps fckijng racist logic, Bernie needs to get the fuck out too.

Bernie? I don't know. BRONX? AOC was not born in the USA?
I did not know-----I thought she was born in Bronx. ------like me
All were born in the USA, like Trump. And just because a person is a socialist, or a racist, they don't have to leave to return from wherever their ancestors were from, despite the failings in their beliefs.

I'm sorry if I misunderstood you.

don't have to BUT MAY ----especially if they prefer the SYSTEM over there
oh stop the bullshit. We've have socialists in America since the fukcing quakers. Call trump's racism out for what it is, or stop hiding your OWN
racist how? explain how it's racist? can you, or are you a parrot?
The key word is “places”. Detroit and the Bronx -Queens could use some improvement as could Minneapolis and Mogadishu.

Those aren't Countries. He was specific about them returning to the country where they were from.

Ok. Where is the quote? Where did he say “Countries”? Otherwise, you saying he was specific is only your interpretation, or, not specific.
He's originally from Germany, JUST like AOC is originally from PR. And according to your's and Trumps fckijng racist logic, Bernie needs to get the fuck out too.

Bernie? I don't know. BRONX? AOC was not born in the USA?
I did not know-----I thought she was born in Bronx. ------like me
All were born in the USA, like Trump. And just because a person is a socialist, or a racist, they don't have to leave to return from wherever their ancestors were from, despite the failings in their beliefs.

I'm sorry if I misunderstood you.

don't have to BUT MAY ----especially if they prefer the SYSTEM over there
oh stop the bullshit. We've have socialists in America since the fukcing quakers. Call trump's racism out for what it is, or stop hiding your OWN
racist how? explain how it's racist? can you, or are you a parrot?
Go back where you came from, asshole
[QUOTE="TroglocratsRdumb, post: 22722195, member: 65531"They can return to the countries that their ancestors came from.

That's the spirit of the Trumpublicans. If you don't swallow everything the "Dirty Don" gives you, you're out.
hey dimsquat, if you don't like the country you're in, leave. It's a simple anthem don't you think? Those girls hate us, so fking leave? Why take it personal?

My dislike for Trumpybear's representation of the country has nothing to do with my like or dislike for the country I was born in.

I'm sure all the racist fucks out their would like all of "the others" to leave too.

But I think everyone should all stay and vote for the Government/policies they support.
except again, it isn't what he said, right? he didn't say 'leave'. he said go fix their issues. hmmm, again, you have 'being stupid' issues far too large to resolve.[/QUOTE]

True, it was you who said "if you don't like the country you're in, leave."

Trumpybear doesn't think any of them are Natural Citizens.[/QUOTE]
again, your ability to make fake news is astounding.
[QUOTE="TroglocratsRdumb, post: 22722195, member: 65531"They can return to the countries that their ancestors came from.

That's the spirit of the Trumpublicans. If you don't swallow everything the "Dirty Don" gives you, you're out.
hey dimsquat, if you don't like the country you're in, leave. It's a simple anthem don't you think? Those girls hate us, so fking leave? Why take it personal?

My dislike for Trumpybear's representation of the country has nothing to do with my like or dislike for the country I was born in.

I'm sure all the racist fucks out their would like all of "the others" to leave too.

But I think everyone should all stay and vote for the Government/policies they support.
except again, it isn't what he said, right? he didn't say 'leave'. he said go fix their issues. hmmm, again, you have 'being stupid' issues far too large to resolve.[/QUOTE]

True, it was you who said "if you don't like the country you're in, leave."

Trumpybear doesn't think any of them are Natural Citizens.[/QUOTE]
I just want the punks like JC to be open about their racism. We've had racists since before the Revolution. Embrace it if you got it.
Bernie? I don't know. BRONX? AOC was not born in the USA?
I did not know-----I thought she was born in Bronx. ------like me
All were born in the USA, like Trump. And just because a person is a socialist, or a racist, they don't have to leave to return from wherever their ancestors were from, despite the failings in their beliefs.

I'm sorry if I misunderstood you.

don't have to BUT MAY ----especially if they prefer the SYSTEM over there
oh stop the bullshit. We've have socialists in America since the fukcing quakers. Call trump's racism out for what it is, or stop hiding your OWN
racist how? explain how it's racist? can you, or are you a parrot?
Go back where you came from, asshole
I'm right here jkoff, can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen as my mother always taught me. Now, what are his racist comments, parrot?
[QUOTE="TroglocratsRdumb, post: 22722195, member: 65531"They can return to the countries that their ancestors came from.

That's the spirit of the Trumpublicans. If you don't swallow everything the "Dirty Don" gives you, you're out.
hey dimsquat, if you don't like the country you're in, leave. It's a simple anthem don't you think? Those girls hate us, so fking leave? Why take it personal?

My dislike for Trumpybear's representation of the country has nothing to do with my like or dislike for the country I was born in.

I'm sure all the racist fucks out their would like all of "the others" to leave too.

But I think everyone should all stay and vote for the Government/policies they support.
except again, it isn't what he said, right? he didn't say 'leave'. he said go fix their issues. hmmm, again, you have 'being stupid' issues far too large to resolve.

True, it was you who said "if you don't like the country you're in, leave."

Trumpybear doesn't think any of them are Natural Citizens.[/QUOTE]
I just want the punks like JC to be open about their racism. We've had racists since before the Revolution. Embrace it if you got it.[/QUOTE]
you have no clue to what is racism, you are the biggest racist in here, you have no idea what it means, since you invalidate it daily in here. if everything is racism, nothing is. and you are proof.
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450

All but one were born in the US, dope.

some of the chics who style themselves PERSONS OF COLOR (watevah da fluck that means) do ID themselves with places outside \
of the USA -----many of those places are shit holes that harbor shit hole ideologies that the idiot chics TEND TO DEFEND
They're Americans, dope.
No they aren’t

I love it. A lying Russian bot telling us that people who were born and raised in the USA, aren't Americans. And I love the argument that since Trump didn't tell them not to come back, it's not racist.

There's no floor on the level that this President will sink to divide the nation racially, socially and politically. There is no way that they can continue to deny the racism of Donald Trump but they're going try to do it anyway.
Trump is right, those pos should get out. Maybe they can take you with them.
[QUOTE="TroglocratsRdumb, post: 22722195, member: 65531"They can return to the countries that their ancestors came from.

That's the spirit of the Trumpublicans. If you don't swallow everything the "Dirty Don" gives you, you're out.
hey dimsquat, if you don't like the country you're in, leave. It's a simple anthem don't you think? Those girls hate us, so fking leave? Why take it personal?

My dislike for Trumpybear's representation of the country has nothing to do with my like or dislike for the country I was born in.

I'm sure all the racist fucks out their would like all of "the others" to leave too.

But I think everyone should all stay and vote for the Government/policies they support.
except again, it isn't what he said, right? he didn't say 'leave'. he said go fix their issues. hmmm, again, you have 'being stupid' issues far too large to resolve.[/QUOTE]

True, it was you who said "if you don't like the country you're in, leave."

Trumpybear doesn't think any of them are Natural Citizens.[/QUOTE]

How many people, particularly from your side of the aisle, threaten to leave because they don’t like the country? Further, we are coming on the heels of Presidency where the President told his opponents that if they did not like his policies, “they could go to the back of the bus.” How divisive and hate filled is that? But, you won’t see it because it was your guy that said it.
[QUOTE="TroglocratsRdumb, post: 22722195, member: 65531"They can return to the countries that their ancestors came from.

That's the spirit of the Trumpublicans. If you don't swallow everything the "Dirty Don" gives you, you're out.
hey dimsquat, if you don't like the country you're in, leave. It's a simple anthem don't you think? Those girls hate us, so fking leave? Why take it personal?

My dislike for Trumpybear's representation of the country has nothing to do with my like or dislike for the country I was born in.

I'm sure all the racist fucks out their would like all of "the others" to leave too.

But I think everyone should all stay and vote for the Government/policies they support.
except again, it isn't what he said, right? he didn't say 'leave'. he said go fix their issues. hmmm, again, you have 'being stupid' issues far too large to resolve.

True, it was you who said "if you don't like the country you're in, leave."

Trumpybear doesn't think any of them are Natural Citizens.[/QUOTE]

How many people, particularly from your side of the aisle, threaten to leave because they don’t like the country? Further, we are coming on the heels of Presidency where the President told his opponents that if they did not like his policies, “they could go to the back of the bus.” How divisive and hate filled is that? But, you won’t see it because it was your guy that said it.

I see, you and the rest of the pos loon left call not kissing your asses and bending over for you divisive and hate filled. Classic mentally ill freaks.
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450

All but one were born in the US, dope.
Shut up puppet.
[QUOTE="TroglocratsRdumb, post: 22722195, member: 65531"They can return to the countries that their ancestors came from.

That's the spirit of the Trumpublicans. If you don't swallow everything the "Dirty Don" gives you, you're out.
hey dimsquat, if you don't like the country you're in, leave. It's a simple anthem don't you think? Those girls hate us, so fking leave? Why take it personal?

My dislike for Trumpybear's representation of the country has nothing to do with my like or dislike for the country I was born in.

I'm sure all the racist fucks out their would like all of "the others" to leave too.

But I think everyone should all stay and vote for the Government/policies they support.
except again, it isn't what he said, right? he didn't say 'leave'. he said go fix their issues. hmmm, again, you have 'being stupid' issues far too large to resolve.

True, it was you who said "if you don't like the country you're in, leave."

Trumpybear doesn't think any of them are Natural Citizens.

How many people, particularly from your side of the aisle, threaten to leave because they don’t like the country? Further, we are coming on the heels of Presidency where the President told his opponents that if they did not like his policies, “they could go to the back of the bus.” How divisive and hate filled is that? But, you won’t see it because it was your guy that said it.

I see, you and the rest of the pos loon left call not kissing your asses and bending over for you divisive and hate filled. Classic mentally ill freaks.[/QUOTE]

You say I am loon left???
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450

All but one were born in the US, dope.
We have a lot of congress people born outside the US, dope.

List of foreign-born United States politicians - Wikipedia

Trump's tweets are focused on four people, dope. Three of whom are natural born Americans.
Where did you get the number 4 from, dope?
It's the same number or women that turned you down for The Prom in the same day.
All but one were born in the US, dope.
What country do native born Americans "return" to, dope?
What makes you think hes talking about native born Americans? :cuckoo:

Who's he referencing. Clear it up, professor
Obviously Ilhan Omar.
What kind of name is Ilhan?

It sounds like the sound a wounded vagina would make as it's being genitally mutilated in the name of ISLAM!

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