Trump gets support from the KKK, Stormfront upgrades its servers.

"On September 28, 1868, a mob of Democrats massacred nearly 300 African-American Republicans in Opelousas, Louisiana. The savagery began when racist Democrats attacked a newspaper editor, a white Republican and schoolteacher for ex-slaves. Several African-Americans rushed to the assistance of their friend, and in response, Democrats went on a “Negro hunt,” killing every African-American (all of whom were Republicans) in the area they could find. (Via Grand Old Partisan)

On April 20, 1871 the Republicans passed the anti-Ku Klux Klan Act outlawing Democratic terrorist groups.
The Miller Center reported:

On April 20, 1871, at the urging of President Ulysses Grant, Congress passed the Ku Klux Klan Act. Also known as the third Enforcement Act, the bill was a controversial expansion of federal authority designed to give the federal government additional power to protect voters. The act established penalties in the form of fines and jail time for attempts to deprive citizens of equal protection under the laws and gave the President the authority to use federal troops and suspend the writ of habeas corpus in ensuring that civil rights were upheld."

Democrats own the KKK

This Day in History... Republicans Pass Anti-KKK Act - Outlawing Democratic Terrorist Groups - The Gateway Pundit
This post belongs in the 'History' forum. It has no relevance today.

I guess you forgot Robert KKK Byrd too.... Al Gores dad was a KKK member and you know the old saying, "like father, like son". The KKK is and has always been a Democrat group. A true pox on our Party.
Maybe someone can explain to me, cleary and fairly, without dredging up civil war era histories, what the difference is between whites promoting whites and blacks promoting blacks but the whites are racist and the blacks are not?

White people have never needed promoting.
Seems like they do nowadays.
I appreciate the response but it really isn't an answer.

Really? You think white people are a disadvantaged group? How so?
According to Wicki, president Harry Truman dabbled in the KKK. The former KKK member nominated to the supreme court by FDR turned out to write the majority opinion justifying FDR's executive order to incarcerate Japanese American citizens for the duration of the war without due process.
Maybe someone can explain to me, cleary and fairly, without dredging up civil war era histories, what the difference is between whites promoting whites and blacks promoting blacks but the whites are racist and the blacks are not?

White people have never needed promoting.
Seems like they do nowadays.
I appreciate the response but it really isn't an answer.

Really? You think white people are a disadvantaged group? How so?
I think white people are getting a bad rap (pun not intended) just for being white.

Now...can someone answer my initial question(s)?

How is SF any different than Black Panthers?
"On September 28, 1868, a mob of Democrats massacred nearly 300 African-American Republicans in Opelousas, Louisiana. The savagery began when racist Democrats attacked a newspaper editor, a white Republican and schoolteacher for ex-slaves. Several African-Americans rushed to the assistance of their friend, and in response, Democrats went on a “Negro hunt,” killing every African-American (all of whom were Republicans) in the area they could find. (Via Grand Old Partisan)

On April 20, 1871 the Republicans passed the anti-Ku Klux Klan Act outlawing Democratic terrorist groups.
The Miller Center reported:

On April 20, 1871, at the urging of President Ulysses Grant, Congress passed the Ku Klux Klan Act. Also known as the third Enforcement Act, the bill was a controversial expansion of federal authority designed to give the federal government additional power to protect voters. The act established penalties in the form of fines and jail time for attempts to deprive citizens of equal protection under the laws and gave the President the authority to use federal troops and suspend the writ of habeas corpus in ensuring that civil rights were upheld."

Democrats own the KKK

This Day in History... Republicans Pass Anti-KKK Act - Outlawing Democratic Terrorist Groups - The Gateway Pundit
This post belongs in the 'History' forum. It has no relevance today.

I guess you forgot Robert KKK Byrd too.... Al Gores dad was a KKK member and you know the old saying, "like father, like son". The KKK is and has always been a Democrat group. A true pox on our Party.

BS. The KKK is not a Democrat group. That's a damn lie.


Byrd is the poster boy used by conservatives who need to reach back in time and have an inability to see the facts, the way things are now. Hell, even Byrd said he regretted voting against the Civil Rights Act and his involvement with the KKK.

According to Wiki

Byrd also said that his views changed dramatically after his teenage grandson was killed in a 1982 traffic accident, which put him in a deep emotional valley. "The death of my grandson caused me to stop and think," said Byrd, adding he came to realize that African-Americans love their children as much as he does his.

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Byrd as your poster boy is pretty damn lame and pathetic.

LOL @ Al Gore's dad. smh...
Last edited:
"On September 28, 1868, a mob of Democrats massacred nearly 300 African-American Republicans in Opelousas, Louisiana. The savagery began when racist Democrats attacked a newspaper editor, a white Republican and schoolteacher for ex-slaves. Several African-Americans rushed to the assistance of their friend, and in response, Democrats went on a “Negro hunt,” killing every African-American (all of whom were Republicans) in the area they could find. (Via Grand Old Partisan)

On April 20, 1871 the Republicans passed the anti-Ku Klux Klan Act outlawing Democratic terrorist groups.
The Miller Center reported:

On April 20, 1871, at the urging of President Ulysses Grant, Congress passed the Ku Klux Klan Act. Also known as the third Enforcement Act, the bill was a controversial expansion of federal authority designed to give the federal government additional power to protect voters. The act established penalties in the form of fines and jail time for attempts to deprive citizens of equal protection under the laws and gave the President the authority to use federal troops and suspend the writ of habeas corpus in ensuring that civil rights were upheld."

Democrats own the KKK

This Day in History... Republicans Pass Anti-KKK Act - Outlawing Democratic Terrorist Groups - The Gateway Pundit
This post belongs in the 'History' forum. It has no relevance today.

I guess you forgot Robert KKK Byrd too.... Al Gores dad was a KKK member and you know the old saying, "like father, like son". The KKK is and has always been a Democrat group. A true pox on our Party.

BS. The KKK is not a Democrat group. That's a damn lie.


Byrd is the poster boy used by conservatives who need to reach back in time and have an inability to see the facts, the way things are now. Hell, even Byrd said he regretted voting against the Civil Rights Act and his involvement with the KKK.

According to Wiki

Byrd also said that his views changed dramatically after his teenage grandson was killed in a 1982 traffic accident, which put him in a deep emotional valley. "The death of my grandson caused me to stop and think," said Byrd, adding he came to realize that African-Americans love their children as much as he does his.

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Byrd as your poster boy is pretty damn lame and pathetic.

Historical fact does not agree with you. Just sayin...
"On September 28, 1868, a mob of Democrats massacred nearly 300 African-American Republicans in Opelousas, Louisiana. The savagery began when racist Democrats attacked a newspaper editor, a white Republican and schoolteacher for ex-slaves. Several African-Americans rushed to the assistance of their friend, and in response, Democrats went on a “Negro hunt,” killing every African-American (all of whom were Republicans) in the area they could find. (Via Grand Old Partisan)

On April 20, 1871 the Republicans passed the anti-Ku Klux Klan Act outlawing Democratic terrorist groups.
The Miller Center reported:

On April 20, 1871, at the urging of President Ulysses Grant, Congress passed the Ku Klux Klan Act. Also known as the third Enforcement Act, the bill was a controversial expansion of federal authority designed to give the federal government additional power to protect voters. The act established penalties in the form of fines and jail time for attempts to deprive citizens of equal protection under the laws and gave the President the authority to use federal troops and suspend the writ of habeas corpus in ensuring that civil rights were upheld."

Democrats own the KKK

This Day in History... Republicans Pass Anti-KKK Act - Outlawing Democratic Terrorist Groups - The Gateway Pundit
This post belongs in the 'History' forum. It has no relevance today.

I guess you forgot Robert KKK Byrd too.... Al Gores dad was a KKK member and you know the old saying, "like father, like son". The KKK is and has always been a Democrat group. A true pox on our Party.

BS. The KKK is not a Democrat group. That's a damn lie.


Byrd is the poster boy used by conservatives who need to reach back in time and have an inability to see the facts, the way things are now. Hell, even Byrd said he regretted voting against the Civil Rights Act and his involvement with the KKK.

According to Wiki

Byrd also said that his views changed dramatically after his teenage grandson was killed in a 1982 traffic accident, which put him in a deep emotional valley. "The death of my grandson caused me to stop and think," said Byrd, adding he came to realize that African-Americans love their children as much as he does his.

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Byrd as your poster boy is pretty damn lame and pathetic.

Historical fact does not agree with you. Just sayin...

"On September 28, 1868, a mob of Democrats massacred nearly 300 African-American Republicans in Opelousas, Louisiana. The savagery began when racist Democrats attacked a newspaper editor, a white Republican and schoolteacher for ex-slaves. Several African-Americans rushed to the assistance of their friend, and in response, Democrats went on a “Negro hunt,” killing every African-American (all of whom were Republicans) in the area they could find. (Via Grand Old Partisan)

On April 20, 1871 the Republicans passed the anti-Ku Klux Klan Act outlawing Democratic terrorist groups.
The Miller Center reported:

On April 20, 1871, at the urging of President Ulysses Grant, Congress passed the Ku Klux Klan Act. Also known as the third Enforcement Act, the bill was a controversial expansion of federal authority designed to give the federal government additional power to protect voters. The act established penalties in the form of fines and jail time for attempts to deprive citizens of equal protection under the laws and gave the President the authority to use federal troops and suspend the writ of habeas corpus in ensuring that civil rights were upheld."

Democrats own the KKK

This Day in History... Republicans Pass Anti-KKK Act - Outlawing Democratic Terrorist Groups - The Gateway Pundit
This post belongs in the 'History' forum. It has no relevance today.

I guess you forgot Robert KKK Byrd too.... Al Gores dad was a KKK member and you know the old saying, "like father, like son". The KKK is and has always been a Democrat group. A true pox on our Party.

BS. The KKK is not a Democrat group. That's a damn lie.


Byrd is the poster boy used by conservatives who need to reach back in time and have an inability to see the facts, the way things are now. Hell, even Byrd said he regretted voting against the Civil Rights Act and his involvement with the KKK.

According to Wiki

Byrd also said that his views changed dramatically after his teenage grandson was killed in a 1982 traffic accident, which put him in a deep emotional valley. "The death of my grandson caused me to stop and think," said Byrd, adding he came to realize that African-Americans love their children as much as he does his.

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Byrd as your poster boy is pretty damn lame and pathetic.

Historical fact does not agree with you. Just sayin...


Yes, you are....and demonstrably so.
I see. My question cannot be answered because the answer is obvious. There is no difference. So I won't bother to ask another question of why its ok for the Black Panthers to act/conduct themselves/promote their own race but if whites do's racism.

So. Never mind. I got my answer. I knew it all along but wanted to see if anyone else would put a whoa on their own thoughts and a proverbial lightbulb would go off over their heads. Guess not.
Meanwhile, my favorite animals are dogs and elephants. If they paraded around with CLINTON FOR POTUS on their backs, I would still love dogs and elephants, but would still want Trump.
Until he does something that totally changes my mind and so far...that ain't happening.
So I don't really give a rats ass if SF endorses Trump. Or if the Black Panthers decided to endorse him. Makes no difference. I vote for whom I think would be best in that position. Trump is. In my not so humble opinion.
I see. My question cannot be answered because the answer is obvious. There is no difference. So I won't bother to ask another question of why its ok for the Black Panthers to act/conduct themselves/promote their own race but if whites do's racism.

So. Never mind. I got my answer. I knew it all along but wanted to see if anyone else would put a whoa on their own thoughts and a proverbial lightbulb would go off over their heads. Guess not.

Be patient. :)

One difference is that the New Black Panthers only have a hand full of serious supporters. And that support is not growing. They pale in comparison to the KKK, and other white racist groups.

Here they are rallying over Treyvon Martin.



And here are the two that Fox news showed over and over, for around 2 years. Funny how that case was dropped because they were actually in a black neighborhood, and no one came forward to report intimidation. lol


Scroll over to a min 30 to see the size of their support.

"On September 28, 1868, a mob of Democrats massacred nearly 300 African-American Republicans in Opelousas, Louisiana. The savagery began when racist Democrats attacked a newspaper editor, a white Republican and schoolteacher for ex-slaves. Several African-Americans rushed to the assistance of their friend, and in response, Democrats went on a “Negro hunt,” killing every African-American (all of whom were Republicans) in the area they could find. (Via Grand Old Partisan)

On April 20, 1871 the Republicans passed the anti-Ku Klux Klan Act outlawing Democratic terrorist groups.
The Miller Center reported:

On April 20, 1871, at the urging of President Ulysses Grant, Congress passed the Ku Klux Klan Act. Also known as the third Enforcement Act, the bill was a controversial expansion of federal authority designed to give the federal government additional power to protect voters. The act established penalties in the form of fines and jail time for attempts to deprive citizens of equal protection under the laws and gave the President the authority to use federal troops and suspend the writ of habeas corpus in ensuring that civil rights were upheld."

Democrats own the KKK

This Day in History... Republicans Pass Anti-KKK Act - Outlawing Democratic Terrorist Groups - The Gateway Pundit
And Frank goes all the way back to 1868 to find a red herring!

"On September 28, 1868, a mob of Democrats massacred nearly 300 African-American Republicans in Opelousas, Louisiana. The savagery began when racist Democrats attacked a newspaper editor, a white Republican and schoolteacher for ex-slaves. Several African-Americans rushed to the assistance of their friend, and in response, Democrats went on a “Negro hunt,” killing every African-American (all of whom were Republicans) in the area they could find. (Via Grand Old Partisan)

On April 20, 1871 the Republicans passed the anti-Ku Klux Klan Act outlawing Democratic terrorist groups.
The Miller Center reported:

On April 20, 1871, at the urging of President Ulysses Grant, Congress passed the Ku Klux Klan Act. Also known as the third Enforcement Act, the bill was a controversial expansion of federal authority designed to give the federal government additional power to protect voters. The act established penalties in the form of fines and jail time for attempts to deprive citizens of equal protection under the laws and gave the President the authority to use federal troops and suspend the writ of habeas corpus in ensuring that civil rights were upheld."

Democrats own the KKK

This Day in History... Republicans Pass Anti-KKK Act - Outlawing Democratic Terrorist Groups - The Gateway Pundit
And Frank goes all the way back to 1868 to find a red herring!


I think every single one of them have pulled out their poster boy, Robert Byrd. :)

Depressing. Blindness. Refusals. Stubbornness.

I give up. Back to netflix.
I think every single one of them have pulled out their poster boy, Robert Byrd. :)
The retard sees old time KKK members were Democrats and thinks that has some relevance to the modern day. They ignore the fact that there were far right wing Democrats behind the segregationist movement. Those far right wing Democrats are the political ancestors of the modern day far right wing Republicans.

Kennedy was in Dallas on November 22, 1963 precisely to try to court the far right element of his party so he could run for re-election the following year. Governor Connally was a leading figure of the far right Democrats.

"KKK is Democrat" as though the KKK would support the modern day Democratic platform of affirmative action, ObamaCare, gay marriage, labor unions, higher taxes, and bigger government!

I honestly do not know why their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance. The only explanation I can come up with is that it requires actual cognition to suffer from the dissonance which would arise from such contradictory thoughts.

Just how willfully stupid do you have to be to keep banging the "KKK is Democrat" drum? Clearly, we have a cognition problem.

This is exactly the same willful stupidity that thinks the word "socialism" in National Socialism means Nazis are left wing.

There is a historical revisionist movement afoot to overturn reality so that the extreme right wing can make headway into the mainstream.

They are Republicans now.


Go Trump!
The GOP plan was to keep blacks voting for Democrats. The Republicans wanted this, and still do.

Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts":

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

RUBE 1: I just don't get why the fags and n*ggers and ragheads and spics think the GOP is the party of bigots and racists!

RUBE 2: Throw up that 50 year old LBJ quote. That'll fix 'em!

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