Trump Gave us Lowest Unemployment in 50 Years, and Democrats Destroyed That

It was a godsend how he turned around the economy and revitalized the American machine
He did? Can you show any data supports that?

Here is job growth:


Can you tell where Trump turn around starts?

No? Well lets try unemployment:


Can you tell where Trump turn around starts?

No? Ok lets try GDP growth:


Still no? How about Deficits?


Hmm closer.
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Doubt it. You don’t always represent people’s words very accurately. You make “mistakes”.
So to go to a restaurant or a Celtics or Knicks game if you’re over 5 you need a vaccine card in both cities. Sounds like they are treating them the same to me. In Cali, all kids wear masks. Why? 99.98% survival rate. Sounds like you’re a bad doctor
“Paying people not to work” creates HIGHER unemployment numbers ya stupid fuck
Lesh-----when People stop looking for jobs they fall off the unemployment rolls and thusly aren't counted as UNemployed.
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So to go to a restaurant or a Celtics or Knicks game if you’re over 5 you need a vaccine card in both cities. Sounds like they are treating them the same to me. In Cali, all kids wear masks. Why? 99.98% survival rate. Sounds like you’re a bad doctor
That’s not really saying they need it one more than the other. That’s saying they all need it. Totally different.

“sounds like” is almost always the start of Azog saying bullshit.
That’s not really saying they need it one more than the other. That’s saying they all need it. Totally different.

“sounds like” is almost always the start of Azog saying bullshit.
How is it totally different when they are being treated the same?
Lesh-----when People stop looking for jobs they fall off the unemployment rolls and thusly aren't counted as UNemployed.
Unemployment low… millions of jobs being added
Jobs available
GDP at super high numbers

That must make you have the sadz
Unemployment low… millions of jobs being added
Jobs available
GDP at super high numbers

That must make you have the sadz
no 3.7 like Trump. It seems logical that jobs lost during 2020 would come back, right? Or are you denying people lost jobs because of Wuhan lockdowns? Again, let's see how honest you are and if you have any dignity.
How is it totally different when they are being treated the same?
They may have the same requirement but they don’t have the same need. A motorcycle driver and a bicyclist both need to wear helmets but it’s crazy to say that the bicyclist needs it as much as the motorcycle driver since one is going 8 MPH in a park and one is doing 70 on the interstate.

It’s a crappy analogy but I think it shows the point.

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