Trump goes after Sessions over GOP congressmen indictments

My relatives in Alabama will be thrilled when Trumps statement about Jeff Sessions is released to the public.
"Sessions is a traitor , mentally retarded, this Dumb Southerner could not even be a one-person lawyer down in Alabama.
A frightened Trump biting the hand that feeds him.
No, you don't agree. As you're demanding that Sessions go after Trump's political enemies.
No, I'm demanding he go after the obviously corrupt FBI and DOJ officials who have broken the law, regardless of whether they are political enemies or not. Sessions recuses himself from going after ANY Democrat despite plenty of incriminating evidence. Stop trying to put words in my mouth.

And by 'obvious corruption', you mean the batshit you've imagined? Again, Sessions is a Republican. And he's seen nothing worthy of investigation in any of the litany of conspiracy batshit that you've aped.

Meanwhile, Trump is flagrantly trying to obstruct actual investigations. And raging against Sessions for applying the law apolitically and not turning the DOJ into Trump's political attack dog.

Sessions is literally refusing to do what you DEMAND he do: corrupt the Justice Department to make it a political machine for attacking political enemies.

No thank you.
What is Trump's main complaint about Sessions? Sessions implemented the disasterous zero tolerance policy that Trump demanded. Sessions has implemented policy that inprisons Black Americans at a greater proportion than their White criminal counterparts. But Trump has the gall to blame Sessions for allowing the Mueller investigation to proceed. Trump believes that Sessions is not acting aggressively to protect him from investigation.

Trump can fire Sessions. He has that power. But to be faithful to the constitution, Trump's reason to fire the Attorney General should be for cause, not political cover.
When Comey said he had additional emails he was going to investigate on Halloween, just before the 2016 election, HE undoubtedly influenced the outcome of that election.
He did it because everyone could see the fix was in. It was a show, so he could then announce there was nothing there, which he did.
Strozk was off Mueller's team immediately after his texts were revealed.
He should have fired and stripped of his security clearance. Neither happened.
Brenner is no longer the Director of the CIA. He is a private citizen. Why should he be investigated?
He's no longer CIA Director because he resigned. And he should be investigated because he committed crimes. Resigning doesn't get him off the hook.
And none of those folks were spying on a presidential candidate for the purpose of affecting the outcome of an election.
That's laughable. One would have to be a complete idiot to believe that bullshit. I like how you conveniently leave out the thousands of emails between Strzok and his girlfriend that prove he was trying to interfere with the election.
What is Trump's main complaint about Sessions? Sessions implemented the disasterous zero tolerance policy that Trump demanded. Sessions has implemented policy that inprisons Black Americans at a greater proportion than their White criminal counterparts. But Trump has the gall to blame Sessions for allowing the Mueller investigation to proceed. Trump believes that Sessions is not acting aggressively to protect him from investigation.

Trump can fire Sessions. He has that power. But to be faithful to the constitution, Trump's reason to fire the Attorney General should be for cause, not political cover.

That Sessions didn't protect Trump personally. Trump blames the entire Mueller investigation on Sessions.

Trump is now angry at Sessions because Sessions isn't going after Trump's enemies list. And now, that Sessions indicted a pair of republican at a time that is politically poor for the party.

Party before Country is a standing plank of the Republican party now.
When Comey said he had additional emails he was going to investigate on Halloween, just before the 2016 election, HE undoubtedly influenced the outcome of that election.
He did it because everyone could see the fix was in. It was a show, so he could then announce there was nothing there, which he did.

And by the 'fix was in', you mean that Trump would be elected?

Even your conspiracies are a self contradictory mess. And of course, backed by nothing.
He should have fired and stripped of his security clearance. Neither happened.

Neither of which has a thing to do with the validity of the Mueller investigation or its findings. You're tossing up red herrings.

He's no longer CIA Director because he resigned. And he should be investigated because he committed crimes. Resigning doesn't get him off the hook.

Which crimes? Backed by what evidence? Remembering of course that you making shit up isn't evidence.
Meanwhile, Trump is flagrantly trying to obstruct actual investigations.
What has he obstructed?

He's told Sessions to shut down the Mueller investigation.

He's also complained bitterly that Sessions indicted republicans.

You are demanding that Sessions turn the DOJ into a political machine to attack the President's enemies and protect his allies. Which, unsurprisingly, is exactly what you've accused Obama of doing.

Its like talking to a thief who insists everyone is trying to steal from him. Republicans are increasing embracing conspiracies of corruption at the DOJ....because Republicans desperately want the DOJ to be corrupt, to be the political attack machine that they've imagined.

Just *their* political attack machine corrupted to attack *their* enemies and to protect *their* allies.
Meanwhile, Trump is flagrantly trying to obstruct actual investigations.
What has he obstructed?

He sent a very clear message to whomever replaces Sessions they better be willing to delay legal actions till after elections.

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Which, of course, is wildly corrupt. With Trump brazenly attacking Sessions for NOT protecting Trump's political allies and instead applying the law apolitically.

And Republicans, being equally corrupt, calling for Sessions to be fired because he won't engage in the very corruption, cronyism, and politically motivated investigations that Republicans claim to condemn.

As I said, its like talking to a thief that thinks everyone is trying to steal from him.
Trump needs this guy on the Supremes to save his ass in case of trump being tried
It's idiot gate at the WH Took Nixon 6 years to go bonkers Trump only 6 months Woodwards book is a must read for me Coming Sept 12th
It's idiot gate at the WH Took Nixon 6 years to go bonkers Trump only 6 months Woodwards book is a must read for me Coming Sept 12th
The idiot in our WH now insults Sessions accent??? Will he lose Alabama too??
When Comey said he had additional emails he was going to investigate on Halloween, just before the 2016 election, HE undoubtedly influenced the outcome of that election.
He did it because everyone could see the fix was in. It was a show, so he could then announce there was nothing there, which he did.
Strozk was off Mueller's team immediately after his texts were revealed.
He should have fired and stripped of his security clearance. Neither happened.
Brenner is no longer the Director of the CIA. He is a private citizen. Why should he be investigated?
He's no longer CIA Director because he resigned. And he should be investigated because he committed crimes. Resigning doesn't get him off the hook.
And none of those folks were spying on a presidential candidate for the purpose of affecting the outcome of an election.
That's laughable. One would have to be a complete idiot to believe that bullshit. I like how you conveniently leave out the thousands of emails between Strzok and his girlfriend that prove he was trying to interfere with the election.
Can't wait for the day when the little bitch named Sessions gets fired ...


Trump goes after Sessions over GOP congressmen indictments

Trump goes after Sessions over GOP congressmen indictments
The only bitch is Trump, and thankfully he’ll be gone come 2021.

Otherwise this is further proof of what a scumbag Trump actually is, of his contempt for the rule of law, and his disdain for our democratic institutions – Trump doesn’t believe Republicans should be indicted for no other reasons than they’re Republicans.
Meanwhile, Trump is flagrantly trying to obstruct actual investigations.
What has he obstructed?

He sent a very clear message to whomever replaces Sessions they better be willing to delay legal actions till after elections.

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First of all, there's no way he could get a replacement confirmed before the election. Use your head.
If he fired Sessions, Rosenstein would be the acting AG. You don't think things through very well, do you? He won't do it until AFTER the election. Now, what has Trump obstructed? And if that's the best you have, I'm gonna have to put you on ignore because I won't waste time on somebody of that caliber.
He's told Sessions to shut down the Mueller investigation.
No he didn't.
He's also complained bitterly that Sessions indicted republicans.
No he didn't. He complained about the timing of the indictments and the fact that Sessions is ignoring crimes committed by the left. That's not obstruction, idiot.
You are demanding that Sessions turn the DOJ into a political machine to attack the President's enemies and protect his allies.
You're a liar and you're desperate. You don't have any more substance than the gator guy. I hope nobody is paying you to post because if they are, they're wasting their money on a moron.
Meanwhile, Trump is flagrantly trying to obstruct actual investigations.
What has he obstructed?

He sent a very clear message to whomever replaces Sessions they better be willing to delay legal actions till after elections.

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First of all, there's no way he could get a replacement confirmed before the election. Use your head.
If he fired Sessions, Rosenstein would be the acting AG. You don't think things through very well, do you? He won't do it until AFTER the election. Now, what has Trump obstructed? And if that's the best you have, I'm gonna have to put you on ignore because I won't waste time on somebody of that caliber.

I meant any election, you fucking moron, not just the next one. Trump thinks that when the DOJ charges someone should be based on when the next election is.

and please, put me on ignore, the last thing I need is one more brainless Trump sheep to respond to.

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