Trump encouraging Michigan protests, the height of irresponsibility

Iā€™m sure everyone is going to call me a liberal, even though thatā€™s the furthest thing from the truth.

Trumpā€™s approval of the Michigan protests is beyond the pale. The idea is to keep the death toll low, not to encourage people to take wild risks. In most cases Iā€™m not big on the idea of leadership isnā€™t that big a deal, and for me personally itā€™s not, because Iā€™m smart enough to not listen when a politician is giving stupid advice, but unfortunately because of the tone he has chosen to take with the Michigan protestors more people will get sick and ultimately die. Itā€™s reckless and shows no regard for the people in Michigan. Thereā€™s no excuse for it.

He is merely reflecting public opinion.
Iā€™m sure everyone is going to call me a liberal, even though thatā€™s the furthest thing from the truth.

Trumpā€™s approval of the Michigan protests is beyond the pale. The idea is to keep the death toll low, not to encourage people to take wild risks. In most cases Iā€™m not big on the idea of leadership isnā€™t that big a deal, and for me personally itā€™s not, because Iā€™m smart enough to not listen when a politician is giving stupid advice, but unfortunately because of the tone he has chosen to take with the Michigan protestors more people will get sick and ultimately die. Itā€™s reckless and shows no regard for the people in Michigan. Thereā€™s no excuse for it.

The stupid motherfucker is encouraging civil unrest, the very last thing we need right now.
He's the worst POTUS ever.
Used to be Trump and his stupid base were annoying.
Now they're fucking dangerous.
How did you feel about Barry Hussein supporting the Occupy Wall Street protests?

The high?

Height. My mistake. Point still stands. I canā€™t vote for the guy after that. Iā€™m sitting out of this next election.

He'll never win NY now.......

So youā€™re cool with him endorsing protests? Why doesnā€™t he join the protestors in solidarity?

How long should we stay shutdown?
No downside to the shutdowns?

there certainly is a downside. Some places should remained shutdown longer than others. These are issues we can have a conversation about. However now is not the time for the president to egg on stupid people taking reckless actions.
Paywall at NYT but yep. I saw the tweets. What he did there is dangerous as hell.

These idiots have a loose screw to begin with. All they need is encouragement. One of 'em is bound to go off the deep end soon.

Is that a real picture ? Ive seen it before but just assumed it was from some zombie film.

How'd you like to have that group of Deplorables show up on your front porch? :eek:
They say the only surefire way to kill a zombie is to lop their heads off.
Man, what a mess!

Trumpā€™s approval of the Michigan protests is beyond the pale. The idea is to keep the death toll low, not to encourage people to take wild risks. In most cases Iā€™m not big on the idea of leadership isnā€™t that big a deal, and for me personally itā€™s not, because Iā€™m smart enough to not listen when a politician is giving stupid advice, but unfortunately because of the tone he has chosen to take with the Michigan protestors more people will get sick and ultimately die. Itā€™s reckless and shows no regard for the people in Michigan. Thereā€™s no excuse for it.
Didn't he win Michigan? Why is he trying to kill off his base? One of the many questions I have about what's really going on in his mind. It certainly doesn't seem like the mind of a "stable genius".


The REAL stable genius, IMO.
Iā€™m sure everyone is going to call me a liberal, even though thatā€™s the furthest thing from the truth.

Trumpā€™s approval of the Michigan protests is beyond the pale. The idea is to keep the death toll low, not to encourage people to take wild risks. In most cases Iā€™m not big on the idea of leadership isnā€™t that big a deal, and for me personally itā€™s not, because Iā€™m smart enough to not listen when a politician is giving stupid advice, but unfortunately because of the tone he has chosen to take with the Michigan protestors more people will get sick and ultimately die. Itā€™s reckless and shows no regard for the people in Michigan. Thereā€™s no excuse for it.

The stupid motherfucker is encouraging civil unrest, the very last thing we need right now.
He's the worst POTUS ever.
Used to be Trump and his stupid base were annoying.
Now they're fucking dangerous.

The democrats are dangerous. They think that the economy can survive an extended shutdown. The democrats are wrong.
Trump is right to want to restart the economy county by county and business by business.
Democrats want a depression. Until of course they canā€™t buy meat,milk,organic veggies and TP at the stores because they are rationed and they are left to eat dandelion salad from their yard. Then they will be cryin for their mama.
Maybe they are banking on a welfare check as their "go to" strategy?
Good plan ...especially when no one is working to pay for it .
I could protest the MI governor's stupid shutdown.
No fishing or joint replacements, but liquor stores and abortions are "essential"?
Keeping too many stores closed when they could be open with masks and hand sanitizer.
She should do the shutdown county by county instead of statewide.
People want to by liquor. Abortions are time-sensitive and states have cut-off points. Do you want a woman to wait and have an late-term abortion? Michigan already requires a woman seeking an abortion to undergo indoctrination at a cult facility regardless of her religion, just to satisfy the cult people, and wait 24 hours for the procedure.
I could protest the MI governor's stupid shutdown.
No fishing or joint replacements, but liquor stores and abortions are "essential"?
Keeping too many stores closed when they could be open with masks and hand sanitizer.
She should do the shutdown county by county instead of statewide.
People want to by liquor. Abortions are time-sensitive and states have cut-off points. Do you want a woman to wait and have an late-term abortion? Michigan already requires a woman seeking an abortion to undergo indoctrination at a cult facility regardless of her religion, just to satisfy the cult people, and wait 24 hours for the procedure.
Naw...itā€™s more likely they are allowed to stay open because they donate to democrats.

liquor stores in my state were shut down. While people were told to flood the big box stores and supermarkets if they wanted alcohol. And was a stupid Democrat sending all these extra people to Walmart and Albertsons when they are suppose to social distance.
I could protest the MI governor's stupid shutdown.
No fishing or joint replacements, but liquor stores and abortions are "essential"?
Keeping too many stores closed when they could be open with masks and hand sanitizer.
She should do the shutdown county by county instead of statewide.
People want to by liquor. Abortions are time-sensitive and states have cut-off points. Do you want a woman to wait and have an late-term abortion? Michigan already requires a woman seeking an abortion to undergo indoctrination at a cult facility regardless of her religion, just to satisfy the cult people, and wait 24 hours for the procedure.
Naw...itā€™s more likely they are allowed to stay open because they donate to democrats.

liquor stores in my state were shut down. While people were told to flood the big box stores and supermarkets if they wanted alcohol. And was a stupid Democrat sending all these extra people to Walmart and Albertsons when they are suppose to social distance.
What about the ban on abortions that will result in more late-term abortions, just because the politicians lied? Here in Virginia, we aren't this fucking stupid. Our ABC stores are open and there is no ban on abortions, which supposedly take up thousands and thousands of surgical masks, gloves, and other PPE in other states, even when just a pill is being given.
Paywall there, but yep. I saw the tweets. What he did there is dangerous as hell.

These idiots have a loose screw to begin with. All they need is encouragement. One of 'em is bound to go off the deep end soon.


Look at these STUPID people. Trump supporters are the dumbest fucks on earth.
Look at these STUPID people. anti-Trumpers are the dumbest fucks on earth.
Iā€™m sure everyone is going to call me a liberal, even though thatā€™s the furthest thing from the truth.

Trumpā€™s approval of the Michigan protests is beyond the pale. The idea is to keep the death toll low, not to encourage people to take wild risks. In most cases Iā€™m not big on the idea of leadership isnā€™t that big a deal, and for me personally itā€™s not, because Iā€™m smart enough to not listen when a politician is giving stupid advice, but unfortunately because of the tone he has chosen to take with the Michigan protestors more people will get sick and ultimately die. Itā€™s reckless and shows no regard for the people in Michigan. Thereā€™s no excuse for it.'ve been watching too many sci-fi horror flicks ...the virus is not magical
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Protesting is a right. We cannot take it away. Last time I protested was in Madison in support of my daughter who is a teacher. I chanted and carried a sign proudly and peacefully. When a state official oversteps and tries to mess with a large group of people then what else can those people do but protest peacefully?
Iā€™m sure everyone is going to call me a liberal, even though thatā€™s the furthest thing from the truth.

Trumpā€™s approval of the Michigan protests is beyond the pale. The idea is to keep the death toll low, not to encourage people to take wild risks. In most cases Iā€™m not big on the idea of leadership isnā€™t that big a deal, and for me personally itā€™s not, because Iā€™m smart enough to not listen when a politician is giving stupid advice, but unfortunately because of the tone he has chosen to take with the Michigan protestors more people will get sick and ultimately die. Itā€™s reckless and shows no regard for the people in Michigan. Thereā€™s no excuse for it.

He is merely reflecting public opinion.
Drumpfs only reflecting the opinion of retards.
Iā€™m sure everyone is going to call me a liberal, even though thatā€™s the furthest thing from the truth.

Trumpā€™s approval of the Michigan protests is beyond the pale. The idea is to keep the death toll low, not to encourage people to take wild risks. In most cases Iā€™m not big on the idea of leadership isnā€™t that big a deal, and for me personally itā€™s not, because Iā€™m smart enough to not listen when a politician is giving stupid advice, but unfortunately because of the tone he has chosen to take with the Michigan protestors more people will get sick and ultimately die. Itā€™s reckless and shows no regard for the people in Michigan. Thereā€™s no excuse for it.

The stupid motherfucker is encouraging civil unrest, the very last thing we need right now.
He's the worst POTUS ever.
Used to be Trump and his stupid base were annoying.
Now they're fucking dangerous.

The democrats are dangerous. They think that the economy can survive an extended shutdown. The democrats are wrong.
Trump is right to want to restart the economy county by county and business by business.
Wrong wrong. Democrats know the economy cannot survive an extended shutdown. That is exactly why they want a shutdown and why Trump supports stopping them.

Trump is exactly the kind of freedom loving leader that we need to fight this tyranny.
Protesting is a right. We cannot take it away. Last time I protested was in Madison in support of my daughter who is a teacher. I chanted and carried a sign proudly and peacefully. When a state official oversteps and tries to mess with a large group of people then what else can those people do but protest peacefully?
Nothing wrong with protesting. Just dont protest over something stupid and asinine.
Paywall at NYT but yep. I saw the tweets. What he did there is dangerous as hell.

These idiots have a loose screw to begin with. All they need is encouragement. One of 'em is bound to go off the deep end soon.

Is that a real picture ? Ive seen it before but just assumed it was from some zombie film.

How'd you like to have that group of Deplorables show up on your front porch? :eek:
They say the only surefire way to kill a zombie is to lop their heads off.
Man, what a mess!

Get out your katana and wade in. As fast as this rebellion is going you will get your chance and soon.

The resistance has met the rebellion. The petty governor tyrants must GO.

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