Trump Guilty!

will not change my vote

View attachment 954279
LOL Poor retard doesn't the meaning of felon. You may want to use that new thingamajig called Google to help you. Good luck.

You all are so short-sighted you haven't learned that the name-calling stopped working DECADES ago at this point. Racist, misogynistic, homophobe, now felon. It only FUELS us at this point. So funny
You all are so short-sighted you haven't learned that the name-calling stopped working DECADES ago at this point. Racist, misogynistic, homophobe, now felon. It only FUELS us at this point. So funny
Thanks, retard. I will keep that in mind. Now, why don't you go play in traffic? That's a good retard. :itsok:
Thanks, retard. I will keep that in mind. Now, why don't you go play in traffic? That's a good retard. :itsok:

You are all having what is called "terminal rally"--bouncing around thrilled, not realizing you're in the death throes. Or maybe you do, and the bouncing is a brief manic phase as a way of denial
You are all having what is called "terminal rally"--bouncing around thrilled, not realizing you're in the death throes. Or maybe you do, and the bouncing is a brief manic phase as a way of denial
Sure, retard. Does that help you sleep at night? Good for you. :itsok:

ACLED data show that the overwhelming majority of demonstrations associated with the BLM movement have been peaceful. Approximately 94% of all pro-BLM demonstrations have been non-violent, with 6% involving reports of violence, clashes with police, vandalism, looting, or other destructive activity. Of that remaining 6%, it is not clear who instigated the violent or destructive activity.4 While some cases of violence or looting have been provoked by demonstrators, other events have escalated as a result of aggressive police action, intervention from right-wing armed groups, and individual car-ramming attacks (see next section). In contrast to the BLM movement, demonstrations involving right-wing militias or militant social movements (MSMs) — such as the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, or the Three Percenters, among others — have turned violent or destructive over twice as often, or nearly 14% of the time (see graph below).

I'm sure that's what they told you on fox news.

In the aftermath of Floyd’s killing, then-President Trump quickly called for a violent government response to suppress the demonstrations, urging authorities to use lethal force if demonstrators engaged in looting (New York Magazine, 1 June 2020) and instructing governors to “cut through [protesters] like butter” (Vox, 2 June 2020). Then-Defense Secretary Mark Esper, in remarks he later recanted, identified domestic protest sites as a “battlespace” that law enforcement and National Guard needed to “dominate” and then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy declared that the protest response mission was “D-Day for the National Guard” (Military Times, 1 June 2020; Washington Post, 15 April 2021).

Many federal and local law enforcement agencies heeded these directives. Government authorities — including police as well as federal agents and military forces, like the National Guard — have engaged in demonstrations associated with the BLM movement three times more often than they have engaged in any other type of demonstration in the country (see graph below), according to ACLED data. Authorities have intervened in BLM-related demonstrations over 9% of the time, compared to under 3% of the time for all other demonstrations.

and instructing governors to “cut through [protesters] like butter” (Vox, 2 June 2020

The article never said that. It said this:

Trump praised the National Guard response in Minneapolis, saying it “cut through [protesters] like butter”

Trump was talking about the NG response and how swift it was. He never told governors to “cut through them like butter”

I disagree with anyone saying they should be shot, but I did agree, the uprisings should have been shut down.

Again, those 94% of peaceful protests…how many people was that compared to the numbers doing the rioting. They probably took gatherings of 5 or 10 people and called that a “peaceful protest”, which is fine, but that still doesn’t excuse the thousands we saw on tv doing what they did…for months.

So now you’re trying to blame the riots on the police? Or on extremist groups?? We saw what we saw…the Chaz zones, the burning buildings, the mobs of people blocking the freeways trying to break into people’s cars to do who knows what…that was all blm…that was all leftists.
You all are so short-sighted you haven't learned that the name-calling stopped working DECADES ago at this point. Racist, misogynistic, homophobe, now felon. It only FUELS us at this point. So funny

You all are so short-sighted you haven't learned that the name-calling stopped working DECADES ago at this point.
Crooked Hillary.

Lyin' Ted Cruz

Sleepy Joe

Low Energy Jeb

Meatball Ron.

Your God is the king of namecalling. He is the ORIGINAL name caller.

And isn't it funny he turned out to be ALL those things he called others? :auiqs.jpg:
You all are so short-sighted you haven't learned that the name-calling stopped working DECADES ago at this point. Racist, misogynistic, homophobe, now felon. It only FUELS us at this point. So funny

Name calling. Check.

Racist. Check:

Because you're a racist you want to pretend that the Spiritual has no African influence; that they "stole" it from whites. THAT it dumb, but go off.

Yes, we know THEY'RE ALL WRONG. But you, bonafide racist, YOU ARE RIGHT

Just want to highlight again that you're a florid racist. Rejected. No.

Hey Joe you're a racist for talking smack about Christians. Also a HOMOPHOBE, since you're using derogatory names for gay people. But I suppose that's okay, isn't it, since they're supposedly Christian? Won't you tell us, Joe, when it's okay to use slurs for gay women? Like the one you used? I've never said or typed that word, but I'm often accused of hating gay people. I'm just not sure what the rules are, see...........

I'm just using your own criteria on you, correct? Since religions are now a race. If I'm using the criteria wrong, please do enlighten me.

How unsurprising Trumptards are caught accusing others of doing the very things they are guilty of. Just like their orange god does.

So let's add one more FACT about you, Sue:

Sounds like it was a plan all along, and yep this was a made up case against Trump by the Biden administration along with his lap dog's in order to try and win the 24 in the dirtiest way possible.
Prosecution is usually the remedy when such conduct is discovered. The fact that you couldn’t see that says more about you than anyone else. You’re still clinging to conspiracies, despite the trial happening right in front of you, because your incompetence still doesn’t allow you to understand.

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