Trump Gave us Lowest Unemployment in 50 Years, and Democrats Destroyed That

They may have the same requirement but they don’t have the same need. A motorcycle driver and a bicyclist both need to wear helmets but it’s crazy to say that the bicyclist needs it as much as the motorcycle driver since one is going 8 MPH in a park and one is doing 70 on the interstate.

It’s a crappy analogy but I think it shows the point.
ever ridden a bicycle on the road? You have no fking clue, again, to which you speak. stfu. you no nothing.

BTW, there are most probably hundreds of these examples. Why not do some homework before you shoot off your fingers?
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If you understand the OP you will understand that by Nov 1 democrat mayors and Governors had practically destroyed jobs and business with their insane extreme lockdown and shutdown policies, and the insane fear they had sread scared the hell out of people going to work,

I never bough into the fear, I disobeyed the lockdowns, I don't wear masks, and I never got sick.. The reasons Dems hate me for that is because I am a threat to them. I am the Jew who stands up in the camp with a machine gun..

Democrats have always used fear and lies to grab power. Thats why they invented the KKK. I do not bite into them.

What was the rate? I don't know. It had climbed up pretty high thanks to China and their Democrat puppets.
Lying con, it was Trump who recommended the lockdowns...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts," Donald Trump, 3.16.2020

So since you blame the lockdowns for causing unemployment to rise, Trump's is to blame. But of course, with sycophants like you, the buck never stops at Trump's desk, so there's that.
Lying con, it was Trump who recommended the lockdowns...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts," Donald Trump, 3.16.2020

So since you blame the lockdowns for causing unemployment to rise, Trump's is to blame. But of course, with sycophants like you, the buck never stops at Trump's desk, so there's that.

Fido, did you agree or disagree with Trump at that time? Did just about every other country do the same thing?
so all of xiden's is Trump's? let's see how consistent you are. Got honor?

Not really. See the spike in Trumpybears last year?


Looks like it's returning to the Obama normal again.
If the requirements are the same then they are being treated the same. You’re just playing on words.
But that doesn’t the need is the same which is what I explained.

Words matter Azog. If they didn’t you wouldn’t keep trying to change them.

Now you’re just lying because you’re a sore loser like your heroes.
Not really. See the spike in Trumpybears last year?

View attachment 598379
Looks like it's returning to the Obama normal again.
oh you mean when demofks shut down all american jobs? What did you think was going to happen when they opened back up? Looks like in January 21, the rate came down. Can you read what you posted? Who was president in 2020?

BTW, the line was flat in 2016. Went down after Trump took office. but you have no honor to recognize what you actually see.
But that doesn’t the need is the same which is what I explained.

Words matter Azog. If they didn’t you wouldn’t keep trying to change them.

Now you’re just lying because you’re a sore loser like your heroes.
ahhh look at the doubleshpeak bean pushing con, trying to move the story around under the shell.
But that doesn’t the need is the same which is what I explained.

Words matter Azog. If they didn’t you wouldn’t keep trying to change them.

Now you’re just lying because you’re a sore loser like your heroes.
If they aren’t needed then why are they required? Why are we sticking kids with shots that aren’t needed?

jc456 what am I missing?
No it didn't. it looked a LOT like the same economy Obama presided over

Until Trump screwed the pooch
I saw it with my own two eyes how much better the jobs market was and I personally benefitted from it after several years of difficulty. It was all the media could talk about when they weren't criticising Trump. A key moment in my life. What didnt change much was the west coast but east of the Mississippi river the economy went vibrant and full tilt.
If they aren’t needed then why are they required? Why are we sticking kids with shots that aren’t needed?

jc456 what am I missing?
not a thing. Again, you are talking with a dishonest bean mover, who uses con games in a message board. He doublespeaks hoping to confuse the discussion. Again, since you figured that out, he works harder to confuse the discussion more. It's his version of shell game.
I saw it with my own two eyes how much better the jobs market was and I personally benefitted from it after several years of difficulty. It was all the media could talk about when they weren't criticising Trump.
you're talking to someone there that doesn't have the IQ of a brick.

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