Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

You just made fun of the OP, the Left, the media, so does this means you'll be paying 5million to Trump or just me who's relatives were from South Africa and I identify as a person who qualifies for California hand outs.
Here's a hand out for you. :fu:
The Cult thinks this is bad?

Do they even have a clue what is in the pipeline, that is coming down soon?
You do know parroting the same news points like clockwork and being bombarded by repeat phrases and repeating them is the definition of a cult.
Having Mayorkas as one of your cult leaders when he looks like Applegate is just icing on that cake.
They're not conservatives and neither was Trump -- by any stretch of the imagination.

MAGA is not and never was a conservative movement.
Respectively disagree.

Trump is the product of conservativism – the reactionary fear of positive, beneficial change, the xenophobic nativism, the authoritarian desire to compel conformity and punish dissent, the illiberal contempt for democracy, the embrace of the Christo-fascist right, the racism, bigotry, and hate; this has been conservativism for the last 50 years.

And Trump is in fact a conservative.
You have not refuted anything, why wait till this post to complain, tell us what part of tringv to oust a duly elected president and defame him has been fair? It's called a coup aka treason, how is the lefts failure to abide by the 2016 election fair?
Trump won, why try to reverse it oh judge of whatcs fair... 😉
The 2016 election? Nancy Pelosi and others called Trump, Mr. President. Now they can call him Mister Sexual Predator
Respectively disagree.

Trump is the product of conservativism – the reactionary fear of positive, beneficial change, the xenophobic nativism, the authoritarian desire to compel conformity and punish dissent, the illiberal contempt for democracy, the embrace of the Christo-fascist right, the racism, bigotry, and hate; this has been conservativism for the last 50 years.

And Trump is in fact a conservative.
Trump is an opportunist and a populist. The true conservatives became never-trumpers. Some weak conservatives went along hoping to get scraps from the table -- they did.. the tax cuts

You're conflating right wing reactionaries and others with conservatism. The GOP had them as a part of their base, yes. But being a part of the GOP base never equaled a badge of conservative
Show the checked box. The verdict was for battery which can include just a touch. You got sucked in again or are now just repeating lies. just didn't know what you were talking about when you denied that the jury found that the preponderance of the evidence proved Trump sexually abused and defamed Caroll.

Asked on its verdict sheet whether Carroll, 79, had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump raped Ms. Carroll,” the nine-person jury checked the box that said “no.” Asked whether Carroll had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll,” the jury checked the box that said “yes.” Both allegations were elements of Carroll’s battery claim.

But you know better, huh, Leo? I'm gonna go with the jury verdict of your imagination.
Trump is an opportunist and a populist. The true conservatives became never-trumpers. Some weak conservatives went along hoping to get scraps from the table -- they did.. the tax cuts

You're conflating right wing reactionaries and others with conservatism. The GOP had them as a part of their base, yes. But being a part of the GOP base never equaled a badge of conservative

That's a no True Scotsman fallacy. Conservatives are as conservatives do. And MAGA is what conservatives are now.
Didn't answer my question, where was the treasonous behavior and defamation from thr left fair? Why can't the left play fair for the people and what they want without party before country?-busted!
Where is the court cases and evidence of what you claim?

and how does 'the Left' equate with Democrats, Liberals, Progressives?
There were nine men on the jury and three women. All 12 had to agree on the verdicts.

Trump is never guilty of anything, even when he admits that he did it. And everyone is lying in court except Donald Trump.

Even his own family has turned on him, but the Cult will never ever quit him.

You make no mention of Trump’s testimony via deposition where he and he admits to raping women. He actually claims that men like him have had the right to assault any woman they wanted from nearly 1,000,000 years.

Trump was convicted by his own words and his own arrogance as much as by Jean Carroll’s evidence.

Trump all but admitted he attacked her in his deposition. After saying, she wasn’t his type he mistook a picture of Jean Carroll for Marla Maples. Trump said that’s Marla. that’s my wife. Carroll looked so much like Trumps ex wife, he thought it was Maple, putting the lie to the idea that she “wasn’t his type”. She was exactly his type

Is this Gym Jordan’s Republican Obstruction of justice committee? Providing cover for insurrectionists and sexual predators?

They can’t even find a crime that Hunter Biden has committed and they’ve been investigating him for five fucking years.

They’re going after Beaus widow for $35,000 in corrupt payments from the Chinese. What do they think Beau’s widow is selling to the Chinese?

The last “smoking gun” they claimed was a list of law firm trust checks. Proof of nothing. Proof that the law firm wrote checks that’s all it was.

So far, they have a list of overseas deposits to Hunters’ bank account from the Treasury Department, covering the time that Hunter was working for Burisma. That was the first “smoking gun”. Since Hunter was being paid, $50,000 a month by Burisma, plus consulting fees to his company, and all overseas deposits over $10,000 are reported to the treasury department on an automatic basis, that fizzled quickly.

The next smoking gun was the list of laws firm checks mentioned above. This sounds like more of the same and I’m not even gonna warm up the popcorn popper until I see what they actually have.

Maybe MTG can create another scene accusing Swallwell of being a security threat again. I mean, you can’t really have a circus without a clown
If I was a liberal living deep in liberal territory and a liberal D.A. called me and asked me if I hated Trump and I said “yes I do” and was then offered the chance to convict Trump … I'd hop on that bandwagon too. Especially if got a little “under the table” cashola. That's how corruption operates. But you likely already know that. just didn't know what you were talking about when you denied that the jury found that the preponderance of the evidence proved Trump sexually abused and defamed Caroll.

Asked on its verdict sheet whether Carroll, 79, had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump raped Ms. Carroll,” the nine-person jury checked the box that said “no.” Asked whether Carroll had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll,” the jury checked the box that said “yes.” Both allegations were elements of Carroll’s battery claim.

But you know better, huh, Leo? I'm gonna go with the jury verdict of your imagination.
Show the checked box and rhe actual verdict. MSM HEADLINES ARE MEANINGLESS.
That's a no True Scotsman fallacy. Conservatives are as conservatives do. And MAGA is what conservatives are now.
Conservatives have a set of principles. Stray from those and one gives up any claim of being a conservative. It's just that simple. It's like claiming Bernie Sanders is a Democrat. He is not.
If I was a liberal living deep in liberal territory and a liberal D.A. called me and asked me if I hated Trump and I said “yes I do” and was then offered the chance to convict Trump … I'd hop on that bandwagon too. Especially if got a little “under the table” cashola. That's how corruption operates. But you likely already know that.
what world do you actually live in, and is it a world free of psychoactive and psychotropic medications?
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Show the checked box and rhe actual verdict. MSM HEADLINES ARE MEANINGLESS.

Laughing......I'm not quoting the headline. I'm quoting the article. Which you don't know...because you refuse to read it.

Asked on its verdict sheet whether Carroll, 79, had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump raped Ms. Carroll,” the nine-person jury checked the box that said “no.” Asked whether Carroll had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll,” the jury checked the box that said “yes.” Both allegations were elements of Carroll’s battery claim.

You're in desperate, naked denial, Leo. And I'm delighted to see you flee.
what world do you actually live in, and is it a world free of psychoactive medications?
With Pedo Joe and George Soros in charge, I live in a pretty “Effed” up world at the moment. Unfortunately, it's NOT a world free of psychotropic drugs (thus the recent mass shootings). Thankfully … I prefer living a drug and alcohol-free life.
Laughing......I'm not quoting the headline. I'm quoting the article. Which you don't know...because you refuse to read it.

Asked on its verdict sheet whether Carroll, 79, had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump raped Ms. Carroll,” the nine-person jury checked the box that said “no.” Asked whether Carroll had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll,” the jury checked the box that said “yes.” Both allegations were elements of Carroll’s battery claim.

You're in desperate, naked denial, Leo. And I'm delighted to see you flee.
Let’s see those verdict sheets.
With Pedo Joe and George Soros in charge, I live in a pretty “Effed” up world at the moment. Unfortunately, it's NOT a world free of psychotropic drugs (thus the recent mass shootings). Thankfully … I prefer living a drug and alcohol-free life.
I don't believe you even know what you're talking about

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