Trump insults a war hero

dems didnt trash McCain war service.

the republican party trashed the dem kerrys honorable war service

says alot
200 of his fellow soldiers say your full of shit. They celebrated the day he left.
How many of them actually served with Kerry during the time he was in Nam?
Rewriting history?

prove your claim

why didn't you guys strip Kerry of this medals?

how did Kerry pass his secret service investigation for SOS?

because your liars is why
They are going to shiv and shank T-Rump with this one....T-Rump is going to go on the parabola of the political learning curve...He is not a "back down " guy so he is likely reloading to unload some more on the stump of his foot...
IOW Trump will double down on stupid. I can see this glazed look in the eyes of all the cons that were shouting his name with religious fervor slowly realizing they have been duped once again. :laugh:
See: Donald Trump again goes after John McCain, saying he's been 'very disloyal':

”In an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Trump defended having repeatedly flamed fellow Republican McCain — the GOP’s 2008 nominee for President — after the senator said Trump was stirring up the extremist “crazies” of the party with his rants against Mexican immigrants.”

The irrefutable fact is, any member of Congress, which includes Senator McCain, who has worked endlessly to allow tens of millions of foreigners who have invaded our borders to remain here, and that includes the poorly educated, poverty stricken, low skilled, disease carrying and criminal populations of foreign countries, is “disloyal” to their oath of office which requires Senator McCain to “repel Invasions” and not give aid and comfort to the millions who have indeed invaded our Country.

Look what Senator McCain’s disloyalty has done to our Country.

Illegal Immigration Costs California Over Ten Billion Annually

Dateline: December, 2004

Among the key finding of the report are that the state's already struggling K-12 education system spends approximately $7.7 billion a year to school the children of illegal aliens who now constitute 15 percent of the student body. Another $1.4 billion of the taxpayers' money goes toward providing health care to illegal aliens and their families, the same amount that is spent incarcerating illegal aliens criminals.

Testimony about "51 Florida Hospitals in trouble" due to illegal aliens expenses:

Texas Faces Rising Cost For Illegal Immigrant Care

Texas spent at least $250 million in the past year for medical care and imprisonment of illegal immigrants and other non-citizens.

L.A. Emergency Rooms Full of Illegal Immigrants

Mike Antonovich, the Los Angeles County supervisor, said the system has been "basically bankrupted."

The Department of Health has a $1.2 billion deficit. Caring for illegals is siphoning money from other services and forcing clinics, trauma centers and emergency rooms to close, he said.

Department of Education - Immigration Fiscal Impact Statement

(In 1982 the Supreme Court ruled that illegal immigrant children are entitled to the same education benefits available to U.S. citizens. An estimated 1.1 million public school students are illegal immigrants, according to the Urban Institute.)

Because these students require more services than the children of natives, they will naturally receive an even larger share of educational spending. It is not unreasonable to attribute 25 percent of all pre-K to 12 spending to the 19 percent of students who are immigrants or the children of immigrants.

Preventing and Controlling Tuberculosis Along the U.S.-Mexico Border

In 1999, Mexico was the country of origin for 23% (1,753) of all foreign-born persons with TB. Of TB cases among Mexican-born persons, three fourths were reported from the four U.S. states bordering Mexico: California, 820 cases; Texas, 364 cases; Arizona, 67 cases; and New Mexico, 17 cases (3). In 1999, TB cases among Mexican-born persons represented approximately 25% of all reported TB in the four border states. Incidence of TB was higher for the majority of border counties than the national TB rate.

Drug-resistant TB on the rise along US-Mexican border

According to the Centers for Disease Control and reported by McKay, to treat one case of multidrug-resistant TB will cost us (the taxpayers) $140,000 to as high as $700,000 per patient!

SEE: Arizona Superintendent: Illegals Will Bankrupt Schools;

SEE: Illegal immigrants in U.S., a financial burden on the health system

SEE: Exclusive--Report: TX Taxpayers Pay Billions for Illegal Aliens to Use State Services;

SEE: Public Schools Face Health Threat from Illegal Aliens.

TB outbreak in Colorado school!

See: Outbreak: Tuberculosis in a School

”In December of 2011, a student was discovered to have active tuberculosis while attending a high school in Longmont Colorado. Denver Metro TB Control and Boulder County Public Health staff tested students and staff who were at highest risk – those who shared more than one class with the student. Over 50% of those students were found to have evidence of exposure to the TB organism. The next cohort of students tested shared one classroom and had a 40% infection rate. Eventually, it was determined that the entire school, students and staff, needed to be tested.”

TB outbreak in Florida kept secret

See: Worst TB outbreak in 20 years kept secret

July 8, 2012

“The CDC officer had a serious warning for Florida health officials in April: A tuberculosis outbreak in Jacksonville was one of the worst his group had investigated in 20 years. Linked to 13 deaths and 99 illnesses, including six children, it would require concerted action to stop.”

June 4, 2013

See SC school employee spreads TB to children

Eight children have developed tuberculosis and 50 other people have tested positive for the disease after being exposed by an infected person at an elementary school in Greenwood County, the state’s top health officer said Tuesday

TB outbreak in Virginia High School

SEE: 430 Exposed to TB in Va. High School Outbreak

Jun 21, 2013

”Officials at the Fairfax County Health Department in Virginia are investigating a tuberculosis outbreak at a Virginia high school that has infected three people.”

TB on the rise in New York City

SEE: Tuberculosis cases in city rising for first time in decade: Health Department

Thursday, March 20, 2014, 9:25 PM

”For the first time in a decade, tuberculosis cases are on the rise in New York City, according to the Health Department.”

TB outbreak in Sacramento school

Four more students test positive for tuberculosis at Grant High

Jul. 1, 2014

”Grant Union High School is in the midst of a tuberculosis outbreak, Sacramento County health officials said Tuesday.

After previously reporting only one case of active TB, officials said four more students have tested positive for the active disease, which attacks the lungs and can be fatal. Scientists consider three related tuberculosis cases an outbreak, said Sacramento County Public Health Officer Olivia Kasirye.”

Thank you Donald Trump for saying what most loyal Americans are thinking, but are too politically correct to say in public..

This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


McCain has no dignity. He's been trading on his war hero status for decades so he can sell out the voters of his state.
That's what Duke Cunningham did....but sold out the military by taking bribes while on the Armed Services Committee. Fortunately, he got caught and went to prison.

So what's your point? Is anyone in this discussion trying t excuse Cunningham's behavior?
Nope....just throwing him out as an example of someone who REALLY tried to cash in on his military status.

McCain has been cashing in for 30 years.
McCain is a horrid Senator and a milquetoast conservative. He should be called out for his rotten Senate record.

But his war record? That's crossing a line. Trump is way out of line.

There you go. You did it right.

It's ok to have an opinion about every pol, but to disparage American service? No way.

You are absolutely right. Trump is way out of line.

How much you wanna bet he goes up 5 more points in GOP polling now?
Doubt that. Military is a core constituency in the GOP.
I see him falling like Icarus. Damn, why before the debates?
Who's the better patriot?

Who's more pro-veteran?

Who's more pro-America?

Who's more pro-White -- at least implicitly?

It seems to me that Trump is behaving far more like a hero today than McCain is or ever has.

Weren't there questions about whether McCain cooperated with the enemy? Maybe the reason he tows the enemy's line so carefully today is that they have something on him -- like betrayal during his captivity.
dems didnt trash McCain war service.

the republican party trashed the dem kerrys honorable war service

says alot
200 of his fellow soldiers say your full of shit. They celebrated the day he left.
How many of them actually served with Kerry during the time he was in Nam?
Does it matter, everyone that served with him said he was a disaster and was glad to see him leave. What the only one that was on Kerry's side, didn't he get arrested for child molestation?
Not true. Those who actually served with him had no problems....AND...he had good fitreps from his Command.

And I like your accusation of someone being a child molestor. How about you pull up some evidence of that being true.
Trump severely hurts his campaign if not torpedoing it completely.

He reminds me of koshergrl, wanting to say whatever he wants to say without consequence.
Who's the better patriot?

Who's more pro-veteran?

Who's more pro-America?

Who's more pro-White -- at least implicitly?

It seems to me that Trump is behaving far more like a hero today than McCain is or ever has.

Weren't there questions about whether McCain cooperated with the enemy? Maybe the reason he tows the enemy's line so carefully today is that they have something on him.
dems didnt trash McCain war service.

the republican party trashed the dem kerrys honorable war service

says alot
200 of his fellow soldiers say your full of shit. They celebrated the day he left.
How many of them actually served with Kerry during the time he was in Nam?
Rewriting history?

prove your claim

why didn't you guys strip Kerry of this medals?

how did Kerry pass his secret service investigation for SOS?

because your liars is why
There is a almost 200 page book on it. When Kerry came back from Vietnam, he told stories about the soldiers. Put our great soldiers in danger in Vietnam.
Kerry also stated about our great soldiers in Iraq. That soldiers were pillaging villages, raping women and killing children. While we had soldiers at war in Iraq. You support a piece of shit that would put our soldiers during war in more danger, for political gain?
So not a word about the rude comments that McCain made about the thousands of people who attended a Trump rally in Arizona a couple days earlier? McCain called those people "crazies." "Crazies"? They were good Americans who want to preserve what's left of their country, not "crazies."

So Trump fired back with some tough rhetoric of his own, and of course the left and the weak-kneed right scream and whine over it.

Why no outrage over McCain calling thousands of conservative Americans "crazies"?

Because McCain is right about Trump supporters?

Of course, McCain is not the brightest bulb on the tree, himself, having approved Palin as his running mate....
Trump is going to be attacked in the debate over this I can hear it now "Is this the man you would make Commander in Chief and send soldiers into combat only to leave them behind because being a POW is not important?"

great point

the only thing is they all did it to Kerry
Exactly and a good time to remind them if you didn't serve yourself you have no right to open your mouth and disparage something you have never been exposed to.
You see how the left cares about our Military. they only care when they can USE THEM to dump on others.

here another thread running about Trump
Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam

not one word about Clinton not serving or Obama. both of them could of Enlisted at LEAST and served their duty and country

but didn't. these people will crawl to any low even using our Military for it
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