Trump Has Been Arrested For Creating Illegal Electors In Seven States

Where is it written that creating alternate electors is illegal? Democrats have done it numerous times in previous elections. Why aren't any of them in jail?
Which elections and were they certified by some state organization?
Obviously everyone has "read the indictment", but it actually says NOTHING.
It makes generalized claims, like coercion, racketeering, improper this or that, etc.
It does not actually describe any activity that could possibly be interpreted as remotely illegal.
But, but, but, it calls lots of the acts "unlawful" like making a phone call or sending an email.
Which elections and were they certified by some state organization?
I repeat 12th Amendment and the Electoral Count Act of 1887

Take note from g5000 at least s/he started with the 12th (and has apparently stopped).
I have read the indictment and it is absolutely without a single actual detail or description of anything remotely illegal.
It is all only abstract generalities.

The grand jury did not "base" charges on anything, but simply rubber stamped the charges the prosecutor already concocted.

Well that's pretty vague and factually incorrect. Both of these paragraphs below outline different illegal activitities involving fraud, which is also illegal - lying to Congress, soliciting a public official to violate their oaths of office. I seriously doubt you read the Indictment at all if you claim nothing it described is illegal.

Soliciting a crime, is illegal, regardless of whether it's by email, phone call, or just talking about it. One of those cases where "freedom of speech" doesn't apply. If the speech is about planning a crime you're wanting committed, that's illegal.

From count 1

"Members of the enterprise, including several of the Defendants, appeared at hearings in Fulton County, Georgia, before members of the Georgia General Assembly on December 3, 2020, December 10, 2020, and December 30, 2020. At these hearings, members of the enterprise made false statements concerning fraud in the November 3, 2020, presidential election. The purpose of these false statements was to persuade Georgia legislators to reject lawfill electoral votes cast by the duly elected and qualified presidential electors from Georgia. Members of the enterprise corruptly solicited Georgia legislators instead to unlawfully appoint their own presidential electors for the purpose of casting electoral votes for Donald Trump."

or this one:

"Members of the enterprise, including several of the Defendants, corruptly solicited high- ranking United States Department of Justice officials to make false statements to government officials in Fulton County, Georgia, including the Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. In one instance, Donald Trump stated to the Acting United States Attorney General, "Just say that the election was corrupt, and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen."

How much more detail and specificity do you need here Rigby? And that's just two paragraphs.
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For some people, the topic title might be a "Duh!" moment.

But a number of forum members are unaware of the fact the guy in my avatar has been arrested for creating illegal electors and attempting to overthrow our democracy. He has also been arrested for other crimes related to his attempted coup.

I don't know if their ignorance is because they avoid the news or if the media outlets they do watch have not informed them of these facts.

We know they are ignorant of the reason for his arrest because an astounding number of them keep asking why Al Gore was not arrested. At least twice a day someone asks this question, and many topics have been started asking this question.

So it has become necessary to let them in on why this guy was arrested.

For example, in Georgia the election has to be certified by the secretary of state and the governor. They then authorize which electors are allowed to send their vote count to the US Senate.

This is the law, for every obvious reasons. You can't have a bunch of maniacs deciding to send umpteen slates of electors to the US Senate. The electors have to be appointed by the state.

Trump and his criminal organization decided to be maniacs and send an illegal slate to the US Senate. They met in secret and sent their fake certification to the Senate.

When the coup failed, Trump's co-conspirators asked for pardons from Trump. They knew what they had done was illegal.

But Trump did not give them pardons. He decided if he was going down, he was taking them with him.

And so here we are.

I hope this helps the ignorant get their minds right as to how this has absolutely no relation to Al Gore.

You're welcome.

How the fake electors in seven states are central to the Trump Jan. 6 indictment

If laws were broken, then we would have heard about it 3 years ago when it was supposed to have happened.
Obviously the point of waiting until now is to deliberately prevent a fair campaign.
If laws were broken, then there would have been individuals harmed.
But there is no one who was harmed.
So it clearly is all fake.
I assume that any associated documents, emails, texts, video, audio and sworn testimony from various staffers, lawyers and assorted other Republicans will be fake too. Maybe they're all computer-generated in Hollywood by the Evil Soros Nazi Deep State Swamp Commies. They sure couldn't be REAL, because Trump COULDN'T have broken any laws.

Okay! It's all fake! Now we know!
If he was still in power, it isn't a coup unless it is to remove him. You morons are trying to be drama queens about this and failed.

A coup is an unlawful seizure of power from a government. Illegally overturning an election to illegally remain in power for 4 more years is a coup.
No, I mean alternate electors that are chosen in case an election is overturned.

You claim they were “fraudulent”, then why weren’t they used?

Huh?? Who chose them? They weren't used because they were fraudulent. Tough concept for you to understand, I know. :itsok:
If laws were broken, then we would have heard about it 3 years ago when it was supposed to have happened.
Obviously the point of waiting until now is to deliberately prevent a fair campaign.
If laws were broken, then there would have been individuals harmed.
But there is no one who was harmed.
So it clearly is all fake.

We DID hear about when it happened. Here's an article from January 5th with a transcript of the call. The call was declared illegal at the time.

No one was harmed???? Are you fucking crazy??????? People are STILL being harmed today. More January 6th defendants were sentenced. The only thing clear here is how stupid and gullible YOU are.

The point of waiting until now was to ensure that the evidence was collected and the trial was ready to go. You know, getting evidence BEFORE claiming someone committed a crime, instead of making shit up, making public accusations, and then going looking for evidence.
A nonsensical article. He clearly says they talked about having the State Legislature vote on the electors. But they didn’t.

Then it claims they tried to “deliver“ the electors to Pence and he refused ….but they never voted on them to exist in the first place.

If you make arrangements to rob a bank but get stopped before you can reach a teller because you're there to rob it, you've still committed a crime.
I'm absolutely going to LOVE IT, when these obsessed fools finally have their trusted media sources explain to them that despite all of these indictments, he CANNOT be stopped from running and their efforts have actually made him stronger. It's going to make them lose what little sense they have left.
You do not have to explain anything to us. Unlike Trumpanzees we are not living in a fantasy world. Unlike you people, we are actually informed and deal with the facts. We are fully aware of the fact that the indictments -or even convictions will not stop him from running . And yes he is getting stronger -with his base of moronic minions which will hand him the nomination-AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT. He will be trounced in the general election, but you people living in LaLa land are in denial about that. And when he gets his ass kicked in 24, he will bring a whole lot of Rebublicans down with him. It appears that you are the one who needs to have things explained to you. Have a nice day :hhello::hhello::hhello:
Uh, which is exactly what the "fake" electors did. So ask yourself why you are calling them fake, claiming what they did was illegal and trying to put them in prison.

World's shittiest lawyer, why'd you leave out this part from Article II, Section 1?

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.


State legislatures have codified the manner in which electors are appointed is decided by the winner of the state's popular vote. So who authorized electors for the losing candidate to be appointed??
Trump was no longer President after Jan 6, dumbass. He couldn't pardon anyone.

Holyfuckingshit! :ack-1:


Fucking moron, Trump was president until noon on January 20th, 2021. Check your calendar... 1/20/2021 really does come after 1/6/2021.

You do not have to explain anything to us. Unlike Trumpanzees we are not living in a fantasy world. Unlike you people, we are actually informed and deal with the facts. We are fully aware of the fact that the indictments -or even convictions will not stop him from running . And yes he is getting stronger -with his base of moronic minions which will hand him the nomination-AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT. He will be trounced in the general election, but you people living in LaLa land are in denial about that. And when he gets his ass kicked in 24, he will bring a whole lot of Rebublicans down with him. It appears that you are the one who needs to have things explained to you. Have a nice day :hhello::hhello::hhello:
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