Trump files, jury sees classified files or Trump wins

The Presidential Records Act, implemented in the wake of the Richard Nixon Watergate scandal, requires that every presidential document must be sent to the National Archives and Records Administration when the president leaves office as the materials in question belong to the government, not the commander-in-chief personally.
Uh, if it is a law, you need to quote the law, not newsweek

No president has ever sent documents to the
National Archives and Records Administration
Its illegal? Can you cite or is this more vomitous filth from you?
it is a known fact that the department of justice has stripped attorney client privilege from trump, I doubt after illegally charging the president under the espionage act that the democrats will stop their violating Trump's rights
You are stating that the Archivist failed to their job. How did they fail? Why did it take so long, for the Archivists to report this crime? The Archivists never reported the crime, how come?

Why should Trump suffer because the Archivists did not do their job.
Because they were trying to get them from Trump. He wanted money for them.
They were wrong.



Subsequent events proved otherwise. The raid turned up over 100 pages of documents that should have been turned over.
Of what classification level? And according to who?

Yet you are scared shitless of letting the trials happen. Weird.
I'm not scared of them happening or not happening. I seriously doubt they will ever happen, and there is barely above a zero change that they will happen before the election.

Or should we wager on that also?
The only people that think that are the Trump worshipers.
If being willing for Trump to be president in spite of all the liberal whining and lawfair means being a "Trump worshipper," then polls show enough of the country are "Trump worshippers" to put him back in the White House.

Speaking of people being scared shitless . . .
I would like to see the trials happen, give Trump the chance to be exonerated if what you say it true.
Trials don't exonerate anyone, you're not that stupid.
Did the jury get to see all the classified information that the Govt claimed Aldrich Ames gave to the USSR when he was on trial? I am betting the answer is no, so in your world it was not real evidence and he should have been set free.
No idea.

I only know that the federal judge overseaing one case in particular has ruled that the jury must see it, or the prosecution can withdraw the case.

Now, the ball is in Jack Smith's court.

Because they were trying to get them from Trump. He wanted money for them.
you can not answer for someone else, your reply is nonsense as an answer to what I was discussing with someone else

the comment you are replying to has not been said by me, my comment stands as fact
Its the statute.
May be the statute but whether or not they were classified has not been determined. Might be why Smith is tripping over himself to prevent the jury from seeing evidence.
It won't paste from my phone. It's a pdf.
Fair enough. I was looking at it on my phone, and the print was too small for me to bother with.
Makes no difference to me. If you can't take the time to look at a one page of a document that I provided a link and page number too, that's on you.

I guess you are done and left with nothing but denial based on your lack of effort.
I'm on desktop now. I'll cut and paste it for you, so I can make my point:


How did he "cause" any fraudulent representation to be made? What did he say or do?

Answer that, and you may have something. Until you can, you have a vague accusation.
No idea.

I only know that the federal judge overseaing one case in particular has ruled that the jury must see it, or the prosecution can withdraw the case.

Now, the ball is in Jack Smith's court.


a new judge
I wouldn't find that hard to believe.

Remember, they went NUTS when Trump started asking perfectly valid questions about Ukraine. The entire deep state lost its collective mind over that.
Kindly define { categorize } what encapsulates a Deep State.
Knowing how for many months the Left in league with a
Corrupted Mainstream media almost swore on their Mommies
grave stone that No Deep State exists.
I mean,if this Deep State were any bigger than the weather
channel would have to move to Miami beach in order to
surf.Um ... the Web ,of course.
Yes, we should focus on the first charge. You are right.

And yes, Trump is allowed to take every single scrap of paper, everything. Trump could store it in a furniture warehouse if he wanted.

No. He really isn’t. Some things belong to the national archives so that future historians can get a more complete look at and understanding of an administration. Some things like Classified Documents belong to the various departments.

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