Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

The media is good at taking something they can't prove and using it against someone.

Are they able to read minds now?
you really think that seems plausible?
do you say "that person was out to get me, they had blood coming out of their nose"
doesn't it seem much more likely he was insinuating she was menstrauting?
Since you have zero proof either way you cannot assume anything.

The media is good at giving us false-impressions. They're trying to do a number on Trump. They're doing the same crap to him they do to anyone who gets in their way in helping Democrats ruin this country.

After they get done with Trump who will be next?
The only person they seem to like or defend always ends up giving in to the Democrats when they should be fighting them.
i'm sorry, but his intention was clear to me and many others. he can make claims that he was talking about her nose for some reason, but that dog won't hunt.

for a guy that claims he doesn't have time to be pc, trump sure is trying to walk this one back.
Or he meant her nose. was obvious she had bias against was crystal clear.

She never should have been a moderator because moderators aren't supposed to bring personal animosity into a debate. Her job was to ask pertinent questions and remain objective. Her job wasn't to bring any of the candidates down. And that is what she attempted to do during the debate.....and failing that do so she attempted to do it the following night when he couldn't defend himself.
she's a pundit - why would anyone assume she wouldn't bring her own agenda into the debate?

OOOooooohh now there ya had to go and blatantly expose the progs HYPOCRISY... they don't like that.

When letterman, maher or the other guy partipate in the democratic presidential debate, would it be proper to ask them about those obnoxious comments?

If they were running for prez, yes.

What he said, which is nothing more than a misspeak, and what the left said about Palin doesn't even begin to compare. Yesterday the left thought it was funny to say a litany of vulgar, sexist and demeaning things about Palin and her family - and here we are today - Trump makes a gaffe - and here comes the clown brigade wit their false outrage.
Your all hypocrites.

There is a huge difference in what messageboard posters say about women and what the leading Republucan candidate says about women

He didn't say anything about women. But of course your closed mindedness will not allow you to stop hyperventilating long enough to consider this.
It was a gaffe, he was speaking on how she was clearly out to get a "gotcha moment" she has been very vocal about her dislike for him, and leaped at the chance to show it.
Anyone trying to say he was talking about menstruating is an idiot. It was a misspeak, and I would say that if it was Obama who said it. That is the difference between you and I.
Hiding under Megan's right back.

SOUNDS about right. when has the leftwinger stood up for a WOMAN Politician like Governor Palin? they jumped right in on vile , People know your are PHONIES
Trump is good for America. He's ending the PC BS. He's challenging the Status Quo and getting people to watch and listen.

The largest turn out in history was because they wanted to see the Trump show.

I'm loving it. He got attacked and he returned now people bitch and whine about it, and he gets even more attention........and he'll USE IT.................That is what TRUMP DOES..............and he does so without having to pay a dime for it................

The Establishment is paying for his campaign and they are too stupid to even know it. The more they press the more he'll fire back, and the more supporters he'll get................because America if FED UP WITH WASHINGTON and the PRESS..............He's using this.
OOOooooohh now there ya had to go and blatantly expose the progs HYPOCRISY... they don't like that.
When letterman, maher or the other guy partipate in the democratic presidential debate, would it be proper to ask them about those obnoxious comments?

If they were running for prez, yes.

What he said, which is nothing more than a misspeak, and what the left said about Palin doesn't even begin to compare. Yesterday the left thought it was funny to say a litany of vulgar, sexist and demeaning things about Palin and her family - and here we are today - Trump makes a gaffe - and here comes the clown brigade wit their false outrage.
Your all hypocrites.
There is a huge difference in what messageboard posters say about women and what the leading Republucan candidate says about women

He didn't say anything about women. But of course your closed mindedness will not allow you to stop hyperventilating long enough to consider this.
It was a gaffe, he was speaking on how she was clearly out to get a "gotcha moment" she has been very vocal about her dislike for him, and leaped at the chance to show it.
Anyone trying to say he was talking about menstruating is an idiot. It was a misspeak, and I would say that if it was Obama who said it. That is the difference between you and I.
It's the media...being hypocrites. Just at Trump said in the debates. MEDIA SUCKS.
He really needs to run as indie. If they are gonna boot him out of future debates, then they need to boot that bitch out as well from future debates. Last I heard...10K people have said the same thing. Ban her raggy ass from future moderating or give her a shit load of tampons.
omg. Just last week the cowards on the left was running her ass into the ground with the Station she is on.
shut up we are tired or you

Tired of me??? Impossible. Listen, shit head.....I never once mentioned liberals, I mentioned your peeps, now pay the fuck attention and put the meth down, you moron
Ivana stated under oath that Trump committed violent acts against her. His involvement in beauty contests might also point to his misogynistic views on women.
Making up shit about Palin is easier than making up shit about Trump.

No one made up anything about either one.

$arah sunk herself and Drumpf is doing the same.

But, not at all surprising that you are willing to lie about it. So are $arah and Drumpf.
Ivana stated under oath that Trump committed violent acts against her. His involvement in beauty contests might also point to his misogynistic views on women.
Really. This board is FULL of misogynistic guys. And? Women are tougher than you think. Besides....what does that have to do with the price of beans? This country is broken. Someone in office needs to FIX IT.
This whole maudlin menstruation madness does make for some fascinating and unexpected schisms.

I would have thought that Trump & Megan would have been more like allies, or is Megan more of a RINO?

I can't keep track. Where are the Tea Party conservatives (in general) coming down on this, or is it splitting them, too?


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