Trump Has Been Arrested For Creating Illegal Electors In Seven States

The states determine who their electors are. The end.

Why don't you actually read the 12th Amendment and the ECA?
And those legislatures can choose as many electors as they like. It is called plenary power.
The states determine who their electors are. The end.

Why don't you actually read the 12th Amendment and the ECA?

And all states determine electors for ALL candidates ahead of time.
So the states already had determined the electors for Trump.
Trump had NOTHING at all to do with it.
So anywayyyyy...I think the point has been made.

Asking, "Why wasn't Gore arrested derpderpderp" has been shown to be a question only a parroting moron without a single critical thinking skill would ask.

False dichotomies, strawmen, ad hominems, red herrings. These are the only tools the parroting rubes have in their arsenal.
What point? Only a parroting moron would use the term "parroting moron" in a political discussion. JFK beat Nixon by about 10,000 votes and it's alleged that the crooked Cook county Chicago political machine made it happen. Nobody cared or investigated because that's the way politics worked for democrats. LBJ was so crooked that the media even laughed.
If they haven’t been certified and are presented as legit, they are fraudulent. That makes them illegal.

How do not understand?

The state legislature always appoints the electors for ALL the candidates.
They appointed Trump's electors before the election.
They are legit, not fraudulent, and have nothing to do with Trump except committed to vote for him if certified.
That is absolutely NO WAY that alternate electors could ever be "illegal", unless they kidnapped the certified electors and tried to go to DC in their place.
Which they clearly never did.
You can start with the 12th Amendment and the Electoral Count Act of 1887
From the 12th Amendment:

The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and all persons voted for as Vice-President and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;
What point? Only a parroting moron would use the term "parroting moron" in a political discussion. JFK beat Nixon by about 10,000 votes and it's alleged that the crooked Cook county Chicago political machine made it happen. Nobody cared or investigated because that's the way politics worked for democrats. LBJ was so crooked that the media even laughed.
And that has, what exactly, to do with this conversation?
The Trump voters are sore losers.

Guys, you lost. That won't change. If he runs again, he will lose. That will not change.

You have been told what will happen if you rise up. That won't change.

It's over for you. Period. Kaput.
The Trump voters are sore losers.

Guys, you lost. That won't change. If he runs again, he will lose. That will not change.

You have been told what will happen if you rise up. That won't change.

It's over for you. Period. Kaput.
From the 12th Amendment:

The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and all persons voted for as Vice-President and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;

You just proved that there were no elector irregularities because there is no possible opportunity for it.
The electors are appointed ahead of time, they are well known, and they fill out elector ballots that have been checked and no irregularities were found.
Nothing irregular was ever sent to the President of the Senate.
So any claim of elector fraud clearly is not just a lie, but perjury and the crime of making false accusations.
The Trump voters are sore losers.

Guys, you lost. That won't change. If he runs again, he will lose. That will not change.

You have been told what will happen if you rise up. That won't change.

It's over for you. Period. Kaput.

I do not like Trump, however, there are worse things than Trump.
The illegal war in the Ukraine, illegal economic sanctions on Russia, the prices doubling on everything, illegal attempts to bias an election, etc., are even worse than Trump.

The polls in 2020 said Trump was going to get almost twice that of Biden, so it is not wrong for Trump supporters to question fraud.
In fact, the use of voting computers is highly suspect.

But now by illegally charging Trump with ridiculous and impossible crimes, the election has already been voided.
The indictments, like the impeachments, are illegal.
The damage they did has already been done and can't be undone.
So likely the whole system will have to go.
An “alternate slate” of electors would have to be certified by some body in the state.

Presenting them to the Congress as legit is fraud if they have not been. There were not
But they weren’t “presented to Congress”.
For some people, the topic title might be a "Duh!" moment.

But a number of forum members are unaware of the fact the guy in my avatar has been arrested for creating illegal electors and attempting to overthrow our democracy. He has also been arrested for other crimes related to his attempted coup.

I don't know if their ignorance is because they avoid the news or if the media outlets they do watch have not informed them of these facts.

We know they are ignorant of the reason for his arrest because an astounding number of them keep asking why Al Gore was not arrested. At least twice a day someone asks this question, and many topics have been started asking this question.

So it has become necessary to let them in on why this guy was arrested.

For example, in Georgia the election has to be certified by the secretary of state and the governor. They then authorize which electors are allowed to send their vote count to the US Senate.

This is the law, for every obvious reasons. You can't have a bunch of maniacs deciding to send umpteen slates of electors to the US Senate. The electors have to be appointed by the state.

Trump and his criminal organization decided to be maniacs and send an illegal slate to the US Senate. They met in secret and sent their fake certification to the Senate.

When the coup failed, Trump's co-conspirators asked for pardons from Trump. They knew what they had done was illegal.

But Trump did not give them pardons. He decided if he was going down, he was taking them with him.

And so here we are.

I hope this helps the ignorant get their minds right as to how this has absolutely no relation to Al Gore.

You're welcome.

How the fake electors in seven states are central to the Trump Jan. 6 indictment

Where is it written that creating alternate electors is illegal? Democrats have done it numerous times in previous elections. Why aren't any of them in jail?
Nothing irregular was ever sent to the President of the Senate.
The illegal certifications were sent to the Senate. Pence refused to accept them.

Read. The. Indictment.

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