"Trump Fatigue"

The deranged ones are the Trump supporters. Real Americans are tired of Trump.
That certainly doesn't include the leftists of the forum.

Trump and their TDS is all they can talk about.

As for others, well we are busy getting tired of winning, it can be fatiguing.
Trump is like a TV show that has an interesting and promising first season but begins to grow old and boring as the following seasons rely on the same old schticks and routines.
As long as the audience takes the bait, it never grows old. I still love watching progressives cry and will for 5 more years!
No fatigue at all. NONE!

President Trump be Blessed and Protected forever!:clap2::clap2::clap2:


The Democrats now represent the rest of the world in American politics. That's what a globalist does. Democrats think making 1 American poor to make 3 Chinese people rich is worth it. Democrats don't have the intrest of the American people at heart.
For at least the last 30 years China has offered a deal to US corporations (and likewise to European and Japanese corporations). China offers a disciplined labor force at wages far below what those corporations pay in their home countries. China also offers one of the worlds largest and fastest growing markets for those corporations’ outputs. China’s offers translate into big profit boosts for the corporations who have chosen to accept them. In return, China has demanded (1) that foreign corporations bring in capital to pay for building new factories, warehouses, offices, etc. and (2) that foreign corporations share their technologies, product designs, etc. No one forced any US company to accept China’s offers. Corporations have come in growing numbers because what China offered turned out to be very profitable. To call all that “stealing” now after 30 years may yield big headlines, may allow Trump to posture as the tough leader ending abuse from others, but it is as phony as a $4 bill.
Despite the finest attempts of our Trump diehards, fact is outside of their pretend America, people are about tired of Donald Trump.

"Trump Fatigue"
Monday May 20, 2019

Remember those two dreaded words? after the intense backlash to Trump’s presidency with the Women’s march, in the months that followed, as atrocity after atrocity piled up, and daily life seemed to devolve into one long, endless episode of “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest,” many people feared that the constant, daily wear and tear of life under an insane president would numb the outrage and protest, that people would just give up and tune out.

Well, it didn’t work out that way.

Donald Trump likes to consider himself as the “master communicator,” with Twitter as his vehicle of choice. Yet, time after time, when a Trump supporter is interviewed, what is their first and most frequent complaint? “I think he;s doing an OK job, but I really wish he’d knock it off with all of that Twitter bullshit!” The non Trombie voter didn’t buy a season ticket to this dog-and-pony-show for the tweets, they anted up for results, which so far are sadly lacking.

Trump’s greatest selling point is the economy, but the average Trump voter isn’t feeling the love. Trump touts the soaring stock market, yet more than 50% of the population isn’t invested in the stock market, they’re not getting the benefit. And while a healthy 401k may be great down the road, it ain’t making the mortgage payment next month. Trump’s vaunted tax cuts didn’t buy the average family dinner for 4 at McDonalds once a week, and many suffered sticker shock when they got IOU’s from the IRS this year. Health insurance is still sky high, manufacturing and coal ain’t roaring back, and farmers are facing monetary crisis, and even foreclosure over Trump’s tariff war. Just wait until the price hikes go up at Walmart on things most people buy starting in the middle of next month from Trump’s latest tariff gaffe.

We may already be seeing that start to manifest itself. In a recent PA poll, Biden leads Trump 49-38. But put Biden’s folksy, I’m-a-Scranton-boy connection behind. Sanders, Warren, Harris, and Buttigieg are all holding Trump to 41% in Pennsylvania. And in other national polls, those same candidates, none of whom are polling 20% in the Democratic primaries, are all either ahead of, or within the margin of error against Trump. In what parallel universe does a candidate running 4th in the Democratic primaries run neck and neck with an incumbent president from the opposite contest?

"Trump Fatigue"

Only 6 more years, Stymie
It’s fascinating that a President with these economic numbers feels the need to bloviate. The angry comedian schtick is getting tiresome...
It’s fascinating that a President with these economic numbers feels the need to bloviate. The angry comedian schtick is getting tiresome...
He bloviates because he knows the numbers are not due to his policies.
Despite the finest attempts of our Trump diehards, fact is outside of their pretend America, people are about tired of Donald Trump.

"Trump Fatigue"
Monday May 20, 2019

Remember those two dreaded words? after the intense backlash to Trump’s presidency with the Women’s march, in the months that followed, as atrocity after atrocity piled up, and daily life seemed to devolve into one long, endless episode of “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest,” many people feared that the constant, daily wear and tear of life under an insane president would numb the outrage and protest, that people would just give up and tune out.

Well, it didn’t work out that way.

Donald Trump likes to consider himself as the “master communicator,” with Twitter as his vehicle of choice. Yet, time after time, when a Trump supporter is interviewed, what is their first and most frequent complaint? “I think he;s doing an OK job, but I really wish he’d knock it off with all of that Twitter bullshit!” The non Trombie voter didn’t buy a season ticket to this dog-and-pony-show for the tweets, they anted up for results, which so far are sadly lacking.

Trump’s greatest selling point is the economy, but the average Trump voter isn’t feeling the love. Trump touts the soaring stock market, yet more than 50% of the population isn’t invested in the stock market, they’re not getting the benefit. And while a healthy 401k may be great down the road, it ain’t making the mortgage payment next month. Trump’s vaunted tax cuts didn’t buy the average family dinner for 4 at McDonalds once a week, and many suffered sticker shock when they got IOU’s from the IRS this year. Health insurance is still sky high, manufacturing and coal ain’t roaring back, and farmers are facing monetary crisis, and even foreclosure over Trump’s tariff war. Just wait until the price hikes go up at Walmart on things most people buy starting in the middle of next month from Trump’s latest tariff gaffe.

We may already be seeing that start to manifest itself. In a recent PA poll, Biden leads Trump 49-38. But put Biden’s folksy, I’m-a-Scranton-boy connection behind. Sanders, Warren, Harris, and Buttigieg are all holding Trump to 41% in Pennsylvania. And in other national polls, those same candidates, none of whom are polling 20% in the Democratic primaries, are all either ahead of, or within the margin of error against Trump. In what parallel universe does a candidate running 4th in the Democratic primaries run neck and neck with an incumbent president from the opposite contest?

"Trump Fatigue"

Only 6 more years, Stymie

A year and a half, Ritz.
Despite the finest attempts of our Trump diehards, fact is outside of their pretend America, people are about tired of Donald Trump.

"Trump Fatigue"
Monday May 20, 2019

Remember those two dreaded words? after the intense backlash to Trump’s presidency with the Women’s march, in the months that followed, as atrocity after atrocity piled up, and daily life seemed to devolve into one long, endless episode of “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest,” many people feared that the constant, daily wear and tear of life under an insane president would numb the outrage and protest, that people would just give up and tune out.

Well, it didn’t work out that way.

Donald Trump likes to consider himself as the “master communicator,” with Twitter as his vehicle of choice. Yet, time after time, when a Trump supporter is interviewed, what is their first and most frequent complaint? “I think he;s doing an OK job, but I really wish he’d knock it off with all of that Twitter bullshit!” The non Trombie voter didn’t buy a season ticket to this dog-and-pony-show for the tweets, they anted up for results, which so far are sadly lacking.

Trump’s greatest selling point is the economy, but the average Trump voter isn’t feeling the love. Trump touts the soaring stock market, yet more than 50% of the population isn’t invested in the stock market, they’re not getting the benefit. And while a healthy 401k may be great down the road, it ain’t making the mortgage payment next month. Trump’s vaunted tax cuts didn’t buy the average family dinner for 4 at McDonalds once a week, and many suffered sticker shock when they got IOU’s from the IRS this year. Health insurance is still sky high, manufacturing and coal ain’t roaring back, and farmers are facing monetary crisis, and even foreclosure over Trump’s tariff war. Just wait until the price hikes go up at Walmart on things most people buy starting in the middle of next month from Trump’s latest tariff gaffe.

We may already be seeing that start to manifest itself. In a recent PA poll, Biden leads Trump 49-38. But put Biden’s folksy, I’m-a-Scranton-boy connection behind. Sanders, Warren, Harris, and Buttigieg are all holding Trump to 41% in Pennsylvania. And in other national polls, those same candidates, none of whom are polling 20% in the Democratic primaries, are all either ahead of, or within the margin of error against Trump. In what parallel universe does a candidate running 4th in the Democratic primaries run neck and neck with an incumbent president from the opposite contest?

"Trump Fatigue"

Is that new the talking point to distract Americans from the fact that the NY Times just publicly exposed itself as a legitimate domestic enemy / full-blown counter-intelligence anti-Trump propaganda pushing threat to our democracy pretending to be a journalism / news source, so prominently that even politicians and political pundits on both sides are attacking them?

What America is tired of is the Left's non-stop off-the-chart exposed fake news assault and continued attempts to undermine and overthrow the President of the United States and Republicans / Conservatives like Kavanaugh.

Just like with Trump defeating Hillary, Leftists can not get over the fact that they lost the Kavanaugh false narrative political hit attempt, and he won, too.

Just like with Trump, the Leftist Extremists are criminally trying to 'un-do' what was done.

Dems / snowflakes ... GET OVER IT! YOU LOST ... AGAIN. SUCK IT UP & MOVE ON.

(THIS is what happens when everyone gets a trophy, & kids don't learn how to lose as well as how to win...)

The deep state is the enemy and the wise knows this and knows trump is America’s last chance to be saved

And they are ready now to follow trumps orders
Despite the finest attempts of our Trump diehards, fact is outside of their pretend America, people are about tired of Donald Trump.

"Trump Fatigue"
Monday May 20, 2019

Remember those two dreaded words? after the intense backlash to Trump’s presidency with the Women’s march, in the months that followed, as atrocity after atrocity piled up, and daily life seemed to devolve into one long, endless episode of “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest,” many people feared that the constant, daily wear and tear of life under an insane president would numb the outrage and protest, that people would just give up and tune out.

Well, it didn’t work out that way.

Donald Trump likes to consider himself as the “master communicator,” with Twitter as his vehicle of choice. Yet, time after time, when a Trump supporter is interviewed, what is their first and most frequent complaint? “I think he;s doing an OK job, but I really wish he’d knock it off with all of that Twitter bullshit!” The non Trombie voter didn’t buy a season ticket to this dog-and-pony-show for the tweets, they anted up for results, which so far are sadly lacking.

Trump’s greatest selling point is the economy, but the average Trump voter isn’t feeling the love. Trump touts the soaring stock market, yet more than 50% of the population isn’t invested in the stock market, they’re not getting the benefit. And while a healthy 401k may be great down the road, it ain’t making the mortgage payment next month. Trump’s vaunted tax cuts didn’t buy the average family dinner for 4 at McDonalds once a week, and many suffered sticker shock when they got IOU’s from the IRS this year. Health insurance is still sky high, manufacturing and coal ain’t roaring back, and farmers are facing monetary crisis, and even foreclosure over Trump’s tariff war. Just wait until the price hikes go up at Walmart on things most people buy starting in the middle of next month from Trump’s latest tariff gaffe.

We may already be seeing that start to manifest itself. In a recent PA poll, Biden leads Trump 49-38. But put Biden’s folksy, I’m-a-Scranton-boy connection behind. Sanders, Warren, Harris, and Buttigieg are all holding Trump to 41% in Pennsylvania. And in other national polls, those same candidates, none of whom are polling 20% in the Democratic primaries, are all either ahead of, or within the margin of error against Trump. In what parallel universe does a candidate running 4th in the Democratic primaries run neck and neck with an incumbent president from the opposite contest?

"Trump Fatigue"

I'm fatigued with..

download (46).jpg

Democrats smooching this guys nads.

images (7).jpg

..and America's Slavery Party

Despite the finest attempts of our Trump diehards, fact is outside of their pretend America, people are about tired of Donald Trump.

"Trump Fatigue"
Monday May 20, 2019

Remember those two dreaded words? after the intense backlash to Trump’s presidency with the Women’s march, in the months that followed, as atrocity after atrocity piled up, and daily life seemed to devolve into one long, endless episode of “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest,” many people feared that the constant, daily wear and tear of life under an insane president would numb the outrage and protest, that people would just give up and tune out.

Well, it didn’t work out that way.

Donald Trump likes to consider himself as the “master communicator,” with Twitter as his vehicle of choice. Yet, time after time, when a Trump supporter is interviewed, what is their first and most frequent complaint? “I think he;s doing an OK job, but I really wish he’d knock it off with all of that Twitter bullshit!” The non Trombie voter didn’t buy a season ticket to this dog-and-pony-show for the tweets, they anted up for results, which so far are sadly lacking.

Trump’s greatest selling point is the economy, but the average Trump voter isn’t feeling the love. Trump touts the soaring stock market, yet more than 50% of the population isn’t invested in the stock market, they’re not getting the benefit. And while a healthy 401k may be great down the road, it ain’t making the mortgage payment next month. Trump’s vaunted tax cuts didn’t buy the average family dinner for 4 at McDonalds once a week, and many suffered sticker shock when they got IOU’s from the IRS this year. Health insurance is still sky high, manufacturing and coal ain’t roaring back, and farmers are facing monetary crisis, and even foreclosure over Trump’s tariff war. Just wait until the price hikes go up at Walmart on things most people buy starting in the middle of next month from Trump’s latest tariff gaffe.

We may already be seeing that start to manifest itself. In a recent PA poll, Biden leads Trump 49-38. But put Biden’s folksy, I’m-a-Scranton-boy connection behind. Sanders, Warren, Harris, and Buttigieg are all holding Trump to 41% in Pennsylvania. And in other national polls, those same candidates, none of whom are polling 20% in the Democratic primaries, are all either ahead of, or within the margin of error against Trump. In what parallel universe does a candidate running 4th in the Democratic primaries run neck and neck with an incumbent president from the opposite contest?

"Trump Fatigue"

Is that new the talking point to distract Americans from the fact that the NY Times just publicly exposed itself as a legitimate domestic enemy / full-blown counter-intelligence anti-Trump propaganda pushing threat to our democracy pretending to be a journalism / news source, so prominently that even politicians and political pundits on both sides are attacking them?

What America is tired of is the Left's non-stop off-the-chart exposed fake news assault and continued attempts to undermine and overthrow the President of the United States and Republicans / Conservatives like Kavanaugh.

Just like with Trump defeating Hillary, Leftists can not get over the fact that they lost the Kavanaugh false narrative political hit attempt, and he won, too.

Just like with Trump, the Leftist Extremists are criminally trying to 'un-do' what was done.

Dems / snowflakes ... GET OVER IT! YOU LOST ... AGAIN. SUCK IT UP & MOVE ON.

(THIS is what happens when everyone gets a trophy, & kids don't learn how to lose as well as how to win...)

The deep state is the enemy and the wise knows this and knows trump is America’s last chance to be saved

And they are ready now to follow trumps orders

There is no deep state. Trumps orders?

So you are anti American.
Despite the finest attempts of our Trump diehards, fact is outside of their pretend America, people are about tired of Donald Trump.

"Trump Fatigue"
Monday May 20, 2019

Remember those two dreaded words? after the intense backlash to Trump’s presidency with the Women’s march, in the months that followed, as atrocity after atrocity piled up, and daily life seemed to devolve into one long, endless episode of “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest,” many people feared that the constant, daily wear and tear of life under an insane president would numb the outrage and protest, that people would just give up and tune out.

Well, it didn’t work out that way.

Donald Trump likes to consider himself as the “master communicator,” with Twitter as his vehicle of choice. Yet, time after time, when a Trump supporter is interviewed, what is their first and most frequent complaint? “I think he;s doing an OK job, but I really wish he’d knock it off with all of that Twitter bullshit!” The non Trombie voter didn’t buy a season ticket to this dog-and-pony-show for the tweets, they anted up for results, which so far are sadly lacking.

Trump’s greatest selling point is the economy, but the average Trump voter isn’t feeling the love. Trump touts the soaring stock market, yet more than 50% of the population isn’t invested in the stock market, they’re not getting the benefit. And while a healthy 401k may be great down the road, it ain’t making the mortgage payment next month. Trump’s vaunted tax cuts didn’t buy the average family dinner for 4 at McDonalds once a week, and many suffered sticker shock when they got IOU’s from the IRS this year. Health insurance is still sky high, manufacturing and coal ain’t roaring back, and farmers are facing monetary crisis, and even foreclosure over Trump’s tariff war. Just wait until the price hikes go up at Walmart on things most people buy starting in the middle of next month from Trump’s latest tariff gaffe.

We may already be seeing that start to manifest itself. In a recent PA poll, Biden leads Trump 49-38. But put Biden’s folksy, I’m-a-Scranton-boy connection behind. Sanders, Warren, Harris, and Buttigieg are all holding Trump to 41% in Pennsylvania. And in other national polls, those same candidates, none of whom are polling 20% in the Democratic primaries, are all either ahead of, or within the margin of error against Trump. In what parallel universe does a candidate running 4th in the Democratic primaries run neck and neck with an incumbent president from the opposite contest?

"Trump Fatigue"

I'm fatigued with..

View attachment 279655

Democrats smooching this guys nads.

View attachment 279656

..and America's Slavery Party

View attachment 279657

You are part of the 30 percent. The other 70 percent are tired of Trump.
Despite the finest attempts of our Trump diehards, fact is outside of their pretend America, people are about tired of Donald Trump.

"Trump Fatigue"
Monday May 20, 2019

Remember those two dreaded words? after the intense backlash to Trump’s presidency with the Women’s march, in the months that followed, as atrocity after atrocity piled up, and daily life seemed to devolve into one long, endless episode of “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest,” many people feared that the constant, daily wear and tear of life under an insane president would numb the outrage and protest, that people would just give up and tune out.

Well, it didn’t work out that way.

Donald Trump likes to consider himself as the “master communicator,” with Twitter as his vehicle of choice. Yet, time after time, when a Trump supporter is interviewed, what is their first and most frequent complaint? “I think he;s doing an OK job, but I really wish he’d knock it off with all of that Twitter bullshit!” The non Trombie voter didn’t buy a season ticket to this dog-and-pony-show for the tweets, they anted up for results, which so far are sadly lacking.

Trump’s greatest selling point is the economy, but the average Trump voter isn’t feeling the love. Trump touts the soaring stock market, yet more than 50% of the population isn’t invested in the stock market, they’re not getting the benefit. And while a healthy 401k may be great down the road, it ain’t making the mortgage payment next month. Trump’s vaunted tax cuts didn’t buy the average family dinner for 4 at McDonalds once a week, and many suffered sticker shock when they got IOU’s from the IRS this year. Health insurance is still sky high, manufacturing and coal ain’t roaring back, and farmers are facing monetary crisis, and even foreclosure over Trump’s tariff war. Just wait until the price hikes go up at Walmart on things most people buy starting in the middle of next month from Trump’s latest tariff gaffe.

We may already be seeing that start to manifest itself. In a recent PA poll, Biden leads Trump 49-38. But put Biden’s folksy, I’m-a-Scranton-boy connection behind. Sanders, Warren, Harris, and Buttigieg are all holding Trump to 41% in Pennsylvania. And in other national polls, those same candidates, none of whom are polling 20% in the Democratic primaries, are all either ahead of, or within the margin of error against Trump. In what parallel universe does a candidate running 4th in the Democratic primaries run neck and neck with an incumbent president from the opposite contest?

"Trump Fatigue"

Only 6 more years, Stymie

A year and a half, Ritz.

Did the NY Times tell you that?
Despite the finest attempts of our Trump diehards, fact is outside of their pretend America, people are about tired of Donald Trump.

"Trump Fatigue"
Monday May 20, 2019

Remember those two dreaded words? after the intense backlash to Trump’s presidency with the Women’s march, in the months that followed, as atrocity after atrocity piled up, and daily life seemed to devolve into one long, endless episode of “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest,” many people feared that the constant, daily wear and tear of life under an insane president would numb the outrage and protest, that people would just give up and tune out.

Well, it didn’t work out that way.

Donald Trump likes to consider himself as the “master communicator,” with Twitter as his vehicle of choice. Yet, time after time, when a Trump supporter is interviewed, what is their first and most frequent complaint? “I think he;s doing an OK job, but I really wish he’d knock it off with all of that Twitter bullshit!” The non Trombie voter didn’t buy a season ticket to this dog-and-pony-show for the tweets, they anted up for results, which so far are sadly lacking.

Trump’s greatest selling point is the economy, but the average Trump voter isn’t feeling the love. Trump touts the soaring stock market, yet more than 50% of the population isn’t invested in the stock market, they’re not getting the benefit. And while a healthy 401k may be great down the road, it ain’t making the mortgage payment next month. Trump’s vaunted tax cuts didn’t buy the average family dinner for 4 at McDonalds once a week, and many suffered sticker shock when they got IOU’s from the IRS this year. Health insurance is still sky high, manufacturing and coal ain’t roaring back, and farmers are facing monetary crisis, and even foreclosure over Trump’s tariff war. Just wait until the price hikes go up at Walmart on things most people buy starting in the middle of next month from Trump’s latest tariff gaffe.

We may already be seeing that start to manifest itself. In a recent PA poll, Biden leads Trump 49-38. But put Biden’s folksy, I’m-a-Scranton-boy connection behind. Sanders, Warren, Harris, and Buttigieg are all holding Trump to 41% in Pennsylvania. And in other national polls, those same candidates, none of whom are polling 20% in the Democratic primaries, are all either ahead of, or within the margin of error against Trump. In what parallel universe does a candidate running 4th in the Democratic primaries run neck and neck with an incumbent president from the opposite contest?

"Trump Fatigue"

I'm fatigued with..

View attachment 279655

Democrats smooching this guys nads.

View attachment 279656

..and America's Slavery Party

View attachment 279657

You are part of the 30 percent. The other 70 percent are tired of Trump.

Trump's approval rate is at 50% ... and once Biden is forced out what's left of common sense Democrats will have nowhere to go but Trump or no vote at all..

You ultra left TDSers are screwed....:popcorn:

Despite the finest attempts of our Trump diehards, fact is outside of their pretend America, people are about tired of Donald Trump.

"Trump Fatigue"
Monday May 20, 2019

Remember those two dreaded words? after the intense backlash to Trump’s presidency with the Women’s march, in the months that followed, as atrocity after atrocity piled up, and daily life seemed to devolve into one long, endless episode of “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest,” many people feared that the constant, daily wear and tear of life under an insane president would numb the outrage and protest, that people would just give up and tune out.

Well, it didn’t work out that way.

Donald Trump likes to consider himself as the “master communicator,” with Twitter as his vehicle of choice. Yet, time after time, when a Trump supporter is interviewed, what is their first and most frequent complaint? “I think he;s doing an OK job, but I really wish he’d knock it off with all of that Twitter bullshit!” The non Trombie voter didn’t buy a season ticket to this dog-and-pony-show for the tweets, they anted up for results, which so far are sadly lacking.

Trump’s greatest selling point is the economy, but the average Trump voter isn’t feeling the love. Trump touts the soaring stock market, yet more than 50% of the population isn’t invested in the stock market, they’re not getting the benefit. And while a healthy 401k may be great down the road, it ain’t making the mortgage payment next month. Trump’s vaunted tax cuts didn’t buy the average family dinner for 4 at McDonalds once a week, and many suffered sticker shock when they got IOU’s from the IRS this year. Health insurance is still sky high, manufacturing and coal ain’t roaring back, and farmers are facing monetary crisis, and even foreclosure over Trump’s tariff war. Just wait until the price hikes go up at Walmart on things most people buy starting in the middle of next month from Trump’s latest tariff gaffe.

We may already be seeing that start to manifest itself. In a recent PA poll, Biden leads Trump 49-38. But put Biden’s folksy, I’m-a-Scranton-boy connection behind. Sanders, Warren, Harris, and Buttigieg are all holding Trump to 41% in Pennsylvania. And in other national polls, those same candidates, none of whom are polling 20% in the Democratic primaries, are all either ahead of, or within the margin of error against Trump. In what parallel universe does a candidate running 4th in the Democratic primaries run neck and neck with an incumbent president from the opposite contest?

"Trump Fatigue"

Only 6 more years, Stymie

A year and a half, Ritz.

Did the NY Times tell you that?

No. But I rather read the Times than the gateway pundit.
Despite the finest attempts of our Trump diehards, fact is outside of their pretend America, people are about tired of Donald Trump.

"Trump Fatigue"
Monday May 20, 2019

Remember those two dreaded words? after the intense backlash to Trump’s presidency with the Women’s march, in the months that followed, as atrocity after atrocity piled up, and daily life seemed to devolve into one long, endless episode of “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest,” many people feared that the constant, daily wear and tear of life under an insane president would numb the outrage and protest, that people would just give up and tune out.

Well, it didn’t work out that way.

Donald Trump likes to consider himself as the “master communicator,” with Twitter as his vehicle of choice. Yet, time after time, when a Trump supporter is interviewed, what is their first and most frequent complaint? “I think he;s doing an OK job, but I really wish he’d knock it off with all of that Twitter bullshit!” The non Trombie voter didn’t buy a season ticket to this dog-and-pony-show for the tweets, they anted up for results, which so far are sadly lacking.

Trump’s greatest selling point is the economy, but the average Trump voter isn’t feeling the love. Trump touts the soaring stock market, yet more than 50% of the population isn’t invested in the stock market, they’re not getting the benefit. And while a healthy 401k may be great down the road, it ain’t making the mortgage payment next month. Trump’s vaunted tax cuts didn’t buy the average family dinner for 4 at McDonalds once a week, and many suffered sticker shock when they got IOU’s from the IRS this year. Health insurance is still sky high, manufacturing and coal ain’t roaring back, and farmers are facing monetary crisis, and even foreclosure over Trump’s tariff war. Just wait until the price hikes go up at Walmart on things most people buy starting in the middle of next month from Trump’s latest tariff gaffe.

We may already be seeing that start to manifest itself. In a recent PA poll, Biden leads Trump 49-38. But put Biden’s folksy, I’m-a-Scranton-boy connection behind. Sanders, Warren, Harris, and Buttigieg are all holding Trump to 41% in Pennsylvania. And in other national polls, those same candidates, none of whom are polling 20% in the Democratic primaries, are all either ahead of, or within the margin of error against Trump. In what parallel universe does a candidate running 4th in the Democratic primaries run neck and neck with an incumbent president from the opposite contest?

"Trump Fatigue"
more tired of asswhipes bitching at trump 24x7.
keep dreaming !! Trump will win in 2020 with an even bigger margin than 2016 and many of those votes will come from the largest % of african and hispanic American vote a republican has ever received !!

Lol, wanna bet on the largest % of African or Spanish Americans vote?
Despite the finest attempts of our Trump diehards, fact is outside of their pretend America, people are about tired of Donald Trump.

"Trump Fatigue"
Monday May 20, 2019

Remember those two dreaded words? after the intense backlash to Trump’s presidency with the Women’s march, in the months that followed, as atrocity after atrocity piled up, and daily life seemed to devolve into one long, endless episode of “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest,” many people feared that the constant, daily wear and tear of life under an insane president would numb the outrage and protest, that people would just give up and tune out.

Well, it didn’t work out that way.

Donald Trump likes to consider himself as the “master communicator,” with Twitter as his vehicle of choice. Yet, time after time, when a Trump supporter is interviewed, what is their first and most frequent complaint? “I think he;s doing an OK job, but I really wish he’d knock it off with all of that Twitter bullshit!” The non Trombie voter didn’t buy a season ticket to this dog-and-pony-show for the tweets, they anted up for results, which so far are sadly lacking.

Trump’s greatest selling point is the economy, but the average Trump voter isn’t feeling the love. Trump touts the soaring stock market, yet more than 50% of the population isn’t invested in the stock market, they’re not getting the benefit. And while a healthy 401k may be great down the road, it ain’t making the mortgage payment next month. Trump’s vaunted tax cuts didn’t buy the average family dinner for 4 at McDonalds once a week, and many suffered sticker shock when they got IOU’s from the IRS this year. Health insurance is still sky high, manufacturing and coal ain’t roaring back, and farmers are facing monetary crisis, and even foreclosure over Trump’s tariff war. Just wait until the price hikes go up at Walmart on things most people buy starting in the middle of next month from Trump’s latest tariff gaffe.

We may already be seeing that start to manifest itself. In a recent PA poll, Biden leads Trump 49-38. But put Biden’s folksy, I’m-a-Scranton-boy connection behind. Sanders, Warren, Harris, and Buttigieg are all holding Trump to 41% in Pennsylvania. And in other national polls, those same candidates, none of whom are polling 20% in the Democratic primaries, are all either ahead of, or within the margin of error against Trump. In what parallel universe does a candidate running 4th in the Democratic primaries run neck and neck with an incumbent president from the opposite contest?

"Trump Fatigue"

Only 6 more years, Stymie

A year and a half, Ritz.

Did the NY Times tell you that?

No. But I rather read the Times than the gateway pundit.

LOLZ. Buzzfed too. Daily dose of fake, made up "news"

Another witness claims that Kavanaughs drunken friends shoved his penis into a goats vagina.


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