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Trump: [Impeach me] "....and people will revolt"

Based on the thread's title, the question arises as to whether:

A. Trump is so darn sure that his followers love him enough to pick up their pitchforks and take to the streets during the impeachment proceedings.....OR

B. Trump is calling on his friends in the NRA and White Supremacist groups to start a civil war to defend his honor???
Revolt? More like rejoice!
Once Mueller releases his report

An angry public will storm the White House
Bring on the NaziCon Teanderthal revolt.

Point is-------------->the press used to have it correct...……...the Presidents personal life is off limits. This was the way it was until sometime around Nixon. I think Watergate opened it up, and that had nothing to do with his personal life; but I do think Nixon deserved what he got.

Why do morons like you keep on harping that Trump's troubles are based on his cheating on his wife????..........NO ONE GIVES A SHIT......

Your orange clown;s troubles stem from campaign finance FRAUD....and not for where and when and how he grabs pussies.

You are barking up the wrong tree.


1. You had him on treason,

2. You had him on collusion,

3. Now you have him on campaign finance.

We have spent at least 4 to 6 months on ALL of your allegations, distinct and separate, and you keep moving the bar. It is like 3 card Monty, and when we actually find the bean, you change the game to something else.

You people are in deep doo, and that is why ALL of you are on here crowing, lol. Make no mistake, your side is in trouble LEGALLY.

Oh sure, maybe you can get a rabbit out of your hat to get Trump, but that is one. As that happens, many of YOURS will go down.

Why do you think Heir Mewler won't release his report?

Want me to tell you!

Because the instant he does and there is no longer a special counsel, everything will start coming out without repercussions. Heir Mewler is the only thing between you, and devastation, lol.

By the way---------------->ya know that government shutdown that MAY be coming! Maybe you...…..the great Karnak; should investigate for the rest of the Leftists on here, IF the special counsel would be funded-) Imagine if it went on 6 weeks, OMG! And if the special counsel could NOT say a word while unfunded, I wonder what would happen-)
Point is-------------->the press used to have it correct...……...the Presidents personal life is off limits. This was the way it was until sometime around Nixon. I think Watergate opened it up, and that had nothing to do with his personal life; but I do think Nixon deserved what he got.

Why do morons like you keep on harping that Trump's troubles are based on his cheating on his wife????..........NO ONE GIVES A SHIT......

Your orange clown;s troubles stem from campaign finance FRAUD....and not for where and when and how he grabs pussies.

You are barking up the wrong tree.


1. You had him on treason,

2. You had him on collusion,

3. Now you have him on campaign finance.

We have spent at least 4 to 6 months on ALL of your allegations, distinct and separate, and you keep moving the bar. It is like 3 card Monty, and when we actually find the bean, you change the game to something else.

You people are in deep doo, and that is why ALL of you are on here crowing, lol. Make no mistake, your side is in trouble LEGALLY.

Oh sure, maybe you can get a rabbit out of your hat to get Trump, but that is one. As that happens, many of YOURS will go down.

Why do you think Heir Mewler won't release his report?

Want me to tell you!

Because the instant he does and there is no longer a special counsel, everything will start coming out without repercussions. Heir Mewler is the only thing between you, and devastation, lol.

By the way---------------->ya know that government shutdown that MAY be coming! Maybe you...…..the great Karnak; should investigate for the rest of the Leftists on here, IF the special counsel would be funded-) Imagine if it went on 6 weeks, OMG! And if the special counsel could NOT say a word while unfunded, I wonder what would happen-)

Hey Lacooter, you better check your facts before you laugh-) Special counsel can NOT utter a word while not funded-)
Point is-------------->the press used to have it correct...……...the Presidents personal life is off limits. This was the way it was until sometime around Nixon. I think Watergate opened it up, and that had nothing to do with his personal life; but I do think Nixon deserved what he got.

Why do morons like you keep on harping that Trump's troubles are based on his cheating on his wife????..........NO ONE GIVES A SHIT......

Your orange clown;s troubles stem from campaign finance FRAUD....and not for where and when and how he grabs pussies.

You are barking up the wrong tree.


1. You had him on treason,

2. You had him on collusion,

3. Now you have him on campaign finance.

We have spent at least 4 to 6 months on ALL of your allegations, distinct and separate, and you keep moving the bar. It is like 3 card Monty, and when we actually find the bean, you change the game to something else.

You people are in deep doo, and that is why ALL of you are on here crowing, lol. Make no mistake, your side is in trouble LEGALLY.

Oh sure, maybe you can get a rabbit out of your hat to get Trump, but that is one. As that happens, many of YOURS will go down.

Why do you think Heir Mewler won't release his report?

Want me to tell you!

Because the instant he does and there is no longer a special counsel, everything will start coming out without repercussions. Heir Mewler is the only thing between you, and devastation, lol.

By the way---------------->ya know that government shutdown that MAY be coming! Maybe you...…..the great Karnak; should investigate for the rest of the Leftists on here, IF the special counsel would be funded-) Imagine if it went on 6 weeks, OMG! And if the special counsel could NOT say a word while unfunded, I wonder what would happen-)

Hey Lacooter, you better check your facts before you laugh-) Special counsel can NOT utter a word while not funded-)

Or are you suggesting they are going to BREAK THE LAW AND LEAK-)
Based on the thread's title, the question arises as to whether:

A. Trump is so darn sure that his followers love him enough to pick up their pitchforks and take to the streets during the impeachment proceedings.....OR

B. Trump is calling on his friends in the NRA and White Supremacist groups to start a civil war to defend his honor???

Other than your strange white supermacist crap... (which is exactly why Trump got elected)

That is largely true. If you impeach Trump without cause, just because you don't like him, and you still can't mentally handle the fact you lost the election..... Yeah, you'll see some real problems. People generally don't like Stalinist show trials on trumped up false charges, to overthrow a democracy, ironically in the name of saving the democracy.

Now if you can actually conclusively prove a crime, like Nixion, then no there will be no revolt.

But thus far, you people have been proclaiming impeachment since the day of the election. You pretty much have zero credibility with anyone other than the poop in the park snotty left-wingers whiny brats, like yourself.
Based on the thread's title, the question arises as to whether:

A. Trump is so darn sure that his followers love him enough to pick up their pitchforks and take to the streets during the impeachment proceedings.....OR

B. Trump is calling on his friends in the NRA and White Supremacist groups to start a civil war to defend his honor???

Typical Leftist thread...………… a handful of nothing, with a mouth full of crap, lol.

Carry on Mr Incompetent, Irrelevant, and Immaterial!

I can't make a case better for your ignorance than you can, so I will watch, and laugh-)

Which foot hurts? Oh, the one you shot yourself in, lol! Who are you? Dumb, or dumber?

Oh, you mean they added a 3rd! That means you must be DUMBEST-)
Lesh, post: 21376621
But rather.. "Are they crazy enough to kill for him and destroy the country...."

There might be a thousand deplorables ttat are deranged and weak-minded to the point of being crazy enough to kill for Trumpo if he is impeached. And that will be bad enough for any Americans caught in the line of fire in Trumpo’s selfish un-American plea for chaos and revolution if he is ‘accused’ of breaking the law.

The dolts on here like Sassy aren’t going to shoot anybody. She is running her mouth and is as phony as Trumpo himself.
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I often wonder, do any of you on the Left consider what happens in your best case scenario after? OK. Let’s pretend for a moment that you impeach Trump. So we’ve talked about this before, and all you want is Trump out. But then what?

You win the election in 2020 in this scenario, and Democrats are back in charge. But what happens when the Republicans win the Congress again? And they will. Can they then just Impeach the Democratic President because they don’t like him? Apparently so. That has been the argument for two years now, that the Congress doesn’t need proof of any crime to impeach anyone.

You lower the bar to get the guy you hate, and you’re stuck with that lowered bar for the future. You don’t get to raise it again. Has this thought ever occurred to you?

Morons like you, "forget" that we are NOT talking about impeaching Trump "because we don't like him".........we are talking about impeaching and indicting a fucking criminal.

Do you like criminals????.....LOL

We’ve been hearing that for two years too. Actually longer if you count the election.

But we’ve seen no crimes attached to him. For two years we’ve been hearing how it’s coming, soon. So soon. Any day now.

On Policy, I disagree with Trump on several issues. On his comportment as President, I agree he leaves a lot to be desired. For those same two years, I’ve said many many times, give us a real choice to vote for in the election, don’t just run up another historic candidate who is at least equally flawed, we’re tired of another round of the lesser of two evils.

Crimes. Pfui. There are millions of laws on the books, and everyone runs afoul of them nearly every single day, from minor traffic infractions in which they are not caught, failing to come to a complete stop before turning right on a red light, to more serious crimes.

One of the terrible crimes we’ve heard about, was either Cohan, or Manafort. Anyway, he failed to fill out a form that he was working for a foreign corporation. Jesus Christ. We have literally thousands of foreign corporations in this nation today. If I build Toyota’s in Texas, am I an enemy of the people? If I build Volkswagens in Tennessee am I a vile criminal who deserves nothing but prison? If I work for one of the movie studios who is owned by a foreign corporation, am I spreading foreign propaganda?

Every single movie star has worked with, or for, one of the companies which are owned by foreigners. You can’t have it both ways man. You can’t demand a more open, and inclusive world where we respect and emulate foreign nations, while screaming that anyone who works for them is an enemy.

This is the reason the Scooter Libby scandal didn’t play out. It came down to he said, she said, about identifying a CIA agent, who was already blown. Right here everyone outside the beltway who doesn’t follow Politics as a passion lost interest. Seriously.

If the foreign Governments knew that she was a CIA agent, then outing her to the press was bullshit. Wanna talk about a real scandal? Why has the convicted CIA agents not been sent to Italy to serve their sentences?

It’s always so much bullshit, and everyone knows it. Hillary’s server in the bathroom. Stupid, sure. Illegal? Probably. But that wasn’t why I didn’t vote for her. I voted against her because of her actions in Libya, violating international sanctions to send weapons to Libya. I voted against her for her part in sending weapons to Syria to gin up a Civil War. I voted against her because I honestly suspect that she had something to do with the RW crap in Ukraine. But even if she didn’t, there was more than enough crap to vote against her for. Things we KNOW, not suspect, nor believe, happened. KNOW. Has been proven. Has been admitted. Is factually established.

I voted against Hillary because her record, which is always one pattern after another. First, screw up trying to be clever. Second, deny the screw up. Third claim ignorance about the denial of the screw up, and the screw up. Then claim it is old news and doesn’t matter.

Do you want Trump out in 2020? Fine. Give us a candidate worth voting for. Give us a Candidate who doesn’t just check the blocks of LW nonsense. Because the Left Wing are just as stupid and crazy as the Right Wing. Yes, I mean that exactly. Because the he’s a criminal crap has been going on so long that even if you find a technical violation of some law or another, it won’t matter. You’ve shot your wad about this two years ago. Because nobody cares anymore. They know it’s not some big deal, because a big deal would have been exposed long ago. So it’s some minor bullshit violation of one of the millions of pages of laws that nobody in the real world understands. Trump is right, the people will revolt. Enough to cause serious problems for this nation.

Chill out, and figure out how to win the White House in 2020. You can do it. The first step, figure out what the people care about. Don’t just shout at them that they are racist, sexist, homophobic, or whatever. Stop shouting that they are stupid. Eisenhower in the middle of World War II told his officers that he wanted a two page summary of the war to date. They said it couldn’t be done. It could, but they didn’t think so.

I’ve said all of this before too. I’m starting to sound like Eminem. Every rap song is about the same damned thing, and as he said in Guts over Fear. I feel like I’ve said this a kabilion and eighty times.

Want to in in 2020. Stop shouting that the other side is evil, criminal, racist, etc. Start telling the people why they should vote for you. What you offer instead of what they offer. Compare and contrast.
Lesh, post: 21376621
But rather.. "Are they crazy enough to kill for him and destroy the country...."

There might be a thousand deplorables ttat are deranged and weak-minded to the point of being crazy enough to kill for Trumpo if he is impeached. And that will be bad enough for any Americans caught in the line of fire in Trumpo’s selfish un-American plea for chaos and revolution if he is ‘accused’ breaking the law.

The dolts on here like Sassy aren’t going to shoot anybody. She is running her mouth and is as phony as Trumpo himself.

You people are PATHETIC!

You have a vote don't you? Or are you illegal?

Vote his ass out! Why would YOU want to cause a constitutional crisis? You have the House, don't you? Nothing is going anywhere!

You people are going to shoot yourselve's in the foot and a**!

TRUST ME----------->this is a thread that will be linked across multiple message boards, to show how YOU supposed CIVIL RIGHTS folks, don't believe in civil rights, unless people think like YOU!
. But that wasn’t why I didn’t vote for her. I voted against her because of her actions in Libya, violating international sanctions to send weapons to Libya. I voted against her for her part in sending weapons to Syria to gin up a Civil War. I voted against her because I honestly suspect that she had something to do with the RW crap in Ukraine. But even if she didn’t, there was more than enough crap to vote against her for.

In other words you didn’t vote for Clinton because you believed in anti-Clinton conspiracy theories from right wing hate loons.

Not one of those three ‘complaints is true’

Why should we take your opinion seriously.
imawhosure, post: 21377001
You people are PATHETIC!

You have a vote don't you? Or are you illegal?

Vote his ass out! Why would YOU want to cause a constitutional crisis? You have the House, don't you? Nothing is going anywhere!

I didn’t vote his lying ass in. I will surely not vote for him if he is still there.

What I want to know is why are you so confused as to who is calling for a severe constitutional crisis by urging his ignorant un-American jackass base to revolt if a legal constitutional procedure is used against him.

I’m saying there is no constitutional crisis if he is impeached. There is a crisis if some of his lunatic fringe gun nuts start shooting up Americans who agree that this wanna be dictator needs to be removed from office before his term is up for violating the law or for treason,

What Trump said about revolt is enough of an impeachable offense in itself.

He is the highest law enforcement officer in the land who swore to defend the Constitution so help him God.

His duty, even facing impeachment, remains that he tell his base of supporters that he as president will extinguish all acts of terror and revolt committed by anyone on his behalf. He is innocent and will prevail.

That’s not where this selfish lying buffoon appears to be going

He has just verbally invited his faithful to riot if he is impeached, in my opinion.

You had better wake up,

Trump is escalating the chaos - not the political opposition to a potential dangerous man that made it to the White House - breaking the law on the way in.
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. But that wasn’t why I didn’t vote for her. I voted against her because of her actions in Libya, violating international sanctions to send weapons to Libya. I voted against her for her part in sending weapons to Syria to gin up a Civil War. I voted against her because I honestly suspect that she had something to do with the RW crap in Ukraine. But even if she didn’t, there was more than enough crap to vote against her for.

In other words you didn’t vote for Clinton because you believed in anti-Clinton conspiracy theories from right wing hate loons.

Not one of those three ‘complaints is true’

Why should we take your opinion seriously.

What isn’t true? I said that she shipped weapons to Libya despite international sanctions. And she did. I said it was known, and proven. It is known, and proven.

Hillary Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

Notice the date. It was admitted while John Kerry was Secretary of State. Not Trump, or a RW plot, or plan, or claim.

Shall I continue?
.... “ one of its licensing requests to ship weapons via Kuwait to Libya was approved by the State Department in spring 2011 and then inexplicably revoked before the armaments were sent.”

“... one of its attorneys said in a statement issued to The Washington Times. “As a result no arms or ammunition was shipped or delivered to Libya under the end user certificate.””

SavannahMann, post: 21377098
What isn’t true? I said that she shipped weapons to Libya despite international sanctions. And she did. I said it was known, and proven. It is known, and proven.

Hillary Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

No weapons were sent.

None. Your Moonie newspaper report even says so.

You lied,

What an idiot. My God, read what you link to,

From your link.

“Dolarian Capital, part of a small network of U.S. arms merchants that has worked with U.S. intelligence, confirmed one of its licensing requests to ship weapons via Kuwait to Libya was approved by the State Department in spring 2011 and then inexplicably revoked before the armaments were sent.

“Dolarian Capital submitted the end user certificate in question to the U.S. Department of State for review and issuance of a license to transfer the arms and ammunition to Libya. The U.S. Department of State responded with a approval, which was revoked shortly thereafter,” one of its attorneys said in a statement issued to The Washington Times. “As a result no arms or ammunition was shipped or delivered to Libya under the end user certificate.””
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BluesLegend, post: 21376533
No the US military will do that for us.

What makes you so sure?

Are you saying the US Military chain of command down to the most recently enlisted private would blindly obey a command from the Orange lying Buffoon to overthrow the US government if the US House of Representatives vote to impeach Trumpo?

Or let’s make this simple.

Are you an idiot?

I see you've been around awhile and you don't know he's an idiot? Biggest lying ass buffoon on the internet.

You libs are easily triggered lol.
SavannahMann, post: 21376982
Want to in in 2020. Stop shouting that the other side is evil, criminal, racist, etc.

Don’t worry. A Democrat will be in the White House in 2021. One that will be as honest and as unimpeachable as Obama was for 8 years.

Trump is destroying the Republican Party. They now have no moral authority on anything. They will lose support in a huge way when the next recession hits and the Trump miracle economy is exposed for the fraud that his braggadocio has been - increased debt and no real help for the average American.

I’m not worried and don’t need your right wing advice.

You gave us Trumpo.
Once Mueller releases his report

The people will revolt if Trump is not impeached

What makes you think the DOJ will release anything above what's already been released. They don't do reports on people they don't indict. Mueller works for the DOJ, no one else.

Based on the thread's title, the question arises as to whether:

A. Trump is so darn sure that his followers love him enough to pick up their pitchforks and take to the streets during the impeachment proceedings.....OR

B. Trump is calling on his friends in the NRA and White Supremacist groups to start a civil war to defend his honor???

Impeachment does not mean removal. Removal from office only happens through a Senate vote by 2/3s majority. Senate is control by Republicans, so removal from office is unlikely by those means.

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